
Terms for subject Automobiles containing A | all forms | exact matches only
A3级汽油机机油用于高性能发动机和/ 或延长换油间隔和宽温度范围
A and D converter电子学模数转换器
A arm三角形横臂 (A frame, wishbone)
A arm悬架A 形臂 (A frame, wishbone)
A arm suspensionA 形臂悬架
A bracket悬架AV,三角形支架
A/C amplifier空调放大器
A/C belt空调压缩机传动带
A/C clutch空调离合器
A/C clutch compressor signal空调压缩机离合器信号
A/C compression on-time空调压缩机接通时间
A/C compressor clutch空调压缩机离合器
A/C control module空调控制模块
A/C coupling交流耦合
A/C cutout relay空调切断继电器
A/C cycling switch空调循环开关
A/C demand空调请求
A/C duct and valve空调通风管和风门
A/C evaporate-temperature空调蒸发温度
A/C evaporator空调蒸发器
A/C head pressure空调压缩机出口压力
A/C input空调输入
A/C magnetic clutch空调电磁离合器
A/C pressure空调压力开关
A/C refrigerant pressure sensor空调系统制冷剂压力传感器
A/C programmer空调程序器
A/C refrigerant, recovery, recycling, recharging空调制冷剂、回收、再生、再充填
A/C refrigerant, recovery, recycling,recharging空调制冷剂、回收、再生、再充填
A/C relay空调继电器
A/C request空调请求
A/C status空调状态
A/C switch空调开关
A/C thermostat switch空调温控开关
A/C wide-open throttle shutoff空调节气门全开时切断中止
"A" camshaft"A" 凸轮轴"A" 凸轮轴必须是"进气"或"左侧"或"前"凸轮轴
a certificate of collection/destruction报废车辆回收/拆解证明
A characteristicA特性指音量计、噪声计所具有的一种校正特性
A classA 级详见附录
A class carA 级车详见附录
a comprehensive package of services综合性的一揽子服务
A/D converter模 /数转换器
A/F control空燃比控制
A/F ratio空燃比
A/F RATIO测试仪字符空燃比
A Ford Mustang福特野马牌汽车
A-frame空气悬架A 形架
A-frame arm三角形臂
A-frame arm悬架A 形臂
a light-duty truck with a loaded vehicle weight of up to 3750 pounds装载后总重不大于3750磅的轻型货车
a pair of friction components摩擦副
A-panelA型板在BMC 微型汽车上常见的侧板
A-pillar aerial无线电A 柱处的天线
A-pillar antenna无线电A 柱处的天线
a-segment mini carsA级微型乘用车
A-shapedA 形的
A-shaped armA 形臂
a sharp lookout for注意察看监视
A-species foam fire takerA 类泡沫消防车
A/T case自动变速器
A/T gear position自动变速器档位
A-throttleA 形节流
A/TRNS FLEX配件目录用语自动变速器挠性板
A type车轮紧固A型方式用于双轮内、外两重车轮螺母紧固方式。内螺母紧固内轮,外螺母紧固外轮,如国产解放、东风等大货车后轮均如此
A-weighted分贝 A-加权的
A-weighting分贝A 加权
ACC CUT=A/C clutch cut空调离合器断开
ACEA A4按欧洲汽车制造商协会标准的
ACEA A3按欧洲汽车制造商协会标准的
ACEA A5按欧洲汽车制造商协会标准的
ACON=A/C on空调接通
actual EGR A duty cycle/position参数识别缩写EGR A 实际占空比/位置
adjust a bearing【动】调整轴承间隙
adjust a bearing【动】调节轴承间隙
adjustment of ignition timing to a more retarded angle调迟点火提前角
all-terrain vehicle equipped with a turntable ladder带有回转云梯越野型消防车
aluminum brake drum with a cast iron friction surface镶铸铁套的铝制动鼓
an LEV II light-duty truck with a loaded vehicle weight of 3751 pounds to a gross vehicle weight of 8500 pounds符合低排放车辆2阶段标准、装载后总重达 8500磅的轻型货车
antiknock index of a motor gasoline车用汽油敏感性
antiknock index of a motor gasoline车用汽油抗爆指数
Apal S.A比利时阿帕尔汽车公司
at a point任意点
auto A/C自动空调器
automatic A/C自动空调器
Automobile Ferruccio Lamborghini S.P.A.意大利费鲁乔•兰博基尼汽车股份有限公司
bleed a tire降低胎压
bleed a tire【动】从轮胎放气
boost pressure A control status: closed loop参数识别缩写增压压力A 控制状态:闭环见SAE J1930-2008第19 页
boost pressure A control status: open loop参数识别缩写增压压力A 控制状态:开环
boost pressure A sensor参数识别缩写增压压力A 传感器
brake balance of a single axle制动力左右平衡
brake balance of a single axle单轴的制动力分配
braking in a curve弯道制动
braking in a turn车辆转向制动
break a vacuum中断真空
bush a bearing【动】支承镶衬套
buy a car买车
camber of a leaf单片弧高
camber of a leaf spring钢板弹簧弧高
car with a three liter engine3.0L 排量乘用车
car with a three liter engine发动机排量为 3L的乘用车
car with a two liter engine2.0升排量乘用车
car with a two liter engine发动机排量为2L 的乘用车
car with a two litre engine2.0升排量乘用车
car with a two litre engine发动机排量为2L 的乘用车
centroid of a lens area透镜面的炬心
