
Terms for subject Ecology containing Construction | all forms | exact matches only
acoustic construction隔声结构
balloon construction球形构造
construction and utilization安装使用
construction environmental impact assessment建设项目环境影响评价
construction impact施工影响
construction of check dam淤地坝建设
construction of input and output收支结构
construction waste施工废料
ecological environment construction生态环境建设
environment construction环境建设
expenditure on construction建筑费用
flexible construction柔性结构
green construction绿色建筑
hermetically-sealed construction密封结构
industry construction产业结构
interspecific construction model联结度构造模型
land of construction建设用地
levee construction堤防工程
linear construction project线形建设项目
maintenance cost of urban construction城市建设维护费
management measures for environmental protection of construction projects建设项目环境保护管理办法
municipal construction市政建设
noise limits for construction site建筑施工场界噪声限值
noise monitoring of construction site建筑施工噪声监测
project of ecological environment construction生态环境建设工程
railway construction铁路工程
sandwich construction夹层构造
sediment yield from construction工程增沙
semi-fireproof construction半防火建筑
shell construction薄壳结构薄壳构造
supervision of construction project建设工程监理
system construction系统构建
urban construction市政建设
vegetation construction植被建设
vegetation restoration and construction植被恢复与建设