
Terms containing Asian | all forms | exact matches only
UNAction Plan for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the East Asian Seas保护和开发东亚海洋环境和沿海区行动计划
China, polit.Additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Asian-Pacific Postal Union亚洲太平洋邮政联盟组织法附加议定书
UN, ecol.Advisory Council, Asian Statistical Institute亚洲统计研究所咨询理事会
busin.AFRASEC Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Co-operation亚非经济合作组织
exhib.Afro-Asian conference亚非国家会议
econ.Afro-Asian Conference亚非会议
commer.Afro-Asian for Economic Cooperation亚非经济合作组织
sport.Afro-Asian Games亚非运动会
interntl.trade.Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation亚非经济合作组织
org.name.Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation非亚经济合作组织
econ.Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation非一亚【亚非】经济合作组织
org.name.Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization非亚人民团结组织
org.name.Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization亚非人民团结组织
org.name.Afro-Asian Rural Reconstruction Organization亚洲农业复兴组织
org.name.Afro-Asian Rural Reconstruction Organization亚非农村复兴组织
spaceAfro-Asian satellite communication system亚非卫星通信系统 (印度)
China, polit.Agreement Establishing the Asian Development Bank建立亚洲开发银行协定
China, polit.Agreement Establishing the Asian Reinsurance Corporation设立亚洲再保险公司的协定
econ.an Asian-dollar market亚洲美元市场
skydive.Asian Aeronautic Sport Federation亚洲航空运动联合会
tab.tenn.Asian African Latin-American Table Tennis Friendship International Tournament亚非拉乒乓球友好邀请赛
org.name.Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee非洲法律咨询委员会
tech.Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee亚非法律咨询委员会
sport.Asian Alpine Federation亚洲登山运动联合会
sport, bask.Asian Amateur Basketball Federation亚洲业余篮球联合会
box.Asian Amateur Boxing Federation亚洲业余拳击联合会
fin.Asian and emerging markets strategist亚洲及新兴市场策略师
securit.Asian and Oceanian Stock Exchange Federation亚洲和大洋洲证券交易所联盟
fin.Asian and Oceanian Stock Exchanges Federation亚洲及大洋洲证券交易所联会
UN, ecol.Asian and Pacific Aviation Pool亚洲及太平洋航空合作
org.name.Asian and Pacific Coconut Community亚太区域椰子共同体
UN, polit.Asian and Pacific Convention on Rehabilitation亚太康复会议
earth.sc.Asian and Pacific Council亚洲和太平洋地区理事会
org.name.Asian and Pacific Council亚太理事会
exhib.Asian and Pacific Council亚洲及太平洋理事会简称亚太理事会
avia.Asian and Pacific Council亚洲与太平洋理事会
earth.sc.Asian and Pacific Development Center亚洲和太平洋地区发展中心
org.name.Asian and Pacific Development Centre亚太区域发展中心
earth.sc.Asian and Pacific Development Institute亚洲和太平洋地区开发研究所泰国
econ.Asian and Pacific Energy Studies Consultative Group亚太地区能源研究咨询组织
UN, polit.Asian and Pacific Ministerial Conference in Preparation for the World Summit for Social Development社会发展问题世界首脑会议亚太部长级筹备会议
UN, polit.Asian and Pacific Population Conference亚太人口会议
fin.Asian and Pacific Regional Agricultural Credit Association亚洲太平洋地区农业信贷协会 (简称"亚太农协",是一个地区性农业信贷合作组织,成立于1977年,秘书处设在泰国曼谷)
busin.Asian and Pacific regions亚太地区
earth.sc.Asian and Pacific Studies Consultative Group亚洲和太平洋地区能源研究咨询组织
org.name.Asian Association of Agricultural Colleges and Universities亚洲农业院校联合会
exhib., org.name.Asian Association of Convention and Visitor Bureaus亚洲会展与旅游管理局协会
manag.Asian Association of Management Organization亚洲管理组织协会
UN, polit.Asian Association on Remote Sensing亚洲遥感协会
sport.Asian Athletic Association亚洲田径联合会 (AAA)
anim.husb.Asian-Australian Animal Production Societies亚澳动物生产协会
tech.Asian-Australian-Pacific realm亚澳太平洋大区系
badm.Asian Badminton Confederation亚洲羽毛球联合会
tab.tenn.Asian Badminton Federation主队队员抽签代号
sport.Asian Badminton Federation亚洲羽毛球联合会
fin.Asian bank syndication market亚洲银团市场
ichtyol.Asian barbs无须鲃属 Puntius (spp.)
