
Terms containing Dark | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a dark secret严守的秘密
gen.a leap in the dark
gen.a leap in the dark冒险的行动
gen.a leap in the dark轻举妄动
gen.a leap in the dark后果不可预料的行动
avia.adaptation dark暗适应
busin.after dark天黑后
tech.anode dark space阳极暗区
tech.arcuate dark point弧形暗点
tech.Aston dark space阿斯顿暗区
tech.Aston dark space阿斯顿阴极暗区
gen.at dark傍晚
gen.at dark黄昏
tech.benzoin dark-green苯偶姻暗绿
tech.boundary between light and dark bars亮线与暗线分界线
tech.bright-dark field condenser亮暗场聚光镜
agric.brown forest dark soil暗棕色森林土
tech.carrier for dark plate暗板托架
ecol.cathode dark current阴极暗电流
tech.cathode dark space阴极暗区
tech.cathodochromic dark-trace tube阴极射线致色暗迹管
tech.celadon with dark mottes青釉褐斑
biol.central dark stain of acacia合欢木黑心病 (Fusarium negundi Scherb.)
desert.critical dark-period临界暗期
tech.Crookes' dark space第二阴极暗区
tech.Crookes dark space第二阴极暗区
tech.Crookes dark space阴极暗区
sport., physiol.dark adaptation暗适应
med.dark adaptation对黑适应
med.dark adaptation夜视训练
tech.dark adaptation对黑暗的适应性
tech.dark adaptation视觉的暗适应
tech.dark adaptation适应
avia.dark adaptation对黑暗的适应
sport., med.dark-adaptation test暗适应功能测定
sport., med.dark-adaptation test暗适应试验
tech.dark adaptometer暗适应计
tobac.dark air-cured tobacco深色晾烟
tech.dark air-curing室内吹干
agric.dark amber honey深琥珀色蜂蜜
biol.dark apple red bug苹红盲蝽 (Heterocordylus malinus Rent.; Lygidea mendax Rent.,盲蝽科)
agric.dark atom暗原子指无放射性的原子
tech.dark atom无放射性原子
tech.dark atom暗原子
chem.dark atom ang暗原子
desert.dark-backed weaver灰背织雀
tech.dark background黑暗背景
tech.dark background luminance暗背景亮度
sport., med.dark band暗带
tech.dark-band effect暗带效应
biol.dark bee德国黑蜂 (Apis mellifera mellifera L.,蜜蜂科)
agric.dark beer烈性啤酒
agric.dark beer黑啤酒
desert.dark-bellied cinclodes暗腹克洛雀 (南美洲沙漠)
desert.dark-bellied cinclodes暗腹抖尾地雀
desert.dark-billed cuckoo暗嘴美洲鹃 (南美洲沙漠)
tech.dark blind防光的
tech.dark blind严密遮光物
agric.dark blood-red暗血红色的 (atrosanguineus)
gen.Dark-blueголуб.гонк. 羽色深灰
tech.dark blue暗青色
pigeon.race.dark blue羽色深灰
busin.dark blue深蓝色
tech.dark blue藏青色
gen.dark blue深蓝
tech.dark bottle黑瓶 (测浮游植物生产量用)
pigeon.race.dark brown深褐色的
tech.dark brown茶色
tech.dark brown暗棕色
tech.dark brown棕褐色
agric.dark brown暗褐色 (fuscus)
tech.dark brown黑棕色
tech.dark brown铁棕 (色)
gen.dark brownголуб.гонк. 深褐色
biol.dark brown ant黑蚁普通黑蚁,Lasius niger L.,蚁总科
biol.dark-brown borer暗褐天牛 (Tetropium fuscum,天牛科)
desert.dark-brown earth暗棕壤
desert.dark brown earth暗棕壤
ecol.dark brown forest soil森林暗棕壤
tech.dark-brown glass茶色玻璃
tech.dark brown matter暗褐色物质
geol.dark brown oil深褐色原油
geol.dark brown oil stain深褐色油斑
geol.dark brown oil stains深褐色油斑
agric.dark-brown soil暗棕钙土
tech.dark-brown soil暗棕
biol.dark brown-headed rice stem borer稻暗头螟 (Chilo diffusilineus (De Joannis),螟蛾科)
construct.dark burn荧光质衰退
construct.dark burn烧暗
tech.dark burn暗烧
tech.dark burn烧暗 (荧光屏发光效率降低)
tech.dark burn疲劳
tech.dark burn fatigue发光衰退
tech.dark cardinal暗深红色
mil., air.def.dark carrier暗载流子
construct.dark cathode掺镍粉阴极
