
Terms for subject Microsoft containing standard | all forms | exact matches only
American Standard Code for Information Interchange " A standard single-byte character encoding scheme used for text-based data. ASCII uses designated 7-bit or 8-bit number combinations to represent either 128 or 256 possible characters. Standard ASCII uses 7 bits to represent all uppercase and lowercase letters, the numbers 0 through 9, punctuation marks, and special control characters used in U.S. English. Most current x86-based systems support the use of extended (or ""high"") ASCII. Extended ASCII allows the eighth bit of each character to identify an additional 128 special symbol characters, foreign-language letters, and graphic symbols."standard ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
IEEE Standard Protocol for Authentication in Host Attachments of Transient Storage DevicesStandardní protokol IEEE pro ověřování připojení přechodných zařízení úložiště k hostitelským systémům (The IEEE industry standard that defines methods for authenticating transient removable storage devices (e.g. USB flash drives, memory cards, and portable hard disks) when they are mounted to host computers in corporate, government, academic, and other environments)
standard accountstandardní účet (A type of user account that allows users to install software and change system settings that do not affect other users or the security of the computer. This account type is recommended for daily use)
standard activitystandardní aktivita (The set of activities that is included with the standard installation of Orchestrator)
standard consumerstandardní příjemce (One of several preinstalled permanent consumers that perform an action, such as sending an e-mail or writing to a log when configured by a managed object format (MOF) file or a script)
standard cost pricestandardní nákladová cena (The normal or ideal cost that is used as a comparison to the actual cost. For manufactured items, standard cost price includes labor, materials, and overhead. For purchased items, standard cost price includes purchase price plus transportation and other fees)
standard deploymentstandardní nasazení (A deployment type that allows users to configure a Remote Desktop Services deployment across multiple servers or on one server)
standard deviationsměrodatná odchylka (A statistical measure of the amount by which a set of values differs from the arithmetical mean, equal to the square root of the mean of the differences' squares)
standard environmentstandardní prostředí (A collection of computers on which you can run and manage tests as a single entity)
standard errorstandardní cíl chybové zprávy (An output stream typically used by programs to output error messages or diagnostics)
standard fontstandardní písmo (The default text font for worksheets. The standard font determines the default font for the Normal cell style)
Standard Generalized Markup Languagejazyk SGML (The international standard for organizing and tagging elements and data in a document. SGML itself does not specify any particular formatting; rather, it specifies the rules for tagging elements. Tags can then be interpreted to format elements in different ways)
Standard Industrial Classification codeOborová klasifikace ekonomických činností (A four-digit number assigned by the U.S. government to designate the economic activity of businesses)
standard keyboardstandardní klávesnice (An input device consisting of a set of individual keys similar to those on a typewriter. It is used to convey information from a user to a computer or data communications circuit)
standard modestandardní režim (The standard statement completion mode that is provided by IntelliSense. Standard mode is used when classes and members are used after having been defined)
standard modulestandardní modul (A module in which you can place Sub and Function procedures that you want to be available to other procedures throughout your database)
standard NIS mapstandardní mapa služby NIS (In Network Information Service (NIS), a map that consists of aliases, bootparams, ethers, hosts, group, netgroup, netid, netmasks, networks, passwd, protocols, rpc, services, pservers, and shadow; all other maps are nonstandard)
standard ratestandardní sazba (A base rate that you assign to resources [such as people, equipment, or material] and that Project uses to calculate resource cost totals)
Standard toolbarpanel nástrojů Standardní (A toolbar that contains buttons you can use to perform some of the most common tasks in a Microsoft Office program, such as opening, saving, and printing files)
standard userstandardní uživatel (A user account in the Users group that has a full privilege access token. The standard user is not an administrator and is not a member of any local groups that are filtered)