sport, bask.Asian Basketball Championship亚洲篮球锦标赛
desert.Asian bittersweet南蛇藤
biol.Asian bluebells滨辫庆亚洲滨紫草,Mertensia asiatica Macbr.,紫草科
biol.Asian bluebells滨瓣灰亚洲滨紫草,Mertensia asiatica Macbr.,紫草科
securit.Asian Bond ETF亚洲债券交易所交易基金
securit.Asian Bond ETF亚洲债券 ETF
fin.Asian Bond Fund亚洲债券基金
box.Asian Boxing Union亚洲拳击联合会
el.Asian Broadcasting Union亚洲广播联盟
UNAsian brown cloud亚洲褐云
UN, polit.Asian Bulk Transport and Handling Conference亚洲散装运输和装卸会议
avia.Asian Business Aviation Conference and Exhibition亚洲航空公务和展览交易会
exhib., org.name.Asian Business Development, Inc.亚洲商业发展公司
el.Asian Business Exposition亚洲贸易展览会
biol.Asian butterfly bush驳骨丹 (Buddleia asiatica Lour.,马钱科)
row.Asian Canoe Federation亚洲皮划艇联合会
securit.Asian CD亚洲存款证明
earth.sc.Asian Center for Development Administration ESCAP亚洲开发管理中心联合国亚洲及太平洋经济与社会委员会
org.name.Asian Centre for Development Administration亚洲发展行政管理中心
sport.Asian champion亚洲冠军
voll.Asian Championship亚洲锦标赛
textileAsian Chemical Fiber Industries Federation亚洲化学纤维工业联合会
chess.term.Asian Chess Federation亚洲国际象棋联合会
ichtyol.Asian clam河蚬 Corbicula fluminea
commer.Asian Clearing Dollar亚洲清算货币
earth.sc.Asian Clearing Dollar亚洲决算货币
org.name.Asian Clearing Union亚洲票据交换所
fin.Asian Clearing Union亚洲清算联盟 (一个区域性的多边贸易清算机构,成立于1974年,现有7个成员国:伊朗、印度、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡、孟加拉、尼泊尔和缅甸。总部设在德黑兰)
UN, ecol.Asian Clearing Union亚洲清算联盟
commer.Asian Clearing Union亚洲清算联盟 (1974年成立)
footb.Asian Club Championship亚洲俱乐部冠军赛
econ.Asian Common Market亚洲共同市场
commer.Asian Common Market, Arab Common Market, Andes Common Market亚洲阿拉伯,安第斯共同市场
fin.Asian Confederation of Credit Unions亚洲信贷联盟联合会 (区域性金融合作组织,总部设在泰国曼谷)
ecol.Asian Conference on Disaster Reduction亚洲减灾大会
UN, polit.Asian Conference on Remote Sensing亚洲遥感会议
earth.sc.Asian Council of Industrial Development亚洲工业发展理事会
econ.Asian countries亚洲国家
tab.tenn.Asian Cup亚洲杯
footb.Asian Cup亚洲杯足球赛
badm.Asian Cup Badminton亚洲杯羽毛球赛
footb.Asian Cup Winner's Cup亚洲优胜者杯赛
fin.Asian currencies亚洲货币
fin.Asian currency account亚洲货币账户
busin.Asian currency account亚洲通货账户
econ.Asian Currency Licence新加坡发给经营亚洲美元业务银行的亚洲货币执照
IMF.Asian Currency Unit亚洲货币单位
securit.Asian currency units亚元
securit.Asian currency units亚洲货币单位
earth.sc.Asian Current Unit亚洲货币单位
cyc.sportAsian Cycling Federation亚洲自行车运动联合会
sport.Asian Cycling Federation亚洲自行车联合会
desert.Asian desert亚洲沙漠
desert.Asian desert warbler漠林莺北非沙漠,阿拉伯半岛沙漠、中国荒漠.
desert.Asian desert warbler漠林莺
securit.Asian Development Bank亚洲开发银行 (ADB)
fin.Asian Development Bank亚洲开发银行 (亚洲和太平洋地区的区域性金融机构,成立于1966年,总部设在菲律宾首都马尼拉)
IMF.Asian Development Bank亚行
tech.Asian Development Bank亚州开发银行
interntl.trade.Asian Development Bank亚洲开发银行 (ASDB)
comp.name.Asian Development Bank亚洲发展银行
gen.Asian Development Bank亚洲开发银行
fin.Asian Development Bank loan亚洲开发银行贷款
earth.sc.Asian Development Center Philippines亚洲开发中心菲律宾
tech.Asian Development Center亚州开发中心
gen.Asian Development Centre亚洲开发中心
tech.Asian Development Fund亚州开发基金
IMF.Asian Development Fund亚洲开发基金
gen.Asian Development Fund亚洲开发基会
org.name.Asian Development Institute亚洲发展研究所
tech.Asian Development Institute亚州开发研究所
earth.sc.Asian Development Institutes亚洲开发研究所
UN, polit.Asian Disaster Preparedness Center亚洲防灾中心
org.name.Asian Disaster Reduction Center亚洲减灾中心
IMF.Asian Division亚洲处
IMF.Asian dollar亚洲美元
busin.Asian dollar亚洲美元指亚太地区一些银行持有的境外美元及可兑换货币的总称
interntl.trade.Asian Dollar, Asiadollar亚洲美元
commer.Asian Dollar Bond亚洲美元债券
fin.Asian-dollar bond亚洲美元债券
busin.Asian-dollar bond亚洲美元债务
securit.Asian dollar bond market亚洲美元证券市场
interntl.trade.Asian-dollar bonds亚洲美元债券
commer.Asian Dollar CDs亚洲美元可转让定期存单
fin.Asian-dollar credit market亚洲美元信贷市场
interntl.trade.Asian-dollar market亚洲美元市场
securit.Asian dollar market亚洲美元市场
fin.Asian-dollar market credit亚洲美元市场信贷
securit.Asian dollar rate亚洲美元利率
econ.Asian dollars亚洲美元
desert.Asian dowitcher半蹼鹬
sport.Asian Dragon Boat Federation亚洲龙舟联合会
biol.Asian dryad亚洲仙女木多瓣木,Dryas octo petala L. var. asiatica Nakai,蔷薇科
anim.husb.Asian dunegrass钝基草
anim.husb.Asian dunegrass帖木儿草 (Timouria saposhnikowii Roshev.)
