
Terms containing Control | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSaccess controlřízení přístupu (A security mechanism that determines which operations a user, group, service, or computer is authorized to perform on a computer or on a particular object, such as a file, printer, registry subkey, or directory service object)
comp., MSaccess control entrypoložka řízení přístupu (An entry in either a securable object's discretionary access control list (DACL) or an object's system access control list (SACL). In a DACL, the entry grants or denies permissions to a user or group. In a SACL, the entry specifies which security events to audit for a particular user or group or controls the Windows Integrity Level for the object)
comp., MSAccess Control Entry Management ViewZobrazení pro správu položek řízení přístupu (A feature that allows the user to set access levels for a group of contacts)
comp., MSaccess control listseznam řízení přístupu (In Windows-based systems, a list of access control entries (ACE) that apply to an entire object, a set of the object's properties, or an individual property of an object, and that define the access granted to one or more security principals)
comp., MSAccess Control Server A component of Cisco Identity Based Networking Services (IBNS) architecture that improves network access security for Cisco network devicesserver ACS (Access Control Server)
fin.action plan towards an integrated internal control frameworkakční plán na zřízení integrovaného rámce vnitřní kontroly
pharma.active controlaktivní kontrola
pharma.active controlsrovnávací přípravek
comp., MSactive controlaktivní ovládací prvek (In an environment capable of displaying multiple on-screen controls, the control that will be affected by current cursor movements, commands, and text entry)
pharma.active controlaktivní komparátor
comp., MSActiveX controlovládací prvek ActiveX (A software control that incorporates ActiveX technology)
agric.activity controlkontrola činnosti
econ.administrative controlsprávní kontrola
comp., MSadmission controlřízení přístupu (The service used to administratively control network resources on shared network segments)
agric.aerial pest controlletecká ochrana proti škůdcům
agric.aerial pest controlletecký boj se škůdci
environ.air quality control The measurement of ambient air-pollution concentrations in order to determine whether there is a problem in a given regionkontrola kvality ovzduší
econ.air traffic controlletecká kontrola
commer., transp., avia.air traffic control clearancepovolení ATC
commer., transp., avia.air traffic control clearanceletové povolení
gen.air traffic control sectorsektor ATC
gen.air traffic control unitstanoviště ATC
construct.airdrome control towerřídicí letištní věž
life.sc.amplification reagent controlkontrola amplifikačních činidel
life.sc.amplification reagent controlbeztemplátová kontrola
commer., transp., avia.approach control servicepřibližovací služba řízení
econ.arms controlkontrola zbrojení
comp., MSASP.NET mobile controlmobilní ovládací prvek ASP.NET (One of a set of ASP.NET controls designed for mobile Web applications. ASP.NET mobile controls extend their ASP.NET server control counterparts)
comp., MSASP.NET server controlserverový ovládací prvek ASP.NET (" A server-side component that encapsulates user-interface and related functionality. An ASP.NET server control derives directly or indirectly from the System.Web.UI.Control class. The superset of ASP.NET server controls includes Web server controls, HTML server controls, and ASP.NET mobile controls. The page syntax for an ASP.NET server control includes a runat="server" attribute on the control's tag.")
eng.astatic controlnestatická regulace
comp., MSAudio ControlsOvládací prvky hovoru (An item on the View menu that displays the toolbar of controls for audio calls. Audio Controls include a Call menu for the currently selected person, microphone and speaker controls, Mute, Hang Up, and Transfer buttons)
comp., MSAudit and Control Management ServerServer pro správu auditů a kontrol (A Microsoft Office product that provides non-intrusive auditing of changes made to Excel spreadsheets and Access databases, and supports alerts, notifications and automatic workflows based on user activities such as macro or formula changes)
immigr.automated border controlautomatizovaná hraniční kontrola
immigr.automated border controlsystém automatizované hraniční kontroly
immigr.Automated Border Control systemsystém automatizované hraniční kontroly
immigr.Automated Border Control systemautomatizovaná hraniční kontrola
construct.automated control systemautomatizovaný systém řízení
construct.automated control system information provisioninformační zajištění automatizovaného systému řízení
construct.automated control system information provisioninformační vybavení automatizovaného systému řízení
construct.automated control system mathematical maintenancematematické vybavení automatizovaného systému řízení
construct.automated control system organization maintenanceorganizační vybavení automatizovaného systému řízení
construct.automated control system technical maintenancetechnické vybavení automatizovaného systému řízení
astr.automatic controlautomatické řízení
construct.bank controlkontrola bankou
environ., UNBasel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their DisposalBasilejská úmluva o kontrole pohybu nebezpečných odpadů přes hranice států a jejich zneškodňování
environ., UNBasel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their DisposalBasilejská úmluva
comp., MSbasic controlzákladní ovládací prvek (A control that is rendered as a label-value pair)
environ.biological pest control Any living organism applied to or introduced into the environment that is intended to function as a pesticide against another organism declared to be a pestochrana proti škůdcům biologická
agric.biological pest controlbiologická metoda
environ.birth control Limitation of the number of children born by preventing or reducing the frequency of impregnationkontrola porodnosti
econ.birth controlkontrola porodnosti
econ.border controlhraniční kontrola
immigr.border controlpohraniční kontrola
law, immigr.border controlochrana hranic
econ.border control poststanoviště hraniční kontroly
comp., MSbound controlvázaný ovládací prvek (A control used on a form, report, or data access page to display or modify data from a table, query, or SQL statement)
comp., MSbudget controlkontrola rozpočtu (A practice of authorizing expenditure only when budget funds can be reserved to meet future payment commitments)
comp., MSbudget control dimensionřídicí dimenze rozpočtu (A combination of active financial dimensions values used to allocate budget funds to pay for planned activities)
comp., MSbudget control rulepravidlo kontroly rozpočtu (The encoding of a business decision to check committed and actual expenditure against available budget funds allocated for detailed or aggregate activities defined by valid budget control dimension value combinations)
econ.budgetary controlkontrola rozpočtu