tech.dark cathode暗色阴极
tech.dark change暗转舞台
tech.dark change暗换场
tech.dark charge暗电荷
pigeon.race.dark checker羽色深雨点
gen.Dark-checkerголуб.гонк. 羽色深雨点
agric.dark chestnut soil暗栗钙土
avia.dark cloud黑云
avia.dark cloud暗云
avia.dark cloud乌云
securit.dark cloud cover乌云压顶预示熊市来临技术分析
avia.dark cockpit即座舱内所有的警告灯都不亮
avia., inf.dark cockpit指一切正常
agric.dark CO₂fixation暗处 CO₂固定
agric.dark CO₂fixation暗处 CO₂同化作用
tech.dark color不艳色
tech.dark-colored constituent暗色组分
tech.dark-colored extrusive rock黑色喷出岩
tech.dark-colored intrusive rock黑色侵入体
tech.dark-colored pavement黑色路面
tech.dark-colored soil暗色土
tech.dark-colored stocks暗色原料
tech.dark colour暗色
tech.dark colour深色
tech.dark colour不艳色
agric.dark-coloured暗色的 (atrocoloratus)
tech.dark-coloured constituent暗色组分
tech.dark-coloured extrusive rock黑色喷出岩
tech.dark-coloured intrusive rock黑色侵入体
agric.dark-coloured mineral深色矿物
tech.dark-coloured mineral暗色矿物
tech.dark-coloured pavement黑色路面
tech.dark-coloured soil暗色土
tech.dark-coloured stocks暗色原料
tech.dark companion暗伴天体
tech.dark conductance暗电导
tech.dark conduction暗电导
tech.dark conductivity暗电导率
tech.dark conductivity无照导电性
agric.dark coniferous forest阴暗针叶林
desert.dark coniferous forest暗针叶林
agric.dark contrast暗反差{显技}
tech.dark contrast暗反差
avia.dark core黑核
avia.dark-core length暗区长度
avia.dark core length黑核长度
biol.dark cotton-leaf thrips棉叶暗蓟马 (Hercothrips fumipennis Bagnall et Cameron,蓟马科)
bot.dark crottle袋梅衣 Parmelia physodes
tech.dark current电极暗电流
mil., air.def.dark current characteristics暗电流特性
mil., air.def.dark current noise暗电流噪声
tech.dark current noise流噪声
tech.dark current noise暗电噪声
mil., air.def.dark current pulse暗电流脉冲
tech.dark-current pulse暗电流脉冲
tech.dark current shot noise暗电流散粒噪声
mil., air.def.dark current voltage curve暗电流电压曲线
tech.dark decay暗衰退
tech.dark degree of pleochroic halo多色晕深度
gen.dark desaturation暗区饱和度降低
tech.dark distiller's grain暗酒糟
tech.dark dome暗拱
tech.dark door遮光门
tech.dark door不漏光门
biol.dark drosophila酱油果蝇 (Drosophila obscura Fallen,果蝇科)
tech.dark dust nebula暗尘星云
tech.dark exchange外汇黑市
tech.dark eye piece目镜色片
desert.dark eye sunflower黑斑向日葵
desert.dark-eyed junco黑眼灯草鹀
tech.dark face暗面
tech.dark face灰色荧光屏
desert.dark-faced ground-tyrant暗脸地霸鹟
tech.dark factice深胶
tech.dark factice暗黑胶
agric.dark-favored seed需暗种子
agric.dark-favored seed喜暗种子
desert.dark felty soil黑毡土
tech.dark fibers暗纤维
tech.dark field
tech.dark field暗区
tech.dark field暗视域
tech.dark-field amplitude mode暗场振幅模式
tech.dark-field colour immersion method暗视野彩色油浸法
tech.dark-field condenser暗视野聚光器
mil., air.def.dark field condenser暗场聚光器
tech.dark-field condenser暗场聚光器
tech.dark-field elements暗视野配件
tech.dark-field image暗场
tech.dark-field interferogram mode暗场干涉模式
tech.dark-field line暗场线
tech.dark-field method暗场法
tech.dark-field method暗视野法
tech.dark-field microscope超显微镜
tech.dark-field microscopy暗场显微技术
tech.dark-field microscopy暗视野镜检
tech.dark-field microscopy暗视场显微观察
tech.dark-field of view暗视场
tech.dark-field reflection microscope暗场反射显微镜
