
Terms containing | all forms | exact matches only
bridge.Acol four no trump opening bid埃珂四无将开叫
gen.admit of no delay刻不容缓
gen.allow of no没有…的余地
gen.allow of no不许
gen.an oil well that no longer produces不再出油的油井
gen.Atomic Power Station No. 1 USSR 1号原子能发电站
bridge.Baron no trump overcall巴隆无将争叫
bridge.Baron two no trump response巴隆二无将应叫
gen.bear no relation to和…极不相称
gen.bear no relation to完全不符
gen.bear no relation to和…无关
gen.bear no relation to和…极不相
gen.bear no relation to和…完全不符 (毫无关系)
gen.brook no delay刻不容缓
gen.by no accident并非偶然
gen.by no manner of means决不
gen.by no rate决没有
gen.Cabin No. 3 , the upper deck. It's near amid ship我们是三号舱上铺,在船中部
gen.carry no weight不受重视
gen.carry no weight不重要
gen.centre-lining of no-passing zone在禁止超车区划出中线
gen.come to no good没有好结果
gen.come to no good结果不好
gen.come to no good弄不好
gen.commit no nuisance禁止倾倒垃圾〔弃置杂物〕
gen.common-channel signaling system No. 77 号共路信令
gen.cut no figure默默无询
gen.cut no figure不显赫
gen.cut no figure不足道
gen.cut no ice没有影响
gen.cut no ice不起作用
gen.cut no ice无益〔效〕
bridge.doubles of no trump bid加倍无将叫牌
gen.Excuse me, is Bus No. 6 going to South Ferry?请问 6路公交车去南码头吗?
bridge.five no trump opening五畐无将开叫
bridge.forcing one no trump逼叫性一无将
bridge.gambling three no trump冒险三无将开叫
bridge.Gardener no trump overcall加墩纳无将争叫
gen.hold no fear for sb.不能使某人惊恐
gen.hold no fear for sb.吓不倒某人
gen.hold no terrors for sb.不能使某人惊恐
gen.hold no terrors for sb.吓不倒某人
gen.hold... of no account不重视
gen.hold... of no account不算数
gen.hold... of no account轻视
gen.if a body had no weight, it would have no potential energy如果物体没有重量,那么它就不会有势能
gen.if the clockspring were made of lead, with practically no elasticity, it would possess no potential energy when wound如果钟表发条是用几乎没有弹性的铅做的,它上紧以后就不会有势能
gen.if there is no coal, oil can be used instead如果没有煤,可以用石油来代替
gen.if there were no dust in the
gen.if there were no dust in the…如果空气中没有灰尘
gen.isn't it Monday today? no, it isn't今天不是〔是〕星期一吗?不,今天不是
gen.it deserves no credit这不足信
gen.it is no distance from here离这里不远
gen.it is no go这无济于事
gen.it is no go这不行
gen.it is no matter无关紧要
gen.it is no matter那不算一回事
gen.it is no matter whether无论…都无关紧要
gen.it makes no difference if无论…都没有区别〔都没有什么关系,都是一样的〕
gen.it makes no difference whether无论…都没有区别〔都没有什么关系,都是一样的〕
gen.it makes no matter无关紧要
gen.it makes no matter那不算一回事
gen.it makes no matter whether无论…都无关紧要
gen.It seems there are some loose bolts on one of the wings. It happens all the time. No need to worry一个机翼上的几个螺母松了。这样的事常发生,不必担心
gen.It seems to me that there is no cool air in the room. Will you examine it?房间里好像没有冷气。你能检查一下吗?