charge of a capacitor电容器充电
class A thread外螺纹 (external thread)
class number of a vehicle车辆分类号
climb a gradient上,登
closing a sale达成交易
commanded boost pressure A参数识别缩写指令增压压力A
commanded EGR AB duty cycle/position参数识别缩写EGR AB指令占空比/位置
commanded fuel rail pressure A参数识别缩写油轨指令燃油压力A
commanded fuel rail pressure A参数识别缩写油轨燃油压力 AB
commanded injection control pressure AB参数识别缩写喷射控制指令压力AB
commanded throttle actuator AB control参数识别缩写节气门 AB执行器指令控制
commanded variable geometry turbo A position可变几何结构涡轮增压器A 指令位置
controlled A/F ratio carburetor可控空燃比化油器
core of a cable电缆线束
cross section of a wire线横断面
cut a big fat one赛车打破速度用时纪录
cut a big one赛车打破速度用时纪录
cut a corner走捷径
cut a corner车辆抄近路
cylindrical grinder with a movable table工作台移动式外圆磨床
cylindrical grinder with a movable wheelhead砂轮架移动式外圆磨床
D and A converter数模转换器
D.C. and a.c.motor交直流两用电动机
decibels on A-weighted scaleA 级分贝
deck-and-a-half bus一层半客车
degreeing a cam实测凸轮轴的进排气门开闭正时
depth of a tooth齿轮啮合齿深
discharge of a capacitor电容器放电
drive a car驾驶汽车
driving in a queue车辆列队运行
dry f/a ratio干空燃比
end plate of a rotor电器转子端盖
engage a lower gear【动】接合低档
engagement of a cutting edge吃刀量
enter a curve车辆驶入弯道
evacuate & re-charge A/C system空调系统排空与充填制冷剂系统
expanding with a punch冲头扩孔
failure of a pressure component制动系统压力部件故障
fault code of A/T output terminal自动变速器故障码输出端子
fit a tire【动】把轮胎装到轮辋上
forced-feed cooling in a dual-circuit system双循环强制冷却
forced-feed cooling in a single circuit system单循环强制冷却
forming a complete set配套将待装配产品的所有零、部件配备齐全
freon 134a氟利昂134a氟利昂R12的替代品,不会对大气臭氧层造成损害
FULL AUTO A/C故障诊断仪字符全自动空调
full range A/C冷热空调
full range A/C全天候空调
gassing off a cell蓄电池析气
general certification for a vehicle车辆普通合格证
give a signal【动】发信号
go over a bump车辆通过不平道路
go through a red light汽车闯红灯
green A/C绿色空调器用HFC134a制冷剂的空调器
H/A mode高海拔模式
handling on a circular course车辆动力学圆周行驶性能
heater & A/C control module暖风和空调控制模块
heater and A/C暖风装置和空调器
hit a pedestrian【动】撞倒行人
hydrogen fluoride carbons-134a氢氟化碳-134a 制冷剂
impact of a pedestrian碰人
impact of a pedestrian撞到行人
infringement of a patent侵犯专利
injection control pressure A参数识别缩写喷射控制压力A
intake manifold absolute pressure A参数识别缩写进气歧管绝对压力A
involute to a circle圆的渐开线
joint homocinetique a 3 pivots【法语】 三销式万向节
keep a sharp lookout for注意察看监视
kink of a curve图表曲线的弯折
laps on a test track在试验跑道上的圈数
lay a road【动】修建道路
leanest A/F ratio for best torque最佳转矩时的最稀混合气大空燃比
leanest A/F ratio for best torque最佳转矩时最大空燃比
lift of a pump泵的扬程
line a bearing轴承浇注
line a bearing轴瓦挂瓦
lower A- frame arm悬架下 A 形臂
LPG when used as a vehicle fuel车用液化石油气燃料的商品名称
maintain a schedule保持计划进度
manual A/C手动空调
mark a road【动】 设路标
maximum manufacturer's weight of a road train汽车列车标称厂定最大总质量重量
maximum manufacturer's weight of a vehicle车辆标称厂定最大装载质
maximum weight of a road train汽车列车最大总质
measurement in a preselected engine speed range预选式发动机转速范围测量
misfire type AA 型失火200rpm 时的失火
miss a bus漏乘
number of turns in a winding绕组的匝数
oil pressure switch or A/C oil temperature warning light组合仪表字符机油压力警报灯
oil pressure switch or A/C oil temperature warning light机油压力开关或空调油温警报灯丰田电脑缩写词
on a level一样高
on a level相齐
on a level在同一平面上
on a level footing在同等条件下
one-and-a-half deck coach一层半客车
on-position of a relay继电器工作状态接通位置
open-side milling machine with a fixed arm定臂铳床
order a car订购汽车
percentage of A-class goodsA 级品率
Peugeot S.A.标致汽车有限公司
planning machine with a single column悬臂刨床
plate of a battery蓄电池极板