anim.husb.Asian dunegrass沙丘草
earth.sc.Asian Economic Conference亚洲经济会议
earth.sc.Asian Economic Cooperation亚洲经济合作
fin.Asian economic crisis in 19971997 年亚洲经济危机
commer.Asian Economic Development Fund亚洲经济开发基金
earth.sc.Asian Economic Development Fund亚洲经济发展基金
earth.sc.Asian Economic Seminar亚洲经济讨论会
ecol.Asian Elephant Protection Program in Xishuangbanna西双版纳亚洲象保护项目
ecol.Asian Elephant Protection Programme in Xishuangbanna西双版纳亚洲象保护项目
environ.Asian Environment Council亚洲环保理事会
earth.sc.Asian Environment Council亚洲环境理事会
el.Asian environment information network亚洲环境信息网络
earth.sc.Asian Environmental Society亚洲环境学会
equest.sp.Asian Equestrian Federation亚洲马术联合会
avia.Asian Express Airlines澳大利亚亚细安快运航空公司 (Cargo)
sport.Asian Federation of Modern Pentathlon and Biathlon亚洲现代五项冬季两项联合会
sport.Asian Federation of Sports Medicine亚洲运动医学联合会
ecol.Asian financial crisis亚洲金融危机1997—1998
fin.Asian financial crisis亚洲金融危机 (1997 - 1998)
securit.Asian financial crisis亚洲金融危机
securit.Asian financial turmoil亚洲金融动荡
org.name.Asian Fisheries Society亚洲渔业学会
dermat.Asian flu亚洲流行性感冒
footb.Asian Football Confederation亚洲足球联合会
org.name.Asian Forestry Education Network亚洲林业教育网络
earth.sc.Asian Foundation亚洲基金会
sport.Asian Games亚洲运动会
sport.Asian Games亚运会
sport.Asian Games Federation亚洲运动联合会
sport.Asian Games Federation亚运会联合会
footb.Asian Games Soccer Tournament亚运会足球赛
sport.Asian Games Village亚运村
desert.Asian garden dormouse黑园睡鼠
desert.Asian garden dormouse黑尾山鼠
earth.sc.Asian Geotechnical Engineering亚洲岩土工程
skydive.Asian Gliding Federation亚洲滑翔运动联合会
tech.Asian golden cat东南亚产的金猫
golf.Asian Golf Federation亚洲高尔夫球联合会
gymn.Asian Gymnastic Confederation亚洲体操联合会
gymn.Asian Gymnastic Union亚洲体操联盟
sport.Asian Gymnastics Confederation亚洲体操联盟
UN, polit.Asian Highway Agreement亚洲公路网政府间协定
UN, polit.Asian Highway Agreement亚洲公路协定
UN, ecol.Asian Highway Transport Technical Bureau亚洲公路运输技术局
sport.Asian Hockey Federation亚洲曲棍球联合会
sport.Asian Homing Pigeon Federation亚洲信鸽联合会
gen.Asian Homing Pigeon Federationголуб.гонк. 亚洲信鸽协会
desert.Asian house gecko横斑蜥虎
desert.Asian house shrew臭鼩
org.name.Asian Industrial Development Council亚洲工业发展理事会
earth.sc.Asian Information Center for Geotechnical Engineering亚洲岩土工程技术信息中心
earth.sc.Asian Information Center for Geotechnical Engineering亚洲岩土工程信息中心
gen.Asian Information Center for Geotechnical Engineering亚洲岩土工程情报中心泰国
fin.Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank亚洲基础设施投资银行 (2013 年10月,中国国家主席习近平在访问印度尼西亚时提出了筹建亚洲基础设施投资银行(简称"亚投行")的倡议,并表示愿向包括东盟国家在内的本地区发展中国家基础设施建设提供资金。到2014年6月底为止,中东及亚洲逾30个国家都对此表达了兴趣。目前,该行正在积极筹备中)
earth.sc.Asian Institute for Economic Development and Planning亚洲经济发展和规划研究所
earth.sc.Asian Institute of Technology Thailand亚洲理工学院
org.name.Asian Institute of Technology亚洲理工学院
gen.Asian Institute of Technology亚洲工学院泰国
earth.sc.Asian International Acceptances & Capital Limited亚洲国际资金有限公司德国,设在香港
earth.sc.Asian International Cooperation Agency亚洲国际合作机构
securit.Asian international currency market亚洲国际货币市场
UN, polit.Asian International Silk Fair亚洲国际丝绸博览会
el.Asian Internet Associate Symposium亚洲因特网同行研讨会
sport.Asian Judo Union亚洲柔道联合会
sport.Asian Karate Union亚洲空手道联合会
ITAsian language services亚洲语言服务
sport.Asian League亚洲冰球联赛 (Ice Hockey)
sport.Asian League亚洲冰球联盟 (Ice Hockey)
sport.Asian League Ice Hockey亚洲冰球联赛
sport.Asian League Ice Hockey亚洲冰球联盟
