
Terms containing Eastern | all forms | exact matches only
UNAction Plan for the Protection and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern African Region东非行动计划
UNAction Plan for the Protection and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern African Region保护和开发东非区域海洋和沿海环境行动计划
org.name.Ad Hoc Flying fish Working Group of the Eastern Caribbean东加勒比飞鱼特设工作组
org.name.Agreement for the Establishment of a Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Eastern Region of its Distribution Area in South-West Asia关于设立沙漠蝗西南亚分布区东区沙漠蝗防治委员会的协定
org.name.Agreement for the Establishment of a Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Eastern Region of its Distribution Area in South-West Asia关于建立沙漠蝗虫西南亚分布区东区沙漠蝗虫防治委员会的协定
org.name.Agreement for the Establishment of a Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Eastern Region of its Distribution Area in South-West Asia关于设立粮农组织西南亚沙漠蝗防治委员会的协定
org.name.Agreement for the Establishment of the International Organisation for the Development of Fisheries in Eastern and Central Europe东欧和中欧建立发展渔业国际组织协议
spaceAir Force Eastern Test RangeСША.早期称大西洋导弹靶场,位于美佛罗里达州 空军东靶场
gen.Air Force Eastern Test Range空军东试验靶场
avia.Air Force Eastern Test Range空军东部试验场 (美国)
avia.air force eastern test range空军东部试验靶场
avia.air force eastern test range manual空军东部试验靶场手册
earth.sc.Annual North Eastern Regional Antipollution Conference东北地区年度防污染会议
tech.Arctic eastern wind current北极东风流
UN, polit.Basic Agreement on the region of Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium 11/12/95关于东斯拉沃尼亚、巴拉尼亚和西锡尔米乌 姆地区的基本协定
earth.sc.Bureau of Far Eastern〔美国国际开发暑〕远东局
gen.Bureau of Standards Eastern Automatic computer标准局东部自动电子计算机
geogr.central and eastern Europe中欧及东欧
geol.central and eastern europe中欧和东欧
IMF.Central and Eastern European Countries中东欧国家
earth.sc.central eastern desert中东沙漠地区
China, polit.PTA 银行 Charter of the Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank东南非贸易和开发银行
avia.China Eastern Airline中国东方航空集团公司
gen.China Eastern Airlines中国东航
avia.China Eastern Airlines中国东方航空公司
gen.College of Eastern Utah东犹他学院
interntl.trade.Commission of Asian and Far Eastern Affairs国际商会亚洲及远东事务委员会
econ.Commission of Asian and Far Eastern Affairs of the International Chamber of Commerce国际商会亚洲与远东事务委员会
interntl.trade.Commission on Asia and Far Eastern Affairs, International Chamber of Commerce国际商会亚洲及远东地区委员会
gen.Commission on Asian and Far Eastern Affairs of the International Chamber of Commerce国际商会亚洲及远东事务委员会
IMF.Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa东非和南部非洲共同市场
org.name.Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa东部及南部非洲共同市场
railw.Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa东部和南部非洲共同市场
UNConference of Plenipotentiaries on the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern African Region东非区域海洋和海岸环境的保护、管理和发展问题全权代表会议
UN, polit.Consultative Meeting on Integrated Environmental Impact Assessment for the Eastern Seaboard Development Programme东海岸发展方案综合环境影响评估协商会议
UNConvention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern African Region保护、管理和开发东非区域海洋和沿海环境公约