tech.dark-field stop暗视野光阑
agric.dark fixation暗固定{显技}
tech.dark flocculus暗谱斑
biol.dark flour beetle黑拟谷盗 (Tribolium destructor Uyttenb.,拟步甲科)
desert.dark-footed forest shrew卡佛尔鼠鼩腈
tech.dark forest soil暗色森林土
chem.dark formulation深色胶配方
tech.dark frame effect黑框效应
multimed.dark-frame subtraction暗帧去除法
tech.dark Fraunhofer line夫琅和费吸收线
chem.dark fringe暗条纹
ecol.dark furuncle disease黑疔病
tech.dark galactic nebula暗银河星云
agric.dark germination需暗发芽
agric.dark germinator需暗发芽种子
agric.dark germinator需暗种子发芽器
tech.dark grain暗酒糟
biol.dark grain borer谷长蠹 (Rhyzopertha dominica Fabricius,长蠹科)
biol.dark grain borer谷蠹 (Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius))
agric.dark grayish brown暗灰棕色的
agric.dark green暗绿色 (atrovirens)
tech.dark-green暗绿 (的)
agric.dark-green leaves暗绿色叶 (folii atrovirentes)
gen.dark grey黑灰色的
gen.dark grey辐射几乎不可穿透的
gen.dark grey深灰色
tech.dark ground暗视场
tech.dark-ground illumination暗场照明
tech.dark ground illuminator暗场照明器
tech.dark ground method of observation暗场观察法
tech.dark ground microscope场显微镜
agric.dark-growth reaction暗生长反应
agric.dark hard winter黑色硬质冬麦 (wheat)
biol.dark-headed rice borer稻多丽螟 (Chilo polychrysa (Meyrick),螟蛾科)
tech.dark heart暗色心材
tech.dark heat光谱的红外部分
tech.dark heat
refrig.dark heat暗热
tech.dark-heat radiation暗热辐射
tech.dark-heat radiation红外线辐射
tech.dark heater旁暗阴极加热器
agric.dark holding recovery暗保持恢复
tech.dark hole造成中心黑影
tech.dark hole黑洞
agric.dark honey深色蜂蜜
sport.dark horse爆冷门
sport.dark horse出人意料的获胜者
tech.dark horse夜班警卫员
tech.dark horse守夜人员
sport.dark horse冷门
sport.dark horse bobbing up爆冷门
agric.dark humus soil暗色腐殖质土
tech.dark humus soil暗色腐殖土
tech.dark infra-red oven暗红外线炉
agric.dark-inhibited seed需光发芽种子
agric.dark-inhibited seed受暗抑制种子
agric.dark inhibition暗抑制
agric.dark inhibitory process暗抑制过程
agric.dark inhibitory reaction暗抑制反应
tech.dark jalousie遮光百叶
tech.dark jalousie百叶窗
tech.dark lane暗线
refrig.dark lantern龛灯
tech.dark lantern遮光提灯
refrig.dark lantern有遮光装置的灯
agric.dark-leaved暗叶的 (scotophyllus)
tech.dark-light bottle method黑白瓶法
tech.dark lightning暗闪电
tech.dark line暗线
tech.dark-line detection暗线探测
mil., air.def.dark line spectrum暗线谱
agric.dark lines暗线
desert.dark loessial soil黑泸土
tech.dark luboil黑色润滑油
tech.dark maroon深栗色
biol.dark mealworm黑粉虫 (Tenebrio obscurus (Fabricius),拟步甲科)
agric.dark meat带血肉
tech.dark mildew烟霉病
tech.dark mildew煤烟病
tech.dark mineral铁镁矿物
tech.dark mirror暗镜
tech.dark mottle暗日芒
agric.dark muscle带血肉
tech.dark nilas色黑而薄的冰
tech.dark noise暗流噪声
tech.dark-noise signal暗噪声信号
tech.dark of the moon月暗期
tech.dark oil深色油
tech.dark oil暗色油
biol.dark oystershell scale黑牡蛎盾蚧东方蛎盾蚧,柿蛎蚧,Lepidosaphes tubulorum Forris,盾蚧科
tech.dark part of flame黑火头
biol.dark pear pyralid梨暗纹螟 (Rhodophaea marmorea Haworth,螟蛾科)
tech.dark peat暗色泥炭
agric.dark period暗期
tech.dark period阴影周期
tech.dark phase contrast暗相差
tech.dark picture area图像暗区
tech.dark pine樟木
agric.dark pith黑心病
agric.dark pith心腐病
tech.dark plaster黑石膏
tech.dark-plate method黑色晕渲法
