
Terms for subject China containing Destroyed | all forms | exact matches only
confiscated and destroyed没收销毁
deliberately destroy or damage the Renminbi故意毁损人民币
destroy evidence毁灭证据
destroy oil or gas pipe-line installations损毁油气管道设施
destroy public utilities损毁公共设施
destroy the official document毁灭国家机关的公文
destroy through mandatory means强制扑杀
destroy under supervision监督销毁
destroyed by floodwater水毁
forge or destroy important evidence伪造、毁灭重要证据
intentionally destroy故意销毁
intentionally destroy故意损毁
intentionally destroy or damage故意毁损
intentionally destroy or damage public or private money or property故意毁坏公私财物
negligently damage or destroy过失损毁