
Terms for subject Shooting sport containing A | all forms | exact matches only
a sense of timing时间感觉
allow a refire允许重射
allow a retire允许重射
annulment of a shot射击无效
annulment of a shot弹着取消
brass a弹壳
breakdown of a gun枪枝损坏
call a target喊靶
close a gun关闭枪机
cock a gun扣扳机
cock a gun击发
cock a gun和扳机
contest the value of a shot对一发弹着环值有争议
"dust" a target擦靶碟靶未碎
dust a target擦靶碟靶未碎
expiration of a licence执照的终止
open a gun打开枪机
position of a hit弹着点
position of a shot弹着点
release a target抛靶
repeat a fire重射
repeat a shot重射
score a target计算环数
throw a target抛靶
value of a hit弹着环数