comp., MSbutton controltlačítko (A graphical control that enables a user to provide input to an application)
comp., MScalculated controlpočítaný ovládací prvek (A control used on a form, report, or data access page to display the result of an expression. The result is recalculated each time there is a change in any of the values that the expression is based on)
comp., MSCallback Control Protocol The Network Control Protocol that negotiates the use of callback over PPP linksprotokol CBCP (Callback Control Protocol)
stat.case-control studystudie případů a kontrol
med., pharma.case-control studystudie typu case-control
construct.centralized control systemcentralizovaná soustava dispečerského ovládání zařízení
comp., MSchange controlřízení změn (Principles and processes that facilitate the management of change without compromising the quality or integrity of an IT project or solution, through structured procedures for submitting, approving, implementing, and reviewing change requests)
environ.chemical pest control Control of plants and animals classified as pests by means of chemical compoundsochrana proti škůdcům chemická
comp., MSchrome controlovládací prvek Chrome (An HTML and JavaScript based control that renders the top chrome, which is available to use in apps for SharePoint)
construct.clearance control flatcarvůz pro měření průjezdného průřezu
construct.clearance control flatcarvůz pro kontrolu průjezdného průřezu
comp., MSclient extension controlovládací prvek klientského rozšíření (A user interface control that can be added to Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity forms and within the application toolbar or navigation area of an entity form. These controls are configured in XML within ISV.Config and are designed to allow the inclusion of functionality from another web application within Microsoft Dynamics CRM. There are three types of client extension controls: Menu Items, Buttons, Entity Form Navigation areas)
construct.coefficient of reservoir discharge controlsoučinitel nadlepšení odtoku
construct.combined elevator controlkombinované řízení výtahu
comp., MScombo box controlpole se seznamem (A standard Windows control that combines text box and list box functions)
gen.command and controlvelení a řízení
comp., MScommand bar controlpanel příkazů (A built-in or custom control on a menu bar, toolbar, menu, submenu, or shortcut menu. Custom controls you can add to command bars include buttons, edit boxes, drop-down list boxes, and pop-up controls, which display a menu or submenu)
gen.command, control and communicationsystém velení, řízení a spojení
comp., MScommand control blockpříkazový řídicí blok (A specifically formatted information set used in the IBM Token Ring environment that is transmitted from the application program to the adapter support software to request an operation)
gen.Command, Control, Communications, Computers C4, Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance ISTARvelení, řízení, spojení, komunikační a informační systémy, zpravodajství, sledování, určování cílů a průzkum
environ.Committee for adaptation to technical progress and implementation of the Directive on the control of volatile organic compound VOC emissions resulting from the storage of petrol and its distribution from terminals to service stationsVýbor pro přizpůsobování technickému pokroku a provádění směrnice o omezování emisí těkavých organických sloučenin VOC vznikajících při skladování benzinu a při jeho distribuci od terminálů k čerpacím stanicím
cust.common risk management framework for customs controlspolečný rámec pro řízení rizik
obs., fish.farm., polit.Community Fisheries Control AgencyAgentura Společenství pro kontrolu rybolovu
account.compensating controlkompenzační kontrola
comp., MScompound controlsložený ovládací prvek (A control and an attached label, such as a text box with an attached label)
construct.concrete strength controlkontrola pevnosti betonu
construct.conditional control transfer instructionpodmíněná skoková instrukce
construct.conditional control transfer instructionpodmíněná instrukce skoku
comp., MSconfiguration controlkontrola konfigurace (The process of ensuring that the product sent to the customer is designed and arranged as the customer specified)
gen.consultation, command and controlsystém velení, řízení a spojení
comp., MScontainer controlkontejner (A type of ASP.NET mobile control that contains other controls and provides visual groupings of controls and content)
comp., MScontent controlovládací prvek obsahu (A control designed to contain content such as placeholder or sample text or images that is updated by the user, or pre-defined lists of items from which users can select)
comp., MScontext control blockřídicí blok obsahu (An internal file system structure in which a file system maintains the per-file object state for an open instance of a file)
construct.control accessorieskontrolní armatura
agric.control analysiskontrolní analýza
agric.control analysiskontrolní rozbor
construct.control and measuring deviceskontrolní a měřicí přístroje
construct.control and measuring equipmentkontrolní měřicí apamatura
construct.control and measuring instrumentkontrolní měřicí přístroj
energ.ind., el.control arearegulační oblast
construct.control boardřídicí stůl (ovládací)
construct.control boardřídicí panel
electr.eng.control boxřídicí panel
law, cust., transp.control by the customs authoritiescelní kontrola
construct.control cabinkabina operátora
construct.control cablekontrolní kabel
tech.control clockkontrolní hodiny
construct.control cockregulační kohout
astr.control computerřídicí počítač
construct.control deskřídící panel
astr.control deskovládací deska
astr.control deskřídicí pult
construct.control deskřídící stanoviště
electr.eng.control devicesovládací zařízení
account.control environmentkontrolní prostředí
construct.control equipmentkontrolní aparatura
construct.control experimentkontrolní pokus
construct.control flumeměrný žlab
astr.control gridřídicí mřížka
stat., social.sc., ITcontrol groupkontrolní skupina
construct.control injectionkontrolní injektáž
construct.control instrumentskontrolní aparatura
astr.control instruments plovládací přístroje
construct.control lotkontrolní série
construct.control manholedrenážní šachtice
construct.control manholerevizní šachtice
environ.control measureopatření regulační
construct.control measurementkontrolní zaměření
econ.control of communicationskontrola komunikace
econ.control of constitutionalitykontrola ústavnosti
construct.control of reservesřízení zásob
econ.control of restrictive practiceskontrola restriktivních praktik
econ.control of State aidkontrola státní pomoci
construct.control operatorovládací instrukce
construct.control operatordispečer
construct.control operatorovládací prvek
construct.control paneldispečerský pult
construct.control panelřídící panel
construct.control panelovládací stůl
construct.control panelřídicí panel
construct.control panelovládací panel
astr.control panelovládací deska
astr.control panelřídicí pult
construct.control panelovládací pult
construct.control panelřídící stanoviště
construct.control parameterkontrolní parametr
