
Terms for subject Pharmacology containing Children | all forms | exact matches only
adsorbed diphtheria and tetanus vaccine for children吸附白喉、破伤风联合疫苗儿童用 (生物制品)
Aspirin Regimen Bayer Children's Chewable拜尔阿司匹林儿童咀嚼片 (阿司匹林 (aspirin) 咀嚼片剂商品名;解热镇痛药)
Bayer Cough Syrup Children拜尔儿童止咳糖浆 (盐酸苯丙醇胺和氢漠酸右美沙芬等所制糖浆剂商品名;镇咳药)
Children Chewable Multivitamins小施尔康 (多种维生素-多种微量元素 (multivitamins and multimicroelement) 滴剂、咀嚼片剂商品名;营养药)
Children' s Coltalin儿童幸福伤风素 (儿童复方氨酚肾素 (pediatric compound paracetamol and phenylephrine) 片剂商品名;解热镇痛药)
Children' s Coltalin儿童科达琳
Children's Elixsure儿童退热混悬液 (布洛芬 (ibuprofen) 口服液商品名;抗炎镇痛药)
Children' s Feverall儿童退热镇痛栓 (对乙酰氨基酚 (paracetamol) 栓剂商品名;解热镇痛药)
Children' s Motrin Suspension美林混悬液 (布洛芬 (ibuprofen) 口服混悬液商品名;抗炎镇痛药)
Children' s Motrin Suspension Drops美林混悬滴剂 (布洛芬 (ibuprofen) 混悬滴剂商品名;抗炎镇痛药)
Children' s No-Aspirin Tablets儿童非阿司匹林解热镇痛片 (对乙酰氨基酚 (paracetamol) 片剂商品名;解热镇痛药)
Gelomyrtol Forte Children强力稀化黏素 (标准桃金娘油 (myrtol standardized) 肠溶胶囊剂商品名;祛痰药)
Gelomyrtol Forte Children儿童装吉诺通
Madame Pearl's Cough Syrup for Children珮夫人小儿止咳露 (海葱流浸膏等中西药 (extract scilla maritima liquidum etc.) 糖浆剂商品名;镇咳药)
Pholcotussin Children Syrup欧博士小儿止咳露 (复方福尔可定 (compound pholcodine) 糖浆剂商品名;镇咳药)
Photifed-M Children Cough Syrup澳特斯 (复方福尔可定 (compound pholcodine) 糖浆剂商品名;镇咳祛痰药)
Photifed-M Children Cough Syrup澳特斯小儿止咳糖浆
Tylenol Children's泰诺儿童感冒口服液 (对乙酰氨基酚、右美沙芬、氯苯那敏及伪麻黄碱所制口服液商品名;解热镇痛药)
Tylenol Children's Cold & Cough Liquid泰诺儿童感冒口服溶液 (乙酰氨基酚、盐酸伪麻黄碱、氢溴酸右美沙芬和马来酸氯苯那敏所制口服液商品名;解热镇痛药)
Tylenol Children's Cold & Cough Liquid泰诺酚麻美敏口服液
Tylenol Children's Elixir儿童泰诺酏剂 (对乙酰氨基酚 (paracetamol) 酏剂商品名;解热镇痛药)
Tylenol Children's Fever Liquid泰诺儿童退热口服液 (对乙酰氨基酚 (paracetamol) 口服液商品名;解热镇痛药)