
Terms containing left | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSalias (The portion of the e-mail address that appears to the left of theпсевдоним
polit.Confederal Group of the European United Left - Nordic Green LeftКонфедеративна група на Европейската обединена левица - Северна зелена левица
econ.extreme leftкрайна левица
comp., MSFly In, Left and RightВлитане, отляво и отдясно (A credit or title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
comp., MSFly In, Top LeftВлитане, отляво горе (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
immigr.left behind childдете, оставено в държавата на произход
immigr.left behind elderly relativeвъзрастен роднина, оставен в държавата на произход
immigr.left behind spouseсъпруга, оставена в държавата на произход
agric.left-handлеворежещ (flat hoe)
transp., tech., lawleft-hand steering control vehicleавтомобил с ляво кормилнo колело
transp.left-hand trafficляво движение
lawleft-handed marriageнезаконно съжителство (алешаBG)
lawleft-handed marriageфиктивен брак (алешаBG)
lawleft-handed marriageморганатичен брак (алешаBG)
lawleft-handed strokes of fortuneжестоки удари на съдбата (алешаBG)
lawleft-handed wifeнезаконна жена (алешаBG)
comp., MSleft mouse buttonляв бутон на мишката (The button on your pointing device that you use most often for clicking and double-clicking)
comp., MSleft outer joinляво външно съединение (A type of outer join in which all rows from the left-most table in the JOIN clause are included. When rows in the left table are not matched by rows in the right table, all result set columns that come from the right table are assigned a value of NULL)
comp., MSleft paneляв прозорец (The navigational pane at the left of most webpages and Windows folders)
comp., MSLeft voicemailОставена гласова поща (Check box on Phone Call form that indicates that, when the call was made, a voicemail was left for the recipient)
econ.political leftполитическа левица
comp., MSRight-to-Left Reading Orderчетене от дясно на ляво (The item on the right-click menu in a conversation that changes the Communicator user interface so it supports a right-to-left language)
comp., MSVideo LeftВидео отляво (A credit animation in Windows Movie Maker)