earth.sc.Cooperative Effort Toward Understanding of the Oceanography of the Eastern Tropical Pacific东部热带太平洋海洋学合作调查计划
org.name.Cooperative Investigation of the Northern Part of the Eastern Central Atlantic东中大西洋北部合作调查
earth.sc.Cooperative Investigations of the Northern Part of the Eastern Central Atlantic中东大西洋北部合作调查
earth.sc.Cooperative Survey of the Eastern Tropical Pacific东部热带太平洋合作调查
org.name.Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa东非沙漠蝗防治组织
securit.eastern account东方式账户一种承销账户,每个银团成员对未售出的债权承担相当于其分配额的责任
geogr.eastern Africa东非
UNEastern African Action Plan保护和开发东非区域海洋和沿海环境行动计划
UNEastern African Action Plan东非行动计划
org.name.Eastern African Centre for Agricultural Credit Training东非农业信贷培训中心
UNEastern African Subregional Environment Group东部非洲环境问题次区域小组
earth.sc.Eastern African Telecommunications Union东非电信联盟
gen.Eastern Air Command东部空军司令部
avia.eastern air command东部空军司令部
gen.Eastern Air Defense Force东部防空部队
gen.Eastern Air Lines东部航空运输公司
avia.Eastern Air Lines东方航空公司
tech.eastern American realm东美区系
tech.eastern amplitude of the sun日出方位角
tech.eastern amplitude of the sun日出没方位角
interntl.trade.Eastern and Australian东方澳洲轮船公司 (Line)
org.name.Eastern and Southern African Management Institute东部和南部非洲管理机构
earth.sc.Eastern and Southern African Mineral Resources Development Centre东非和南非矿产资源开发中心
textileEastern and Western style coat中西式上衣
textileEastern and Western style cotton wadded jacket中西式棉袄
tech.eastern apsis教堂东端的半圆形殿
tech.eastern apsis教堂东端的半圆形凸出部分
tech.eastern arborvitae金钟柏
tech.eastern arborvitae美国侧柏
tech., brit.eastern arborvitae美国崖柏
biol.eastern arborvitae金钟柏 (Thuja occidentalis L.,松柏科)
biol.eastern arbor-vitae西方金钟柏 (Thuja occidentalis L.,柏科)
earth.sc.Eastern Arctic Marine Environmental Studies东北极海洋环境研究
geogr.eastern Asia东亚
environ.Eastern Asia A geographic region of the Asian continent bordered by the Pacific Ocean in the east that includes China, Japan, Korea, Macao, Taiwan and Siberia东亚 (一块属于亚洲的地理区域,位于太平洋以东,包括中国、日本、韩国、澳门、台湾和西伯利亚。)
earth.sc.Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean大西洋东部与地中海〔地区〕
earth.sc.Eastern Atlantic, Channel, and North Sea东大西洋、英吉利海峡和北海〔地区〕
mil., air.def.Eastern Atlantic Command东大西洋司令部 (NATO)
earth.sc.Eastern Atlantic Hydrographic Commission东大西洋海道测量委员会
tech.eastern bay东方式海湾
anim.husb.Eastern honey bee东方蜜蜂 (Apiscerana Fabricius)
earth.sc.Eastern Bering Sea东白令海
desert.eastern bettong盖氏袋鼠 (澳大利亚沙漠)
desert.eastern black walnut黑核桃
biol.eastern black walnut黑核桃 (Juglans nigra L.,胡桃科)
biol.eastern blackheaded budworm黑头卷蛾 (Acleris variana (Fernaid),卷蛾科)
desert.eastern bluestar蓝星水甘草
desert.eastern blue-tongued lizard斜纹蓝舌蜥
desert.eastern Bonelli's warbler东柳莺
anim.husb.eastern bracken鹰蕨 (Pteridium latiusculum 蕨类植物,在生长的某一阶段含有硫胺素酶,家畜食后可因硫胺素缺乏而中毒。 牛中毒后体温骤高、喘息、流涎、鼻出血及其他地方出血,主要发现于美国西北部及加拿大)
desert.eastern bracken凤尾蕨
biol.eastern bracken欧洲蕨 (Pteridium aquilinum Kuhn. var. Latiusculum Und.,蕨科)
textileeastern brocade东方花锦绸
desert.eastern brown snake东部拟眼镜蛇
geol.Eastern California shear zone美国东加利福尼亚地层剪切断层
earth.sc.Eastern Canadian Shield Onshore-Offshore Transect东加拿大地盾向岸-近海大断面
shipb.Eastern Car Liner, Ltd日本东车轮船有限公司
IMF.Eastern Caribbean Central Bank东加勒比中央银行
org.name.Eastern Caribbean Central Bank东加勒比海地区中央银行
