
Terms for subject Microsoft containing fault | all forms | exact matches only
fault injectionvkládání chyb (A technology allowing users to inject faults into an executable without requiring rebuilding the binary or modifying the source code; thus, providing a means of simulating errors and testing recovery)
fault toleranceodolnost proti chybám (The ability of computer hardware or software to ensure data integrity when hardware failures occur. Fault-tolerant features appear in many server operating systems and include mirrored volumes, RAID-5 volumes, and server clusters)
fault tolerant heaphalda odolná proti chybám (A heap manager that can tolerate some types of programming errors (faults) which in the default Windows heap manager would result in crashes)
fault tree analysis diagramdiagram analýzy stromu chyb (A type of diagram commonly used to illustrate events that might lead to a failure so the failure can be prevented)
hard faultchyba stránkování na disk (The interrupt that occurs when a page that is on disk is sought in the file system cache and is not found)
kernel faultchyba jádra (An exception that occurs while the operating system is executing internal code (in drivers, the kernel, etc))
page faultchyba stránkování (" The interrupt that occurs when software attempts to read from or write to a virtual memory location that is marked "not present.")
Page Faults Deltarozdíl chyb stránek (In Task Manager, the change in the number of page faults since the last update)
SOAP faultchyba protokolu SOAP (A collection of elements in a SOAP message that identify the code and cause of an error)