
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing Energy | all forms | exact matches only
absorbed energy吸收能量
absorbed energy吸收能量
absorbed striking energy吸收的冲击能量
absorbed striking energy吸收冲击功
absorbed-in-fracture energy冲击试样断裂时吸收的能量
absorption energy吸收能
absorption energy吸收能量
absorption of thermal energy热能吸收
adjacent energy level邻近能级
adsorption energy吸附能
allowed energy zone容许能带
amount of energy能量
anisotropy energy各向异性能
apparent energy视能
argon stirring energy氩气搅拌能
Arrhenius energy阿赫纽斯活化能
atomic energy核能
atomic energy level原子能级
atomic energy metallurgy原子能冶金
available energy有用能
available free energy有效自由能
BF top gas energy recovery turbine高炉炉顶余压发电涡轮机
BF top gas energy recovery turbine deviceTRT 炉顶余压发电装置
BF top gas energy recovery turbine device高炉炉顶余压发电装置
binding energy结合能
binding energy束缚能
binding energy of divacancies双空位结合能
bombardment energy轰击能
bond energy结合能
bond energy键能
bottom gas stirring energy底吹气体搅拌能
bound energy束缚能
bound energy结合能
boundary energy边界能量
bulging energy鼓肚能
capacity for energy absorption能量吸收能力
change of free energy自由能变化
Charpy V-notch impact energy夏氏 V 形缺口试件冲击动能
chemical energy化学能
classical energy distribution经典能量分布
cohesive energy内聚能
cohesive energy of crystal晶体结合能 (【技】将粒子从自由状态结合为晶体所放出的能量,或将晶体拆散为自由粒子所需的能量。)
comparable energy consumption per tonne of steel吨钢可比能耗
complete energy-level diagram满能级图
condenser energy-storage welding电容贮能式焊接
conference on energy-saving in ironmaking industry炼铁节能工作会议
consumption of electric energy电耗
consumption of energy能量消耗
consumption of energy per tonne of steel吨钢能耗
consumption of heat energy热能消耗 (量)
consumption of heat energy热能用量
consumption of ignition energy点火能耗
crack initiation energy裂纹初始能
crack initiation energy裂纹产生能
critical energy临界能
critical free energy临界自由能
critical shear strain energy theory临界切变能理论
critical shear stress in metals of small stacking-fault energy低堆位层错能金属中的临界切应力
critical shear stress of large stacking-fault energy高堆位层错能临界切应力
critical shear stress of large stacking-fault energy高堆位层错能金属的临界切应力
crystal anisotropy energy晶体各向异性能
crystal anisotropy energy晶体各向异性能量
degeneracy of energy level能级简并
degeneracy of energy level能级退化
degenerate energy level简并能级
demagnetizing energy退磁能
demagnetizing energy去磁能
density of strain energy应变能密度
differential energy distribution微分能量分布
diffracted-beam energy衍射光束能量
direct energy balance method能量平衡直接分析法
direct-current energy直流电能
dislocation energy位错能
dislocation energy位错能
dislocation of high energy高能位错
dislocation of high energy高能位错
dislocation of lower energy低能位错
dislocation of lower energy低能位错
displacement energy变位能
displacement energy位移能
dissipation of energy能量消耗
dissociation energy离解能
distortion energy变形能
distortion energy畸变能
distortion-energy theory畸变能理论
distribution function of energy能量分布函数
domain energy畴能
domain energy畴能
domain wall energy畴壁能
donor binding energy施主结合能
dynamic electromagnetic field energy电磁场动力学能量
effect of post-combustion on energy consumption【钢】二次燃烧对能耗的影响
effective quantum energy有效量子能量
effective surface energy有效表面能
Einstein's mass-energy relation爱因斯坦质能关系
elastic strain energy弹性应变能
electrical energy consumption用电量 (Since that time, they have looked to the use of increased oxygen levels in their electric arc furnaces in order to increase productivity and decrease electrical energy consumption. 自那时以来,他们意识到要用增加电弧炉的用氧量来提高生产率、降低用电量。)
electrical energy consumption电耗
electromagnetic stored-energy machine电磁场储能焊机
electron energy band电子能带
electron energy distribution电子能谱分布
electron energy distribution电子能量分布
electron energy state电子能状态
electron-beam energy电子束能量
electronic energy电子能量
electronic exchange energy电子交换能
electrostatic energy静电能
electrostatic stored energy welder静电蓄能焊机
empty energy zone空能量区
