
Terms for subject Textile industry containing | all forms | exact matches only
article NO.货号
carton No.箱号
collar face side no表领松份不够
color No色号
colour No.色号
CTN. No.箱号
Dharwar No.l cotton印度达瓦尔一号棉
Gadaz No. 1 cottonинд 加达一号棉
Gadaz No.l cotton印度加达一号棉
go-no-go type of probability test是否式概率试验
hako no goho日本膝下长袍
Harmful Substance-Containing Household Products Control Law No. 112家用织物含有害物质控制法令第112号
manufacturers part No.制造厂件号
manufacturers serial No.制造厂批号
no acceptance拒绝承兑
no account无账单
no account无往来账
no account无账户
no admission charge否定开支
no admission charge未承认费用
no advice未报道
no advice汇票无消息
no advice无通知
no back lining前夹后单服装
no back lining服装前夹后单
no bleach无漂白
no bleach勿用漂白剂
no-bounce support防震护托
no-bra bra无胸罩式胸衣穿着舒适,不强调胸部造型
no-bra bra无胸罩式胸衣
no-bra look袒胸式
no-bra look无胸罩款式
no-bra style无胸罩款式
no cargo on board船上未载货
no chain stitch loop无缝线袢
no-claim bonus无赔款折扣
no-claim bonus无赔偿回扣
no claim bonus无赔款奖励
no-claim discount无赔款折扣
no claim for accident reported无意外损失事故报告
no common interest无共同利益
no-confidence vote不信任票
no contrast无色差
no-crease wool免烫毛织物
no credit charge不赊欠
no credit charge概不赊账
no credit given现金交易
no-crush finish抗皱整理
no-crush finish无折绉整理
no-crush finish无折皱整理
no customary deductions clause无惯例扣减条款
no-cut sew无裁缝服装20世纪70年代后期
no cut-sew无缝纫服装
no-dart garment无省服装
no delivery未交货
no double taxation免征双重税
no double taxation税不重征
no dress请穿便服邀请帖之客套语
no effects存款不足
no effects无财产
no effects无存款
no-element fabric非织造布
no exchange surrendered未结汇
no fixing衬里下摆不缝合
no fund无存款
no fund无资金
no fund存款不足
no-go gauge不通过规
no-go gauge不过端限归
no-go gauge不通过量,验
no-go gauge不过端量规
no-go gauge止规
no gratuity不收小费
no heel无跟鞋
no-heel shoes无跟鞋
no-iron cotton免烫棉布
no iron cotton免烫棉布
no-iron finish免烫整理
no-iron shirt免烫衬衣
no ironing免烫
no-ironing suit免烫服
no lining无里衬
no lining无衬里
no load未负载
no load免佣金股票
no market无销路
no market无市场
no memory未记账
no memory未登记
no necktie不打领带
no orders无指示
no orders无订单
no par无面额
no par无面值
no par stock无面额股票
no par value无面值
no press免烫
no protest免除拒付证书
no protest无拒付证书
no protest不可拒付
no requirement无要求 (NR)
no responsibility免责
no responsibility不负责任
no risk after discharge卸货后风险不保
no risk after discharge卸货后不担保
no risk after landing卸货后不担保
no risk after landing卸货后风险不保
no risk after landing卸岸后风险不保
no risk after landing卸货后无风险
no risk after shipment装运后风险不保
no risk after shipment装运后不担保
no risk after shipment装运后无风险
no risk till on board装船前不承担风险
no-seam garment无缝服装
no-sew snap四合扣
no-sew snap四件扣
no-sew snap免缝按扣
no-sew snap setter免缝钉扣器
no-sew snap tape免缝按扣带
no-shape garment无省无结构线的简单服装
no shine没有光泽
no shipping mark漏刷唛头
no shortage allowed不准缺货
no-side-seam bodysuit无侧缝紧身衣
no-sleeve dress无袖长衣
no-sleeve dress无袖长裙
no-sleeve turtle高领无袖毛衣
no spin不可脱水
no stretch没有弹性
no sufficient funds基金不
no-swell finish抗溶胀整理
no-tail sheep无尾绵羊
no tailor无裁缝服装20世纪70年代后期
no tailor无缝纫服装
no-tariff barrier非关税障碍
no tension pucker无张力起绉器
no terms无条件
no terms无款项
no-throw silk无捻蚕丝
no-throw silk thread无捻多股丝线
no-throw silk yarn无捻多股丝绒
no torque yarn无捻回丝
no tuck裤前无裥型款式
no tuck裤前无襞褶裥款式
no-um netting帐篷用超细网
no-understructure construction无里层的服装结构
no value declared未宣值[的货]
no-waistline-seam garment无腰线服装
no wale cord平面绒
no way print无方向印花
passport-type and No.护照种类与号码
sample of no value免费样品
share of no par value无面值股票
stitching quality is no good缝制不良
style No品号货号
style No.款号
use no hook请勿用钩
use no hooks勿用钩
UV-no textile防紫外线系列纺织品
yielding no interest不带利息的