navig.Asian Logistic Service亚洲后勤服务中心
ecol.Asian long-horned beetle亚洲天牛
sport.Asian mark亚洲纪录
desert.Asian meadowsweet三裂绣线菊
footb.Asian Middle School Football Federation亚洲中学生足球联合会
fin.Asian miracle亚洲奇迹
el.Asian Mobile Electronic Service Alliance亚洲移动电话电子服务联盟
sport.Asian Modern Pentathlon and Biathlon Confederation亚洲现代五项和冬季两项联合会
IMF.Asian Monetary Unit亚洲货币单位
commer.Asian Monetary Unit亚洲货币单位 (亦用 ACU)
el.Asian Multimedia Forum亚洲多媒体论坛新加坡
UN, ecol.Asian Network for Industrial Information and Extension亚洲工业信息和推广网络
org.name.Asian Network on Bio and Organic Fertilizers亚洲生物有机肥料网
org.name.Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development亚洲农村改革和乡村发展非政府组织联盟
textileAsian Nonwovens Exhibition and Conference亚洲非织造布展览与会议
IMF.Asian noodle bowl亚洲面碗
el.Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development亚洲航空航天研究与发展局美国
fin.Asian option亚式期权 (又称"平均价格期权",是当今金融衍生品市场上交易最为活跃的奇异期权之一,其执行价格为执行目前半年二级市场股票价格的平均价格)
securit.Asian option亚洲式期权
libr.Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association美国亚太图书馆员协会
UN, polit.Asian-Pacific and Worldwide Documents on Population Topics亚太及世界人口专题文件
ITAsian Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team亚太地区计算机应急响应组
commer.Asian-Pacific Council亚太理事会
tech.Asian-Pacific Council亚洲太平洋理事会
met.Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization亚太经济合作组织
ecol.Asian-Pacific International Conference on Pollutants,Analysis and Control亚太污染物分析与控制国际会议
comp., net.Asian Pacific Internet Exchange亚太互联网交换中心
UN, ecol.Asian-Pacific Inter-organizational Task Force on Disability-related Concerns亚太残疾问题组织间工作队
ITAsian pacific network information center亚太网络信息中心
econ.Asian Pacific Oil and Gas Congress亚太地区石油天然气会议
UN, ecol.Asian-Pacific Parliamentarians Union亚太议员联盟
UN, polit.Asian Pacific Population Programme News亚太人口方案新闻
China, polit.Asian-Pacific Postal Convention亚洲太平洋邮政公约
org.name.Asian-Pacific Postal Union亚太区域邮政联盟
org.name.Asian-Pacific Postal Union亚洲-太平洋邮政联盟
securit.Asian Pacific Rim Economy环亚太经济圈
sport.Asian-Pacific Special Olympics亚洲及太平洋地区特殊奥林匹克运动会
anim.husb.Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society亚洲-太平洋杂草科学学会 (1967年在美国夏威夷成立)
skydive.Asian Parachuting Federation亚洲跳伞运动联合会
interntl.trade.Asian Payment Union亚洲清算同盟
econ.Asian Payment Union亚洲支付联盟
commer.Asian Payment Union亚洲清算联盟
desert.Asian pear沙梨
earth.sc.Asian Petroleum Co.亚洲石油公司
biol.Asian pigeon wings蝶豆蓝花豆,Clitoria ternata L.,豆科
biol.Asian pigeonwings蓝花豆羊豆,Clitoria ternata L.,豆科
geol.Asian plates亚洲板块
adv.Asian Press Organization亚洲新闻组织
manag.Asian Productivity Organization亚洲生产性组织
UN, ecol.Asian Productivity Organization亚洲生产力组织
earth.sc.Asian Productivity Organization亚洲生产率组织
UN, polit.Asian Railway master plan亚洲铁路总计划
sport.Asian record亚洲纪录
earth.sc.Asian Regional Coordinating Committee for Hydrology亚洲地区水文学协调委员会
earth.sc.Asian Regional Organization亚洲区域组织
earth.sc.Asian Regional Remote Sensing Training Centre Bangkok亚洲区域遥感培训中心泰国曼谷
UN, polit.Asian Regional Workshop on Industrial Cooperation and Trade Expansion through Buy-back Arrangements亚洲区域通过回购安排促进工业合作和贸易扩展讲习班
busin.Asian Reinsurance Company亚洲再保险公司
fin.Asian Reinsurance Corporation亚洲再保险公司 (区域性保险组织,成立于1979年,总部在泰国首都曼谷)
commer.Asian Reserve Bank亚洲储备银行
entomol.Asian rice gall midge稻瘿蚊 Pachydiplosis oryzae, Orseolia o.
