
Terms for subject Football containing A | all forms | exact matches only
a close encounter势均力敌的比赛
A foul!犯规!
A goal!得分!进球!
adjourning a game打挂
administer a caution提出警告
analyzing a position读棋
arch of a foot脚心
avoid a shoulder charge避免肩部冲撞
award a free kick判罚任意球
award a free kick判给任意球
beat a defender盘带过人
beat a defender突破防守队员
beat out a shot守门员将球击出
beat out a shot守门员击出球
build a line-up筑人墙
build a line-up排成一线
build a line-up"筑墙"
build a wall筑人墙
build up a tight defense筑起坚固的防线
build up a wall筑人墙
call a play指示运动员按计划打
caution a player警告犯规队员
Chinese Serie A League中国足球甲级联赛
clear a corner kick with a header用头球解除角球危险
commit a serious offence严重犯规
concede a goal失一球
convert a corner罚角球进球
convert a corner角球得分
convert a penalty kick罚中
convert a penalty kick罚中点球或任意球
cover a position补位
crack a tight defence破紧逼防守
crack a tight defense打破紧逼防守
curl a kick a free-kick踢旋转球旋转的任意球
defend against a free kick by a human wall筑人墙防御对方的任意球
deliver a lob over the wall踢高球越过人墙
deliver a long pass for the overlapping fullback将球长传给居后插上进攻的后卫
deliver a through pass穿透性传球
deliver a through pass渗透性传球
deny a goal破坏进球
dive for a high ball鱼跃救高球
dive for a low ball鱼跃救低球
dodge a defender晃过防守队员
drop a shoulder斜肩晃动
elude a defender晃过防守队员
end in a tie踢成平局
end in a tie结果不分胜负
fake a fall假摔
feint a push pass做一个推传的假动作
fill a gap填补空隙
fill a gap补位
first break a record首开纪录
first breaking a record首开纪录
five-a-side football室内五人制足球
five-a-side game5 对 5 练习赛
five-a-side game五对五练习赛
five-a-side indoor football5 人制室内足球
five-a-side soccer室内五人制足球
five-a-side-football5 人制足球
flexible shape in order to save a group腾挪
flunk a drug test没有通过兴奋剂检查
give a long shot一记远射
give a moderate performance表现平平
give the ball a hard kick踢强劲球
go around a defender绕过一名防守队员
go around a defender通过假动作绕过防守队员
half a point半目
have a strong urge to go for goals射门意识强
head from a single leg单脚起跳顶球
head home a goal头球入门
head home a goal头球破 (pass)
head home a goal顶球入门
head in a goal头球入门
head in a goal顶球入门
head with a jump跳起顶球
heading with a jump跳起顶球
hit a hat trick一人连中三元
hit a hat trick独进3球
initiate a fast counterattack发动快速反击
intercept a cross截住传中球
international football match AA类国际足球比赛
invite a tackle诱使对方逼抢
invite a tackle引诱对方逼抢
Italian Serie A League意大利甲级联赛
keep a record of the kicks记录点球数
keep a record of the match记录比赛成绩
kick a goal踢进球门
kick a goal踢进一球
kick for a foul犯规罚点球
kill a ball停球
kill a ball停住空中球
kill a penalty罚犯规球时磨时间
launch a direct frontal attack发动正面进攻
launch a fast break发动快攻
launch a fierce offensive发动猛烈进攻
launch a frontal attack发动正面进攻
line up a wall筑人墙
line up a wall排成一线
loft a ball吊球
lofting a ball吊球
make a dive for the save鱼跃救球
make a feint做假动作
make a foul犯规
make a goal踢进一个球
make a goal得一分
make a goal破门得分
make a goal进球
make a pass传球
make a powerful clearance kick大脚解围
make a save救球
meet a cross接传中球
merit a caution应受到一次警告
miss a penalty kick罚球未中
net a goal破门得分
net a goal进球
nod home a goal头球入门
nod home a goal顶球入门
nod in a goal头球入门
nod in a goal顶球入门
number of a player队员号码
on a home and away basis主客场制
pass a ball传球
penalty for a foul犯规罚点球
pick up a pass接传球
place the ball for a free kick示意把球放好罚任意球
play a first final round进行第一轮决赛
play a football match进行一场足球比赛
play a physical game拼体力
play a polished game打法简练
play a short passing game使用短传配合的打法
play a wall pass墙式二过一
play the role of a playmaker起到进攻组织者的作用
pluck a pass断球
pluck a pass截球
pluck a pass抢断传球
pluck a pass抢断球
plug a hole补位
promote to a higher division将一个队升至较高一级
pull a hat trick一人连中三元
pull a hat trick独进3球
pull off a save救球成功
receive a pass接传球
referee a football match裁判一场足球比赛
replace a player更换队员
replace a referee更换裁判员
replacement of a defective ball坏球更换
ride a tackle铲球时仍控制住球
ride a tackle对方铲球时仍控制住球
score a goal破门得分
score a goal踢进一球
score a goal进球
score a hat trick一人连中三元
score a hat trick独进 3 球
send a centre踢传中球
send a low centre低球传中
send in a cross from the left左路传中
send in a cross from the right右路传中
set up a big raid on the goalmouth猛烈攻门
set up a wall筑人墙
set up a wall排成一线
seven-a-side soccer7人足球 (football)
shoot from a sharp angle小角度射门
signal for a penalty kick罚球点球的信号
start a quick attack开始发动快速进攻
steal a ball断球
stone without a base浮棋
stop a ball停球
substitution of a player换队员
suspend for a game停赛一场
take a kick主罚
take a kick踢球
take a pass运球
take a pass传球
take a pass接传球
trap a ball停球
turn a defender绕过防守队员
turn a defender通过假动作绕过防守队员
win a corner获得罚角球权
win of a piece赢得一子
4-4-2 with a freeman libero4-4-2阵形一名自由人