tech.dark point section暗点剖面
mil., air.def.dark potential暗电位
tech.dark pulse暗脉冲
agric.dark-purple暗紫色的 (atropurpureus)
biol.dark-purple cymbidium墨兰报岁兰,Cymbidium sinense (Andr.) Willd.,兰科
desert.dark ray暗射线
agric.dark rays暗射线
tech.dark reaction黑暗反应
tech.dark reaction time暗反应时间
agric.dark reactivation暗重激活
tech.dark reactivation暗复活作用
busin.dark red深红色
tech.dark red赭色的
tech.dark red暗红 (的)
tech.dark red暗红色 (的)
busin.dark red赭色
gen.dark red赭色〔的〕
gen.dark red暗红色〔的〕
biol.dark red bean红豆赤豆,Phaseolus angularis Wight,豆科
tech.dark red ferrallitic soil暗红色铁铝土
tech.dark red ferralsol暗红色铁铝土
agric.dark red ferralsols暗红色铁铝土
tech.dark red filter暗红色滤光纸
tech.dark red heat暗红
agric.dark red latosols暗红色砖红土
agric.dark red light暗红光
tech.dark-red silver ore深红硫锑矿
chem.dark-red silver ore硫锑银矿
tech.dark-red silver ore深红银矿
tech.dark red spectacle glass深红眼镜玻璃
tech.dark region暗区
tech.dark repair黑暗修复
agric.dark repair mechanism暗修复机制
tech.dark resistance无照电阻
agric.dark rigour暗痹
agric.dark rigour黑暗僵直
agric.dark rigour暗醉
tech.dark room暗房
desert.dark room暗室
tech.dark room ophthalmic lamp暗室眼灯
tech.dark room test暗室试验
tech.dark ruby ore深红银矿
tech.dark satellite暗卫星
tech.dark sector阴影扇
agric.dark seed需暗种子
desert.dark seed需暗种子 (有一定的黑暗条件才能发芽的种子)
tech.dark segment暗弓
tech.dark semi-fusain暗色半丝炭
tech.dark shadow暗影
plast.surg.dark shadowed eyelid黑眼圈
biol.dark-sided cutworm黑缘地蚕 (Euxoa messoria (Harr.))
desert.dark-sided sooty flycatcher乌鹟 (澳大利亚沙漠)
desert.dark-sided flycatcher乌鹟
tech.dark signal暗信号
tech.dark sky background夜天背景
tech.dark slatted blind百叶窗
tech.dark slide暗匣压平板
tech.dark slide遮光滑板
tech.dark slide遮光
avia.dark smoke黑烟
avia.dark-smoke zone黑烟区
tech.dark soil深色土壤
tech.dark speck暗斑
tech.dark sphagnum peat暗色水藓泥炭
construct.dark spot黑点摄像管寄生信号
tech.dark spot黑斑
mil., air.def.dark spot signal暗点黑斑信号
checkers.dark square黑格
tech.dark stage不透光摄影棚
tech.dark stage暗室摄影场
tech.dark stage暗摄影棚
gen.dark stage暗摄影棚〔场〕
avia.dark star暗星
chem.dark substitute黑油膏
agric., chem.dark sulphur杂硫磺
biol.dark sword grass moth小地老虎 (Agrotis ipsilon Hufnagel,夜蛾科)
biol.dark sword grass moth小地[老]虎 (Agrotis ypsilon Rott.; Agrotis ipsilon Hufnagel; Rhyacia ypsilon Rott.,夜蛾科)
desert.dark-throated thrush赤颈鸫
mil., air.def.dark time of repeater转发器静寂时间
tech.dark-tint screen中灰滤光屏
gen.dark-tint valve深色彩电视管
tobac.dark tobacco深色烟
tech.dark tonal anomaly暗色调异常
tech.dark tone暗调
tech.dark tone暗色调
tech.dark-trace screen暗迹荧光
mil., air.def.dark trace screen暗迹屏
mil., air.def.dark trace screen暗线荧光屏
tech.dark-trace screen暗线荧光屏
agric.dark trace tube暗迹管指暗迹阴极射线管
tech.dark trace tube暗迹阴极射线管
desert.dark tree rat厄瓜多尔树棘鼠
agric.dark vigor黑暗生长强度
agric.dark vigor黑暗活力
agric.dark-violet暗紫蓝色的 (atroviolaceus)
tech.dark voltage暗电压
gen.dark Web模糊 Web
adv.dark week尼尔森公司一年四次的不监测周
tech.dark window遮光窗
desert.dark-winged canastero黑翅卡纳灶鸟
desert.dark-winged canastero暗翅卡纳灶鸟 (南美洲沙漠)
tech.dark yellow filter深黄色滤光片
avia.dark zone预备区
avia.dark zone reaction暗区反应
tech.data of dark-line spectrum暗线光谱数据