gen.know no bounds无限制
gen.know no bounds不知足
gen.know no measure极度
gen.know no measure没有边际〔止境〕
gen.lead to no result是徒劳〔无益〕的
gen.lead to no result得不出任何结果
gen.lose no time不失时机
gen.lose no time抓紧时间
gen.lose no time及时
gen.lose no time in + ing不失时机
gen.lose no time in + ing赶紧立刻,不失时机地
gen.lose no time in + ing抓紧时间
gen.lose no time in + ing及时
gen.make no attempt at + ing不致力于 (to + inf)
gen.make no attempt at + ing不企图 (to + inf)
gen.make no bones of毫不掩饰
gen.make no bones ofabout, to + inf.毫不犹豫
gen.make no condition毫无条件
gen.make no contribution to有〔无〕助于
gen.make no contribution to对…做出〔没有〕贡献
gen.make no contribution towards有〔无〕助于
gen.make no contribution towards对…做出〔没有〕贡献
gen.make no count of轻视
gen.make no count of看不起
gen.make no distinction between不分彼此
gen.make no distinctions between不分彼此
gen.make no doubts确信 (of)
gen.make no doubts毫不怀疑 (of)
gen.make no exception不容许有例外
gen.make no exception一律看待〔办理〕
gen.make no exceptions不容许有例外
gen.make no exceptions一律看待〔办理〕
gen.make no impression on对…无影响〔效果〕
gen.make no pretence to being learned不以有学问自居
gen.make no pretensions to不自诩
gen.make no pretensions to不自以为
gen.make no question but that承认
gen.make no question but that对…毫不怀疑
gen.make no question of承认
gen.make no question of对…毫不怀疑
gen.make no reckoning不予考虑〔重视〕… (of)
gen.make no remark不加评论
gen.make no reply不作答复
gen.make no scruple of毫不迟疑地
gen.make no secret ofM 把〔不把〕 M 保守秘密
gen.make no sense讲不通
gen.make no sense没有意义
gen.make no use of使,利
bridge.Miles response to two no trump opening迈尔斯应叫二无将
bridge.natural four no trump自然四无将
gen.no account没用的
gen.have no alternative butM 除 M 之外别无他法
gen.no amount of怎么〔再多〕也不
gen.no amount of washing will remove them怎样洗也洗不掉
gen.No, and I haven't done anything out of the ordinary没有,而且我没有做什么不正常的
gen.no... at all根本不
gen.no... at all并不
gen.no... at all一点儿也不
gen.no... at all毫 〔绝〕不
gen.no better than one should be不规矩
gen.no better than one should be行为不正
gen.no-bias relay无偏压继电器
bridge.no bid通过
bridge.no bid不叫
bridge.no-bid pass通过
bridge.no-bid pass不叫
gen.no body can be set in motion without having a force act upon it就不能使任何物体运动
gen.no body can be set in motion without having a force act upon it如果不让力作用于其上
gen.No burr, scratch, flow mark, shrinkage defects, etc. on the surface of product外观表面不可有毛边、刮痕、流痕、缩水等不良现象
gen.No, but you should put a coin inside没有,你应该投一枚硬币
bridge.no call通过
bridge.no call不叫
gen.no-carbon reversal paper无碳复写纸
gen.no choices没办法
gen.no connection reported参考文献未载
gen.no connection reported细节请参阅原文
gen.no connection reported引文未列
gen.no connection reported未详细报道的
gen.no correction无校改处
gen.no current flow occurs through the junction没有电流通过结
gen.no date无出版年月
gen.no date未注日期
gen.no defects did they find in these parts在这些部件中他们没发现任何缺陷
gen.no-delay operation无延迟接续
gen.no doubt必定
gen.no doubt大概
