
Terms containing Dip | all forms | exact matches only
tech.abnormal dip不正常倾斜
tech.acid dip酸洗
tech.acid dip pickle沉浸式酸洗装置
tech.acid dip pickle酸洗装置
ecol.acid dip survey酸测试
gen.acid-dip survey氢氟酸斜度测量
ecol.acid dip test酸测试
tech.actual survey dip of foundation地基实测变形值
tech.aluminium dip-brazing铝浸钎焊
avia.aluminium dip brazing铝浸镀 (焊)
tech.aluminum dip-brazing铝浸钎焊
gen.American Hot Dip Galvanizers' Association美画热镀锌业协会
tech.angle between section line and bed dip剖面线与岩层倾向夹角
tech.angle of dip倾向
tech.angle of dip眼高差
tech.angle of dip伏角
tech.angle of dip磁偏角
tech.angle of dip of earth's field地磁场倾角 (φ)
gen.angle of dip of earth's magnetic field地磁场倾角 (φ)
tech.anti-dip river反倾角河
tech.anti-dip river反倾斜河
tech.anti-dip stream反倾角河
tech.anti-dip stream反倾斜河
tech.anticlinal-up-dip edge out combination trap背斜一上倾尖灭复合圈闭
tech.apparent angle of dip视倾角
tech.apparent dip表观倾斜度
desert.apparent dip视倾斜
tech.arsenic dip砷浸液
avia.automatic dip insertion system自动插人系统
tech.azimuth of borehole dip钻孔倾斜方位角
tech.backward dip船尾下沉
bodybuild.bar dip双杠双臂屈伸
tech.blue dip蓝色汞浸液 (镀银前)
tech.brief dip-wash短暂浸洗
tech.bright dip浸亮剂
tech.bright dip浸渍磨光
tech.bright dip浸渍抛光
tech.business dip营业下降
securit.buy a dip下跌时买人/逢低买人
tech.capillary dip毛细管浸渗
tech.caustic dip碱液清洗
tech.caustic dip浸碱
tech.caustic dip苛性浸渍
tech.centroclinal dip向心倾角
tech.centroclinal dip projection method归心投影法
tech.chart of lines of equal magnetic dip等磁倾角曲线图
tech.chemical dip brazing化学浸液钎焊
tech.chemical dip coating化学浸渍覆盖层
fisheryChinese dip net抄网
fisheryChinese dip net捞网
tech.coal seam dip angle煤层倾角
tech.cold dip coating冷浸涂 (料)
tech.colter dip犁头卡夹
tech.contour section of quintic-dip longitudinal sounding五极纵轴测深等断面图
tech.cord dip latex轮胎浸渍胶乳
tech.current dip电流谷点
tech.curve correlation method of dip log曲线对比
tech.curves of equal magnetic dip等磁倾角曲线图
tech.curves of magnetic dip等磁倾角曲线图
tech.data table of interpretation result for dip log地层倾角测井解释成果数据列表
tech.decrease in dip倾角减小
tech.degree of dip倾斜度
desert.depositional dip沉积倾角
gen.dip-and-dry product浸渍制品
avia.dip angle落角
avia.dip angle弹着角
tech.dip angle of fault surface断层面倾角
tech.dip angle of fracture surface断裂面倾角
tech.dip angle of hole钻孔倾角
tech.dip angle of orebody矿体倾角
tech.dip angle of plate板体倾角
tech.dip angle of shaft采井倾角
tech.dip application浸涂施工
tech.dip-arrow map油田构造图
tech.dip at high angle急倾斜 (大于15度)
tech.dip at low angle缓倾斜
tech.dip at right angle急倾斜 (大于 15 度)
gen.dip below降至…以下
tech.dip blasting倾向爆破
avia.dip braze fixture钎焊夹具 (是用于钎焊二中的夹具,利用它定位并保持产品构件的尺寸上形关系,然后使零件连接起来)
avia.dip braze fixture〔支〕钎焊夹具
tech.dip brazing浸浴钎焊
tech.dip brazing浸浴铜焊
tech.dip brazing沉浸钎焊
tech.dip brazing硬浸焊
tech.dip brazing浸沾钎焊
gen.dip brazing浸铜焊