energy absorption吸收能量
energy absorption能量吸收
energy absorption capability能量吸收能力
energy balance能量平衡 (表)
energy balance能量平衡表
energy-balance model of EAF电弧炉能源平衡模型
energy band diagram能带图
energy band width能带宽度
energy barrier能量势垒
energy barrier能垒
energy by chemical reaction化学反应能
energy by oxidation氧化能
energy centre能源中心
energy conservation and decrease in material consumption节能降耗
energy consumption动力消耗
energy consumption功率消耗
energy consumption per tonne of steel每吨钢能耗
energy consumption per tonne of steel吨钢能耗
energy content能含量
energy contour能量等值线
energy conversion能量变换
energy cost per tonne of steel吨钢能源费用
energy cost/tonne of steel吨钢能源费用
energy discontinuity能谱不连续
energy discontinuity能量突变
energy distribution能量频谱
energy distribution能量分布
energy for nucleation【金】 成核能
energy for nucleation成核能
energy for nucleation形核能
energy for transitional fracture断裂转变能
energy gap量间
energy generation发电
energy generation能源产生
energy hardness能量硬度
energy hill能峰
energy hump能峰
energy hump能垒峰
energy increment能量增量
energy input能量输入
energy input to EAF电弧炉能量输人
energy interval能程
energy interval能量范围
energy jump能量突变
energy jump能量跃变
energy level
energy-level splitting能级分裂
energy liberation能量释放
energy limit能量极限
energy loss能量损失
energy media distribution能源介质分配
energy meter电量计
energy meter电表
energy of activation活化能
energy of adsorption吸附能
energy of attachment附着能
energy of attachment结合能
energy of blow冲击能
energy of cold working冷作能量
energy of cold working冷加工能量
energy of crystal boundary晶界能
energy of crystal boundary晶粒间界能量
energy of deformation变形能
energy of dislocation位错能
energy of dislocation位错能量
energy of formation of vacancy空位形成能
energy of jog割阶能量
energy of magnetization磁化能
energy of misfit错排能
energy of solidification凝固能
energy of surface of solid固体表面能
energy of twin boundary李晶晶界能
energy of twin boundary孪晶间界能量
energy optimizing furnace最佳节能炉
energy optimizing furnaceEOF 炉 (【技】主要由固定式熔炼炉和位于炉顶上方的废钢预热器组成。废钢由炉子上方加人,在废钢预热器内利用炽热的上升炉气加热后进人炉内熔炼。主要优点是充分利用能源,废钢比较高,甚至可以采用100%的废钢进行熔炼;噪声低、烟尘少、产品质量好。)
energy optimizing furnace能量优化炉
energy optimizing furnace process最佳节能炉炼钢法
energy output输出功率
energy output输出能量
energy-producing fuel动力燃料
energy product能积
energy-product curve能积曲线
energy quantum能量子
energy radiation spectrum辐射能谱
energy range能量范围
energy range能量区
energy-rate forming高能锻压成形
energy recovery能量恢复
energy release能量释出
energy requirement动力需要量
energy requirement用电量
energy requirement能量需求量
energy requirement能量需要量
energy resolution能量分辨能力
energy resolution能量分辨率
energy resources动力资源
energy response能量特性曲线
energy response能量特性
energy ridge能脊
energy saving节省能量
energy saving and consumption reducing节能降耗
energy saving compactESC 式
energy saving compact节能紧凑式
energy-saving compact millESC 轧机
energy-saving compact mill节能紧凑式轧机
energy-saving technology for blast furnace高炉节能技术
energy-saving technology for electric arc furnace电弧炉节能技术
energy-saving technology for ironmaking炼铁节能技术
energy-saving technology for sintering烧结节能技术
energy-saving technology for steel rolling轧钢节能技术
energy scale能量级别
energy scale能量标度
energy sink能量吸收器
energy source composition能源构成
energy source management能源管理
energy spread of scattered electrons散射电子能量分布
energy state能态
energy storage能量蓄积
energy storage capacity蓄能容量
energy storage welding蓄能式焊接
energy surface of band能带面
energy surface of band频带能量面
energy threshold能阈
energy to fracture冲击韧性
energy transfer能量转移
energy transfer coefficient能量传递系数
energy transfer coefficient能量转移系数
energy transfer in elastic collision弹性碰撞中能量转移
energy transmission medium能量传递介质
energy waste能量损失
energy zone能量区
equal-energy dish等能反射器
equation of conservation of thermal energy热能守恒方程
equipartition of energy能量均分
excess energy过剩能
excess energy剩余能量
excited energy level受激能级
exploitation of energy resources能源开发