earth.sc.Eastern Caribbean Cooperative Reconnaissance Operation东加勒比海地区合作调查作业计划
IMF.Eastern Caribbean Currency Union东加勒比货币联盟
earth.sc.Eastern Caribbean Natural Areas Management Program东加勒比海自然区管理计划
org.name., securit.Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange圣克里斯托及圣文森特七国共用
org.name., securit.Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange东加勒比证券交易所东加勒比地区安圭拉、多米尼加、安提瓜、格林纳达、圣卢西亚
textileeastern carpet东方地毯
fin.Eastern Carribbean Securities Exchange〈东加勒比地区〉东加勒比证券交易所
biol.eastern cedar铅笔柏 (Juniperus virginiana L.,松柏科)
geogr.Eastern Central Atlantic中东大西洋
geogr.Eastern Central Pacific中东太平洋
tech.eastern chapel东方小礼拜堂
tech.eastern chapel东方小教堂
textileEastern charm东方神韵
earth.sc.Eastern Chat东恰特伊朗
earth.sc.eastern chats granulite belt东恰特白粒岩带伊朗
gen.Eastern Chemical Works of Beijingназв.комп. 北京东方化工厂
gen.Eastern chipmunk东美花鼠
tech.eastern choir东方教堂式建筑
tech.eastern choir东方教堂唱诗班
archit.eastern choir tower东方教堂尖塔
tech.eastern choir tower东方教堂唱诗班塔楼
tech.eastern church东方教堂式建筑
tech.eastern church tower东方教堂尖塔
sport.Eastern civilization东方文明
tech.eastern closet便器
tech.eastern closet东方式便器
earth.sc.eastern coastal fault system东海岸断层系
biol.eastern cock chafer东方五月金龟子 (Melolontha hippocastani F.,金龟科)
life.sc.eastern collared pratincole普通燕鸥
gen.Eastern College东方学院
sport.Eastern College Athletic Conference美国 东部大学体育联合会
sport.Eastern College Athletic Conference美国东部大学体育联合会
sport, bask.Eastern College Basketball Association美国 东部大学篮球协会
sport, bask.Eastern College Basketball Association美国东部大学篮球协会
hockey.Eastern College Hockey Association美国 东部大学曲棍球协会
anim.husb.eastern common gull海鸥 (Larus canus)
sport, bask.Eastern Conference东部联盟
sport, bask.Eastern Conference美国东部联盟
univer.Eastern Connecticut State University东康乃狄克州立大学
anim.husb.eastern coralbean东方刺桐豆科草本 (Erythrina herbacea L.)
bot.Eastern cottonwood三角叶杨 Populus carolinensis, Populus deltoides
bot.Eastern cottonwood富来孟杨 Populus carolinensis, Populus deltoides
bot.Eastern cottonwood黑杨类 Populus carolinensis, Populus deltoides
tech.eastern crossing tower东方教堂的中央尖塔
archit.eastern crossing tower东方教堂的中央平面十字交叉处尖塔
tech.eastern crossing tower东方交叉塔楼
tech.eastern crown宗谱纹章图案
desert.eastern curlew红腰杓鹬
desert.eastern curlew大杓鹬
athlet.eastern cut-off剪式跳高
athlet.eastern cut-off东方式跳高
earth.sc.Eastern Davis Mountains东戴维斯山
spaceeastern daylight timeСША.东部夏令时
avia.eastern daylight time东部夏令时 (美国)
econ.Eastern Daylight Time美国东部夏令时间
adv.Eastern Daylight Time美国东部夏令时
adv.Eastern Daylight Time美国东部夏令时间
gen.eastern daylight time东部昼光夏季时间
earth.sc.eastern district东部地区
tech.Eastern East China Sea-Western Xinzhu depression region中国东海东部一新竹西部拗陷地带
avia.eastern elongation恒星视运动东大距
spaceeastern elongation东距角 (行星)
spaceeastern elongation东大距 (拱极星)
tech.eastern elongation东距角
tech.eastern elongation东大距
avia.eastern elongation东距角行星、卫星
earth.sc.Eastern Environmental Radiation Facility东部环境辐射设施
nurs.eastern equine encephalitis东方马脑炎
anim.husb.Eastern equine encephalitis东部马脑脊髓
anim.husb.Eastern equine encephalomyelitis东部型马脑脊髓炎
anim.husb.eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus东方马脑脊髓炎病毒
econ.Eastern Establishment东部权势集团
geogr.eastern Europe东欧