avia.dip brazing jig钎焊浸渍型架
tech.dip calculations near borehole井旁地层倾角计算
tech.dip calorizing浸铝处理
tech.dip calorizing浸率处理
tech.dip can选样器
tech.dip chart磁倾角曲线图
tech.dip circle俯角圈【测】
tech.dip coat浸涂涂层
met.dip-coat material浸挂涂料
met.dip-coat material浸渍涂层材料
tech.dip-coated electrode浸涂焊条
tech.dip coater浸涂机
tech.dip coating浸渍涂料
tech.dip coating浸漆
mater.sc.dip coating
tech.dip coating浸渍敷层
tech.dip coating浸涂涂层
tech.dip coating浸涂 (法)
tech.dip coating浸渍涂层
tech.dip coating浸入涂层
tech.dip coating deposition浸没法沉积镀膜
tech.dip coloring浸染
tech.dip colouring浸染
tech.dip compass矿山罗盘
tech.dip compass倾斜仪
mil.dip compass测斜〔倾度〕仪
tech.dip-corrected map变动前地质图
tech.dip-corrected map原位地层图
tech.dip correction伏角差
tech.dip correction俯角改正
tech.dip correction眼高差改正
tech.dip correction俯角校正
tech.dip counter负荷计数管
tech.dip crossing道路的向下倾斜交叉
gen.dip current谷值电流
tech.dip detector浸入式探测器
tech.dip direction of ore body矿体倾向
tech.dip direction of polarized body极化体倾向
tech.dip direction of rock body岩体的倾向
securit.dip-down clause责任金额减少条款
gen.dip-drain technique浸渍-流干法
tech.dip equator磁赤道
avia.dip equator倾角赤道
tech.dip face浸渍面
tech.dip face沿倾斜方向的工作面
desert.dip fault倾向断层
tech.dip-feed drum drier封闭式供料滚筒干燥机
tech.dip-feed lubrication浸浴润滑
gen.dip-feed lubrication浸油润滑
gen.dip one's finger into sth.参与某事
gen.dip one's finger into sth.插手某事
tech.dip-foot spring倾向面山足泉
tech.dip forming蘸塑
tech.dip gage垂度计
tech.dip gage垂度规
tech.dip gage磁倾计
tech.dip galvanizing浸渍镀锌
tech.dip gas water interface倾斜的气水界面
tech.dip gauge垂度计
tech.dip gauge磁倾计
tech.dip geologic profile倾向地质剖面图
tech.dip geological profile倾向地质剖面图
gen.dip getting强〔急〕收气
tech.dip-grained wood浸润纹木材
tech.dip-grained wood波浪纹木材
tech.dip groin浸没挑流坝
tech.dip groin斜面丁坝
tech.dip groin浸没折流坝
tech.dip hatch计量孔〔口〕
tech.dip hatch计量孔
tech.dip hole计量孔〔口〕
gen.dip M in把M 在N中浸一浸蘸一蘸 (N, 把M)
gen.dip M in N把M 伸人N中汲 (把M)
gen.dip M in浸〔插〕人N 中 (N, 把M)
tech.dip inductor磁倾感应器
gen.dip M into把M 在N中浸一浸蘸一蘸 (N, 把M)
gen.dip into浸在〔泡在〕… 里
gen.dip into仔细研究
gen.dip into细〔预〕想
gen.dip into略看一看
gen.dip into浏览
gen.dip into舀〔取,掏〕出
gen.dip into没〔潜〕人
gen.dip into在…里浸一浸蘸一蘸
gen.dip M into N把M 伸人N中汲 (把M)
gen.dip M into浸〔插〕人N 中 (N, 把M)
gen.dip into a book随便翻阅一下
gen.dip into a book浏览一本书
securit.dip into red探底
securit.dip into red跌为负值
tech.dip iron集脂铲
med.dip joint倾斜节理
tech.dip lineation倾向线理
tech.dip load倾斜荷载
tech.dip log地层产状测井
tech.dip log倾角钻井记录
tech.dip log地层倾角测井 (仪)
tech.dip lubricating system浸人润滑系统
tech.dip lubricating system浸入润滑系统
refrig.dip lubrication点滴润滑
gen.dip meter磁倾角测量仪
gen.dip meter栅流陷落式测试振荡器
tech.dip method浸渍法
gen.dip mica condenser浸人式云母电容器
tech.dip mold下压模
tech.dip mould下压模
avia.dip move-out倾斜时差校正
