
Terms for subject General containing China | all forms | exact matches only
All-China Federation of Trade-Unions中华全国总工会
Amateur Radio Station of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国业余无线电台
Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China建党节7 月 1 日
Bank of Chinaназв.комп. 中国银行
Be careful with that, it has fragile objects in it. They are china for my friend小心那个,里面有易碎的东西。那是我为朋友带的瓷器
Can you mail it to China for me?能给我寄到中国吗?
China Abrasive & Grinder Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国磨料磨具出口联营公司
China Association of Flavor Fragrance & Cosmetics Industry中国香料香精化妆品工业协会
China Eastern Airlines中国东航
China Economic &Trade Consultants Corporationназв.комп. 中国对外经济贸易咨询公司
China Electro- Ceramic Exp. Allied Crop.назв.комп. 中国电瓷出口联营公司
China Electronics Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国电子技术进出口公司
China Electronics Import & Export Corporation, Beijing Branchназв.комп. 中国电子技术进出口公司北京市分公司
China Estate Development Group Corporationназв.комп. 中国房地产开发公司
China Export Base Development Corporationназв.комп. 中国出口商品基地建设总公司
China Film Co-production Corporationназв.комп. 中国电影合作制片公司
China Film Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国电影输出输入公司
China Foreign Trade Storage Corporationназв.комп. 中国对外贸易仓储总公司
China Great Wall Industrial Corporationназв.комп. 中国长城工业公司
China ink
China International Economic Consultant, Incназв.комп. 中国国际经济咨询公司
China International Iron & steel Investment Corp.назв.комп. 中国国际钢铁投资公司
China International Trust & Investment Corp.назв.комп. 中国国际信托投资公司
China Jinshan Union Trading Corporationназв.комп. 中国金山联合贸易公司
China Marine Bunker Supply Companyназв.комп. 中国船舶燃料供应总公司
China Marine Salvage Companyназв.комп. 中国海滩救助打捞公司
China Market Publishing Corporationназв.комп. 中国市场出版公司
China National Aero Technology Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国航空技术进出口公司
China National Agricultural Machinery Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国农业机械进出口联营公司
China National Arts & Crafts Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国工艺品进出口公司
China National Bearing Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国轴承出口联营公司
China National Breeding Stock Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国种畜进出口公司
China National Cereals, Oils Foodstuffs Import & Export Corporation Shanghai Foodstuffs Branchназв.комп. 中国粮油食品进出口公司上海市食品分公司
China National Chartering Corporationназв.комп. 中国租船公司
China National Chemical Construction Corporationназв.комп. 中国化工建设总公司
China National Chemicals Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国化工进出口公司
China National Coal Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国煤炭进出口总公司
China National Committee on Food Additives Standardization Technology中国全国食品添加剂标准化技术委员会
China National Complete Equipments Corporationназв.комп. 中国成套设备公司
China National Complete Plant Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国成套设备出口公司
China National Electric Wire & Cable Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国电线电缆出口联营公司
China National Embr. & Drawn Work Associated Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国抽纱品出口联营公司
China National Embroidery & Drawn Work Associated Export Corporation, Shanghai Branchназв.комп. 中国抽纱品出口联营公司上海分公司
China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporationназв.комп. 中国对外贸易运输总公司
China National Instruments Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国仪器进出口公司
China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国轻工业产品进出口公司
China National Machinery & Equipment Impot & Export Corporation Shanghai Branchназв.комп. 中国机械设备进出口公司上海市分公司
China National Machinery Import & Export Corporation Shanghai Branchназв.комп. 中国机械进出口公司上海市分公司
China National Medicines and Health Products Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国医药保健品进出口公司
China National metals & Minerals Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国五金矿产进出口公司
China National Native Produce & Animal Byproducts Import & Export Corporation, Shanghai Native produce Branchназв.комп. 中国土畜产进出口公司上海土产公司
China National New Building Materials Corporationназв.комп. 中国新型建筑材料公司
China National Offshore Oil Corporationназв.комп. 中国海洋石油总公司
China National Packaging Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国包装进出口公司
China National Publications Import & Export Corporationназв.комп. 中国图书进出口总公司
China National Publishing Industry Trading Corporationназв.комп. 中国出版对外贸易总公司
China National Seed Corporationназв.комп. 中国种子公司
China National Stamp Corporationназв.комп. 中国邮票总公司
China National Standard中华人民共和国国家标准
China National Technical Import Corporationназв.комп. 中国技术进口公司
China National Textiles Import & Export Corporation, Shanghai Garments Branchназв.комп. 中国纺织品进出公司上海市服装公司
China National Textiles Import & Export Corporation, Shanghai Knitwear Branchназв.комп. 中国纺织品进出口公司上海市针织品分公司