external energy外能
extra energy额外能量
fermi energy level费米能级
field of potential energy势能场
filled energy band满充能带
filling of energy level能级充填
flocculation energy凝聚能
flocculation energy絮凝能
flow stress in metal of small stacking-fault energy低堆位层错能金属中的流变应力
flow stress of large stacking-fault energy高堆位层错能流变应力
flow stress of large stacking-fault energy高堆位层错能金属中的流变应力
forbidden energy band禁带
forbidden energy band禁戒能带
forbidden energy range能量禁区
forbidden energy range禁能量范围
forbidden energy range禁能量区
formation energy成形能
forming energy成形能
fracture energy破碎能
free energy change自由能变化
free energy change自由能改变
free energy chart自由能图
free energy composition curve自由能-成分曲线
free energy-composition curve自由能-成分曲线
free energy curve自由能曲线
free energy diagram自由能曲线图
free energy fluctuation自由能涨落
free energy fluctuation自由能起伏
free energy of activation活化自由能
free energy of activation激活自由能
free energy of formation生成自由能
free energy of fusion熔化自由能
free energy of melting熔化自由能
free energy of reaction反应自由能
free energy of transformation相变自由能
free energy of transformation转变自由能
free energy potential自由能位
free energy potential自由能势
free energy state游离能态
free energy state自由能态
free energy surface自由能面
gas-stirring energy气体搅拌能
Gibbs free energy吉布斯自由能 (【技】表征物质体系在恒温恒压过程中最多可能做若干功的物理量。为一热力学系统的状态函数。简称自由焓。)
granulation energy粒化能
gravitational energy重力能
gross energy consumption能耗总量
ground state energy基态能
handling of electrical energy电能输送
heater energy加热器能量
high density energy高密度能量
high energy高能
high energy bremsstrahlung高能韧致辐射
high energy clutch高能离合器
high energy electron高能电子
high energy forming高能成形
high energy fuel高热值燃料
high energy fuel高能燃料
high energy impact pressing高能冲压
high energy particle高能粒子
high-energy permanent magnet高能永久磁铁
high energy permanent magnet高能永久磁铁
high energy radiation高能辐射
high-energy rate deformation高能速变形
high energy rate deformation高能速变形〔加工〕
high energy rate deformation高能速变形
high-energy rate forging高能速锻造
high-energy rate forming高能速成形
high energy rate forming高能速成形
high energy rate machine高能高速锤
high energy recoil atom高能反冲原子
high energy side of energy gap能隙的高能范围
high energy side of energy gap能隙的高能界限
high-energy stamping高能冲压
high frequency energy高频电能
higher energy phase带较高自由能
higher energy state高能态
highest energy electron最高能量电子
hydraulic energy液压能
hydrogen energy氢能
impact energy冲击能量
impact energy absorption冲击能吸收
incident energy入射能
initial energy原始能量
input energy输入能量
instantaneous punch energy瞬时冲头能量 (高速成形时的)
interaction energy交互作用能
interchange energy互换能
interfacial energy界面能
interfacial energy界面间能量
internal dissipation energy内部耗散能
internal dissipation energy内部耗散能
internal energy内部能量
internal energy state能态
intrinsic energy内藏能量
Joule energy焦耳热
Joule energy焦耳能
kinetic energy of bubble气泡动能
kinetic energy of stream注流动能
large stacking-fault energy高层错能
lattice energy点阵能
lattice energy晶格能
law of equipartition of energy能量均分定律
line energy线能量
linear energy transfer线性能量转移
localized energy level局部能级
loss in energy能量损失
loss of energy能量损失
low-energy dislocation低能位错
low-energy electron低能电子
low-energy electron diffraction低能电子绕射
low-energy electron diffraction低能电子衍射
low-energy ion source低能离子源
low-energy radiation软性辐射
low-energy side of energy gap能隙的低能范围
low-energy side of energy gap能隙的低能界限
lower-energy position低能位置
lower-energy state低能态
lower-energy state较低能态
lowest energy electron最低能级电子
low-lying energy band低位能带
luminous energy source光能源
magnetic energy磁能
magnetic energy-product curve磁能积曲线
magnetic energy-storage welding磁场蓄能焊接
magnetoelastic energy磁致弹性能量
magnetohydrodynamic energy conversion磁流体动能发电
magnetohydrodynamic energy conversion磁流体动能变换转换
magnetostatic energy静磁能
magnetostrictive energy磁致伸缩能
manufacturing energy工序能耗
manufacturing energy加工能耗
margin of energy备用能源
margin of energy能量储备