tech.dip-moveout correction斜角时差校正
tech.dip needle磁倾针〔仪〕
tech.dip needle倾角指针
tech.dip needle磁倾计
tech.dip needle倾度计
tech.dip needle测斜仪
tech.dip needle磁倾仪
tech.dip needle work磁法勘探
tech.dip net抄网
tech.dip net捞鱼网
tech.dip nozzle伸入管
tech.dip of bed地层倾斜
tech.dip of fault surface断层面倾向
tech.dip of formation地层倾角
tech.dip of fracture surface断裂面倾向
tech.dip of gasholder lift储气罐爬梯倾角
tech.dip of horizon眼高差
tech.dip of load curve负荷曲线峡谷
tech.dip of lode矿脉俯角
tech.dip of needle倾角
tech.dip of orebody矿体倾向
tech.dip of rock layer岩层斜度
tech.dip of sea horizon海地平线俯角
tech.dip of shore horizon岸线俯角差
tech.dip of shore horizon岸线坡度
tech.dip of stratum地层倾斜
tech.dip of structure构造倾角
tech.dip of the bait拍子浸入深度
tech.dip of the horizon地平俯角
tech.dip of the horizon视地平俯角
tech.dip of the intermediate principal stress中间主应力倾角
tech.dip of the magnetic body磁性体倾角
tech.dip of the maximum principal stress最大主应力倾角
tech.dip of the minimum principal stress最小主应力倾角
tech.dip of the track径迹深度
tech.dip of trap倾角
tech.dip of trap弛度
tech.dip of trap浸渍
tech.dip of trap存水湾浸水部分上端
tech.dip of trap倾斜
tech.dip oil-water interface倾斜的油水界面
gen.dip out汲取
gen.dip out
gen.dip M out of自N中汲M (N)
tech.dip package浸涂包装
shipb.dip painting浸人涂漆
shipb.dip painting浸入涂漆
med.dip phenomenon谷值现象
shipb.dip pickling浸渍酸洗
tech.dip pile斜桩
tech.dip pipe浸渍管
tech.dip pipe内筒
tech.dip pipe倾斜管
tech.dip pipe下垂管
tech.dip pipe液封管
tech.dip plane倾斜平面
tech.dip pole地磁极
tech.dip pole strength磁极强度
tech.dip polishing浸渍上光
avia.dip position吊放位置
tech.dip-proof burner防扼喷燃器
tech.dip quench浸入淬火
tech.dip reading倾角读数
tech.dip reduction眼高差
telecom.DIP relay双列直插式继电器
tech.dip reversal倾斜逆转
tech.dip river倾向河
tech.dip rod测水深尺
tech.dip rod玻璃液取样铁棒
tech.dip rod液面测定杆
tech.dip rod料钎
tech.dip rod探条
tech.dip roll coater浸辊涂布机
tech.dip rope解链引绳
tech.dip rose diagram倾向玫瑰图
tech.dip sampler插入取样器
tech.dip sampler浸入取样器
tech.dip seal液封
tech.dip separation倾向隔距
tech.dip separation倾向离距
tech.dip shift倾向移位
geol.dip shooting倾角爆法
tech.dip sign道路竖曲线的洼部警告标志
gen.dip sign道路的洼部警告标志
tech.dip-slip drag倾向滑动拖曳
desert.dip-slip fault倾移断层
tech.dip slip fault倾滑断裂
desert.dip slip fault倾向滑断层
tech.dip slip reverse fault倾向滑逆断层
tech.dip slip source mechanism滑震源机制
tech.dip slope反坡
tech.dip slope
telecom.DIP socket双列直插式插.座
gen.dip soldering深熔软焊料焊接
tech.dip soldering浸入焊接
tech.dip soldering软浸焊
gen.dip soldering
tech.dip solution浸蚀雕刻
tech.dip solution浸溶
tech.dip stool计量管
tech.dip-strike symbol倾角走向符号
tech.dip switch汽车大灯的变光开关
tech.dip switch斜风道
ITDIP switch双列直插式开关
tech.dip tank浸釉槽
tech.dip tank浸油槽
tech.dip tank融冰槽
tech.dip tank浸浆桶
tech.dip tank浸渍槽
tech.dip test倾角测定
tech.dip test降落试验
tech.dip the flag行点旗礼
nautic.dip the flag降旗后立即升起以示敬意
