
Terms containing Index | all forms | exact matches only
astr.absolute index of refractionabsolutní index lomu
construct., mun.plan., phys.sc.activity concentration indexindex hmotnostní aktivity
econ.balance sheet indexbilanční ukazatel
life.sc.biological indexingbiologické indexování
environ.biotic index Scale for showing the quality of an environment by indicating the types of organisms present in it (e.g. how clean a river is)index biotický
astr.blue minus yellow colour indexindex B-V
astr.blue minus yellow colour indexbarevný index B-V
fin.bond tied to an indexindexované obligace
econ.bonus indexprémiový ukazatel
construct.card indexlístkovnice
construct.card indexkartotéka
chem.Chemical Abstracts Service index numberregistrační číslo CAS
comp., MSclustered indexclusterovaný index (A B-tree-based index in which the logical order of the key values determines the physical order of the corresponding rows in a table)
construct.coli-index of sewagecoliové číslo odpadních vod
construct.coli-index of sewagecoli-titr odpadních vod
construct.coli-index of sewagecoli-index odpadních vod
comp., MScolor indexindex barvy (An index mode that specifies colors as indexes into a palette instead of as levels of red, green, and blue)
astr.color indexbarevný index (USA)
construct.color rendering indexindex podání barev
astr.B-V colour indexbarevný index B-V
astr.U-B colour indexbarevný index U-B
astr.B-V colour indexindex B-V
astr.colour indexbarevný index
comp., MScommodity channel index formulavzorec pro index komoditního kanálu (A formula that calculates the mean deviation of the daily average price of a commodity from the moving average. A value above 100 indicates that the commodity is overbought, and a value below -100 indicates that the commodity is oversold)
stat.common index reference periodspolečné referenční období pro index
comp., MScomplete performance indexukazatel efektivity zbývající práce (The ratio of the work remaining to be done to funds remaining to be spent, as of the status date [BAC - BCWP]/[BAC - ACWP]. A TCPI value greater than one indicates a need for increased performance; less than one indicates performance can decrease)
astr.composite colour indexcelkový barevný index
comp., MScomposite indexsložený index (An index that uses more than one column in a table to index data)
construct.consistency indexukazatel konsistence
commer.Consumer Conditions Indexindex podmínek pro spotřebitele
comp., MSContact indexrejstřík kontaktů (A set of buttons used to move through contact items displayed in Address Cards or Detailed Address Cards view. The Contact index moves the focus to the first contact whose name begins with the selected character)
comp., MScontent indexindex obsahu (The full-text index, pointer to the property store, and other data that describes content across content sources, scopes, and servers)
comp., MScontent index serverserver indexu obsahu (A server that is dedicated to creating and updating context indexes)
comp., MScontent indexingindexování obsahu (The process of creating an index of the content)
crim.law., law, int. law.correlation indexkorelační index
agric.correlation indexindex korelace
econ.cost indexeshodnotoví ukazatelé
comp., MScost performance indexukazatel čerpání nákladů (The ratio of budgeted costs of work performed to actual costs of work performed [BCWP/ACWP]. The cumulative CPI [sum of the BCWP for all tasks divided by the sum of the ACWP for all tasks] can be used to predict whether a project will go over budget)
construct.dazzling indexčinitel omezující oslnění
agric.digestibility indexkoeficient stravitelnosti
construct.directivity indexindex směrovosti
comp., MSdisabled indexzakázaný index (Any index that has been marked as disabled. A disabled index is unavailable for use by the database engine. The index definition of a disabled index remains in the system catalog with no underlying index data)
econ.document indexingindexace dokumentů
agric.economical indexekonomický ukazatel
construct.energy consumption indexukazatel spotřeby energie
environ.environmental index An index of available environmental articles from 1972 to present; also known as Environmental Abstract Annualindex environmentální
gen.European Consumer Price Indexevropský index spotřebitelských cen
gen.European index of consumer pricesevropský index spotřebitelských cen
busin.European Rating Indexevropský ratingový index
agric.fixed base indexindex stálého složení
agric.fixed base indexindex se stálým základem