gen.no doubt无疑
gen.no doubt当然
gen.no doubt无疑
gen.no earthly reason毫无〔完全没有〕理由
gen.no... either...也没有
gen.no... either...也不
gen.no end of无限的
gen.no end of非常
gen.no end of很多
gen.no end of无数的
gen.no entrance禁止人内
gen.no fence against a an ill fortune恶运难逃
gen.no few许多
gen.no few不少
gen.no fewer than有…之
gen.no fewer than多至
gen.no fewer than不下〔少〕于
bridge.no-forcing sequences非逼叫性牌进程
gen.No freestanding fitment may exceed a height of 2.5 meters or extend beyond the boundaries of the site独立家具或设备的高度不可超过2. 5米,其摆放位置也不可超出划定范围
gen.no gains不劳则无获
gen.no gases need contaminate the work没有气体〔不至于有气体〕会来污染工件
gen.no gases need contaminate the work工件不会〔可以不致〕受到气体污染
gen.no go没办法了
gen.no go不行了
gen.no-go area不准通行区
gen.no-go light停车灯
gen.no-go light红灯
gen.no good不好的
gen.no good没有价值的
gen.no good无用的
gen.no harm in不妨
gen.no, I haven't是的,我还没有读过
gen.No, I prefer jellied eels不了,我想吃鳝鱼冻
gen.No. I really need to talk to him personally不,我真的需要亲自跟他说
gen.No, I want a Champagne Cocktail, too不了,我也要香槟鸡尾酒
gen.no, it has not yet arrived不,还没有到
gen.No. It is not necessary. I will add it to your bill现在不必了,我可以给您加到房费中去
gen.No, it's my first journey to England没有,这是我第一次来英国
gen.No kidding! We'll miss the connecting flight不是开玩笑吧!我们会赶不上转机的
gen.no less虽然那样仍然
gen.no less依旧
gen.no less尽管如此还是
gen.no less a person thanM 级别〔身份〕不低于M
gen.no less a person than级别〔身份〕不低于
gen.no less than不少于…
gen.no less than正好
gen.no less than正是
gen.no less than...和…一样
gen.no less than...简直是
gen.no less than...那么多
gen.no less than简直是
gen.no less than和…一样
gen.no less than…有…那么多
gen.no less M than同N —样的M (N)
gen.no less than...在…方面不亚于
gen.no less M than在M方面不亚于N (N)
gen.no little很多
gen.no little不少
gen.no live operator flight无人驾驶飞行
gen.no load无负荷
gen.no load
gen.no load空载〔车,转〕
gen.no longer已不
gen.no longer再也
gen.no longer
gen.no longer不再
gen.no machine exists which cannot be made reasonably safe没有什么机器不能制造得足够安全可靠
gen.no-man control无人控制〔操纵〕
gen.no man is bom wise没有任何人是生来就聪明的
gen.no man land无人区
gen.no man land禁区
gen.no man zone无人区
gen.no man zone禁区
gen.no mark无人防守
gen.no matter不要紧
gen.no matter无论
gen.no matter不碍事
gen.no matter不管
gen.no matter how不管〔无论〕怎样〔什么,什么时候,哪一个,谁,什么地方〕 (what, when, which, who, where)
gen.no matter how无论多么〔怎样〕
gen.no more都不
gen.no more也不
gen.no more死了
gen.no more不再
gen.no more than不多于
gen.no more than不过是
gen.no more M than不比 N 更 M (N)
gen.no more than
gen.no more than只是
gen.no more M than同 N —样都不M (N)
gen.no more than仅仅
gen.no M need + inf.没有M会来
gen.No, not a bit. It's too formal at first. We had to listen to those irrelevant speeches没有,一点也没吃好。开始太严肃。我们得听那些无关的讲话
gen.no object怎样都好
gen.no object没有理由 (必要)
gen.no object不成问题
gen.no object不计〔论〕
gen.no one but只是
gen.no one but只不过是
gen.no one could lift it没有人能单独把它举起来
gen.no one has ever seen it从来也没人见过它
gen.no one wanted to buy.
