
Terms for subject Microsoft containing A | all forms | exact matches only
A2A integrationintegrace mezi aplikacemi (The process of coordinating the operation of the various programs, databases, and existing technologies of a business or enterprise so that they function as an efficient, business-wide system)
A/Pzávazky (A group of posting accounts that show the amounts owed to suppliers or creditors for goods, supplies, or services purchased on credit)
A/Rpohledávky (A group of posting accounts that show the amounts customers owe for services or sales made on credit)
A recordzáznam A (A type of resource record in the Domain Name System that associates a specific IP address with a domain name. This is the record that contains the information that connects your domain name to your actual Web site content when people type your domain name into a browser)
A/V Edge serverserver A/V Edge (Enables internal users to share audio and video data with external users (that is, users who are not logged on to your internal network))
Add a Contact...Přidat kontakt… (An item on the Contacts menu that opens a wizard to guide the user through the steps to add one or more persons from the corporate address book to the user's personal contact list)
Add a Person to the CallPřidat osobu do hovoru (" A button in a conversation window that opens the "Add a Person to the Call" dialog box. The user can call a number for the selected participant to add them to the current call.")
CGMS-A A method for controlling the copying of broadcast media content that allows only one generation of copyingtechnologie ochrany obsahu CGMS-A (Copy General Management System Analogue)
Class A IP addressIP adresa třídy A (A unicast IP address that ranges from through The first octet indicates the network, and the last three octets indicate the host on the network. Class-based IP addressing has been superceded by Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR))
Connect to a ProjectorPřipojení k projektoru (A wizard that is part of the Network Presentation feature of Windows Vista. This wizard finds and connects to available network-attached projectors on the local network)
Delete a Contact...Odstranit kontakt… (A UI element that opens a list of contacts so the user can select one to remove from the user's contact list)
Delete a GroupOdstranit skupinu (A menu item that removes a group and its contacts from the user's Contacts list)
device capability (A device functionality available through the HasCapability method or thefunkce zařízení
e-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by thee-mailová adresa
email address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by thee-mailová adresa
embed a videovložit video (To add a video to a blog entry by entering the embed code for the video)
end a callukončit hovor (To end a phone call)
in a calltelefonuje (Pertaining to a user engaged in a phone conversation)
In a conferenceV konferenci (The status label that indicates that a user is speaking with more than one person via phone)
In a meetingNa schůzce (The status label that indicates that a user has an accepted current meeting, marked Busy, on his or her calendar)
internet e-mail address (A string that identifies a user so that the user can receive Internet email. An email address on the Internet typically consists of an account name, followed by theinternetová e-mailová adresa
membership in a groupčlenství ve skupině (A user's status as a member of a group)
Merge a ConversationSloučení konverzací (The heading, in the Invite menu, for the list of available conversations that a user can bring into the current conversation)
merge a conversationsloučit konverzace (To bring a separate conversation, including all its participants, into the current one)
N/Anení k dispozici (Pertaining to something for which an answer is not available or appropriate)
n/anení k dispozici (Pertaining to something for which an answer is not available or appropriate)
not a numberNení číslo (A value that represents the result of an invalid calculation)
platform as a servicePlatforma jako služba (The capability provided to the consumer of deploying onto the cloud infrastructure consumer-created or acquired applications created using programming languages, libraries, services, and tools supported by the provider. The consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure, including network, servers, operating systems, or storage, but has control over the deployed applications and possibly of the configuration settings for the application-hosting environment)
Post a noteVystavit poznámku (The link someone clicks to leave a brief note on someone else's profile)
Q&AOtázky a odpovědi (A natural language query engine part of Power BI for Office 365 on SharePoint Online BI sites which IT can customize to help employees search for specific datasets)
Record a closed campaign responseZaznamenat odpověď na uzavřenou kampaň (Check box that indicates if the user wants to create a campaign response based on the information that is included in the opportunity)
Report a ConcernNahlásit problém (The link to the form where a user can report violations of the terms of use. Contextually, it's understood that the abuse in question is poor conduct, such as obscene language or threats)
Schedule a Conference...Naplánovat konferenci (An item on the Actions menu that opens a new Outlook meeting invitation using the user's conferencing information)
Schedule a MeetingNaplánovat schůzku (A menu item that opens an Outlook meeting invitation prepopulated with the selected contact(s))
Send a linkOdeslat odkaz (The UI link text for sending a link to a page)
Send first name a quick messageOdeslat okamžitou zprávu kontaktu 0 (The message text box that is displayed on a contact's summary page)
Share a quick messageSdílet okamžitou zprávu (The link that prompts someone to enter a personal message to share, if the personal message field is currently empty. The personal message appears on someone's Profile page, and in Messenger)
Start a New Conference...Zahájit novou konferenci… (An item on the More/Actions menu that starts a conference with the person the user selects from the corporate address book. Also an item on the right-click menu for a person that starts a conference with the person)
Start a Video Conversation...Zahájit videokonverzaci… (The item on the Actions menu that starts a video conversation with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
straighten a photovyrovnat fotografii (To adjust the axis of a photo so that objects in the photo appear level, typically with use of an image editing tool)
strong password (A password that cannot be easily guessed or cracked. A strong password is at least eight characters long, does not contain all or part of the user's account name, and contains at least three of the four following categories of characters: uppercase characters, lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols found on the keyboard (such as !,silné heslo
system on a chip A chip that integrates most of all of the basic components of a computer, including microprocessors and necessary support components. SOC technology is used in firewalls, gateways, specialized servers, and interactive devicesSOC (System On a Chip)
Tell a friendPoslat příteli (The standard display text for mailto: link for sending a link to a page, typically used when asking someone to view but not participate in something)
username (The name by which a user is identified to a computer system or network. During the logon process, the user must enter the username and the correct password. If the system or network is connected to the Internet, the username generally corresponds to the leftmost part of the user's e-mail address (the portion preceding theuživatelské jméno
zoom (A multi-touch gesture that consists of two fingers moving in opposite directions ( ->změna velikosti