China National Tree Seed Corporationназв.комп. 中国林木种子公司
China North Industries Corporation Exhibition and Promotion Divisionназв.комп. 中国北方工业公司展览广告部
China Nuclear Energy Industry Corporationназв.комп. 中国原子能工业公司
China Ocean Shipping Agencyназв.комп. 中国外轮代理公司
China Ocean Shipping Companyназв.комп. 中国运洋运输公司
China Ocean Shipping Tally Companyназв.комп. 中国外轮理货总公司
China Packing Corporationназв.комп. 中国包装公司
China Petrochemical International Companyназв.комп. 中国石化国际事业公司
China Products Bo. Ltdназв.комп. 中国国货公司
China Record Companyназв.комп. 中国唱片公司
China's trade withM 中国对M贸易
China Scientific Instrument & Materials Corporationназв.комп. 中国科学器材公司
China Service Corp, for Chinese Personnel Working Abroadназв.комп. 中国出国人员服务公司
China Shipbuilding Trading Company Limitedназв.комп. 中国船舶工业贸易公司
China Shipbuilding Trading Corporationназв.комп. 中国船舶工业贸易公司
China Sichuan Corp, for International Techno-Economic Corporationназв.комп. 中国四川国际经济技术合作公司
China Silk Corporationназв.комп. 中国丝绸公司
China South-West Energy Resources United Development Corporationназв.комп. 中国西南能源联合开发总公司
China State Shipbuilding Corporationназв.комп. 中国船舶工业总公司
China telecommunication Broadcast Satellite Corporation中国卫通
China Television Play International Cooperation Corporationназв.комп. 中国电视剧国际合作公司
China Towing Companyназв.комп. 中国拖轮公两
China Translation and Publishing Corporationназв.комп. 中国对外翻译出版公司
China United Electric Exp Corporationназв.комп. 中国电气出口联营公司
China Xiao Feng Technical & Equipment Corporationназв.комп. 中国晓峰技术设备公司
English China Clay Group英国瓷土集团〔公司〕
English China Clays Ltd.英国瓷土公司
Excuse me, are you Mr. Li Hua from China? I'm Stewart from American Travel Service打扰一下,您是中国来的李华先生吗?我是美国旅行社的斯图尔特
For brands that do not fall into the luxury category, like Adidas, expansion elsewhere in China can sometimes be difficult像阿迪达斯这样的非奢侈品品牌,在中国其他地方扩张可能会比较困难
foreign nationals in China在华外籍侨民
Good morning, we have bought three tickets from Air China. Do I have to make a reconfirmation?早上好!我们在国航买了三张机票,需要再确认吗?
How can I get to the connecting flight counter of China airline?我如何找到中国航空公司办理转机的柜台?
Humanity Science Development Corp of Chinaназв.комп. 中国人文科学发展公司
I plan to stay for about 10 days. I'm just passing through. I am leaving for China预计停留约 10 天。我只是过境而已。很快就要动身前往中国
I want to ask that if a third-country national can apply in China? Can I apply for a nonimmigrant visa here in China instead of returning to my home country?请问,第三国公民可以在中国申请签证吗?在中国申请非移民签证,而不是回到我的祖国申请?
In the west, you have your own plate of food, while in China, plates are placed on the table and everyone shares西餐中,人人都有自己的盘子,吃中餐时,盘子是放在桌子上大家公用的
It is common in China for an applicant to have relatives in other countries or a petition to immigrate on file. These factors by themselves will not necessarily prevent approval of your application中国申请人有亲戚在国外或者正申请移民是很常见的。这类情况不会妨碍你获得批准
It praises the picturesque landscape of China它赞美了中国的大好河山
Let me see what s available... Yes, Air China has a flight on March 28 th at 7:30 pm, besides, the United also has a flight at 9:00 am让我查一查余票。中国国航有一班3月28日晚上7点30分起飞的飞机。美联航也有一班,早上九点起飞
made in China中国制造
make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China洋为中用
make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China古为今用
National Day of China国庆节10 月 1 日
Our roadsters are selling well in China and in some European countries. I’m sure you'll have a ready market at your end我们的敞篷车在中国和一些欧洲国家销路很好,我保证在贵方市场上也会畅销
Since China joined the WTO, both chances and challenges have been brought about to our country's plastic and rubber industries我国加入世贸组织为塑料、橡胶行业的发展带来了机遇和挑战
the Animal and plant Quarantine Service of the People’s Republic of Chinaназв.комп. 中华人民共和国动植物检疫所
The appearance of jiaozi looks like the V-shape gold or silver ingot used as money in ancient China饺子的夕卜形就像是V字形的金银元宝,就是中国古代的钱
the Communist Youth League of China中国共产主义青年团
the People's Insurance Company of Chinaназв.комп. 中国人民保险公荀
The town of Jingde, one of the four famous towns in ancient China, is famous for chinaware景德镇因瓷器而闻名,为中国古代四大名镇之一
the US China policy美国的对华政策
To I'd like to make a person-to-person call to Beijing, China. The number is 6634-6972, and I want to speak to Mr. Qin我想打一个通到中国北京的叫人电话,号码是6634-6972,找秦先生
vitreous china玻璃似的陶瓷
We are taking CA0001 for Beijing, China. Could you please tell me which gate I should get on board?我们要乘 CA0001前往中国北京,请问应该在几号登机口登机?
We do not require reconfirmation of existing reservation for onward or return Air China flight对于已订妥成行的机票或者回程航班,无须再次确认
We've got different kinds of typical Chinese arts and crafts, such as cloisonne, lacquerware, jadeware, bamboo carvings and China painting我们这儿有许多不同种类的经典中国工艺品,比如景泰蓝、瓷器、漆器、玉器、竹器和中国画
Where is the boarding gate for China Eastern Airlines MU173?中国东航 MU173 登机口在哪里?