construct.control pilekontrolní pilota
construct.control programřídící program
construct.control refusalvýpočtový vnik
astr.control registerřídicí instrukční paměť
construct.control relayřídicí relé
construct.control relayovládací relé
account.control riskkontrolní riziko
construct.control rollerkontrolní váleček
construct.control roomdispečerská místnost
construct.control roomdispečink
construct.control roomvelín
construct.control screeningkontrolní třídění
construct.control survey pointměřický bod
construct.control survey pointgeodetický bod
mach.mech.control systemřídicí systém
astr.control systemsystém řízení
construct.control-system block diagramblokový diagram řídicího systému
construct.control testkontrolní vzorek
construct.control testkontrolní měření
construct.control testingkontrolní test
construct.control transfer instructionskoková instrukce
astr.control unitřídicí jednotka
astr.control unitřadič
electr.eng.control unitřídicí panel
construct.control valveregulační ventil
construct.control valveregulační klapka
construct.control valveseřizovači ventil
tech.control watchkontrolní hodiny
construct.control weld plateskontrolní vzorek svaru
fin.credit controlspráva pohledávek
econ.credit controlkontrola úvěru
gen.crowd controlzvládnutí davu
comp., MScustom client controlvlastní klientský ovládací prvek (A custom control authored by a user or a third-party software vendor in Windows Forms applications)
comp., MScustom controlvlastní ovládací prvek (A control authored by a user or a third-party software vendor)
comp., MScustom dialog controlvlastní ovládací prvek dialogu (A control that developers use to create a custom dialog)
comp., MScustom server controlvlastní serverový ovládací prvek (A custom control authored by a user or a third-party software vendor in Web Forms (ASP.NET pages))
law, cust., transp.customs controlcelní kontrola
comp., MSData Center Transmission Control Protocol A TCP-like protocol for data center networks which leverages Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) in the network to provide multi-bit feedback to the end hostsprotokol DCTCP (Data Center Transmission Control Protocol)
comp., MSData Link Control An error-correction protocol in the Systems Network Architecture (SNA) responsible for transmission of data between two nodes over a physical link. Supported by Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000, DLC is designed to provide access to IBM mainframe computers and to Hewlett-Packard printers connected to the networkvrstva DLC (Data Link Control)
comp., MSData Link ControlDLC (An error-correction protocol in the Systems Network Architecture (SNA) responsible for transmission of data between two nodes over a physical link. Supported by Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000, DLC is designed to provide access to IBM mainframe computers and to Hewlett-Packard printers connected to the network)
comp., MSdata source controlovládací prvek zdroje dat (An object that can be added to an ASP.NET Web page that encapsulates the logic required to connect to a data source, such as a database or XML file, and that can execute queries or other data-access commands. A data source control can in turn provide data to other controls on that page)
comp., MSdefault control stylevýchozí styl ovládacího prvku (The default property setting of a control type. You customize a control type before you create two or more similar controls to avoid customizing each control individually)
comp., MSdelegate controldelegovaný ovládací prvek (A control on a page or master page that can be replaced with another control or content)
environ.desertification control Remedial and preventive actions adopted against desertification include irrigation, planting of trees and grasses, the erection of fences to secure sand dunes, and a careful management of water resourcesregulace desertifikace
construct.design practice automated control systemautomatizovaný systém řízení projektování
comp., MSdesign-time controlovládací prvek pro návrh (An ActiveX control that is used while designing or editing a Web page. Design-time controls are installed on the client computer)
comp., MSdirectory control blockřídicí blok adresáře (An internal NT file system (NTFS) structure in which the file system maintains the state for an open instance of a directory file)
comp., MSdisabled controlneaktivní ovládací prvek (A control that appears dimmed on a form or data access page. A disabled control cannot get the focus and will not respond to mouse clicks)
environ.disaster control service Work done or agency established to analyze, plan, assign and coordinate available resources in order to prepare for, respond to, mitigate and recover from damage caused by an ecological calamity, natural or human in originorgán k řešení situace v případě katastrofy
comp., MSdiscretionary access control listvolitelný seznam řízení přístupu (An access control list that is controlled by the owner of an object and that specifies the access particular users or groups can have to the object)
comp., MSdominant controldominantní ovládací prvek (The control to which other selected controls are aligned and sized. When aligning controls, selected controls align to the dominant control. When sizing controls, selected controls are assigned the dimensions of the dominant control)
environ.drought control Measures taken to prevent, mitigate or eliminate damage caused to the ecosystem, especially crops, by a sustained period of dry weatheropatření v období sucha
astr.dual controldvojí řízení
construct.electric appliances control devicesovládací zařízení elektrických přístrojů
construct.electric equipment control boardovládací deska elektrického zařízení
construct.electric equipment control boardřídicí panel elektrického zařízení
construct.elevator control panelpřivolávaci stanice výtahu
construct.elevator exterior controlvnější řízení výtahu
construct.elevator interior controlvnitřní řízení výtahu
construct.elevator lever controlpákové řízení výtahu
construct.elevator push-button controltlačítkové řízení výtahu
environ.emission control Procedures aiming at reducing or preventing the harm caused by atmospheric emissionskontrola emisí
comp., MSEncryption Control Protocol The Network Control Protocol for negotiating the use of encryption over PPP links. ECP is defined in RFC 1968protokol ECP (Encryption Control Protocol)
comp., MSEnter remote call control URIZadat identifikátor URI pro vzdálené volání (An option in the Manually Configure Phone Integration dialog box where the user enters his phone number in the required format. To access this dialog box, click the Configure button in the Options dialog box, on the Accounts tab)
environ.environmental control Protection of the environment through policies concerning the control of wastes, the improvement of the human-made environment, the protection of heritage values, the institution of national parks and reserves, the protection of fauna and flora, the conservation of forests and landscapes, etc.péče o prostředí životní