environ.Eastern Europe A geographic region of the European continent west of Asia and east of Germany and the Adriatic Sea, traditionally consisting of countries that were formerly part of the Soviet Union, such as Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria东欧 (一块包括西亚和德国东部以及亚得里亚海的地理区域,通常包括那些曾经属于苏联的国家,例如波兰,捷克共和国,斯洛伐克,匈牙利,罗马尼亚,塞尔维亚,克罗地亚和保加利亚。)
econ.Eastern Europe Business Information Center美国政府中的东欧企业信息中心、 东欧商业信息中心
earth.sc.Eastern Europe Magnetic Project东欧磁测计划
org.name.Eastern European Affairs Initiative东欧事务倡议
el.Eastern European Countries东欧国家
earth.sc.Eastern-European Platform东欧地台
tech.Eastern European platform东欧地台
tech.eastern exedra教堂东端的前廊
tech.eastern exedra东方的半圆形露天建筑
tech.eastern exedra东方的开敞式座谈间
textileEastern flavour东方情调
tenn.eastern forehand东方式正手
tenn.Eastern formation双打站位靠后,比英国阵形的站位更后的东方阵形
tenn.eastern formation东方式阵式
pest.contr.Eastern gall rust松栎瘤锈 Cronartium cerebrum
agric.Eastern gama grass危地马拉摩擦禾
biol.eastern gama grass危地马拉摩擦禾 (Tripsacum laxum,禾本科)
anim.husb.eastern gamagrass鸭茅状摩擦禾 (Tripsacum dactyloides)
econ.Eastern Gas Board英国东部天然气管理局
mining.Eastern Gas Shales Projects东部含气页岩开采项目
gen.Eastern Germany德意志民主共和国
gen.Eastern Germany东德
earth.sc.eastern ghat mobile belt东加特活动带阿富汗
earth.sc.Eastern Ghats mobile belt东加特活动带阿富汗
earth.sc.eastern gold province东金矿省
ichtyol.eastern grass shrimp草栖小长臂虾 Palaemonetes paludosus
avia.eastern greatest elongation东大距
tenn.eastern grip东方式握拍
tenn.Eastern grip东方式握拍法
badm.eastern grip东方式握拍法
earth.sc.Eastern Gulf of Mexico东墨西哥湾地区
geol.Eastern Gulf of Mexico东墨西哥湾
earth.sc.eastern half东半球
desert.eastern hare-wallaby褐兔袋鼠
avia.eastern hemisphere东半球
bot.Eastern hemlock美国落叶松 Tsuga canadensis
desert.eastern hemlock加拿大铁杉
biol.eastern hemlock加拿大铁杉 (Tsuga canadensis Carr.,松科)
biol.eastern hercules beetle东部独角仙 (Dynastes tityus (Linnaeus))
tech.eastern Himalaya tectonic segment东喜马拉亚构造段
sport.Eastern Hockey League美国东部曲棍球联合会
desert.eastern hognose snake东猪鼻蛇
desert.eastern hognose snake东部猪鼻蛇
anim.husb.eastern horse东方马指阿拉伯马等
gen.Eastern Idaho Technical College东爱达荷技术学院
univer.Eastern Illinois University东伊利诺伊大学
geogr.Eastern Indian Ocean东印度洋
archit.eastern indian walnut山合欢木
sport.Eastern Intercollegiate Gymnastic Leage美国 东部大学体操联合会
gymn.Eastern Intercollegiate Gymnastic League美国东部大学体操联合会
bot.Eastern jack pine北美短叶松 Pinus banksiana
earth.sc.Eastern Kamchatka东勘察加半岛
geol.Eastern Kamchatka东堪察加半岛
mil., WMDEastern Kentucky University东肯塔基大学
ichtyol.eastern king prawn澳洲对虾 Penaeus plebejus
desert.eastern kingbird东王霸鹟
earth.sc.Eastern Lake Survey USEPA National Surface Water Survey东部湖泊普査计划美国环境保护局国家地表水普查计划
desert.eastern larch美洲落叶松
desert.eastern larch北美落叶松
bot.Eastern larch美洲落叶松 Larix laricina, Larix americana
biol.eastern larch美洲落叶松 (Larix laricina K.Koch.,松科)
entomol.Eastern larch beetle美落叶松小蠹 Dendroctonus simplex
entomol.Eastern larch beetle落叶松大小蠹 Dendroctonus simplex
athlet.Eastern layout东方式跳高
athlet.Eastern layout剪式跳高
sport.Eastern layout剪式跳高东方式跳高
sport.Eastern League美国 东部联合会
sport.Eastern League美国东部联合会
desert.eastern long-billed lark半颈环歌百灵 (非洲南部沙漠)
geophys.eastern longitude东经
biol.eastern lubber grasshopper东方笨蝗东部小翅笨蝗,Romalea microptera P. de B.,蝗科
