
Terms for subject Microsoft containing rules | all forms | exact matches only
account ruleúčetní pravidlo (A rule in an accounting system that controls the valid financial dimension value combinations when the requirements of the financial dimension structure condition are met)
accounting ruleúčetní pravidlo (A rule in an accounting system that controls the principles, methods, and procedures for classifying, recording, and reporting the financial consequences of accounting events)
authorization ruleautorizační pravidlo (A script, written in VBScript or JScript, that can be included in role definitions and task definitions. An authorization rule determines whether the role or task is allowed)
automatic approval rulepravidlo automatického schvalování (A type of rule that allows updates to be automatically approved based on product and update classifications)
best practice rulepravidlo doporučeného postupu (A rule that is optionally enforced after compilation in X++. The rules represent safe or consistent code design)
budget control rulepravidlo kontroly rozpočtu (The encoding of a business decision to check committed and actual expenditure against available budget funds allocated for detailed or aggregate activities defined by valid budget control dimension value combinations)
Business RulesObchodní pravidla (A node in the solution explorer that will display all the rules that are created on attributes on the current entity and that apply to other entities)
business rulesobchodní pravidla (The logical rules that are used to run a business)
call-handling rulespravidla zpracování volání (A set of features used for call answering and forwarding)
configuration rulekonfigurační pravidlo (A rule that limits the items that can be combined to produce a manufactured product. A configuration rule applies to a configuration group)
crawl rulepravidlo procházení (A set of preferences that applies to a specific URL or range of URLs that you can use to include or exclude items you want to crawl and specify the content access account to use when crawling that URL or range)
custom build rulevlastní pravidlo sestavení (A build rule defined by the user, typically to call a tool that is not part of the normal Visual Studio build process)
custom rulevlastní pravidlo (In a role, a specification that limits the dimension members or cube cells that users in the role are permitted to access)
dialing rulespravidla vytáčení (A feature that allows the user to define a set of rules that are used repeatedly when dialing from a specific place)
dimension derivation ruleodvozovací pravidlo dimenze (A rule to determine a ledger dimension for classifying the financial consequences of an accounting event)
direct membership rulepravidlo přímého členství (A collection membership rule that targets an individual resource, such as a user, user group, or an SMS/Configuration Manager client. This allows you to gather a diverse group of resources)
Duplicate Detection Rule PublicationPublikování pravidla vyhledávání duplicit (A system job that publishes a duplicate detection rule)
expenditure recognition accounting ruleúčetní pravidlo pro uznání výdaje (A recognition accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of expenditure in accounts and on financial statements)
extraction rulepravidlo pro získání hodnoty (A rule that copies a string from a Web test response and puts it in the test context for use later in the test)
GxP Predicate Rulespredikativní pravidla GxP (FDA rulings that are observed within the pharmaceutical industry)
HIPAA Privacy Rulepravidlo ochrany osobních údajů podle zákona HIPAA (A rule issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to implement the privacy requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a federal law that provides rights and protections for participants and beneficiaries in group health plans. The rule establishes national standards for the protection of certain health information, including standards addressing the use and disclosure of individuals' health information and standards for individuals' privacy rights to understand and control how their health information is used)
Inbox rulepravidlo doručené pošty (A rule that is defined by an end-user using Outlook or Outlook Web App. When a message that meets the conditions of the rule is sent or received, the rule triggers an action that is performed automatically)
kanban rulekanbanové pravidlo (A rule in a lean manufacturing system that realizes material planning and replenishment policies by controlling how process and transfer activities are coordinated in production flows)
main account derivation ruleodvozovací pravidlo hlavního účtu (A rule to determine a main account dimension for classifying the financial consequences of an accounting event)
maintenance rulepravidlo údržby (A rule that is executed by the SharePoint Maintenance Manager to identify problems that are related to configuration settings, data integrity, performance, security, and other issues)
Management Policy RulePravidlo zásad správy (A rule in ILM that defines a condition and the subsequent action to take when that condition is met. Management policy rules are used to model the business processing rules for incoming requests to ILM)
message rulepravidlo pro zprávy (A set of criteria for updating a project file with the information in Project Server workgroup messages. For example, project managers can specify that updates from all workgroup members be automatically accepted)
normalization rulenormalizační pravidlo (A design rule that minimizes data redundancy and results in a database in which the Database Engine and application software can easily enforce integrity)
outbound translation rulepravidlo odchozího převodu (A rule that converts phone numbers to the local dialing format for interaction with private branch exchange (PBX) systems)
policy rulepravidlo zásad (A rule in a policy that controls the actions that can or must be taken when the requirements of the condition are met)
Post Rule ConfigurationsKonfigurace pravidel příspěvků (Tab on the Records section of the ribbon in CRM that contains the controls for setting the rules about how posts are handled for Yammer)
project funding rulepravidlo financování projektu (A rule in a project system that controls how project activities are funded by one or more funding sources based on project criteria and other conditions)
query rulepravidlo dotazu (A rule that an administrator can configure and apply to query processing to help optimize results and create an enhanced user experience)
Quick RulesRychlá pravidla (A feature that allows form designers to select from a gallery of pre-built rules to make their forms dynamic)
recognition accounting ruleúčetní pravidlo pro uznání (An accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of revenue and expenditure in accounts and on financial statements)
revenue recognition accounting ruleúčetní pravidlo pro uznání výnosů (A recognition accounting rule that prescribes the recognition of revenue in accounts and on financial statements)
Rule-based configurationkonfigurace založená na pravidlech (A configuration technology that uses rules to develop product masters and to configure distinct products)
rule collectionkolekce pravidel (An ordered set of rules for the purpose of implementing a messaging policy. The number of rule collections is set at design time)
rule firingprovádění pravidel (The process of running one of the application rules (event chronicle rules, subscription event rules, and subscription scheduled rules) defined in the application definition file)
rule processorprocesor pravidel (The set of logic rules used by the Application Performance Monitoring (APM) service. This set of rules determines how to handle the processing of data that is collected from an application)
Rules InspectorKontrola pravidel (A dialog that allows the user to view all the rules (logic) in a form pivoted in different ways. Because the information is summarized in a centralized view, the user doesn't have to click through multiple dialogs)
Rules ManagerSprávce pravidel (A task pane that helps form designers to build and manage custom business rules for use in their forms)
transport rulepravidlo přenosu (A concept that implements a single function point of a transport messaging policy. A transport rule contains conditions as to when to trigger this rule and an ordered set of actions as to what to do if the rule is triggered. Additionally, each transport rule can have exceptions that specify what to exclude from the condition. Exceptions typically identify a subset of criteria identified in the condition)
Weekend RulePravidlo pro víkend (A policy in Microsoft Office Outlook that moves reccurring meetings forward one day if they land on a weekend or on a public holiday)
workflow rulepravidlo pracovního postupu (A set of action steps in a business process or sales process. A workflow rule specifies the required activities for a workflow and the order in which those activities must be performed)