environ.erosion control Practices used during construction or other land disturbing activities to reduce or prevent soil erosion. Typical practices include planting of trees and quick growing grass on disturbed areas and other means to slow the movement of water across a disturbed site and trap the soil that does get transported by runoffochrana protierozní
econ.EU controlkontrola EU
econ.European Centre for Disease Prevention and ControlEvropské středisko pro prevenci a kontrolu nemocí
gen.European Convention on the Control of the Acquisition and Possession of Firearms by IndividualsEvropská úmluva o kontrole nabývání a držení střelných zbraní jednotlivými osobami
econ.European Fisheries Control AgencyEvropská agentura pro kontrolu rybolovu
obs., fish.farm., polit.European Fisheries Control AgencyAgentura Společenství pro kontrolu rybolovu
econ.exchange controldevizové právo
comp., MSExchange Control PanelOvládací panel serveru Exchange (A web-based management tool for Microsoft Exchange administrators and enterprise e-mail users)
fin., polit., tax.Excise Movement and Control Systemsystém pro kontrolu přepravy zboží podléhajícího spotřebním daním
fin., polit., tax.Excise Movement and Control SystemEMCS
comp., MSexpand controlrozevírvací ovládací prvek (A control that, when clicked, expands or collapses a grouped record to display or hide its detail records)
chem.exposure controlomezování expozice
comp., MSextender controlrozšiřující ovládací prvek (In ASP.NET, a control that encapsulates functionality that is implemented in JavaScript and that defines behavior in the browser. Extender controls are associated with existing Web server controls to add the extender's behavior to that control. For example, an extender control can add a watermark to any TextBox control or drag-and-drop behavior to a variety of ASP.NET Web server controls)
life.sc.extraction blank controlslepá extrakční kontrola
comp., MSfile control blockřídicí blok souboru (A small block of memory temporarily assigned by a computer's operating system to hold information about an opened file. A file control block typically contains such information as the file's identification, its location on a disk, and a pointer that marks the user?s current (or last) position in the file)
econ.financial controlfinanční kontrola
econ.fishing controlsrybářská inspekce
environ.flood control Measures taken to prevent or reduce harm caused by an unusual accumulation of water above the ground, often involving the construction of reservoirs and channeling structuresochrana před povodněmi
construct.flood control reservoirprotipovodňová ochranná nádrž
construct.flood control reservoirretenční nádrž
construct.flood-control storageprotipovodňový ochranný objem nádrže
obs.flood-control storageretenční objem (nádrže)
obs.flood-control storagevyrovnávací nádrž (kanalizačního systému)
construct.flood-control storageochranný objem vodní nádrže
obs.flood-control storageochranný objem (nádrže)
comp., MSflow controlřízení toku (The management of data transmission between two devices, such as between the CPU and a peripheral device or between nodes in a network. It ensures that the receiver can handle all the incoming data and usually depends on a set of protocols established at the beginning of the transmission session that define how and when a sender may transmit. Flow control also enables slower-speed devices to communicate with higher-speed ones)
comp., MSflyout controlovládací prvek pro informační rámeček (A control that developers use to create a flyout)
busin., labor.org.foreign controlzahraniční kontrola
comp., MSform controlovládací prvek ve formuláři (On a Web site, an individual box or button with which you enter information on an electronic form)
comp., MSform controlovládací prvek formuláře (On a Web site, an individual box or button with which you enter information on an electronic form)
comp., MSFrame Zoom Controlovladání velikosti zobrazení (A control that contains a slider)
construct.gas-control automatic systemplynovodní regulační automatika
construct.gas control unitzařízení pro regulaci plynu
construct.gas control unitzávod odběru plynu
construct.geodetic controlgeodetické ověření
construct.geodetic controlgeodetická kontrola
comp., MSGive ControlPředat řízení (A Sharing slide option that allows the presenter to give application control to another meeting participant)
comp., MSgroup filter controlovládací prvek skupinový filtr (A drop-down list box control on a data access page that retrieves records from an underlying recordset based on the value you select from the list. On a grouped page, the control retrieves a specific group of records)
fin.Guidance document on a common methodology for the assessment of management and control systems in the Member States 2007-2013 programming periodPokyny ke společné metodice pro hodnocení řídicích a kontrolních systémů v členských státech programové období 2007–2013
melior.gully controlhrazení strží
melior.gully controlhrazení výmolů
melior.gully controlzpevnění roklin
agric.hail control rocketraketa proti kroupovým mrakům
astr.hand controlruční ovládání
astr.hand controlruční řízení
comp., MSheadered controlovládací prvek s popiskem (A control that includes a child element that labels the control. Headered controls can either include content (headered content control), or a collection of items (headered items control))
econ.health controlzdravotní inspekce
comp., MSHigh-level Data Link Control A protocol for information transfer adopted by the ISO. HDLC is a bit-oriented, synchronous protocol that applies to the data-link (message-packaging) layer (layer 2 of the ISO/OSI reference model) for computer-to-microcomputer communicationsprotokol HDLC (High-level Data Link Control)
construct.highway with traffic controlhlavní komunikace s řízenou dopravou
construct.highway with traffic controldopravní tepna s řízeným provozem
comp., MShost controlhostitelský ovládací prvek (An object that is native to a host application (such as Microsoft Office Word or Microsoft Office Excel) to which data binding and events have been added. Examples of host controls include Bookmark controls and ListObject controls)
comp., MSHTML server controlserverový ovládací prvek HTML (" An ASP.NET server control that belongs to the System.Web.UI.HtmlControls namespace. An HTML server control maps directly to an HTML element and is declared on an ASP.NET page as an HTML element marked by a runat="server" attribute, for example
comp., MShub controlovládací prvek pro centra (A control that developers use to create apps with hub-like navigation patterns when data is arranged in multiple ListViews)
agric.humidity controlúprava
agric.humidity controlkondicionování
construct.hydraulic control of furnacehydraulické narážky pece
comp., MSimage controlovládací prvek obrázek (A control you use to add a picture to a form, report, or data access page)
environ.immission control Legislative and administrative procedures aimed at reducing the damage caused by emissions. Pollution control programmes are normally based on human-oriented acceptable dose limits. A very important measure concerns the organisation of an emission inventorykontrola imisí
