
Terms containing Contact | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSActive Directory contactконтакт от Active Directory (An Active Directory object that contains information about an individual such as name, address, and job title. It can include a foreign e-mail address)
comp., MSAdd a Contact...Добавяне на контакт... (An item on the Contacts menu that opens a wizard to guide the user through the steps to add one or more persons from the corporate address book to the user's personal contact list)
comp., MSAdd to Contacts ListДобави в списъка с контакти (An item on the shortcut menu that adds a selected person to the user's Contacts list)
comp., MSAll ContactsВсички контакти (The default contact group that Communicator displays when the user has not created any contact groups)
med.allergic contact sensitisationалергична контактна сенсибилизация
med.allergic contact sensitizing activityконтактна сенсибилизираща активност
med.allergic contact sensitizing activityалергична контактна сенсибилизираща активност
polit.ARLEM, Decentralised cooperation, Contact group with Council of EuropeARLEM, децентрализирано сътрудничество, Група за контакти със Съвета на Европа
gen.ARLEM, Decentralised cooperation, Contact group with Council of EuropeОтдел Е3
comp., MSAssociate to Contactприбавям в запис на контакт (In a conference, this command associates a participant or phone number with a contact on the user's contact list)
chem.Avoid contact during pregnancy/while nursing.Да се избягва контакт по време на бременност/при кърмене.
gen.bottom contact gearдънни риболовни съоръжения
comp., MSbusiness contactбизнес контакт (An individual who is interested in doing business or who currently does business with your organization. A contact may or may not be part of a larger organization (account))
comp., MSBusiness Contact Manager databaseбаза данни за Business Contact Manager (The database that stores information about accounts, business contacts, opportunities, business projects, and other items)
comp., MSBusiness Contact Manager for Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2007Business Contact Manager за Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2007 (Microsoft supplemental software shipped on a separate disc that adds small-business contact management capabilities to Office Outlook 2007. It enables users to organize customer and prospect information, and manage sales and marketing activities in one location)
comp., MSBusiness Contact Manager for Microsoft Outlook 2010 Database ToolИнструмент за база данни на Business Contact Manager за Microsoft Outlook 2010 (A downloadable tool that provides users with administration capabilities such as creating, sharing, backing up or restoring a database)
comp., MSBusiness Contact Manager for OutlookBusiness Contact Manager за Outlook (A feature or add-in for Outlook that enables small business owners to list business contacts, accounts, and opportunities, and to perform several tasks related to managing and tracking information about the business)
comp., MSBusiness Contact Manager Home PageНачална страница на Business Contact Manager (A document that serves as a starting point for exploring Business Contact Manager for Outlook. The home page is displayed by default and can be customized)
comp., MSBusiness Contact Manager Learning Centerобучителен център на Business Contact Manager (A Web page that contains hyperlinks to the Quick Start Guide, the Microsoft Office Online Web site, and selected Help topics about the newest features)
comp., MSBusiness Contact Manager toolbarлента с инструменти на Business Contact Manager (The toolbar at the top of an item where you can view existing links or create new links to Account, Business Contact, Opportunity, or Business Project records)
comp., MSBusiness Contact RecordЗапис за бизнес контакт (The location for storing business contact information, including information that is entered on the Business Contact form, linked records, and communication history items)
transp., energ.ind.catenary-type overhead contact lineвъздушна контактна линия
transp., energ.ind.catenary-type overhead contact lineвъздушен контактен проводник
construct.contact angleъгъл на намокряне
construct.contact angleграничен ъгъл
mech.contact areaдопирна площ
build.struct.contact areaконтактна площ
el.contact barтоководеща шина
construct.contact blenderконтактен смесител
comp., MScontact cardвизитка (A presentation of information about a contact, including presence status and activity)
construct.contact chain suspensionверижно окачване на контактен проводник
construct.contact coatingконтактно покритие
construct.contact condensationконтактна кондензация
construct.contact cooling towerконтактен охладител
construct.contact copyingконтактно копиране
construct.contact copying machineконтактно-копирна машина
construct.contact corrosionконтактна корозия
construct.contact disconnectionпрекъсване
construct.contact disconnectionизключване
construct.contact drierконтактна сушилня