desert.eastern marsh fern沼泽蕨
biol.eastern May bug东方五月金龟子 (Melolontha hippocastani F.,金龟科)
desert.eastern meadowlark东草地鹦
geogr.eastern Mediterranean东地中海
earth.sc.eastern mediterranean region东地中海地区
earth.sc.Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office东地中海区域管理局
earth.sc.eastern mediterranean sea东地中海
gen.Eastern Mennonite University东方门诺派大学
tech.Eastern method东方砌砖法 (一种英国式砌砖法)
univer.Eastern Michigan University东密歇根大学
spaceEastern Missile Test Range东部导弹试验场
mil., air.def.eastern missile test range东部导弹测试场
mining.Eastern movable oil plot计算可动油图和地层因数重叠图的程序名东部可动油图
sport.eastern Mt. Taishan东岳泰山
desert.eastern myrtle wattle东澳多叶金合欢
gen.Eastern Nazarene College东那撒勒学院
gen.Eastern New Mexico University东新墨西哥大学
desert.eastern nicator东非斗鹎
earth.sc.Eastern Nitrogen, Ltd.东方氮气有限公司
geol.eastern North America北美东部
earth.sc.Eastern North Pacific Central Water东北太平洋中层水
desert.eastern olivaceous warbler草绿篱莺
navig.Eastern Operating Area东部作业区
gen.Eastern Oregon University东俄勒冈大学
earth.sc.Eastern Pacific东太平洋地区
ichtyol.Eastern Pacific bonitos智利狐鲣 Sarda chiliensis
ichtyol.Eastern Pacific fighting conch东太平洋小凤凰螺 Strombus gracilior
ichtyol.Eastern Pacific green turtle红唇粗唇鲻 Chelonia agassizii
earth.sc.Eastern Pacific Hurricane Center东太平洋飓风中心
earth.sc.Eastern Pacific Oceanographic Conference东太平洋海洋会议
life.sc.eastern painted turtle锦龟
ichtyol.eastern paradise fish东方马鲅 Polynemus dubius
desert.eastern paradise whydah乐园维达鸟
archit.eastern pediment其他建筑门廊上方的三角顶
tech.eastern pediment正面入口上方三角墙 (古希腊建筑)
archit.eastern pediment古希腊建筑正面人口上方三角墙
tech.eastern pediment东方山墙上的檐饰
chem.Eastern perfume东方型香精
desert.eastern phoebe灰胸长尾霸鹟
entomol.eastern pine shoot borer美松花小卷蛾 Eucosma gloriola
entomol.eastern pine shoot borer东方松嫩梢钻蛀虫 Eucosma gloriola
entomol.eastern pine shoot borer白松花小卷蛾 Eucosma gloriola
tech.Eastern plane法国梧桐
textileeastern pulled wool东部皮板毛 (美国密西西比以东)
spaceeastern quadrature东方照
tech.eastern quire东方教堂式建筑
tech.eastern quire东方教会歌唱队
tech.eastern quire tower东方教会歌唱队塔楼
USA, spaceEastern Range东部靶场
biol.eastern red bud加拿大紫荆 (Cercis canadensis L.,豆科)
tech.eastern red cedar北美圆柏
tech.eastern red cedar东方红杉
tech.eastern red cedar铅笔柏
bot.Eastern red cedar铅笔柏 Juniperus virginiana
bot.Eastern red cedar北美圆柏 Juniperus virginiana
biol.Eastern red cedar铅笔柏 (Jniperus virginiana L.,柏科)
anim.husb.Eastern Red Poll东部无角红牛
biol.eastern red-bud紫荆 (Cercis chinensis Bunge)
desert.eastern redbud加拿大紫荆
biol.eastern red-bud紫荆属 (Cercis L.,苏木科)
biol.eastern red-cedar铅笔柏 (Sabina virginiana (L.) Antoine,柏科)
mining.Eastern Regional Meeting国际石油工程师协会专业会议东部地区会议
avia.eastern regional remote sensing application center东部地区遥感应用中心
earth.sc.Eastern Regional Remote Sensing Applications Center东部地区遥感应用中心美国航宇局哥达德空间飞行中心
spaceEastern Regional Remote Sensing Applications Center东部地区遥感应用中心 (美国国家航空航天局)
avia.eastern regional remote sensing applications center东部地区遥感应用中心 (美国航空航天局)
desert.eastern rock sengi南非象鼩
athlet.Eastern roll东方式跳高
athlet.Eastern roll剪式跳高
sport.Eastern roll剪式跳高东方式跳高
spaceeastern satellite data relay network东部卫星数据中继网 (苏联)
avia.eastern satellite data relay network〔俄〕东部卫星数据中继网
ichtyol.eastern school shrimp结群新对虾 Metapenaeus macleayi