environ.immission control lawzákon o kontrole imisí
comp., MSinformation control blockinformační řídicí blok (A control node in Universal Disk Format containing metadata describing file and directory structures)
construct.input controlvstupní kontrola
comp., MSinput/output controlřídicí signál vstupu a výstupu (A command that enables a program to communicate directly with a device driver. This is done, for example, by sending a string of control information recognized by the driver. None of the information passed from the program to the device driver is sent to the device itself (in other words, the control string sent to a printer driver is not displayed on the printer))
construct.inspection controlinspekční kontrola
agric.integrated administration and control systemintegrovaný administrativní a kontrolní systém
construct.integrated control systemspojená dispečerská soustava
environ.integrated pest control A systematic, comprehensive approach to pest control that uses the insect's or rodent's own biology and behaviour to find the least toxic control methods at the lowest costochrana proti škůdcům integrovaná
environ.integrated pollution control A procedure whereby all major emissions to land, air, and water are considered simultaneously and not in isolation to avoid situations in which one control measure for one medium adversely affects anotherřízení znečištění integrované
chem.integrated pollution prevention and controlintegrovaná prevence a omezování znečištění
environ.integrated prevention and control of pollutionintegrovaná prevence a omezování znečištění
account.internal control procedurepostup vnitřní kontroly
fin., econ.internal control systemvnitřní kontrolní systém
fin., econ.internal control systemsystém vnitřní kontroly
environ., UNInternational Narcotics Control BoardMezinárodní úřad pro kontrolu omamných látek
econ.International Narcotics Control BoardMezinárodní výbor pro kontrolu narkotik
comp., MSInternet Control Message Protocol A required maintenance protocol in the TCP/IP suite that reports errors and allows simple connectivity. ICMP is used by the Ping tool to perform TCP/IP troubleshootingprotokol ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
construct.investment controlinvestiční kontrola
comp., MSI/O controlřídicí signál vstupu a výstupu (A command that enables a program to communicate directly with a device driver. This is done, for example, by sending a string of control information recognized by the driver. None of the information passed from the program to the device driver is sent to the device itself (in other words, the control string sent to a printer driver is not displayed on the printer))
comp., MSitems controlovládací prvek položek (A control that can be used to present a collection of items)
construct.job under controlsledovaná činnost
construct.job under controlkontrolovaná činnost
law, commer.joint controlspolečná kontrola
construct.labor turnover controlstabilizace kádrů
construct.laboratory controllaboratorní kontrola
construct.landslide control measuresopatření proti sesuvu
gen.legal metrological controlmetrologická kontrola
construct.lift-control stationvýtahový dispečink
construct.lift-control stationřídicí stanoviště výtahu
construct.linear controllineární regulace
comp., MSLink Control Protocol A PPP control protocol that negotiates link and PPP parameters to dynamically configure the data-link layer of a PPP connectionprotokol LCP (Link Control Protocol)
econ.liquidity controlkontrola likvidity
comp., MSlist controlseznam (A control on a form, that repeats as needed, into which users can enter text. The control can be formatted as a bulleted, numbered, or plain list)
construct.loss of controlztráta kontroly
construct.loss of controlztráta ovládání
construct.magnetographic controlmagnetografická zkouška
comp., MSMake ControlVytvořit ovládací prvek (A tool that is used to make a re-usable control from selected elements)
comp., MSMandatory Integrity ControlPovinná kontrola úrovně důvěryhodnosti (A mechanism for controlling access to securable objects based on integrity levels and mandatory policy in addition to discretionary access control. For example, a process may be required to have an integrity level that is equal to or higher than the integrity level of an object to obtain certain kinds of access to that object)
construct.manual controlruční ovládání
comp., MSmap controlmapový ovládací prvek (A JavaScript control that contains the objects, methods, and events that you need to display maps powered by Bing Maps™ on your Web site)
comp., MSmap control blockmapovací řídicí blok (A structure that file systems use to map the virtual block numbers (VBNs) for a file to the corresponding logical block numbers (LBNs) on the disk)
construct.marshaling yard control postdispečerské stanoviště
construct.mechanical controlmechanická zkouška
comp., MSmedia access controlvrstva MAC (A sublayer of the IEEE 802 specifications that defines network access methods and framing)
comp., MSmenu flyout controlovládací prvek pro kontextovou nabídku (A control that developers use to create a menu flyout)
econ.merger controlkontrola fúzí
econ.migration controlkontrola migrací
comp., MSmix controlovládací prvek nastavení mixu (A control that allows the creator of a load test scenario to adjust the distribution of tests, browser types, and network types, expressed as percentages. You adjust the percentages by moving sliders)
comp., MSmobile user controlmobilní uživatelský ovládací prvek (An ASP.NET mobile control derived from the System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobileUserControl class. User controls provide containers for custom controls built from other ASP.NET mobile controls)
construct.mountain stream controlregulace (toku)
construct.mountain stream controlvyrovnání (trasy)
construct.mountain stream controlúprava (terénu)
construct.mountain stream controlrektifikace (geodetického přístroje)
fin., tax.multilateral controlmnohostranná kontrola
comp., MSnav bar controlovládací prvek pro navigační panel (A control that developers use to create a navigation bar)
comp., MSnavigation bar controlovládací prvek pro navigační panel (A control that developers use to create a navigation bar)
med.nested case control studyvnořená studie případů a kontrol
comp., MSnetwork control blockprotokol NCB (NetBIOS data structures that contain information about the command to perform an optional post routine, an optional event handle, and a pointer to a buffer that is used for messages or other data)
comp., MSnetwork control programřídicí program sítě (In a communications network that includes a mainframe computer, a program that usually resides in a communications controller and takes over communications tasks such as routing, error control, line control, and polling (checking terminals for transmissions), leaving the main computer free for other functions)
comp., MSNo Controlnelze ovlivnit (A quantity selling option that specifies that a product can be sold only in existing units in the product catalog. A salesperson cannot create new units for sale)
