
Terms for subject Business containing Energy | all forms | exact matches only
alternation energy source代用能源
alternative energy代用能源
alternative source of energy能源选择
anisotropy energy各向异性性能
applied solar energy应用太阳能
atomic energy apparatus原子能装置
Atomic Energy Commission〈美〉原子能委员会
atomic-energy factory原子能发电站
atomic-energy factory核动力装置
atomic-energy factory原子能工厂
atomic energy industry pollutants原子能工业污染物
atomic energy research原子能研究
business energy credit企业信誉
business energy credit商誉
combined energy束缚能
combined energy结合能
commercial energy商品能源
commercial energy resource商品能源
composite energy utilization results综合能源利用效果
consumption of energy per unit of output value单位产值能量消耗
conventional energy传统能源
dependence of energy on temperature能量对温度的相依性
directed energy定向能量
distribution of energy between macroscopic system宏观系统中能量分布
domestic final consumption of commercial energy by industry按产业分的国内商业性能源最终消费者
economy of energy能源节约
energy absorbing能量吸收
energy absorbing resin能量吸收树脂
energy balance能源供求平衡状况
energy charge能源费用
energy conservation control能源消费控制
energy conservation group节能小组
energy conservation industry节能型工业
energy conservation plan节能计划
energy conservation policy节能政策
energy conservation program节能规划
energy conservation research节能研究
energy control能量控制
energy co-ordinate group能源协调小组
energy distribution能源配置
energy economy能源节约
energy flow chart能源流动图
energy poor countries缺能国
energy producing industry产能工业
energy producing mineral产能矿物
energy production and consumption能的生产量和消费量
energy program能源规划
energy requirement能源需要量
energy research and development能源研究与开发
energy resource能源
energy resource data能源数据
energy rich能源丰富
energy rich country能源丰富的国家
energy-saving industry节能型工业
energy technician能源管理工
energy test能量试验
energy usage能源利用
energy utility management能源效用管理
exhaustible energy会枯竭的能源
expenditure of energy能量耗费
final demand for commercial energy商业性能源最终需求量
fluctuation of energy能量波动
fritter away energy浪费精力
high energy laser beam高能激光光束
high energy lightweight propellant轻重量高能推进剂
home-grown energy国产能源
homogeneous radiation energy均匀辐射能
impurity energy level不纯度
index number of domestic final consumption of commercial energy国内商业性能源最终消费指数
integrated national energy balance国内综合能源平衡
kilowatt of electric energy千瓦电能
less energy-intensive能源密集程度较低
magnitude of energy fluctuations能量波动广度
mechanical kinetic energy机械功能
minimum energy method最低能量法
minimum energy requirement最低能源需求
non-energy use非能源用途
non-commercial energy非商品性能源
non-renewable energy resources非再生能源
nuclear energy iron making process原子能炼钢工序
optimization of energy utilization能源利用得当
physical energy体能
potential energy潜在能源
power generation with solar energy太阳能发电
quota control of energy consumption能源消耗定额
residential energy credits住宅能源税收抵免
secondary energy sources二次能源
simple energy equation简单能量方程
solar energy generator太阳能发电机
specific energy consumption比能量消耗
storing energy储能
supply of primary commercial energy商业性初级能源供应
tidal energy source潮汐能
total energy总能
unrenewable energy非再生能
wave energy spectra波能谱