bridge.eastern scientific东部科学叫牌法
UN, polit.Eastern Seaboard Development Programme东海岸发展方案
multimed.eastern shadows东部的阴影
hydrol.Eastern Shore东海岸分校
agric.Eastern Siberia forest东西伯利亚森林
geol.Eastern Snow Conference东方雪沉积物会议
earth.sc.eastern snow conference东部地区雪沉积物会议
spaceeastern space and missile center东部航天与导弹中心 (美国空军)
mil., air.def.eastern space and missile center东部太空和导弹中心
spaceEastern Space and Missile Center东部空间和导弹中心 (美国,前称东部试验靶场,发射场位于佛罗里达州东海岸卡纳维拉尔角)
avia.eastern space and missile center东部航天与导弹中心
desert.eastern spadefoot霍尔布掘足蟾
entomol.Eastern spider beetle西方蛛甲 Ptinus raptor
desert.eastern spotted skunk斑臭鼬
tech.eastern spruce东云杉
entomol.Eastern spruce美加云杉小蠹 Dendroctonus piceaperda
entomol.Eastern spruce红翅大小蠹 Dendroctonus piceaperda
entomol.Eastern spruce狭长大小蠹 Dendroctonus piceaperda
entomol.Eastern spruce东杉大小蠹 Dendroctonus piceaperda
archit.eastern spruce东云杉 (木)
tech.eastern spruce美国红果云杉
entomol.Eastern spruce gall aphid云杉瘿球蚜 Sacchiphantes abietis
tech.eastern standard time东部标准时间
adv.Eastern Standard Time美国东部标准时间
econ.Eastern Standard Time美国东部标准时间
gen.Eastern standard time京部标准时间
spaceeastern standard timeСША.东部标准时
avia.eastern standard time美国东部标准时
USA, spaceeastern standard time zone东部标准时区
avia.eastern standard time zone东部标准时区 (美国)
sport, bask.Eastern style美国东部打法
sport, bask.eastern style美国东部打法
fisheryEastern subarea东部分区
biol.eastern subterranean termite黄胸散白蚁 (Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar),白蚁科)
tech.eastern suburbs东郊
earth.sc.Eastern Sulawesi东苏拉威西印尼
desert.eastern sweetshrub美国蜡梅
desert.eastern teaberry野茶白珠树
desert.eastern teaberry伏卧白珠树
gen.Eastern Telegraph Co.东方电报公司
gen.Eastern Telegraph Co.东方电报公司
biol.eastern tent-caterpillar美国天幕虫苹天幕毛虫,Malacosoma americanum (Fabricius),枯叶蛾科
avia.Eastern Test Range东部试验靶场 (原太平洋靶区,美国导弹试验场,从卡纳维拉尔角越过大西洋进入印度洋和南极洲)
mil., air.def.eastern test range{美}东部测试场
spaceEastern Test Range东部试验靶场 (美国导弹试验场)
earth.sc.eastern test range USA东部试验场
gen.Eastern Test Range东部试验靶场美,原大西洋靶场
avia.eastern test range东部导弹试验靶场 (美国)
earth.sc.Eastern Tien-Shan东天山
desert.eastern tiger snake大陆虎蛇
USA, spaceeastern standard time东部标准时间
interntl.trade.eastern time美国东部标准时间
econ.eastern time东部时间
avia.eastern standard time东部标准时间 (美国)
railw.eastern toilet低蹲式便器
tech.Eastern Tomb东陵 (清朝)
archit.Eastern Tombs清朝东陵
desert.eastern towhee棕胁唧鹀
interntl.trade.eastern trade bill of lading东部贸易提单
econ.eastern trade bill of lading东方贸易提单
interntl.trade.eastern trade charter东方贸易租船契约
gen.Eastern Transport Air Force东部空军运输部队
earth.sc.Eastern Tropical Atlantic东大西洋热带地区
earth.sc.Eastern Tropical North Pacific Ocean东热带北太平洋地区
earth.sc.Eastern Tropical Pacific东部热带太平洋
earth.sc.Eastern Tropical South Pacific东热带南太平洋地区
navig.Eastern Trough Area Project北海东海槽地区项目
navig.Eastern Trough Area Project management system东海槽区域项目管理系统
railw.eastern type toilet蹲式便器
securit.eastern underwriting agreement东方式承销协议协议规定银团成员要分担所有未售出的证券责任,不管其分得的销售份额是多少
earth.sc.Eastern United States美国东部地区
gen.Eastern Virginia Medical School东弗吉尼亚医学院
archit.eastern W. C. pan东方蹲式便盆
tech.eastern W. C. pan东方跨式便盆
biol.eastern wahoo紫果卫矛 (Euonymus atropurpureus Jaca.,卫矛科)
lawEastern Washington University东华盛顿大学
desert.eastern white pine北美乔松