life.sc.no template controlbeztemplátová kontrola
life.sc.no template controlkontrola amplifikačních činidel
environ.noise control The process to control the audible sound to an acceptable levelochrana proti hluku
construct.noise controlprotihluková ochrana
construct.noise controlboj proti hluku
construct.normalization controlkontrola podle norem
commer.official controlúřední kontrola
comp., MSOLE container controlovládací prvek Kontejner OLE (A Visual Basic control that is used to link and embed objects from other applications in a Visual Basic application)
gen.operational controloperační řízení
construct.operation-sequence controlkontrola po jednotlivých výrobních operacích
construct.operative controloperativní řízení
comp., MSOutside Voice ControlŘízení vnějších hlasových hovorů (The application that connects a mobile device to the enterprise network. Outside Voice Control enables mobile devices that are running the mobile application of Lync Server or Office Communicator Mobile to send and receive calls that come through the enterprise network, in addition to calls that come through the mobile carrier network)
comp., MSParental ControlsRodičovská kontrola (A UI element that enables a user to block adult content)
comp., MSparental controlsrodičovská kontrola (Settings that enable parents to restrict what their children see)
comp., MSpart controlwebová část (A control in the Web Parts control set that inherits directly or indirectly from the System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.Part class and is used to create the primary user interface of Web Parts applications)
comp., MSper-user controluživatelský ovládací prvek (A dynamic Web Parts control that can be personalized and permanently deleted from a page for an individual user only. A per-user control appears on the page only when the page is in user scope. Note that a per-user control can have properties that are both user-scope and shared-scope for personalization purposes)
environ.pest control Keeping down the number of pests by killing them or preventing them from attackingochrana proti škůdcům
environ.pesticide control standard A norm or measure applicable in legal cases pertaining to the production, dissemination or use of substances designed to mitigate or eliminate insects or small animals that harm vegetationnorma ochrany proti škůdcům
comp., MSPhone ControlsOvládací prvky telefonu (An Item on the View menu that displays the toolbar of controls for PBX phone calls. Includes a Call menu for the currently selected person, Hold, Hang Up, Announced Transfer, Unnanounced Transfer, and Dial Pad buttons)
construct.photopoint controlpřipojení leteckých snímků
construct.photo-point controlorientování leteckých snímků
econ.plant health controlochrana rostlin
survey.point of controlpevný bod
environ.pollution control Chemical and physical methods to lessen discharges of most pollutants; for carbon dioxide there is, at present, no economic or practical way to reduce the quantities discharged except by reduced fossil fuel usage. Most specific means for removing pollutants from emissions include flue-gas desulphurisation, fluidised combustion, catalytic converters and the redesign of equipment, such as furnace burners and car engines, to lessen the production of pollutantssnižování znečištění
econ.pollution controlkontrola znečištění
environ.pollution control equipment Devices for the reduction and/or removal of those emissions to the environment which have the potential to cause pollutionzařízení na snižování znečištění
environ.pollution control investment Securities held for the production of income in the form of interest and dividends with the aim of controlling or reducing pollution or substances in the environment deemed harmful to human health and natural resourcesinvestice ke snižování znečištění
environ.pollution control measure Procedure or course of action taken to curb or reduce human-made or human-alteration of the physical, biological, chemical and radiological integrity of air, water and other mediaopatření ke snižování znečištění
econ.pollution control measuresopatření na kontrolu znečištění
environ.pollution control regulation A body of rules or orders prescribed by government, management or an international organization or treaty in which limits are established for the emission of substances that harm or adversely alter the environment and human healthsměrnice ke snižování znečištění
environ.pollution control technology Methods used to reduce the amount of contaminants discharged from a sourcetechnologie ke snižování znečištění
comp., MSpop-up controlrozevírací ovládací prvek (A control that displays content in a separate window relative to an element or point on the screen)
life.sc.positive DNA extraction controlextrakční kontrola pozitivní DNA
life.sc.positive DNA target controlkontrola pozitivní cílové DNA
cust.post-release controlkontrola po propuštění zboží
construct.preliminary controlpředběžná kontrola
econ.price controlřízení cen
comp., MSPrinter Control Languagejazyk PCL (The page-description language developed by Hewlett Packard for their laser and inkjet printers. Because of the widespread use of laser printers, this command language has become a standard in many printers)
construct.process-control computerstroj na zpracování informací
construct.process-control computerústřední jednotka
cust., tax.processing under customs controlpřepracování pod celním dohledem
econ.processing under customs controlzpracování pod celní kontrolou
comp., MSprocessor control blockřídicí blok procesoru (An extension of the processor control region (PCR))
econ.production controlřízení výroby
construct.programed controlprogramové řízení
construct.programed elevator controlprogramové řízení výtahu
construct.programed process controlprogramová kontrola
h.rghts.act.Protocol No 11 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, restructuring the control machinery established therebyProtokol č. 11 k Úmluvě o ochraně lidských práv a základních svobod
fin.prudential controlobezřetnostní dohled
fin., econ.Public Internal Financial Controlvnitřní finanční kontrola ve veřejné správě
construct.push-button controltlačítkové řízení
construct.push-button control boardtlačítkový řídicí panel
construct.push-button control boardřídicí panel ovládaný tlačítky
environ.quality control The inspection, analysis, and other relevant actions taken to provide control over what is being done, manufactured, or fabricated, so that a desirable level of quality is achieved and maintainedkontrola kvality
construct.quality controlkontrola jakosti
agric.quality controlkontrola kvality
econ.quality control circlecyklus kontroly kvality
econ.quality control of agricultural productskontrola kvality zemědělských výrobků
construct.quality control of concretekontrola kvality betonu
construct.quality control of concrete mixkontrola jakosti betonové směsi
econ.quality control of industrial productsřízení jakosti průmyslových výrobků
construct.quality-control roommístnost pro příjem objednávek