interntl.trade.Asian Rice Trade Fund亚洲大米贸易基金
org.name.Asian Rice Trade Fund亚洲大米贸易基金会
row.Asian Rowing Federation亚洲赛艇联合会
sport.Asian school亚洲风格
ichtyol.Asian seabass尖吻鲈 Lates calcarifer
securit.Asian Securities' Analysts Council亚洲证券分析师协会
exhib.Asian Securities' Analysts Council亚洲证券分析员公会
securit.Asian Securities Analysts Council亚洲证券分析师协会
securit.Asian Securities Analysts Federation亚洲证券分析师联盟
UN, polit.Asian Seminar on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics亚洲民事登记和生命统计讨论会
biol.Asian service berry扶移东亚唐棣,Amelanchier asiatica Endl.,蔷薇科
interntl.trade.Asian Settlement Union亚洲清算同盟
shipb.Asian shipping line亚洲海运航线
shoot.Asian Shooting Confederation亚洲射击联合会
sport.Asian Sports Car Federation亚洲运动汽车联合会
sport.Asian Sports Press Union亚洲体育记者协会
sport.Asian sports world亚洲体育界
sport.Asian Sportswriters' Association亚洲体育记者协会
econ.Asian Standard Advisory Committee亚洲标准咨询委员会
earth.sc.Asian Standards Advisory Committee亚洲标准咨询委员会
fin.Asian stock market亚洲股市
securit.Asian style option亚洲式期权
footb.Asian Super Cup亚洲超级杯赛
ichtyol.Asian swamp eel黄鳝 Monopterus albus
el.Asian Symposium on Information Storage Technology亚洲信息存储技术研讨会
tab.tenn.Asian Table Tennis Championship亚洲乒乓球锦标赛
tab.tenn.Asian Table Tennis Federation亚洲乒乓球联合会
tab.tenn.Asian Table Tennis Union亚洲乒乓球联盟
sport.Asian Taekwondo Championships亚洲跆拳道锦标赛
sport.Asian Taekwondo Union亚洲跆拳道联盟
taekwondo.Asian Taekwondo Union亚洲跆拳道联盟
tenn.Asian Tennis Federation亚洲网球联合会
fin.Asian tigers亚洲四小龙 (指发展迅速并取得成功的亚洲的四个经济体:韩国、中国台湾、中国香港和新加坡)
econ.Asian Tigers亚洲四小龙
desert.Asian tortoise亚洲龟
sport.Asian Triathlon Confederation亚洲铁人三项联盟
agric.Asian varieties亚洲品种
voll.Asian Volleyball Federation亚洲排球联合会
life.sc.Asian water monitor巨蜥
sport.Asian Weightlifting Federation亚洲举重联合会
tech.Asian white birch桦树
life.sc.Asian white birch白桦
ecol.Asian white birch亚洲白桦
footb.Asian Women's Soccer Championship亚洲女子足球锦标赛
sport.Asian Wushu Federation亚洲武术联合会
chess.term.Asian Xiangqi Federation亚中国象棋联合会
footb.Asian Youth Football Tournament亚洲青年足球锦标赛
sport.Asian zone亚洲赛区
libr.Association for Asian Studies【美国】亚洲研究协会
adv.Association of Asian Journalists亚洲新闻工作者协会
org.name.Association of South East Asian Nation东南亚国家联盟
textileAssociation of South East Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟
earth.sc.Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning东南亚高等学术机构协会
commer.Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国际联盟
econ.association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟、 东盟该联盟创立于 1967 年,旨在促进其成员国之间的政治、经济和社会合作
busin.Association of South-East Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟
el.Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟
exhib.Association of South-East Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟东盟
exhib.Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟简称东盟
IMF.Association of Southeast Asian Nations东盟
fin.Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟 (简称"东盟",有10个成员国:菲律宾、马来西亚、泰国、文莱、新加坡、印度尼西亚、越南、缅甸、老挝和柬埔寨)
securit.Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚联盟
econ.Association of Southeast Asian Nations Council of Petroleum东南亚国家联盟石油委员会
econ.Association of Southeast Asian Nations Free Trade Area东南亚国家联盟自由贸易区
oilAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations Petroleum Security Agreement东南亚国家联盟石油安全协议
UN, polit.Association of Southeast Asian Nations plus China, Japan and the Republic of Korea东盟+3国中、日、韩
adv.Association of Southeast Asian Publishers东南业出版商协会
UN, polit.Bangkok Millennium Declaration on the Promotion of the Rights of People with Disabilities in the Asian and Pacific Region促进亚洲及太平洋区域残疾人权利曼谷千年宣言