gen.dip the head-lights of a ear错车时把汽车前灯的光变暗
tech.dip time浸渍时间
weld.dip metal transfer金属短路过渡
tech.dip transfer metal-arc welding method浸渍变换金属弧焊接法
gen.dip transfer technique短路过渡焊接
tech.dip trap浸没式水封
tech.dip tube出料管
gen.dip up汲取
tech.dip up挖开
gen.dip up
tech.dip vat浸渍筒
tech.dip wall dam斜墙坝
tech.dip weight测海深度锤
tech.dip weight测量海洋深度锤
tech.dip weight测锤
tech.dip working沿倾斜方向向下开采
tech.direct dip-reading chart真实倾角读数图
tech.direction of dip倾斜方向
tech.direction of dip of strata岩层走向
securit.double dip连续两次下跌
securit.double dip双度滑落金融图表
securit.double dip重复下跌
securit.double dip recession双低谷经济衰退
securit.double dip recession经济重复下跌
tech.down the dip下向
tech.drainage dip排水浅洼
tech.ductility-dip crack失塑裂纹
oilearth's magnetic dip angle地磁倾角
tech.efficiency dip效率谷点
tech.electric dip meter电测倾斜仪
tech.electric dip meter电测浸入式探测计
tech.electrical dip meter电测倾斜仪
tech.electrical dip meter电测浸入式探测计
tech.erection dip安装垂度
tech.false dip假顶角
tech.false dip projection method视倾斜投影法
tech.fault dip断层倾向
tech.fault dip断斜
tech.fault-up-dip edge out combination trap断层上倾尖灭复合圈闭【地】
tech.flat dip微倾斜
tech.fluidized bed dip coating沸腾床浸涂
tech.fluidized bed dip coating流化床浸涂
tech.flux dip通量坑
tech.formation dip angle地层倾斜角
tech.fuel pump dip stick燃油泵量油杆
tech.full dip电线的总垂度
tech.full dip总弛度
tech.full dip angle真倾角
tech.full dip infiltration全部浸入浸渍法
tech.full dip process全浸法
avia.gate dip oscillator栅陷振荡器
tech.gentle dip微倾斜
tech.geologic dip of planar feature平面地物的地质下沉
tech.geological dip of planar feature平面地物的地质下沉
tech.geometric dip几何倾角
tech.geometric dip几何俯角
tech.geometric dip几何眼高差
tech.geometrical dip几何俯角
tech.geometrical dip几何倾角
tech.geometrical dip几何眼高差
tech.grid-dip meter栅流陷落式测试振荡器
tech.grid-dip meter栅陷振荡器
tech.grid-dip meter栅流陷落式测试表
tech.grid-dip oscillator栅陷振荡器
tech.grid-dip wavemeter栅流降落式波长计
tech.grid-dip wavemeter栅陷式波长计
gen.have a dip in在…中浸一浸〔泡一泡〕
desert.high dip高倾斜
tech.high resolution dip log高分辨率地层倾角测井
tech.horizon dip地平俯角
tech.hot dip热浸 (镀)
mater.sc.hot dip热 〔浸〕镀
tech.hot dip热液浸渍
tech.hot-dip aluminium coating热浸镀铝层
tech.hot-dip aluminum coating热浸镀铝层
ecol.hot dip coating金属热浸涂层
gen.Hot Dip Galvanizers' Association热浸镀锌业协会
tech.hot-dip galvanizing热浸渍镀锌
shipb.hot-dip galvanizing热浸镀锌法
nautic., tech.hot dip galvanizing热浸镀锌法
nautic., tech.hot dip plating热浸涂镀
shipb.hot dip tinning热浸镀锡法
tech.increase in dip倾斜角增大
desert.initial dip原始倾斜
tech.intensity dip强度降落
tech.intensity dip强度坑
ecol.interlayer glide-dip slip-strike slip fault system层滑-倾滑-走滑断裂系统
tech.inverse dip反下垂
tech.inversion dip反凹陷
tech.inverted dip倒倾角
tech.inverted Lamb dip反兰伯凹陷
tech.inverted Lamb dip倒兰伯凹陷
gen.It's hot today. Shall we go for a dip at the beach?今天好热呀。我们到海边去游泳好吗?