construct.radiation controlochrana proti záření
construct.random controlnamátková kontrola
construct.random controlvýběrová kontrola
construct.rate controlkontrola podle norem
comp., MSrating controlovládací prvek pro hodnocení (A control that developers use to create a rating feedback UI element)
construct.raw mixture controlúprava složení surovinové směsi
comp., MSrebar controlmatrice (A container for child windows with one or more bands. Each band can contain one child window, which can be a toolbar or any other control)
gen.Regulation laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission's exercise of implementing powersnařízení, kterým se stanoví pravidla a obecné zásady způsobu, jakým členské státy kontrolují Komisi při výkonu prováděcích pravomocí
gen.Regulation laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission's exercise of implementing powersnařízení o postupu projednávání ve výborech
environ.regulatory control Government supervision over the obligations and rights of an industry or enterprise for the purpose of providing the public with services that are considered important, vital or necessary to most members of a community or areakontrola předpisů právních
comp., MSremote call controlvzdálené ovlávání hovorů (The ability to send and receive calls on a desktop phone by using a computer-supported telecommunications application, such as Lync or Communicator)
comp., MSremote controlvzdálené řízení (The process of viewing and interacting with an existing Remote Desktop Protocol session initiated by another user)
astr.remote controldálkové řízení
astr.remote controldálkové ovládání
construct.remote control railway cabinrádioreléová kabina
comp., MSremote control softwaresoftware pro vzdálené řízení (Software designed to provide access to a computer from a remote location. These programs are often installed by the computer owner or administrator, and are only a risk if unexpected)
construct.remote-control systemsystém dálkového dispečerského řízení technického zařízení (budov)
lawRent Control CourtSoudy pro věci regulovaného nájemného
comp., MSrepeater controlovládací prvek repeater (A control that developers use to iterate over a small set of data, bind that data to an HTML template, and display it in any repeated UI)
comp., MSrepeating section content controlovládací prvek pro opakování obsahu oddílu (​A content control that enables a user the repeat its contents as many times as the user wants to repeat it)
astr.rocket controlřízení rakety
comp., MSrole-based access control rolerole řízení přístupu na základě role (The user role that is assigned to a user account, which determines the options that are visible to that user and the tasks that the user can perform in the management interface for Exchange Labs)
construct.runoff-control coefficientsoučinitel regulování odtoku
vet.med.sanitary controlsanitní kontrola
vet.med.sanitary controlzdravotní prohlídka
comp., MSscope of organization controlrozsah organizačního vlivu (The direct or indirect amount of control that an operating unit has over the output of a process)
comp., MSscrolling text controlposouvaný text (A control or component on a page that displays moving text)
astr.seconds controlsekundová kontrola
astr.seconds controlvteřinová kontrola
gen.security-related export controlsmezinárodní režim kontroly vývozu zbraní
comp., MSService Control ManagerSprávce řízení služeb (A server capable of manipulating (i.e. starting and stopping) services remotely on other machines)
construct.sewer control manholerevizní kanalizační šachta
comp., MSshared controlsdílený ovládací prvek (A Web Parts control that can appear on a Web page and be personalized when the page is in either shared or user-level personalization scope. Note that a shared control can have properties that are both user-scope and shared-scope for personalization purposes)
comp., MSshop floor controldílenské řízení (A system that uses information from the manufacturing area and elsewhere to communicate status about production orders and work centers for planning and management purposes. Shop floor control encompasses a variety of functions for managing personnel, materials, and processes, and supports planning, scheduling, and costing systems)
comp., MSSimple Control Protocol A lightweight protocol that enables small devices to communicate with each other over low-speed networksSCP (Simple Control Protocol)
comp., MSsite control fileřídicí soubor lokality (An ASCII text file (such as Sitectrl.ct0) that contains the settings of an SMS/Configuration Manager site)
comp., MSslider controlposuvník (A common Windows control that displays and sets a value from a continuous range of possible values, such as brightness or volume)
construct.slurry control tankkontrolní nádržka
nat.sc.smart controlinteligentní ovládání
construct.snow-drift controlzadržení sněhu
melior.soil humidity controlúprava vodního režimu půdy závlahou nebo odvodněním
comp., MSsource code controlspráva zdrojového kódu (A set of features that include a mechanism for checking source code in and out of a central repository. It also implies a version control system that can manage files through the development lifecycle, keeping track of which changes were made, who made them, when they were made, and why)
comp., MSsource controlspráva zdrojového kódu (A set of features that include a mechanism for checking source code in and out of a central repository. It also implies a version control system that can manage files through the development lifecycle, keeping track of which changes were made, who made them, when they were made, and why)
comp., MSSource Control ExplorerPrůzkumník správy zdrojových souborů (A window that is used to view and manage Team Foundation source control items which can include team projects folders and files)
econ.speed controlkontrola rychlosti
construct.starting and control devicepředřadník
construct.starting-and-control devicesspouštěcí zařízení
environ.state control The power or authority of a government to regulate or command industry, organizations, programs, initiatives and individualskontrola státní
agric.State seed controlstátní semenářská inspekce
agric.State Seed-Quality Controlstátní jakostní inspekce osiv
energ.ind., el., nucl.phys.State system of accounting for and control of nuclear materialstátní systém evidence a kontroly jaderných materiálů
energ.ind., el., nucl.phys.State System of Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Materialstátní systém evidence a kontroly jaderných materiálů
comp., MSstatic controlstatický ovládací prvek (" A Web Parts control that is part of the declarative "page persistence" markup in an .aspx page; it exists only as part of the .aspx page, not in a personalization store like a dynamic Web Parts control. Unlike a dynamic control, a static control is added to an .aspx page on every request. A static Web Parts control is always a shared control, which means that although users can both personalize and "close" the control when the page is in either shared or user scope, the control can never be permanently deleted.")
