
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing Box | all forms | exact matches only
air junction box气缆连接盒
box and pin内外螺纹
box auger套筒式螺旋钻
box bill打捞锚爪
box-box connection双内螺纹接头
box compass罗盘仪
box corer盒式取心器
box coupling套筒联轴节
box coupling接箍
box end母螺纹【箱式】端
box fold箱式褶皱
box frame箱形框架
box girder箱形大梁
box girder空心梁
box header boxing集管箱环焊
box keel箱形龙骨
box-like pore盒状孔隙
box loop箱形天线
box-on-box type substructure箱叠式底座
box tap打捞母锥
box thread内螺纹
box-thread bit内螺纹钻头
box-thread bit内螺纹接头钻头
box tong space内接头上打大钳处
box type bit内接头的钻头
box-type dryer箱式干燥器
box type furnace箱式加热炉
box type heater箱式加热炉
box type substructure箱式底座
breakout box转接器
burner box燃烧器壳
burner box火嘴箱
cable change-over box电缆转接箱
casing head stuffing box套管头填料盒
change gear box挂轮箱
change gear box变换齿轮箱
change speed gear box变速齿轮箱
channel box管箱
cheese box still立式圆筒形蒸馏釜
clean-out box排污箱
compound chain box链条并车箱
condenser box冷凝器箱
conductor box井口木制导管
connection box接线匣
control box控制箱
control box stand控制操纵台
core box岩心盒
coupling box分线箱
coupling box连接器箱
coupling box电缆连接套管
crank box曲柄箱
crimp box卷曲箱
dehydration box脱水箱
distributor box分配箱
double box joint collar双母接头钻铤
double-box tubing landing collar双母油管座箍
drill pipe box and pin钻杆外内螺纹
drilling fluid cushion box钻井液缓冲盒
driving gear box传动箱
dry box method干箱法 (氧化铁法除气体中硫化氢)
dry-box underwater welding水下干箱焊接
dump box卸料箱
dump box倒泄池
explosive box炸药箱
feeder box分线箱
filter box滤箱
fire box火箱
free box wrench活套筒扳手
freeze box防冻套管
freeze-proof box防冻盒
gear box齿轮减速箱
gear box oil齿轮箱油
gear box ratio齿轮箱传动比
germ-free box无菌箱
gland box填料箱
gland box填料函
grease box黄油箱
grease box黄油盒
header box联管箱
header box汇流箱
impression box印模
interface box接口盒
joint box分线盒
joint box电缆分线箱
joint shaft box铰接轴内螺纹接头
junction box连接盒
junction box接线箱
labyrinth box迷宫式密封箱
look box观察箱 (用于取样)
loop box积带箱
mud cushion box泥浆缓冲盒
offset box wrench偏头套筒扳手
oil box润滑油盒
packing box盘根盒
packing box flange填料函法兰
paddle box明轮罩
piled box type substructure箱叠式底座
plug box插塞盒
polished rod stuffing box光杆密封填料盒
post-office box邮政信箱
proof box保险箱
pump box泵箱
railway journal box grease铁路车轴润滑脂
ratchet box棘轮箱
readout box读数显示箱
reducing gear box减速箱
right-angle gear box直角传动箱
road box道路阀井
safety box安全吊架
sand box脱水除砂槽
screw box螺丝盒
sectional box dock分节浮坞
sediment box沉降箱
sediment box沉淀箱
settling box沉降箱
shaft box轴箱
shutter box test百叶窗箱试验
sliding-mesh gear-box滑动齿轮变速箱
sludge box沉降箱
soundproof box隔音箱
speed box变速器
splash box防溅盒
splice box连接箱
strainer box吸口上滤罩
stuffing box盘根盒
stuffing box填料函法兰
stuffing box防喷盒
stuffing box bushing填料盒衬套
stuffing box bushing盘根盒衬套
stuffing box casing head盘根盒式套管头
stuffing box expansion joint填料函式膨胀补偿器
stuffing box gland填料函压盖
stuffing box grease injector盘根密封脂注入器
stuffing box insert填料盒衬套
stuffing box insert盘根盒衬套
stuffing box lubricator填料式防喷管
tool joint box钻杆内接头
transmission gear box传动齿轮箱
valve box阀组
vertical box type heater立式箱型炉
volt box分压箱
wagon box车箱
washing box洗涤箱