
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing COREX | all forms | exact matches only
COREX export gasCOREX 输出煤气 (The top gas is cooled and cleaned in a scrubber and is then available as a highly valuable COREX export gas suitable for a wide range of applications, including: (1) power generation ;(2) production of DRI; (3) gas for blast furnace injection ;(4) heating purposes within an iron and steel complex; (5) steam generation; (6)production of synthesis gas; (7)raw material drying. 将炉顶煤气冷却并在煤气洗涤塔中净化,然后即可获得高价值的 COREX 输出煤气。它具有广泛的用途,包括:①发电;②生产直接还原铁;③高炉喷吹用煤气;④在钢铁联合企业用于加热;⑤生产蒸汽;⑥生产合成气体;⑦用于原料干燥。)
Corex plantCorex 法熔融还原厂
Corex plantCorex 厂
COREX plantCOREX 炼铁厂 (In a new form of application the symbiosis of COREX plants and blast furnaces will be to the benefit of both technologies when injecting COREX export gas into the blast furnace. 在 COREX 炼铁设备和高炉并存应用的新模式方面,将 COREX 煤气喷入高炉对这两种工艺来说都是有益的。)
COREX plantCOREX 炼铁设备
Corex processCorex 熔融还原法
COREX processCOREX 炼铁法 (【技】由 KORF 公司和 VOEST-ALPINE 公司联合开发的一种非焦炼铁的熔融还原炼铁工艺。其前身为 KR 炼铁法。 COREX 炼铁法是为数不多已实现大型工业化生产的熔融还原工艺,所生产的铁水质量与高炉铁水基本相同。具有以煤代焦、污染较小、操作灵活、控制简便等优点。对于缺乏炼焦煤而又能充分利用外排煤气的地方,该工艺具有较强的优势。)
Corex processCorex 法
COREX processCOREX 炼铁工艺
COREX technologyCOREX 炼铁技术 (So far the COREX technology has remained the only industrially and economically proven alternative to the blast furnace, and is further enlarging its technological lead to competing alternative technologies because of permanent practical experiences gained from existing plants in operation together with continuing extensive research work. 到目前为止, 炼铁技术依然是唯一经过证明能进行工业化规模生产、能经济地取代高炉的一项炼铁技术。由于它会从正在运行中的工厂不断地积累实际经验和持之以恒地进行大量研究;因而相对于其他具有竞争性的可替代高炉的技术而言;它的技术主导地位正进一步得到加强。)
Corex unitCorex 设备
Corex unitCorex 法熔融还原设备
COREX unitCOREX 炼铁设备 【装置】 (The proposed plant will use two COREX units, supplied by Voest-Alpine; an oxygen converter; and two thin-slab casters. 这座拟建的钢厂将使用两套奥钢联供货的)