comp., MSstatus bar controlstavový řádek (A standard Windows control that provides the functionality of a status bar)
agric.strain-testing controlinspekce odrůdových zkušeben
comp., MSsubform controlovládací prvek podformulář (A control that displays a subform in a form or a subform or a subreport in a report)
comp., MSsubreport controlovládací prvek podsestava (A control that displays a subform in a form or a subform or a subreport in a report)
construct.swell controlopatření proti vzniku výmrazků
construct.syntactical program controlsyntaktická kontrola programu
comp., MSsystem access control listseznam řízení auditování přístupu (An ACL that controls the generation of audit messages for attempts to access a securable object. The ability to get or set an object's SACL is controlled by a privilege typically held only by system administrators)
therm.eng.system controlřízení systému
comp., MSsystem control areaoblast řízení systému (An area in the taskbar that shows icons for network connectivity, volume control, clock, and on laptops and Tablet computers, the battery)
comp., MStab controlovládací prvek karta (A standard control that resembles a notebook and lets the user navigate different sections of information without leaving the current element on the screen)
gen.tactical controltaktické řízení
construct.technical controltechnická kontrola
construct.temperature controltepelná regulace
construct.temperature controlregulace teploty
construct.temperature controlkontrola teploty
construct.temperature-control devicetermostatický regulátor
construct.temperature-control devicetermostat
tech.temperature control deviceregulátor teploty
construct.temperature-control deviceregulátor teploty
tech.temperature control devicetepelný regulátor
comp., MStemplated controlovládací prvek bez vizuálního vzhledu (An ASP.NET server control that does not itself provide a visual interface but allows its users (page developers) to supply templates that provide a visual interface. When the ASP.NET page parser encounters a templated control, it parses the control's template and dynamically creates child controls that supply the visual interface. The Repeater and DataList ASP.NET server controls are templated controls. The DataGrid control is not strictly a templated control, but uses templates to customize its user interface)
environ.traffic control The organization of a more efficient movement of traffic within a given road network by rearranging the flows, controlling the intersections and regulating the times and places for parkingřízení dopravy
econ.traffic controlkontrola provozu
construct.traffic-control facilitiesbezpečnostní vybavení silnice (značkami, ukazateli, patníky, zábradlím)
construct.traffic-control facilitiesznačení silnice
environ.traffic control measure Means of controlling the number and speed of motorvehicles using a roadopatření k řízení dopravy
environ.traffic noise control Traffic noise can be controlled by reduction at source, by fitting motor vehicles with silencers, by installing barriers which interrupt the direct path of sound or by insulating dwellings exposed to high noise levels, such as those related to motorways or airportskontrola hluku z dopravy
comp., MSTransmission Control Protocol The protocol within TCP/IP that governs the breakup of data messages into packets to be sent via IP, and the reassembly and verification of the complete messages from packets received by IPprotokol TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
comp., MSTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol A set of networking protocols widely used on the Internet that provides communications across interconnected networks of computers with diverse hardware architectures and various operating systems. TCP/IP includes standards for how computers communicate and conventions for connecting networks and routing trafficprotokol TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
econ.transport under customs controldoprava pod celním dohledem
comp., MStree view controlstromové zobrazení (A standard Windows control that allows a set of hierarchically-related objects to be displayed as an expandable outline)
construct.two-way control cockdvojregulační kohout
comp., MSUI Control LocatorVyhledávání ovládacích prvků uživatelského rozhraní (A tool that identifies controls to use in a coded UI test)
construct.ultrasonic weld controlkontrola svarů ultrazvukem
econ.UN International Drug Control ProgrammeProgram OSN pro mezinárodní kontrolu drog
comp., MSunbound controlnevázaný ovládací prvek (A control that is not connected to a field in an underlying table, query, or SQL statement. An unbound control is often used to display informational text or decorative pictures)
construct.unconditional control transfer instructioninstrukce nepodmíněného skoku
social.sc., UNUnited Nations Drug Control ProgrammeProgram OSN pro mezinárodní kontrolu drog
social.sc., UNUnited Nations International Drug Control ProgrammeProgram OSN pro mezinárodní kontrolu drog
comp., MSUser Account Controlnástroj Řízení uživatelských účtů (A security feature that helps prevent unauthorized changes to a computer, by asking user for permission or administrator credentials before performing actions that could potentially affect the computer's operation or that change settings that affect multiple users)
comp., MSuser controluživatelský ovládací prvek (A base control that provides a way to create a reusable custom control without having to create a new control class)
comp., MSvalidation server controlověřovací serverový ovládací prvek (A server control, included with ASP.NET, that verifies user input. The input is checked as it comes from HTML server controls and Web server controls (for example, a Web page form) against programmer-defined requirements. Validation controls perform input checking in server code. If the user is working with a browser that supports DHTML, the validation controls can also perform validation using client script)
agric.variety-control in soil conditionsodrůdová kontrola v půdních podmínkách
comp., MSversion controlspráva verzí (The process of maintaining a database of all the source code and related files in a software development project to keep track of changes made during the project)
comp., MSversion control labeloznačení verze (A word, symbol, or other group of characters used to identify a snapshot of a set of files at a specific point in time. It is often applied by an automated build process. It can be used to view, build, or even roll back a large set of files to the state they were in when the label was applied)
comp., MSvolume map control blockřídicí blok mapování svazku (An opaque structure that stores virtual block number (VBN) to logical block number (LBN) mappings for an a volume file of a file system)
commer., polit.Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and TechnologiesWassenaarské ujednání o kontrole vývozu konvenčních zbraní a zboží dvojího použití
comp., MSWeb Parts controlwebová část (A control that is part of the Web Parts control set)
comp., MSWeb Parts control setsada webových částí (The integrated set of ASP.NET software components that provide personalization, structural components such as zones and the WebPartManager control, Web Parts UI controls, and other components for building Web Parts controls and applications)
agric.weed controlničení plevelů
environ.weed control Freeing an area of land from weeds by several means, such as herbicides, tillage, burning, mowing, and crop competitionhubení plevele
agric.weed controlvyhubení plevelů
construct.weld quality controlkontrola jakosti svarů
gen.Working Party on Global Disarmament and Arms ControlPracovní skupina pro globální odzbrojení a kontrolu zbraní
gen.Working Party on Global Disarmament and Arms Control SpacePracovní skupina pro globální odzbrojení a kontrolu zbraní vesmír
construct.X-ray weld controlkontrola svarů rentgenem
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