
Terms for subject United Nations containing Border | all forms | exact matches only
Aerial photography of the border对边境区域的空中照相
border crossing point边境跨越点
cross-border pollution跨界污染
Curtain of troops along the borders (Idea in SG’s report帏幕
definitive 1:25,000 scale map of the border region construction of the绘制比例尺1:25 000边境图
Delimitation and demarcation of the border边界划定和标定
State Border Service SBS国家边防局
State Border Service SBS国家边境服务局
suspend the closure of the border暂不封锁边界
Trust Funds for Mine Action, for Quick-Impact Projects, and for the Delimitation and Demarcation of the Border排雷行动信托基金、速效项目及划定和标定边界 (wrong translation para.22 s/2002/744)
United Nations Trust Fund for the Delimitation and Demarcation of the Border联合国边界划定和标定信托基金