
Terms for subject Microsoft containing performance | all forms | exact matches only
Application Performance Monitoring agentagent Application Performance Monitoring (An agent that resides on a monitored system and gathers exception and performance information from a monitored application and reports it to the APM service)
complete performance indexukazatel efektivity zbývající práce (The ratio of the work remaining to be done to funds remaining to be spent, as of the status date [BAC - BCWP]/[BAC - ACWP]. A TCPI value greater than one indicates a need for increased performance; less than one indicates performance can decrease)
cost performance indexukazatel čerpání nákladů (The ratio of budgeted costs of work performed to actual costs of work performed [BCWP/ACWP]. The cumulative CPI [sum of the BCWP for all tasks divided by the sum of the ACWP for all tasks] can be used to predict whether a project will go over budget)
high-performance file systemsystém souborů HPFS (A fixed-disk file system that organizes the disk into volumes, rather than partitions and logical drives. HPFS supports long, mixed-case filenames and extended attributes, and implements several levels of caching, for improved operating-system performance. The IBM OS/2 operating system supports HPFS)
high performance file systemsystém souborů HPFS (A fixed-disk file system that organizes the disk into volumes, rather than partitions and logical drives. HPFS supports long, mixed-case filenames and extended attributes, and implements several levels of caching, for improved operating-system performance. The IBM OS/2 operating system supports HPFS)
High-Performance Media Access Technology A recording format that can store audio, video, and pictures on a CD or DVD. HighMat discs play on any Windows computer and on some DVD playersstandard HighMAT (High-Performance Media Access Technology)
key performance indicatorklíčový indikátor výkonnosti (A predefined measure that is used to track performance of a strategic goal, objective, plan, initiative, or business process. A KPI is evaluated against a target. An explicit and measurable value taken directly from a data source. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are used to measure performance in a specific area, for example, revenue per customer)
key performance indicatorklíčový ukazatel výkonu (A predefined measure that is used to track performance of a strategic goal, objective, plan, initiative, or business process. A KPI is evaluated against a target. An explicit and measurable value taken directly from a data source. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are used to measure performance in a specific area, for example, revenue per customer)
on-chip performance counterčítač výkonu na čipu (A register on a CPU chip that stores very low-level information. This information can be queried)
Page Performance ConsoleKonzola pro testování rychlosti stránek (A troubleshooting tool used for per-page performance testing)
pay per performancevýkonnostní složka (An employee payment system that is based on measures of goals and reviews. Employees receive increased compensation for their work if they or their team, department, or company reaches certain targets)
performance analysisanalýza výkonnosti (The assessment of actual performance against an established standard)
Performance Analyzer for HTML5 AppsAnalyzátor výkonu pro aplikace HTML5 (A tool within the Windows SDK used to analyze the performance of Windows Store apps that use HTML5 and JavaScript)
Performance and Resource Optimization packsada Performance and Resource Optimization (A type of System Center pack that provides classes, monitors, alerts, and tasks for Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO) in Virtual Machine Manager)
Performance CenterCentrum sledování výkonu (Item on the Control Panel that allows the user to monitor PC performance)
performance counterčítač výkonu (A set of components that allow you to track the performance of an application)
performance dimensionvýkonová dimenze (A dimension used to distinguish and categorize key performance activity against objectives)
performance eventudálost související s výkonem (An event that is raised if a performance metric, such as the time from when a request was made until the response is sent, exceeds the configured threshold)
Performance Logs and AlertsVýstrahy a protokolování výkonu (A Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) API that enables application programmers to log system performance and diagnosis data, and to generate alert notifications based on performance counter thresholds)
performance managementřízení výkonnosti (The modification of a process or task to improve performance to meet an established standard)
performance objectobjekt sledování výkonu (In System Monitor, a logical collection of counters that is associated with a resource or service that can be monitored)
Performance ReviewsPracovní hodnocení (A template that addresses, from a Human Resources perspective, the general activities that define the typical quarterly or annual performance review cycle. This template assumes a performance review process has previously been established and assumes that performance is not tied to compensation)
performance testtest výkonnosti (A procedure used to assess performance)
performance toolsnástroje pro měření výkonu (Tools that you can use to evaluate the performance of a solution. Performance tools can have different purposes; some are designed to evaluate end-to-end performance while others focus on evaluating performance of a particular aspect of a solution)
Performance troubleshooterPoradce pro optimalizaci výkonu (A troubleshooter that helps optimize performance settings in Windows)
Performance viewZobrazení výkonu (A window that displays specified performance information)
schedule performance indexindikátor plnění plánu (The ratio of the earned value (EV), which is sometimes referred to as the budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), to the planned value (PV), which is sometimes referred to as the budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS). SPI is often used to estimate the project completion date. The SPI value is calculated as follows: SPI = EV/PV. If the resulting SPI value is less than 1.0, that indicates that less work was completed on the project than was planned. If the SPI value is 1.0 or greater, that indicates that more work was completed than was planned; SPI)
state performance counterčítač výkonu stavu (A counter that monitors the immediate health state of an application by collecting a snapshot of configured performance counters at 5 minute intervals. This data is available for viewing trends in Application Diagnostics)
troubleshooting performance counterčítač výkonu řešení problémů (A counter that collects continuously within a 15-minute window. When a .NET exception or performance event occurs, all performance counter data from the 15-minute window leading up to the event are captured and stored)
Web Performance Test EditorEditor testů výkonu webu (The Visual Studio editor in which a Web test is edited. It displays a tree structure of request nodes)
Web Performance Test Result ViewerProhlížeč výsledků testů výkonu webu (A Visual Studio window where Web tests are run and results are displayed)
Windows Performance AnalyzerAnalyzátor výkonu Windows (A set of performance monitoring tools used to produce in-depth performance profiles of both systems and applications)
Windows Performance Diagnostic ConsoleKonzola pro diagnostiku výkonu systému Windows (A tool used in computer management to monitor the devices or processes on user's system)
Windows Performance RecorderZáznam výkonu Windows (A tool that provides OEMs and IT Professionals with detailed recordings of system and application behavior and resource usage)
Windows Performance ToolkitSada nástrojů pro analýzu výkonu Windows (A kit that consists of two tools: Windows Performance Recorder and Windows Performance Analyzer. These tools are used to provides detailed recordings of system and application behavior and resource usage, and then analyze the results)