
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing Contract | all forms | exact matches only
advance money on a contract付定金
advance received on contract按合同预收款项
contract of land mortgage土地抵押合同
contract of land-use right mortgage土地使用权抵押合同【土】
contract of wwk system工作体系合同
contract rent契约地租【土】
cost-plus contract成本加利润合同
cost-plus contract成本加成合同
guaranteed income contract保证收入合同
illegal contract非法合同
instalment contract分期付款合同
Law of the People's Republic of China on Land Contract in Rural Areas中华人民共和国农村土地承包法
listing contract上市合同
production sharing contracts产量分成合同
use-right grant by contract for agricultural land农村土地承包经营 【土】