
Terms for subject Securities containing Contract | all forms | exact matches only
abide by contract守合同
abide by contract遵协议
account payable under forward contract远期合约应付账款
account receivable under forward contract远期合约应收账款
ad referendum contract草签合同
ad referendum contract合约草稿
additional clause to contract合约附加条款
aleatory contract侥幸合约
back contract远期合同
back contract长期期货合同
bank investment contract银行投资合同
benefit of contract合约利益
binding contract具有约束力的合同
blanket contract总括合同
break forward contract中断远期合约
break forward contract可取消的远期外汇合同
bullet contract子弹式合同
bullet contract一次性还本贷款合同
burden of contract履行合同义务
buyer 60 days contract买方60天契约
call contract认购期权合同
callable bull/bear contract可收回牛/熊证
capital redemption contract资本赎回合同
cash settlement contracts现金结算合同
change of control clause in major contract重大合同控制权改变条款
clearing contract结算合同
client contract客户合同
client contract客户协议
close out of contract合约终止
closing contract清仓合同
closing-out contract结算合同
considerable contract有偿合同
consolidated contract note综合合同单据
contingent purchase contract待确定购买合约
contract bond合同保证书
contract broker合同经纪人
contract date定约日
contract/delivery month到期交割月份指谷物合同的交割月份
contract expiration date合同到期日
contract expiration date合同失效日
contract financing合同贷款
contract for deed契约合同
contract for difference差价合同
contract for settlement平仓合约
contract fund契约型基金
contract guarantee合同担保
contract in foreign currency外币合同
contract information合约信息
contract limit合同额度
contract limit and reportable open position合同限制及需报告的持仓量
contract market合同交易市场
contract month合同到期月
contract multiplier合同乘数
contract multiplier合约倍数
contract note成交单据
contract of adhesion附合合同
contract of adhesion附意合同
contract of compromise妥协协议
contract of consideration对价合约
contract of indemnity损失赔偿契约
contract of indemnity损失赔偿合同
contract operation承包经营
contract payable应付约定款
contract performance合同履行
contract price约定价
contract risk契约风险
contract sheet合同清单
contract size合同总额
contract size合约股数成效量
contract specifications合同细则
contract specifications合约规格
contract specifications summary合约规格概要
contract stamp duty合同印花税
contract statement合同报表
contract trading volume合约交易量
contract under seal盖章契约
contract under seal盖章合同
convertible option contract可转期权合约
creating forward contract建立远期合约
credit contract赊购合同
credit contract信用合同
credit spread contract信用差价合约
cross-rate futures contract交叉汇率期货合约
currency forward contract远期外币合同
currency forward contract远期货币合约
currency futures contract货币期货合同
currency swap contract货币掉期合约
currency swap contract货币互换合同
dealing in futures contract期货合同交易
deferred contract远期合同
deferred delivery contract延期交付合同
deferred delivery contract延期交割合约
deferred group annuity contract延期组合年金合同
derivative contract衍生工具契约
derivative contract衍生产品合约
dollar value of futures contracts期货合约的美元价值
earnest on contract合同定金
electronic contract notes电子合同单据
enforceable contract可强制执行的合约
enforceable contract可强制执行的合同
enter into a futures contract签订期货合同
enterprise contract management responsibility system企业承包责任制
equity contract股本权益合同
equity contract note股权合约票据
equity-related contract股权关联合同
essence of a contract合同要素
essence of a contract契约要素
Euroyen futures contract欧洲日元存款利率期货合同
exchange option contract外汇期权合同
exchange traded contract场内交易合约
exercised options contracts已执行的期权合同
far month contract远期月份合同
fidelity contract信托契约
fixed price incentive FPI contract定率承包价奖励合同
fixed rate contract固定利率合同
fixed-price lump-sum contract固定总价合同
foreign currency forward contract外币远期合同
foreign currency futures contract外汇期货合同
formality of contract合同格式
forward contract远期契约
forward currency contract远期货币合同
forward foreign exchange contract期汇合约
forward foreign exchange contract外汇期货合同
forward forward contract远期对远期合同
forward purchase contract远期买人合同
forward sales contract远期销售合同
front contract前期合同最快到期的期货和期权
future contract期货合约 (FC)
future contract期货交易合同 (FC)
future exchange contract远期外汇买卖合同
futures contract multiple期货合同乘数
futures contract on Eurodollars欧洲美元期货合约
futures contract value期货合同价值
futures implied contract rate隐形的期货合约利率
guaranteed income/investment contracts担保收人/投资合同
guaranteed investment contract担保投资合同 (GIC)
Hang Seng Index Futures Contract恒生指数期货合同
hard contract苛刻的合同
hedging contract套期合同
hedging with futures contract期货合同套期保值
hedging with swap contract套期保值互换合同
hell-or-water contract买方全责合同
HIBOR futures contract香港银行同业拆借港元利率期货合同
implied contract暗示合同
implied contract默示合约
incomplete contract不完全契约
interest rate options contract利率期权合同
joint contract联合合同
