
Terms for subject Economy containing 4Rs | all forms
A discretion of 4% can be given to you if necessary如有必要,你方可获得4%的处理权 (即你方可作4%范围以内的让价)
Shoes are made in 4 fittings for each kind每种鞋子做4个尺码
The shipment should be made not later than June 4装运不得迟于 6 月 4 日
There is no room left in the liner to Paris on April 44月4日去巴黎的航班没有空舱
We very much regret that you received only 3 dozen instead of the 4 dozen ordered你方仅收到所订4 打中的3打,深表歉意
We're pleased to quote on Shanghai printed pure silk fabrics as illustrated in our catalogue No. 4 at $... per yard including packing现开报我方第4号目录所列上海真丝印花绸每码包括包装费在内 XX 美元