mass-energy conversion formula质量-能量转换公式
mass-energy equivalence质能相当性
mass-energy equivalence质能当量
mass/ energy relationship关系式
maximum energy product最大能积
maximum magnetic energy product最高磁能积
maximum shear energy theory最大剪切能理论
mean energy of vibration平均振动能
metabolic energy代谢能
molecular energy分子能
national conference on energy-saving in ironmaking industry全国炼铁节能工作会议
negative interaction energy负交互作用能
net energy of blow有效冲击能量
net energy of blow净冲击能量
normal electron energy band正常电子能带
nuclear energy metal核能金属
nuclear energy steel核能用钢
occupied energy band满充能带
ordered energy level有序能级
ordering energy有序化能
output energy输出能量
overall energy consumption总能耗
overall energy consumption/tonne of steel吨钢综合能耗 (【技】企业全部自耗能源与企业同期钢产量之比。)
partially filled energy band部分充满能带
partition of energy能量分配
permitted energy band容许能带
positive interaction energy正交互作用能
postcrack energy裂后能
potential energy hill势能峰
precrack energy预破裂能
principle of minimum free energy最小自由能原理
propagation energy扩展能
pulse energy脉冲能量
quantitative energy-dispersive X-ray analysis能谱X射线定量分析
quantitative energy-dispersive X-Ray analysis能谱 X 射线定量分析
quantity of radiant energy辐射能值
quantity of radiant energy辐射能量
quasi-continuum of energy准连续能级带、区
quaternary excess free-energy四元过量自由能
radiating energy辐射能
radiation energy辐射能
radiation energy spectrum辐射能谱
rate of delivery of energy能量输出速率
rate of energy input热量输入速率
rate of energy input能量输人速率
rate of energy input能量输入速率
rate of radiation of energy能量辐射率
reaction energy反应能
recoil energy反冲能
recovery of energy能源利用
recovery of energy能量回收
recovery of energy能源回收
recovery of energy能量利用
reflected energy被反射能量
repulsive energy排斥能
resilience absorbed energy回弹吸收能量
resilience absorbed energy回弹吸收能
self energy自具能
sensible energy显能
separate energy band分离能带
sintering process energy consumption烧结工序能耗
size reduction energy粉碎能量
size reduction energy捣碎能量
small stacking-fault energy低层错能
solid phase free energy curve固相自由能曲线
solid-phase free energy curve固相自由能曲线
sound energy声能
specific crushing energy比破碎能
specific energy consumption单位能耗
specific energy of blow比冲击能
specific fracture energy比破碎能
spectral radiant energy光谱辐能量
spectroscopic energy level光谱能级
stacking fault energy堆垛层错能量
stacking fault energy堆垛层错能
standard free energy标准自由能
standard free-energy change标准自由能变化
standard Gibbs energy标准吉布斯自由能
steady energy input稳态功率输入
steelmaking with minus energy consumption负能炼钢
steelworks energy system钢厂能源系统
stirring energy from bottom gas底吹气体搅拌能
stored energy
stored energy of deformation变形储能
stored energy welding蓄能电阻焊接
stray radiant energy杂散辐射能
striking energy撞击能
striking energy冲击能
striking energy冲击能量
supply of electrical energy电力供应
surface energy anisotropy表面能各向异性
surface free energy表面自由能
Tamm energy level塔姆能级
thermal energy flux热能流
thermionic energy conversion热离子能发电
thermionic energy conversion热离子能变换转换
thermoelectric energy conversion温差电能发电
thermoelectric energy conversion温差电能变换转换
threshold amount of energy能量临界值
threshold amount of energy能量阈值
threshold energy门限能量
threshold energy阈能
total energy总能量
total energy consumption per tonne of steel吨钢综合能耗 (【技】企业全部自耗能源与企业同期钢产量之比。)
total energy input to the EAF电弧炉总能量输人 (It is now common for 30-40% of the total energy input to the EAF to come from oxy-fuel burners and oxygen lancing. 现在氧-燃烧嘴配合氧枪吹氧所提供的能量通常占电弧炉总能量输人的30% ~ 40%。)
total heat energy总热能
translational energy平移
twinning energy孪生能
ultrasonic energy超声波能
vacant energy band空位能带
vibrational energy振动能
volume free energy【金】体积自由能
volume free energy体积自由能
waste of energy能量损耗
wasted energy耗用能量
X-ray photoelectron energy spectrum analysisX 射线光电子能谱分析
zero-energy state零能量状态
zero-point energy零点能
zone refining by solar energy太阳能区域精炼
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