comp., MSfull-text indexfulltextový index (An index that enables full-text search for a group of managed properties)
comp., MSfull-text search indexindex fulltextového vyhledávání (An index that enables full-text search for a group of managed properties)
fin., stat.GDP per capita volume indexobjemový index HDP na obyvatele
comp., MSgraph indexindex grafu (An index structure that stores graph edges and their associated data such as actor, action, and object)
astr.heat indextepelný index
construct.hydrogen index of corrosionvodíkový index koroze
comp., MSincluded column indexzahrnutý sloupcový index (A nonclustered index containing both key and nonkey columns)
comp., MSIndex Allocation MapIndexová alokační mapa (A page that maps the extents in a 4-GB part of a database file that is used by an allocation unit)
comp., MSindex buffervyrovnávací paměť indexů (An area of memory which holds a table that contains reference information pointing to vertices in your vertex buffer)
fin.index CDSswap úvěrového selhání založené na indexu
construct.index characteristicpříznak ukazatele
construct.index characteristicznak ukazatele
fin.index credit default swapswap úvěrového selhání založené na indexu
comp., MSindex entrypoložka rejstříku (A field code that marks specific text for inclusion in an index. When you mark text as an index entry, Microsoft Office Word inserts an XE (Index Entry) field formatted as hidden text)
fin.index fundindexový fond
fin.index-linked bondindexované obligace
agric.index method of linear programmingmetoda indexního lineárního programování
agric.index number with changed weightsindex proměnlivého složení
agric.index of aciditystupeň kyselosti
agric.index of aciditystupeň koncentrace vodíkových iontů
construct.index of air noise reductionindex izolace proti hluku vyvozenému aerodynamickým účinkem proudu vzduchu
agric.index of dispersionindex rozptylu
astr.К-index of geomagnetic activityK index
construct.index of impact noise reductionindex izolace proti nárazovému hluku
agric.index of living costsindex životních nákladů
construct.index of machinery fleet useukazatel využití strojního parku
astr.index of refractionindex lomu
agric.index of resultativenessvýsledkový ukazatel
construct.index of sensibilityindex citlivosti
astr.index of the stream activityindex činnosti roje
environ.index organismindikátorový organismus
environ.index organismindikační organismus
comp., MSindex pageindexová stránka (A database page containing index rows)
comp., MSindex partitionoddíl indexu (A logical portion of the search index)
comp., MSindex propagationšíření indexu (The process of distributing an index from a content index server to one or more Web servers for the purposes of providing search)
comp., MSindex replicareplika indexu (A copy of a search index within an index partition)
comp., MSindex roleindexovací role (The role name of a server that services indexing in the farm topology)
comp., MSindex serverserver indexu (A server that crawls content and uses that content to create the content index)
law, transp.index to the information packageseznam schvalovací dokumentace
fin.index trackingsledování indexu
fin.index-tracking fundindexový fond
fin.index tracking fund managementpasivní správa fondu
environ.indexing of documentation A service which creates a special contents list, containing titles, authors, abstracts, subject headings and other information, to describe a large number of publications and to be used in searchable, machine-readable (or printed) look-up tablesindexace dokumentace
astr.integrated colour indexcelkový barevný index
comp., MSkey indexindex klíče (The location where a specific network key for a wireless access point is stored)
stat.labour cost indexindex nákladů práce
stat., scient.Laspeyres'indexLaspeyresův cenový index
stat., scient.Laspeyres'indexLaspeyresův index
stat., scient.Laspeyres price indexLaspeyresův index
stat., scient.Laspeyres price indexLaspeyresův cenový index
construct.liquidity indexindex tekutosti
comp., MSlist indexindex seznamu (The sequence of numbers for items in a list, starting with 0 for the first item, 1 for the second item, and so forth)
comp., MSmaintainability indexindex udržovatelnosti (A value between 0 and 100 that represents the relative ease of maintaining the code. A high value means better maintainability)
construct.material consumption indexukazatele spotřeby materiálu
astr.name indexjmenný rejstřík
econ.natural indexnaturální ukazatel
construct.noise indexcharakteristika hluku
