
Terms for subject Finances containing BILLS | all forms | exact matches only
agency bills代理期票
amount billed账单开列的金额
application for retirement of bills赎票申请书
banker's long bills drawn for the purpose of raising money通融票据
bills and accounts payable应付款项
bills department押汇部
bills discounted with collateral securities附担保的贴现票据
bills discounted with collateral securities有抵押品的贴现票据
bills drawn under letter of credit附有信用证的汇票
bills payable account应付票据帐户
bills payable book应付票据帐簿
bills payable 15 days after date出票后十五日支付
bills payable in cash现付票据
bills payable on... days after sight见票后..…曰付
bills payable on... month after date出票后……月付
bills receivable book收款单
bills receivable book应收票据
bills receivable register应收票据帐簿
bills rediscounted account再贴规票据帐户
bills under letter of credit附有信用证的汇票
bills under letter of instruction附通知书汇票
bills unprovided for未支付的票据
charges on bills for collection代收票据手续费
clean up past-due bills清理逾期票据
clearing house due bills清算所到期票据
collection book for bills票据回收款簿
contingent debts arising from discounted commercial acceptance bills of exchange已贴现商业承兑汇票形成的或有负债
Convention on a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes《汇票及本票统一法公约》
Convention on International Bill of Exchange and International Promissory Note of the United Nations《联合国国际汇票和国际本票公约》 (简称"《国际汇票本票公约》")
credit in bills票据债权
deficiency bills通融证券
discount on bills bought买人票据贴现
discount on bills sold售出票据贴现
discount on short-term bills payable应付短期票据贴现
documentary bill for negotiation押汇票据兑现
dollar acceptance bills美元承兑票据
foreign bank bills外国汇票
foreign bill for negotiation外国议付汇票
foreign bills payable应付外国票据汇票
foreign bills receivable应收外国票据汇票
foreign bills sold售出外国票据汇票
fund for redemption of treasury bills国库券偿还基金
holder of a bill of lading提单持单人
inter-bank financing bills银行同业融资票据
liability on bills of exchange期票债契
long bills issued in the operation of lending foreign money外币贷款票据
medical bills医疗费用
notes and bills receivable discounted已贴现应收票据
outward documentary bills出口押汇
portfolio of bills期票总存量
ratio of checks and bills to total deposits支票及票据对存款总额比率
reduce holdings of discounted bills减少贴现票据的持有量
sale of bills票据岀售
set of bills成套汇票
set of bills一组汇票
set of bills of lading一组提单
shipments billed above cost发货计价高于成本
shipments billed at cost发货以成本计价
short dated bills短期汇票
usance bankers'bill远期银行汇票
usance bill rate远期汇票价格