desert.eastern white pine匕美乔松
bot.Eastern white pine美国五针松 Pinus strobus, P. nivea
bot.Eastern white pine北美乔松 Pinus strobus, P. nivea
life.sc.eastern white pine美洲五针松
bot.Eastern white pine美国五叶松 Pinus strobus, P. nivea
gen.Eastern Winter Time东部冬季时间
desert.eastern wood-Pewee东绿霸鹟 (北美洲沙漠)
textileEastern wool美国本土羊毛
earth.sc.Eastern Yangtze Gorges东扬子峡谷
manag.eastern zone东区
earth.sc.Economic Community of Eastern Africa东非经济共同体
UNEnvironmental Action Programme for Central and Eastern Europe中欧与东欧环境行动纲领
earth.sc.Equatorial Eastern Pacific赤道东太平洋地区
earth.sc.Equatorial Eastern Pacific Sea Surface Temperature赤道东太平洋海面温度
earth.sc.European, Middle Eastern and North African Region欧洲、中东和北非地区
gen.Far Eastern远东的
earth.sc.far eastern远东
earth.sc.Far Eastern Advisory Council远东咨询委员会
avia.Far Eastern Air Transport中国台湾远东航空公司
avia.Far Eastern Air Transport Co.远东航空公司 (中国台湾)
athlet.Far Eastern Championship Games远东运动会
earth.sc.far eastern comprehensive research institute远东综合研究所
desert.far eastern curlew红腰杓鹬
desert.far eastern curlew大杓鹬
econ.Far Eastern Economic Review中国香港远东经济评论
busin.Far Eastern Freight Conference远东货运公会
interntl.trade.Far Eastern Freight Conference远东运费同盟
interntl.trade.Far Eastern Freight Conference远东运输公会
interntl.trade.Far Eastern Freight Conference远东水脚公会
logist.Far Eastern Freight Conference远东水脚工会
earth.sc.Far Eastern Geological Institute远东地质研究所
securit.far eastern interest clause远东利息条款
earth.sc.Far Eastern Scientific Center远东科学中心
earth.sc.Far Eastern Scientific Hydrometeorological Institute远东水文气像研究所
shipb.Far-Eastern Shipping Co., Ltd俄罗斯远东海洋轮船公司
org.name.Far Eastern Shipping Company PLC俄罗斯远东海洋轮船公司
org.name.Fish Marketing Information Centre for Eastern and Central Europe东部和中部欧洲鱼品销售信息中心
org.name.Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic中东大西洋渔业委员会
geol.former Soviet Union, central and eastern europe前苏联一中东欧
ichtyol.Giant Eastern Pacific conch东太平洋大凤凰螺 Strombus galeatus
desert.Great Eastern Erg东部大沙漠 (阿尔及利亚)
desert.Great Eastern Sand Sea东部大沙海 (阿尔及利亚和突尼斯,即撒哈拉东部大沙漠,多为流.动沙丘,面积19.2万km²)
spacegreatest eastern elongation东大距 (行星的)
tech.greatest eastern elongation东大距
org.name.International Organisation for the Development of Fisheries in Eastern and Central Europe东欧中欧渔业发展国际组织
org.name.International Organisation for the Development of Fisheries in Eastern and Central Europe东欧及中欧渔业发展国际组织
gen.Joint Eastern Air Defense Force东部联合防空部队
gen.London Eastern Railway伦敦东部铁路公司
IMF.Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa东南部非洲宏观经济和金融管理学院
tech.marginal-Pacific active area in Eastern China中国东部滨太平洋活动区
gen.Middle Eastern中东的
econ.Middle Eastern crescent中东新月形的
IMF.Middle Eastern Division中东处
IMF.Middle Eastern oil exporters中东石油输出国
org.name.Multidisciplinary Team for Eastern and Southern Asia东亚及南亚多学科小组
earth.sc.Naval Eastern Oceanography Center海军东部海洋中心
earth.sc.Naval Eastern Oceanography Center美国海军东部海洋中心
org.name.Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central and Eastern Europe中欧和东欧水产养殖中心网
org.name.Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central-Eastern Europe中欧和东欧水产养殖中心网
geol.New Independent States and Central and Eastern Europe新独立国家和中、东欧