gen.no other没有任何别的其他的
gen.no other than恰恰是
gen.no other M than除N之外没有别的M (N)
gen.no other M than除N 之外别的M都不 (N)
gen.no other than不外
gen.no other than除…之外没有别的
gen.no other than正〔就〕是
gen.no other than只是〔有〕
gen.no M other than除了 N之外没有别的 M (N)
gen.no other than不是别人正是
gen.no other tool is suitable for the job没有别的工具适合这件活儿
gen.no other ways没办法
gen.no-overtopping condition未溢水〔未越波〕的条件
gen.no pains不劳则无获
gen.no parallax无视差
gen.no parking此处禁止停车 (here)
gen.no parking此处不准停
gen.no picnic不是轻松的事
bowl.No. 1 pin一号瓶
bowl.No. 1 pin顶瓶
bowl.No. 1 pin头瓶
gen.no price given未列出价格
gen.no problem没问题
gen.No problem, don't forget I've been living there for three years好啊,别忘了我可是在那里待了三年啦
gen.No problem. Go ahead没问题,去吧
gen.No problem. I will arrange it for you没问题,我这就给您安排
gen.No problem. We absolutely can meet the requirements没问题,我们一定满足您的要求
gen.no programming language无程序设计语言
gen.no radio没有无线电台
gen.no reference to没有提到
gen.no reference to不涉及
gen.no residual无残渣〔的〕
gen.no respect of persons with对…无所偏袒
gen.no room to swing a cat in很少活动余地
gen.no room to swing a cat in范围很小
gen.no room to turn in地方狭窄
gen.no room to turn in没有活动的余地
gen.no run left气力用完
gen.no sale没用
gen.no sale徒劳
gen.no sale没门
gen.no sale不行
gen.no salt added未加盐的
gen.no show fee违约金
gen.no sooner said than done马上就办
gen.no sooner said than done说办就办
gen.no sooner ... than...刚一 就…
gen.no sooner M than一 M 就 N (N)
gen.no sort of M is any good没有一种 M用得上
gen.no sort of M is any good哪一种M都不适用
gen.no spring无弹簧
gen.no spring detent带定位装置式换向阀
gen.no spring detent无弹簧带爪式换向阀 (滑阀动作终止后就停在该位置上)
gen.with no strings attached不附带条件
gen.no such tall buildings一切许多,有些,很少,没有像那些那样的高大楼房 (as those)
gen.no such thing没有这样的事
gen.no such thing哪里会
badm.no swing短击
gen.no taper无锥度
gen.No, thanks. They're labelled already. I hope they're not overweight不了,谢谢,已经贴上标签了,希望它们不会超重
gen.No. The pillow cases are stained and the bathtub is not clean. There is no toilet paper in the bathroom不,枕头套是脏的,浴缸也不干净,浴室里没有厕纸
gen.No, the sheets will be OK for another night不用了,床单还可以再用一晚
gen.No, there aren't any buses. But it is not far. And I have my car at the door of the hotel!不,没有。不过离这儿不远。我把车开到旅馆门口了
bridge.no trump无将
bridge.no trump overcall无将争叫
bridge.no trump rebid无将再叫
bridge.no trump response无将应叫
bridge.no trump response to suit opening无将应花色开叫
gen.no trunks无空线
gen.no trunks全部占线
gen.no value无价值〔的〕
gen.no way决不
gen.no way inferior一点儿也不坏
gen.no way无论如何不
gen.it is no wonder怪不得 (that)
gen.it is no wonder无怪乎 (that)
gen.it is no wonder难怪 (that)
gen.no wonder that...难怪…
gen.no wonder…不足为奇
gen.no wonder难怪
gen.No words can express the beauty of the Phillip Island Penguin Parade没有语言可以描述企鹅岛之美
gen.offer no way out of没有提供摆脱…的方法
gen.on no account千万不
gen.on no account决不
gen.on no condition在任何情况下都不可
gen.on no consideration决不
gen.on no occasion决不
gen.post no bills此处禁止招贴
gen.post no bills禁止招贴
bridge.quantitative four no trump示量性四无将
gen.Ring Index No.环形索引号
gen.see no reason看不出任何…的理由 (why)
gen.see no reason不明白为什么 (why)
gen.series No.档案号