earth.sc.Central Asian Foldbelt中亚褶皱带
desert.Central Asian plain中央亚细亚平原
desert.Central Asian red deer亚洲鹿
earth.sc.Central Asian Regional Research Hydrometeorological Institute中亚地区水文气象研究所原苏联
UN, policeCentral Asian Seminar on Transnational Organized Crime中亚跨国有组织犯罪问题讨论会
life.sc.central asian tortoise四爪陆龟
China, polit.Charter of the Asian and Pacific Development Centre亚洲和太平洋发展中心章程
interntl.trade.Commission of Asian and Far Eastern Affairs国际商会亚洲及远东事务委员会
econ.Commission of Asian and Far Eastern Affairs of the International Chamber of Commerce国际商会亚洲与远东事务委员会
gen.Commission on Asian and Far Eastern Affairs of the International Chamber of Commerce国际商会亚洲及远东事务委员会
earth.sc.Committee for Coordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in Asian Offshore Area亚洲近海矿产资源联合勘探协调委员会
navig.Committee for Coordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in Asian Offshore Areas联合国亚洲近海区域矿产资源联合勘探协调委员会
busin.Confederation of Asian Chambers of Commerce亚洲商会联合会
UN, ecol.Confederation of Asian Chambers of Commerce and Industry亚洲工商会联合会
earth.sc.Conference of Asian Economic Planners亚洲经济计划者会议
econ.Conference on Asian Economic Co-operation亚洲经济合作会议
UN, polit.Conference on Economic Cooperation through Foreign Investment among Asian and Pacific Countries亚洲及太平洋国家通过外国投资进行经济合作会议
China, polit.Constitution of the Asian-Pacific Telecommunity亚洲太平洋地区电信组织章程
fin.cost of protecting Asian debt against default亚洲债务违约担保成本
commer.Council of Ministers for Asian-Cooperation亚洲合作部长理事会 (1968)
UN, ecol.Council of Ministers for Asian Economic Cooperation亚洲经济合作部长理事会
libr.Council on East Asian Libraries【美国】东亚图书馆协会
busin.Council or Ministers of Asian Cooperation亚洲合作部长理事会
UN, polit.Declaration and a Framework for Action Plans for the Management of the Asian Environment亚洲环境管理宣言和行动计划框架
org.name., securit.Dow Jones Asian Titans 50道・琼斯亚洲顶尖股50种股票指数系列
ichtyol.E. Asian fourfinger threadfin四指马鲅 Eleutheronema rhadinum
securit.East Asian and Oceanian Stock Exchanges Federation东亚及大洋洲股票交易联盟
fin.East Asian and Oceanian Stock Exchanges Federation东亚及大洋洲证券交易所联合会
securit.East Asian and Oceanian Stock Exchanges Federation东亚及大洋洲证券交易所联盟
geol.East Asian and Pacific东亚与太平洋地区
libr.East Asian character code东亚字符代码
el.east Asian character codes东亚字符代码
ITeast Asian character sets东亚字符集
sport.East Asian Games东亚运动会
anim.husb.East Asian monsoon东亚季风
tech.East Asian reflectional axis东亚镜像反映中轴 (带)
earth.sc.East Asian Resources Recycling Technology东亚资源再循环技术
fin.East Asian Stock Exchange Conference东亚证券交易所联合会议
securit.East Asian Stock Exchange Conference东亚股票交易所会议
securit.Emerging Asian Bond Market Conference新兴亚洲债券市场会议
UN, polit.ESCAP/ITC/UNCTAD/PRODEC Seminar on Import Management for Developing Asian Countries亚太经社会/国贸中心/贸发会议/PRODEC亚洲发展中国家进口管理讨论会
tech.Eurasia-Asian coral realm欧亚珊瑚地理区系
fin.Euro-Asian dollar bond欧亚美元债券
fin.Euro-Asian economic community欧亚经济共同体
fin.Euro-Asian savings glut欧亚储蓄过度
gen.Every year we export large quantity of our products to the Asian market, but your company seems new to us每年我们都要向亚洲各国出口大量产品。不过,你们公司对于我们来说,还是新客户
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on Cooperation Among Southeast Asian Countries in the Marketing of Tropical Timber Products东南亚国家热带木材产品销售合作专家组会议
UN, ecol.Expert Group on Cooperation Among Southeast Asian Countries in the Marketing of Tropical Timber Products东南亚国家合作销售热带木材产品专家组
econ.Federation of Afro-Asian Insurers and Reinsurers亚非保险再保险联合会
busin.Federation of Afro-Asian Insurers and Reinsurers亚非保险再保险业联合会
earth.sc.Federation of Asian Engineers亚洲工程师联合会
China, polit.Final Protocol of the Asian-Pacific Postal Convention亚洲太平洋邮政公约最后议定书