comp., MScontact groupгрупа контакти (A collection of e-mail addresses that is treated as a single recipient for e-mail distribution purposes, and that is created by and available to an individual Outlook user)
comp., MScontact groupгрупа от контакти (A user-specified collection of contacts)
comp., MScontact groupгрупа с контакти (A collection of e-mail addresses that is treated as a single recipient for e-mail distribution purposes, and that is created by and available to an individual Outlook user)
gen.contact groupконтактна група
polit., h.rghts.act.Contact Group on Human Rightsконтактна група по правата на човека
transp., nautic.Contact Group on piracy off the coast of SomaliaКонтактна група на ООН във връзка с пиратството край бреговете на Сомалия
comp., MSContact infoинформация за контакта (The link to the page where users enter information for the methods by which they can be contacted, such as Messenger, home phone, mobile phone, and e-mail)
comp., MScontact informationинформация за връзка (Information, such as name, phone number, email address, or address, that is used to contact someone)
agr., chem.contact insecticideконтактен инсектицид
comp., MScontact itemелемент на контакт (An item that represents a contact in the Exchange store)
transp., el.contact lineконтактна линия
construct.contact lineконтактна мрежа
comp., MScontact linkingсвързване на контакти (The process of linking contacts that represent the same person. This enables you to view information from multiple contacts in a single contact card)
comp., MScontact listсписък с контакти (A list of people, groups, or organizations with whom you communicate)
comp., MScontact management The process of managing business and/or social contacts in order to follow up, track conversations, etcуправление на контактите (информацията за търговските партньори)
lawcontact personлице за контакт (алешаBG)
comp., MScontact pickerизбирач на контакт (A contact list designed for use within a form for selecting contacts. Users can click a contact to select it and may make multiple selections by using CTRL+click)
construct.contact pressureконтактно налягане
construct.contact problemконтактна задача
comp., MSContact Quick FormБърз формуляр за контакт (UI button that allows a user to open a form to easily enter contact information without opening a record form)
comp., MSContact requestsзаявки за контакт (The tab on the Family Safety website that displays requests a child has made via e-mail to have new contacts added)
chem.contact sensitizerконтактен сенсибилизатор
chem.contact sensitizerкожен сенсибилизатор
med.contact sensitizing activityконтактна сенсибилизираща активност
med.contact sensitizing activityалергична контактна сенсибилизираща активност
construct.contact stressконтактно напрежение
construct.contact surfaceсъединителна повърхност
forestr.contact surfaceконтактна повърхност
construct.contact surfaceконтактна площ (of high-strength bolt connection)
construct.contact tankконтактен резервоар
construct.contact thermometerконтактен термометър
agric.contact waterконтактна вода
construct.contact weldingконтактна заварка
construct.contact wireконтактен провод
chem.Contact with acids liberates toxic gas.При контакт с киселини се отделя токсичен газ.
chem.Contact with acids liberates very toxic gas.При контакт с киселини се отделя силно токсичен газ.
chem.Contact with water liberates toxic gas.При контакт с вода се отделя токсичен газ.
comp., MSContacts listСписък с контакти (A list of people, groups, or organizations with whom you communicate)
social.sc.Convention on Contact concerning ChildrenКонвенция за контактите с деца
comp., MSDelete a Contact...Изтриване на контакт... (A UI element that opens a list of contacts so the user can select one to remove from the user's contact list)
transp., el., construct.direct contactпряк допир
lawdirect contactнепосредствен контакт (алешаBG)
lawdirect contactпряк контакт (алешаBG)
chem.Do not allow contact with air.Не допускайте конктакт с въздух.
chem.Explosive with or without contact with air.Експлозивен при или без контакт с въздуха.
comp., MSexternal contactвъншен контакт (People outside the Outlook Live organization who can be added to public groups and displayed in your organization's address book and other address lists. External contacts have e-mail addresses outside the organization and can't sign in to your domain)
lawface-to-face contactживо общуване (алешаBG)
chem.Fatal in contact with skin.Смъртоносeн при контакт с кожата.
comp., MSfavorite contactпредпочитан контакт (" A contact that someone has tagged in Messenger to appear in the group of "favorite contacts" that appears at the top of the Messenger display window.")
comp., MSfederated contactвъншен контакт (A contact who is not part of the user's enterprise but with whom the user's enterprise is linked)
construct.follow-up electric contact level gaugeследящ електроконтактен нивомер
food.ind.food contact materialматериал, предназначен за контакт с храни
chem.Harmful in contact with skin.Вреден при контакт с кожата.
