
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing CO₂ | all forms | in specified order only
Calls for drastic action have bee made within the last decade in order to achieve stabilization of CO₂ levels at around 550 ppm twice the preindustrial era levels过去的十年、为了让二氧化碳在大气中的含量稳定在550 * 10⁻⁶、有人呼吁采取极端的行动
CO₂ emissions are found from the extraction, refining and transport of diesel fuel柴油燃料在开采、提炼和运输过程中会产生二氧化碳
CO₂ emissions from ammonia production are found both in the combustion of a proportion of the gas to provide process heat and from the reforming of the feedstock gas to provide ammonia synthesis gas人们发现、氨生产过程中释放的二氧化碳一部分是来自提供热量的气体燃烧、另一部分来自于提供氨合成气所需的原料气的制备过程中
However, the use of biofuels instead of fossil fuels in explosives would result in lower overall CO₂ emissions, as the biofuel growth phase removes an equivalent amount of CO₂ from the atmosphere然而、制造炸药使用生物燃料代替化石燃料的结果、会使二氧化碳的整体排量降低、因为生物燃料在生长期从大气中消除同样当量的二氧化碳
Some plants will combust a portion of the gas supply to provide process heat leading to farther onsite CO₂ emissions, while others may employ electricity or other sources of energy as an一部分煤气被一些工厂燃烧以提供过程热、结果导致现场二氧化碳排放量进一步增加、而其他工厂可能用电或其他能源作为替代
The likely GHGs from detonation that require consideration are CO₂, CH₄ and possibly N₂O需要考量的是爆破可能产生的温室气体、包括二氧化碳、甲烷、可能还有一氧化二氮