gen.serve no purpose不能解决问题
gen.serve no purpose没有用
gen.set no count on轻视
gen.set no count on看不起
gen.set no price on不够,不重视
gen.set no great store by轻视
gen.set no great store by不重视
gen.She uses no shortening in her creations, only pure butter她不用任何起酥油,只用纯天然黄油
bridge.six no trump opening六无将开叫
bridge.Skinner responses to one no trump opening斯金纳应叫一无将开叫
gen.Sorry, that's a fixed price, no bargaining不好意思,那是固定价格,不讲价的
gen.spare no efforts尽力
gen.spare no expense不惜工本
gen.spare no expense不惜一切代价
bridge.strong no trump强无将
bridge.strong no trump after passing不叫过后的一无将强应叫
gen.take care there's no mistake当心不要弄错
gen.take no cognizance of对…置之不理
gen.take no count of很〔不〕重视…
gen.take no count of轻视
gen.take no count of看不起
gen.take no interest in对…不感〔不太感到,很感〕兴趣
gen.take no refusal不容拒绝〔推辞〕
gen.take no risks慎重行事
gen.take no stock in不信任
gen.take no stock in不相信
gen.Taking a taxi here means there is no need for tip at all在这里打车不需要给小费
gen.the brakes on no two cars are alike没有两辆车上的闸是一样的
gen.The genuineness and amount of the cash should be checked as soon as you get it. I'm afraid we bear no responsibilities for that after you leave the Front Desk您应该当时检验核对现金的数量与真伪,因为现金一旦离开前台我们将不再担负任何责任
gen.the mine is no longer being worked这矿现在已不开采了
gen.this motor is no heavier than that one这部马达并不比那部重
gen.to no effect没有用
gen.to no effect无效
gen.to no end徙劳
gen.to no end白白
gen.to no end无益的
gen.to no purpose毫无意义〔效果〕地
gen.to no purpose不中用
gen.to no purpose白白地
gen.to no purpose徒然
gen.to overhaul such a machine is no great problem检修这样一台机器不是大问题
bridge.two diamond artificial response to one no trump opening约定性二方块应叫一无将开叫
bridge.two no trump opening二无将开叫
bridge.two no trump opening for minor双低花套二无将开叫
bridge.two no trump overcall二无将争叫
bridge.two no trump rebid二无将再叫
bridge.two no trump response二无将应叫
bridge.two no trump response over opponent's take-out double对方技术性如倍后二无将应叫
bridge.unusual no trump overbid特殊无将争叫
bridge.unusual no trump overcall特殊无将争叫
gen.we can wait no longer我们不能再等了
gen.We have no direct flight to San Francisco. But you could take a connecting flight. You could fly Pan Am to L. A. and in L. A. you could catch a connecting flight to San Francisco我们没有直飞旧金山的航班,但是您可以乘坐联运航班。您可以乘坐泛美航空公司的航班到洛杉矶,在洛杉矶您可以乘坐联运航班到旧金山
bridge.weak no trump弱无将
bridge.weak no trump overcall弱无将争叫
gen.We'll be all right if there're no holdups如果不堵车,我们就来得及
gen.whether or no无论如何
gen.whether or no不管怎样
gen.whether or no无论怎么
gen.without vapour there would be no clouds没有蒸汽就不会有云
gen.World No-smoking Day世界无烟日5 月 31 日
gen.yes and no是和非〔否〕
gen."yes-no" type"是否"式
gen."yes-no" type of operation"是-否"工作状态〔工作方式〕
gen.yes or no是不是
gen.yield no success成功
gen.You can take a No. 24 bus here and then transfer to a No. 53 bus to get there你可以乘坐24路公交,转53路就可到达
gen.You can take Bus No. 23 at the street corner and get down at Brightsky station您可以在街角坐23路汽车,在明空站下车
gen.You can take either Bus No. 406 or No您可以乘406路或901路公交车
gen.you must go whether or no无论如何你得去
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