comp., MSnonclustered indexneclusterovaný index (A B-tree-based index in which the logical order of the index key values is different than the physical order of the corresponding rows in a table. The index contains row locators that point to the storage location of the table data)
comp., MSNonkey index columnneklíčový indexový sloupec (Column in a nonclustered index that does not participate as a key column. Rather, the column is stored in the leaf-level of the index and is used in conjunction with the key columns to cover one or more queries)
agric.oxygen indexdetektor kyslíku (of tobacco)
agric.oxygen indexukazatel obsahu kyslíku (of tobacco)
construct.oxygen index of corrosionkyslíkový index koroze
stat., scient.Paasche indexPaascheho index
stat., scient.Paasche indexPaascheho cenový index
stat., scient.Paasche price indexPaascheho index
stat., scient.Paasche price indexPaascheho cenový index
stat., scient.Paasche's indexPaascheho cenový index
stat., scient.Paasche's indexPaascheho index
comp., MSpackage resource index fileindexový soubor balíčku prostředků (A binary file used in Windows Store apps to store resources for all languages, cultures, and scale factors)
comp., MSpartitioned indexdělený index (An index built on a partition scheme, and whose data is horizontally divided into units which may be spread across more than one filegroup in a database)
fin., stat.per capita GDP volume indexobjemový index HDP na obyvatele
tech., chem.peroxide indexperoxidové číslo
construct.pH indexveličina pH
construct.pH indexhodnota pH
construct.pH indexzáporný logaritmus koncentrace vodíkových iontů
construct.pH indexvodíkový exponent
econ.plan indexplánový ukazatel
mech.plasticity indexčíslo plasticity
mech.plasticity indexindex plasticity
construct.plasticity indexukazatel plastičnosti
astr.polytropic indexpolytropní index
comp., MSposition indexpoziční index (An identifier associated with each address card in the Contacts database. The position index indicates the address card's position relative to the other address cards in the database. A position index is distinct from an object identifier)
construct.prefabrication indexkoeficient montovatelnosti
econ.price indexcenový index
econ.price indexingindexace cen
stat.price level indexindex cenové hladiny
comp., MSpseudo indexpseudoindex (A dynamic cross-reference of one or more table data fields (columns) that permits an ODBC table (server table) without a unique index to be edited)
agric.qualitative indexjakostní ukazatel
agric.qualitative indexkvalitativní ukazatel
astr.refractive indexindex lomu
construct.refractive indexsoučinitel lomu
comp., MSring indexkruhový index (An index that indicates the number of rings in a polygon instance)
construct.room indexindex místnosti
environ.saprobic index Indication or measure of the level of organic pollutionindex saprobní
comp., MSschedule performance indexindikátor plnění plánu (The ratio of the earned value (EV), which is sometimes referred to as the budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), to the planned value (PV), which is sometimes referred to as the budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS). SPI is often used to estimate the project completion date. The SPI value is calculated as follows: SPI = EV/PV. If the resulting SPI value is less than 1.0, that indicates that less work was completed on the project than was planned. If the SPI value is 1.0 or greater, that indicates that more work was completed than was planned; SPI)
agric., food.ind.sedimentation index – Zeleny testsedimentační index – Zelenyho test
forestr.site indexindex stanoviště
forestr.site indexbonitní index
construct.sludge indexkalový index
construct.softening indexsoučinitel měknutí
astr.special color-indexspeciální barevný index
astr.special colour-indexspeciální barevný index
fin.stock index fundindexový fond
astr.subject indexvěcný rejstřík
astr.three-hour-range-indexK index
astr.ultraviolet minus blue colour indexbarevný index U-B
comp., MSunique indexjedinečný index (An index in which no two rows are permitted to have the same index value, thus prohibiting duplicate index or key values)
soil.viscosity indexukazatel vazkosti
stat.volume indexobjemový index
econ.wage indexingmzdová indexace
agric.weighing indexvážený index
econ.weighted indexvážený průměr
agric.weighted index numbervážený index
astr.yellow color-indexžlutý barevný index
agric., food.ind.Zeleny indexsedimentační index – Zelenyho test