
Terms for subject Environment containing Air Quality | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
air quality The degree to which air is polluted; the type and maximum concentration of man-produced pollutants that should be permitted in the atmosphere空气质量 (空气受污染的程度;允许排入大气中的人造污染物的种类和最大浓度。)
Air Quality Act美国空气质量法案
air quality control The measurement of ambient air-pollution concentrations in order to determine whether there is a problem in a given region空气质量控制 (测量周围空气的污染浓度,以判断特定地区是否有空气污染问题。)
air quality control空气质量控制
air quality control region空气质量控制区
air quality impact analysis空气质量影响分析
air quality maintenance area空气质量保持区
air quality management Regulate and plan and work toward the accomplishment of completion of stated goals, objectives and mission pertaining to air quality空气质量管理 (规范、计划和实施能够实现关于空气质量既定目标与任务。)
Air Quality Management Plan美国空气质量管理计划
air quality monitoring Regular checking and recording of air quality in a given area. The following pollutants must be considered: carbon monoxide, benzene, butadiene, lead, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and particulates空气质量检测 (检测和记录指定地区的空气质量。需要考虑以下污染物:一氧化碳、苯、丁二烯、铅、二氧化硫、二氧化氮和微粒状物质。)
Air Quality Service美国空气质量局
Air Quality Standards Coalition大气质量标准同盟
Inter-agency Committee on Indoor Air Quality美国室内空气质量部门间委员会
measures for air quality空气质量测定
National Ambient Air Quality Standards美国国家环境空气质量标准
South Coast Air Quality Management District美国加利福尼亚州南海岸空气质量管制区