anim.husb.Food and Fertilizer Bank for the Asian and Pacific Region亚洲及太平洋地区粮食和肥料银行
UN, polit.Framework for the Northeast Asian Subregional Programme of Environmental Cooperation东北亚次区域环境合作方案框架
org.name., securit.FTSE/Hang Seng Asian Sector Indexes富时/恒生亚洲行业指数
fin.FTSE/Hang Seng Asian sector Indexes恒生/富时亚洲分类指数
securit.FTSE/Hang Seng Asian sector Indexes富时/恒生亚洲分类指数 (FTSE 是 Financial Time Stock Exchange 的缩写,意为金融时报股指,又译富时股指)
China, polit.General Regulations of the Asian-Pacific Postal Union亚洲太平洋邮政联盟总规则
sport.High jumper Zheng Dazhen set a new Asian record in women's high jump.在女子跳高比赛中、 郑达真创造了一项新的亚洲纪录
econ.high-performing Asian Economies亚洲高效经济国家和地区
UN, polit.Intergovernmental Agreement on the Asian Highway Network亚洲公路网政府间协定
UN, polit.Intergovernmental Agreement on the Asian Highway Network亚洲公路协定
gen.International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractors Association亚洲及西太平洋承包商协会国际联合会
sport.Light of Asian Games, the亚运之光
UN, polit.Macao Declaration on Human Resource Development in the Tourism Sector in the Asian and Pacific Region亚太区域旅游部门人力资源开发澳门宣言
tech.Mediterranean-south Asian belt地中海一南亚地震带
UN, polit.Meeting to Launch the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons开展亚洲及太平洋残疾人十年的会议
bodybuild.Men's Asian Championships亚洲男子锦标赛
avia.Mid Asian route中亚航线
sport.Nanjing ITU Asian Continental Cup Triathlon国际铁人三项联盟南京亚洲大陆杯铁人三项赛
fin.newly emerging Asian powers新兴的亚洲强国
IMF.newly industrialized Asian economies亚洲新兴工业化经济体
anim.husb.North Asian tick typhus北亚蜱传斑疹伤寒
dermat.North Asian tick-borne rickettsiosis北亚蜱传立克次体病
nurs.North Asian tick-borne typhus北亚蜱传斑疹伤寒
org.name.North East Asian Network of Food Data Systems东北亚食品数据系统网络
commer.Northeast Asian economic cooperation东北亚经济合作
proj.manag.One of the most valuable parts of AIG likely to be put up for sale is its Asian life assurance operation美国国际集团可能挂牌出售的最有价值资产之一、 是它的亚洲人寿保险业务
econ.Organization for Asian Economic Cooperation亚洲经济合作组织
earth.sc.Organization of Asian Economic Cooperation亚洲经济合作组织
el.Organization of Asian News Agencies亚洲通信社组织
econ.Our latest products are being marketed in all Asian countries我方最新产品投放于亚洲各国市场
earth.sc.Pacific and Asian Affairs Council太平洋及亚洲事务理事会
earth.sc.Pacific Asian Federation of Industrial Engineering太平洋亚洲工业工程联合会
IMF.Pan-Asian bond泛亚洲债券
fin.Pan Asian Securities Lending Association亚洲证券借贷协会
securit.Pan Asian Securities Lending Association泛亚洲证券借贷协会
adv.Pan-Asian TV泛亚洲电视
econ.Petro-Asian Business Report亚洲石油贸易报告
UN, polit.Proclamation on the Full Participation and Equality of People with Disabilities in the Asian and Pacific Region亚洲及太平洋区域残疾人充分参加和平等宣 言
UN, polit.Programme for Asian Cooperation in Energy and the Environment亚洲能源和环境合作方案
UN, polit.Regional Seminar on East/South-East Asian Growth Experience东亚和东南亚增长经验区域讨论会
UNRegional Trust Fund for the Implementation of the Action Plan for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the East Asian Seas执行保护和发展东亚海洋海洋环境和沿海地区行动计划区域信托基金
UN, polit.Roundtable on the Ageing of Asian Populations关于亚太人口老年化 圆桌会议
econ.She was made managing director with full executive powers over Asian operation她被任命为总经理,全权主管亚洲业务
desert.small Asian mongoose红颊獴 (阿拉伯半岛和伊朗-阿富汗沙漠)
IMF.South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation南亚区域合作联盟
IMF.South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation南盟
org.name.South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation南亚区域合作协会
org.name.South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Food Data System南亚区域合作联盟食品数据系统
org.name.South Asian Food Security Reserve南亚粮食安全储备