avia.lamb dip兰姆凹陷
tech.Lamb's dip兰姆凹陷
tech.Lamb's dip frequency stabilization兰姆稳频
tech.line of constant dip恒定倾斜线
tech.line of dip斜向线
tech.line of same dip等倾线
tech.local dip局部扰动
tech.longitudinal dip component versus depth dia gram纵向倾角分量-深度图
tech.low dip低倾角 (angle)
tech.low dip缓倾角 (angle)
tech.low-angle dip缓倾斜
tech.magnetic dip磁倾仪
tech.magnetic dip磁偏角
tech.magnetic dip needle磁倾仪
avia.mark dip进入点水航向
tech.mat dip无光浸洗液
tech.matt dip无光浸洗液
tech.matte dip无光浸洗液
tech.measuring longitudinal and lateral dip angle测量纵横向倾角
tech.medium dip中倾斜
tech.metal dip brazing金属渍浸钎焊
tech.microfocused resistivity curve in dip log微聚焦电阻率曲线
tech.miner's dip needle矿用磁倾仪
tech.molten metal dip coating熔融金属浸涂
tech.night dip夜间低谷
tech.normal dip区域倾斜
tech.normal-dip-slip fault正向滑动断层
racingnose dip汽车载头
tech.original dip天然倾斜
tech.original dip原始倾斜
desert.original dip原生倾斜
tech.pattern of dip isogons等倾斜形式
tech.permissible dip value of foundation地基容许倾斜值
telecom.plastic DIP塑料双列直插式封装
tech.plastic dip coating塑料浸涂层
tech.powder dip coating粉末浸涂法
tech.preliminary dip预浸
tech.preliminary dip预浸渍
tech.prestack dip-filter叠前倾角滤波
tech.profile curve of dip angle倾角剖面曲线
tech.profile figure of results of dip-angle method倾角法测量剖面图
tech.profile-plan figure of results of dip-angle method倾角法测量剖面平面图
gen.pure water dip test浸纯水试验
tech.quaquaversal dip穹倾斜
tech.recirculating dip tank回流施釉槽
tech.regional dip区域倾斜
tech.reversal dip地层的逆倾斜
tech.reversal of dip倾斜逆转
tech.reverse-dip-slip fault逆向滑动断层
tech.reversed dip逆倾斜 (地层的)
tech.roto-dip process旋转式浸渍涂漆法
tech.salt dip砖的薄涂层
tech.slipper dip车身浸浴涂漆
tech.slipper dip流动浸渍
tech.slope of strata dip away from excavation反倾向边坡
tech.slope of strata dip cross excavation切层边坡
tech.slope of strata dip toward excavation顺层边坡
tech.solder dip浸焊
multimed.sound dip crescendo声音渐强
tech.south magnetic dip pole南磁倾角极
tech.spacing sling dip沿倾向间距
tech.spectrum dip谱坑
desert.steepness of dip倾度
nautic., tech.stick-held dip net黏抄网
tech.strike and dip of sampling strata采样地层产状
tech.surface permissible gradient dip of underlying bed rock地基岩表面容许坡度值
gen.take a dip in在…中浸一浸〔泡一泡〕
avia.transonic dip跨声速凹坑
tech.transverse dip component versus depth diagram横向倾角分量一深度图
tech.true dip真倾度
tech.true dip angle真倾角
gen.true dip of a layer地层真倾角
tech.values of dip angle of interface界面段倾角值
tech.variation along dip direction沿倾向变化
tech.vertical dip slip竖直滑距
gen.vertical-loop dip-angle method垂直线圈倾角法
tech.water dip水负峰
tech.water dip lacquer带水工件浸涂漆
tech.water dip lacquer湿表面浸涂漆
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