pour a bearing浇铸巴氏合金轴瓦
power to A/C clutch空调离合器电源
power to wide open throttle A/C cutoff空调关闭节气门全开时的功率
profile of a line线轮廓度
profile of a surface面轮廓度
purchaser of a car汽车购
rate fluctuating ratio within a certain range幅度比差
Refrigerant 152a, di fluoroethane C₂H₄F₂ 152a制冷剂
Refrigerant 134a, tetra fluoroethane C₂H₂F₄ 134a制冷剂
refrigerating capacity of a refrigerant compressor压缩机的制冷量
relative clearance of a bearing轴承相对间隙
relative throttle A position参数识别缩写A 节气门相对位置
reline a bearing重新挂瓦
reline a bearing重浇轴承合金
remetal athe bearing重新挂瓦
remetal athe bearing重浇轴承合金
repair a breakdown排除故障
reset a spring拧,束紧钢板弹簧
ride a motorcycle乘摩托车
road in a bad state坏路
road with a stop sign有禁止通行标志的道路
root width of a tooth齿轮齿根厚度
run a red light车辆闯红灯
run into a pedestrian汽车撞倒行人
S.A.E. STD.socket美标英制套筒
seat with a rigidity-adjustable cushion座垫刚度可调式座椅
seat with a separable headrest头枕分离式座椅
sector of a gear齿轮扇
segment A乘用车等级A 级
select a gear变速器选择档位
sensitivity of a motor gasoline车用汽油敏感性
set a going起步
set a going使运转
set a going
set a machine in operation开,起动机器
set a machine in operation【动】使机器运转
shaking a car to destruction汽车振动破坏试验
shortcut a curve捷径
shortcut a curve近路
size of a fillet weld焊脚尺寸
spindle orientation in a specified phase主轴周向定位
stability of steer-off motion on a straight ahead driving转向系统撒手稳定性
start off on a trip汽车出发
start off on a trip程开始
steering force for keeping a given control转向保持力
steering moment for keeping a given control转向保持转矩
stimulate a vibration【动】起振
stimulation of a vibration起振
stoichiometric A/Fair-fuel ratio理论空燃比
stop a leak消除泄漏渗漏
system on a chip单片系统集成在芯片上的系统
table carrying capacity in a unit of area工作台单位面积承载量
take a wrong bus错乘
test of stability of steer off motion on a straight ahead driving直线行驶撒手稳定性试验见 GB/T 12549-90 中 9.1.9
threshold for a lean air-fuel mixture燃油喷射稀混合气阈
threshold for a rich air-fuel mixture浓混合气阈
total force exerted by a cutting part切削合力
trailer carrying a foam-water gun消防队带泡沫式喷水枪的挂车
trapezoidal A-arm悬架梯形A三角形臂
turbocharger A compressor inlet temperature参数识别缩写涡轮增压器A 的压缩机进口温度
turbocharger A compressor outlet temperature参数识别缩写涡轮增压器A 的压缩机出口温度
turbocharger A RPM参数识别缩写涡轮增压器A 的转速
turbocharger A turbine inlet temperature参数识别缩写涡轮增压器 A的涡轮机进口温度
turbocharger compressor inlet pressure sensor A参数识别缩写涡轮增压器压缩机进口压力传感器A
twin A-arm双A 三角形臂
twin A-arm suspension双 A三角形臂悬架
type 2A seat belt肩部对角斜拉,2A 型安全带
unequal-length A-arm悬架不等长A叉,V ,三角形臂
upper A- arm悬架上 A 三角,叉形臂
upper A-frame arm悬架上 A 三角,叉形臂
V.A.G 15511552大众 15511552故障检测仪现已淘汰
variable geometry turbo A closed loop可变几何结构涡轮增压器A 闭环状态
variable geometry turbo A open loop可变几何结构涡轮增压器A 开环状态
variable geometry turbo A position可变几何结构涡轮增压器A位置
vertical lathe with a movable column单柱移动立式车床
vertical lathe with a single column单柱立式车床
vertical lathe with a single column and a movable table定梁单柱立式车床
vertical load borne by a semitrailer tractor半挂牵引车所承受的竖向载
vertical load borne by a tractor for a semitrailer半挂牵引车所承受的竖向载
view from arrow AA 向视图
vis-a-vis seating arrangement面对面座位布置
vulcanize a tyre热补轮胎
wastegate A position废气旁通阀 A 位置
weight borne by a semitrailer tractor落在半挂牵引车上的载荷
wide-open throttle A/C cut off节气门全开时断开空调器
wide-open throttle A/C cut off节气门全开时断开空调
wing-shaped A-arm翼形横向连杆
wing-shaped A-arm悬架翼状 A 形臂
working range of a crane起重臂工作长度
working range of a crane起重机工作半径范围
wot A/C primary circuit fault节气门全开空调初级电路故障
zero of a measuring instrument测量仪器仪表的零位