earth.sc.South Asian High南亚高〔气〕压
desert.South Asian monsoon interaction南亚季风交互作用
org.name.South Asian Regional Cooperation南亚区域合作
UNSouth Asian Seas Action Plan南亚海洋行动计划
tech.south central asian coral region中南亚珊瑚地理大区
commer.South East Asian Association of Regional Cooperation东南亚区域合作联盟
org.name.South East Asian Fisheries Information System东南亚渔业信息系统
sport.South East Asian Peninsula Games东南亚半岛运动会
commer.Southeast Asian Business Council东南亚商业理事会
securit.South-East Asian Central Bank东南亚中央银行
org.name.Southeast Asian Central Banks Research and Training Centre东南亚中央银行研究和培训中心
earth.sc.Southeast Asian Development Advisory Group Asia Society东南亚开发咨询小组亚洲学会
org.name.Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centre东南亚渔业发展中心
sport.Southeast Asian Games东南亚运动会
earth.sc.Southeast Asian Mathematical Society东南亚数学学会
org.name.Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization东南亚教育部长组织
sport.South-East Asian Peninsular Games东南亚半岛运动会
comp.name.Southeast Asian Petroleum Exploration Company泰国东南亚石油勘探公司
oilSoutheast Asian Society of Oil Engineering东南亚石油工程学会
earth.sc.Southeast Asian Society of Soil Engineering Thailand东南亚土壤工程学会泰国
earth.sc.Southeast Asian Society of Soil Engineering东南亚土壤工程学会泰国
UN, polit.South-East Asian Subregional Experts Consultation on TCDC Training and Research in Agriculture Banking东南亚次区域关于技合农业信贷训练和研究的专家协商
UN, polit.Special Envoy for the South Asian Earthquake Disaster南亚地震救灾特使
UN, polit.Special meeting of Association of South-East Asian Nations leaders in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami东南亚国家联盟东盟领导人地震海啸灾后特别会议
spaceSTAR TV Satellite Television Asian Region Ltd亚洲区域卫星电视有限公司
UN, ecol.Strategic Partnership Agreement for UNCCD Implementation in the Central Asian Republics中亚各共和国实施《荒漠化公约》战略伙伴关系协议
UN, polit.Studies in East Asian Tectonics and Resources东亚大地构造和资源研究
tech.studies of east asian tectonics and resources东亚构造和资源研究
UN, polit.Sustainable Energy Development Action Programme, Strategies and Implementation Modalities for the Asian and Pacific Region, 2001-20052001-2005年亚洲及太平洋区域能源与可持续发展行动方案、战略和实施方式
org.name.Textile Workers' Asian Regional Organization亚洲地区纺织工人组织
econ.the Asian-dollar bonds亚洲美元债券
China, polit.the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace亚洲议会和平协会 (AAPP)
China, polit.the Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟 (ASEAN)
China, polit.the Conference of the Executive Council of the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace亚洲议会和平协会执行理事会议
sport.The high jumper crossed over 1.93 metres, breaking the national record of 1.92 metres held by herself and equalling the Asian record这位跳高运动员越过 1.93 米横杆、不仅刷新了她本人保持的 1.92 米的全国纪录、而且平了亚洲纪录
econ.The Representative has to compete with cheap imports from Southeast Asian countries代理人不得不与从东南亚国家进口的便宜商品竞争
econ.The sales director can give you the facts and figures about the Asian operation销售经理可以提供你亚洲业务的情况及数据
econ.the UN Asian Institute for Economic Development and Planning联合国亚洲经济发展设计研究所
UN, polit.Training Course on Teaching Human Rights in the Asian and Pacific亚太地区传授人权培训班
UN, ecol.Trans-Asian rail network横贯亚洲铁路网
UN, polit.trans-Asian railway network横贯亚洲铁路网
UN, polit.Trans-Asian Railway Network横贯亚洲铁路网
earth.sc.United Nations Asian and Pacific Development Institute联合国亚洲及太平洋开发研究所
tech.West Asian architecture西亚建筑
proj.manag.When an Asian central bank buys dollars in exchange for local currency, the net result is an addition to the domestic money supply当一家亚洲央行用当地货币买进美元时、净结果就是国内货币供应量上升
bodybuild.Women's Asian Championships亚洲女子锦标赛
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