earth.sc.North-Eastern Complex Institute of Scientific Research东北综合科学研究所
earth.sc.North Eastern Electric Power Corporation India东北电力公司印度
gen.North Eastern Electricity Board东北电业局
spaceNorth Eastern-Space Applications Centre东北空间应用中心 (印度)
gen.North-Eastern University东北大学
earth.sc.Oceanographic Study of the Eastern Tropical Pacific东部热带太平洋海洋学研究
org.name.Organization for the Conservation, Protection and Optimum Utilization of Tunas and Tuna-like Species in the Eastern Pacific保存、保护及最大限度地利用东太平洋金枪鱼和类似金枪鱼品种组织
org.name.Organization of Eastern Caribbean States东加勒比海国家组织
gen.Pacific Great Eastern Railway Co.太平洋大东铁路公司
shipb.Pago Harbor, Eastern Samoa东萨摩亚帕果帕果港
shipb.Pago Harbor, Eastern Samoa东萨摩亚帕果-帕果港
UNPan-European Environment Action Programme for Central and Eastern Europe关于中欧和东欧的泛欧环境行动纲领
comp.name.Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Co.美国潘汉德尔东部管道公司
earth.sc.physical oceanography of the eastern mediterranean workshop东地中海海洋物理学专门研究小组
biol.plum eastern tropics mistletoe李桑寄生 (Loranthus parasitious (Lim.) Merr.,桑寄生科)
econ.Preferential Trade Agreement for Eastern and Southern Africa东南非洲特惠交易协议
IMF.Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States东南部非洲国家优惠贸易区
org.name.Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern African States东部和南部非洲国家优惠贸易区
earth.sc.Preferential Trade Area of Eastern and Southern Africa东部和南部非洲优惠贸易区
org.name.Project Development of Fisheries in the Eastern Central Atlantic东部中大西洋渔业发展项目
biol.rice of Eastern Asia阔叶菰 (Zizania latifolia,禾本科)
comp.name.Siberian Far Eastern Oil Co.俄罗斯西伯利亚远东石油公司
geogr.south-eastern Asia东南亚
gen.South-Eastern Asia Iron and Steel Institute东南亚钢铁学会
tech.South-Eastern coat fold system东南沿海褶皱系
earth.sc.South Eastern Drills Company of Dallas达拉斯东南钻井公司
gen.South Eastern Electricity Board东南电业局
earth.sc.South Eastern Estuarine Research Society东南地区河口研究学会
gen.South-Eastern Europe东南欧〔洲〕
gen.South-Eastern Gas Board东南煤气局
earth.sc.South Eastern Pacific Hydrographic Commission东南太平洋海道测量委员会
org.name.Southern and Eastern Africa Service南部及东部非洲处
UNStrategic Action Plan for the Eastern African region东非区域战略性行动计划
org.name.Subregional Coordinator for Central and Eastern Europe中欧及东欧分区域协调员
org.name.Subregional Office for Central and Eastern Europe中欧及东欧分区域办事处
org.name.Subregional Office for Eastern Africa东部非洲分区域办事处亚的斯亚贝巴
commer.Texas Eastern Corporation得克萨斯东部公司 (1947)
comp.name.Texas Eastern Products Pipeline Co.美国东得克萨斯油品管输公司
comp.name.Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation美国东得克萨斯输气公司
commer.the Eastern European Bloc东欧集团
polit.the Eastern Republic of Uruguay乌拉圭东岸共和国
earth.sc.The Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences俄罗斯科学院远东分院
expl.The rising sun firs the eastern sky旭日东升、映红了东方的天幕
desert.turkana mud turtle Eastern Africa-Kenya肯尼亚侧颈龟
UN, polit.UNTAES transitional administration in Eastern Slavonia联合国东斯拉沃尼亚、巴拉尼亚和西锡尔米 乌姆过渡时期行政当局东斯过渡当局
UN, polit.UNTAES transitional administration in Eastern Slavonia东斯过渡当局
econ.Via Eastern经由东方
gen.Where is the boarding gate for China Eastern Airlines MU173?中国东航 MU173 登机口在哪里?
tech.Yarkant-Eastern Dian block-zone叶尔羌一滇东地块带
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