multimed.digital dark age数字黑暗时代
agric.DNA dark repairDNA 暗修复
tech.economy's dark continent经济的黑暗大陆 (指经济未开发的非洲)
tech.electrode dark current电极暗电流
tech.electron-microscopical dark field image电子显微暗场象
tech.expand extreme dark增大最暗部分的黑度
tech.Faraday's dark space法拉第暗区
sport., med.field of dark暗视野
agric.germinating power of seeds in the dark种子在黑暗的发芽本领
agric.germinating power of seeds in the dark黑暗种子发芽本领
tech.glassine paper dark-rose黑玫瑰色半透明玻璃纸
gen.be in the dark不知道
gen.be in the dark秘密
gen.be in the dark在暗处〔中〕
gen.be in the dark about it完全不知道此事
sport.In the women's 10,000m race, a dark horse from China Xing Huina overtook the leading Ethiopian runners in the last lap. She won a gold medal for China at the 28th Olympic Games女子 10000 米比赛中跑出一匹黑马一一中国运动员邢慧娜在最后一圈超越领先的埃塞俄比亚运动员、在第 28 届奥运会中她为中国赢得一枚金牌
agric.incubation in the dark暗催青
tech.indanthrene dark blue阴丹士林暗蓝
agric.intracellular dark repair胞内暗修复
busin.keep in a dark place置于避光处
busin.keep in dark place避光存放包装用语
busin.keep in dark place置于避光处
tech.Langmuir's dark space朗格缪尔暗区
tech.light dark adaptation亮暗适应
tech.light-to-dark current ratio光流与暗流比率
gen.look on the dark side of things孢悲观的态度
gen.look on the dark side of things看事物的阴暗面
tech.low dark current弱暗电流
tech.low dark decay低惰性
sport.Moutawakel, a dark horse from Morocco, stole the limelight from super stars like Carl Lewis and Daley Thompson with a surprise winning in the women's 400 metres hurdles.女子 400 米跨栏大爆冷门、跳出一匹黑马—摩洛哥选手莫塔华克尔夺得这项比赛冠军、她抢走了田径巨星刘易斯和汤普森不少镜头
tech.oblique dark ground illumination倾斜暗场照明
bowl.one in the dark后瓶
bowl.one in the dark暗瓶
bowl.one in the dark后柱
bowl.one in the dark暗柱
tech.opaque dark area of fluid液性暗区
gen.paint in dark colours赞扬〔贬抑〕
gen.paint in dark colours用鲜艳〔晦暗〕的颜色描绘
tech.photodiode dark current光电二极管暗电流
tech.photographic dark room照相暗室
tech.photographical dark room照相暗室
biol.pineapple dark butterfly凤梨褐灰蝶 (Theela basilides Goyor,灰蝶科)
gen.pitch dark非常黑
tech.primary dark space初级暗区
tech.reactive dark green活性墨绿
tech.reddish dark brown暗红棕色
tech.relieve dark appearance改为淡色
construct.resistance in the dark暗电阻
tech.resistance in the dark暗阻
tech.resorcin dark brown间苯二酚深棕
tech.see-in-dark rangefinder夜视测距仪
cloth.Shobha was in her school uniform, a dark pleated skirt with a tucked-in white blouse, the first time I met her第一次和萨布哈见面时,她穿着校服——深色的褶裙和白色的带褶女衬衫
tech.single plate dark slide单片暗盒
tech.single plate dark slide单片遮光滑板
ecol.sub-alpine dark coniferous forest亚高山暗针叶林
biol.tea dark garden-chafer茶黑丽金龟 (Anomala superflua Arrow,金龟科)
gen.The businessman will arrive in a dark blue limousine企业家将乘坐一部深蓝色的豪华大轿车到达
gen.The dark mica in this granite should be called biotite花岗岩里的黑色云母应称为黑云母
tech.vat dark blue瓮暗蓝
chem.Vat Dark Blue BO还原深蓝 BO
tech.very dark of color颜色极暗
tech.very dark of color颜色极深
tech.very dark of colour颜色极暗
tech.very dark of colour颜色极深
tech.wooden dark slide木制蝉滑板
desert.Zuniga's dark rice rat黑鼠 (南美洲沙漠)
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