
Terms for subject Nautical containing Conference | all forms | exact matches only
closed shipping conference轮班公会
closed shipping conference航运协会
conference center会议中心豪华邮船
conference liner定期班船协会
Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia亚洲相互协作与信任措施会议
goods carried by the conference公会承认的货物
International Network Processors Conference国际网络处理器会议
liner conference shipping班轮公会
liner conference or conference公会
liner conference or conference班轮公会
National Maritime Conference国际海事会议
non-conference line独立公司班船
open conference shipping开式会议
open conference shipping开放同盟
shipping conference航业协会
shipping conference班轮公会
UNFCCC Copenhagen Climate Conference联合国关于气候变化框架公约哥本哈根气候大会
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development地球问题首脑会议
way-port conference中途转运协会
World conference on free trade area世界自由贸易区大会