law of contract契约法
lead futures contract主导期货合同
leverage contract杠杆合约
leveraged foreign exchange contract杠杆式外汇合同
leveraged foreign exchange contract of locked position锁仓的杠杆式外汇合约同时持有同一外币的相同数量长仓及短仓
levy on futures contract对期货合同征费
liability of breach of contract违约责任
life of contract期货合同有效期
listed option contract上市期权合同
loan contract贷款合约
long currency future contract买人外汇期货契约
long options contract期权长仓合同
long term forward contract长期远期合约
loyalty contract特许权契约
material contract重要合约
material contract关键合同
material contract重大合同
midcurve interest rate contracts中曲线利率合约
money market implied contract rate货币市场隐形的合约利率
most distant futures contract最远期期货合约
nearby contract近期合同
nearby futures contract近期期货合同
near-term contract近期合约
near-term contract and cash price近期合约与现货价格
negotiated contract议付契约
next day contract第二日交易
next futures contract下一个期货合同
nexus of contract系列合同
nexus of contract合同组合
nominal contract effects名义合同效应
nominal contract price名义契约价格
non-deductible forward contracts不减扣远期合同
off-exchange traded derivative contract场外交易衍生工具合同
offsetting contract合约的对冲
one-month HIBOR futures contract 1个月期香港银行同业拆借利率期货合同
open contract无定额合同
open contract未平仓合同
open contract期货开口合同
open contract未清合约
open phase of contract合约的开放阶段
open-end contract开放式合同
open-end contract无期限合同
opening contract开仓合同
option contract选择权契约
option contract期权合同
option contract multiple期权合约乘数
option on index futures contract指数期货合约的期权
OTC contract-based warrants场外交易合同型权证
outstanding contract未清算合约
outstanding derivative contract流通的衍生合约
outstanding derivative contract未结清的衍生工具合同
outstanding derivative contract未平仓的衍生工具合同
per contract per side以每份合同单边计算
percentage fee contract提成合同 (咨询顾问业务)
period contract定期合同
periodic purchase deferred contract定期购买递延合同
pignorative contract抵押契约
pre-incorporation contract/agreement公司注册前的合同/协议
principal to the contract合同的主要参与者
privity of contract契约双方关系
privity of contract合同双方关系
prompt contract现货合约
property right trade contract产权交易合约
purchase contract购买合约
quasi contract准合约
quasi contract准合同
range forward contracts远期波幅合约
range forward contracts区间远期合约
referendum contract草签合同
registration of contracts合同登记
regular way contract例行契约证券
regular way contract常规契约证券
regulated futures contract接受监管的期货合约
regulated futures contracts受监管的期货合约
rescission of contract解除合同
reversal contract撤销交易合同
reversal contract逆向交易合约
roll over a futures contract滚动期货合约
roll over a futures contract连续交易期货合同
round trip contract双向交易合同
schedule contract进度合同
security purchase contract证券购买合约
self-renewing contract自动更新合同
self-renewing contract自动延续契约
servicing contract清偿合约
short futures contract淡仓期货合同
short futures contract卖期货合同
short open contract未平短仓合同
short option contract空头期权合同
short option contract短仓期权合约
simple contract creditor无担保债权人
slice and package contract单项和整批合同
slice contract单项投标合同承包商对单一分项投标而不必对整个项目进行投标
specialty contract特别契约
specified security or futures contract专门证券或期货合同
stamp duty on contract notes合同单据印花税
standing financing contract长期融资协议
stock index futures contract股票指数期货合同
stock options contract股票期权合同
subject to contract以正式订约为准
subject to contract以合同为准
sub-underwriting contract转包合同
sub-underwriting contract分包合同
sub-underwriting contract分包承销合同
supervening contract附加合同
swap contract互换合同
swap contract掉期合同
syndicate contract银团合约
syndicate contract银团协议
take or pay contract必付合同
tender to contract cover投标合同保险
tender to contract option投标合约期权
termination value of a contract合同终值
third party client contracts第三方客户合同
three-month Hong Kong interbank offered rate futures contract三月期香港银行同业放款利率期货合同
tie-in contract搭卖合同
time contract时间合约
total contract price总合同价
trading in commodity futures contract商品期货合同交易
trading turnover of contract合同成交额
trading volume of contract合约成交量
trigger forward contract触发远期合约生效
turnover of contract合同成交金额
tying contract约束合约
underlying contract相关合同
underlying contract基础合同
underlying futures contract对应期货合约
underlying futures contract原始期货合约
unenforceable contract无法执行的合同
unenforceable contract不能强制执行的合同
Uniform Rules for Contract Guarantees统一契约保证规则
unilateral contract单边合同
unlawful contract非法合同
unmatured forward contract未到期的远期合同
unsettled contract未交割合同
unsettled contract未结算的合约
using option contract使用期权合约
value line composite index futures contract价值线综合指数期货合同
variation of contract变动合同条款
void contract无效合约
when-issued contract虚股交易合同
when-issued contract提前交易的合同
window contract窗口契约
written contract association书面合伙契约
yellow dog contract劳方不加人工会的合约以不加人工会为条件的雇佣合同