polit.High-Level Contact Group for Relations with the Turkish-Cypriot Community in the Northern Part of the IslandКонтактна група на високо равнище за връзки с турско-кипърската общност в северната част на острова
polit.High-Level Contact Group for Relations with the Turkish-Cypriot Community in the Northern Part of the IslandКонтактна група на високо равнище за връзки с общността на турските кипърци в северната част на острова
chem.IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.ПРИ КОНТАКТ С ОЧИТЕ: Промивайте внимателно с вода в продължение на няколко минути. Свалете контактните лещи, ако има такива и доколкото това е възможно. Продължавайте да промивате.
lawimmediate contactпряк контакт (алешаBG)
chem.In contact with water releases flammable gases.При контакт с вода отделя запалими газове.
chem.In contact with water releases flammable gases which may ignite spontaneously.При контакт с вода отделя запалими газове, които могат да се самозапалят.
transp., el., construct.indirect contactнепряк допир
electr.eng.intermediate contactблок-контакт
chem.Keep away from any possible contact with water, because of violent reaction and possible flash fire.Да се избягва всякакъв възможен контакт с вода поради бурна реакция и възможно внезапно запалване.
construct.lock contactконтакт на стрелка
comp., MSmail contactконтакт за поща (A mail-enabled Active Directory contact that contains information about people or organizations that exist outside an Exchange Server organization. Each mail contact has an external e-mail address)
food.ind.material intended to come into contact with foodматериал, предназначен за контакт с храни
tech.mesh contactскачване
tech.mesh contactсвързване
tech.mesh contactзацепване
tech.meshing contactсвързване
tech.meshing contactскачване
tech.meshing contactзацепване
comp., MSmethod of contactначин за комуникация (The preferred method of communication with the Business Contact; for example, phone, e-mail message, letter, fax, and so on)
comp., MSMicrosoft® Office Outlook® 2007 with Business Contact ManagerMicrosoft® Office Outlook® 2007 с Business Contact Manager (Microsoft supplemental software that adds small-business contact management capabilities to Office Outlook 2007. It enables users to organize customer and prospect information, and manage sales and marketing activities in one location)
comp., MSMicrosoft Outlook 2010 with Business Contact ManagerMicrosoft Outlook 2010 с Business Contact Manager (A version of Microsoft Outlook that includes small-business contact management capabilities. It enables users to organize customer and prospect information, and manage sales and marketing activities in one location)
comp., MSMove Contact toПремести контакта в (An item on the right-click menu for a contact that moves the selected contact to the contact group the user selects from a list)
mater.sc., R&D.national contact pointнационален орган за контакт
immigr.National Contact Points on IntegrationНационални точки за контакт по интеграция
immigr.National Frontex Point of Contactнационална точка за контакт на Frontex
comp., MSneglected business contactизоставен бизнес контакт (A Business Contact with whom there has been no interaction with for over 30 days)
comp., MSneglected contactизоставен контакт (A Business Contact with whom there has been no interaction with for over 30 days)
comp., MSNew Quick ContactНов бърз контакт (UI that allows a user to open a Quick Contact form to create a contact record without opening an entire record form)
comp., MSOffline Contactsофлайн контакти (A default contact group name that Communicator uses for all contacts who are currently offline)
comp., MSOnline Contactsонлайн контакти (A default contact group name that Communicator uses for all contacts who are currently online)
transp., energ.ind.overhead contact lineвъздушна контактна линия
transp., energ.ind.overhead contact lineвъздушен контактен проводник
obs., health., food.ind.Panel on food additives, flavourings, processing aids and materials in contact with foodЕкспертна група по добавки в храните, аромати, спомагателни средства за обработка и материали, които влизат в контакт с храни
health., food.ind.Panel on food additives, flavourings, processing aids and materials in contact with foodЕкспертна група по добавки в храните и източници на питателни елементи, добавени към храните
health., food.ind.Panel on food contact materials, enzymes, flavourings and processing aidsЕкспертна група по материали, които влизат в контакт с храни, ензими, аромати и спомагателни средства за обработка
lawparental contact with childrenправо на лични отношения
social.sc.people-to-people contactsотношения между хората
social.sc.people-to-people contactsконтакти между хората
electr.eng.permanent contact connectionнеразглобяемо контактно съединение
lawphysical contactблизък контакт (напр. с жертва на престъпление алешаBG)
electr.eng.plug contact connectionразглобяема контактно съединение
tech.point of contactцентър за контакт
gen.point of single contacteдинично звено за контакт
gen.point of single contactобслужване на едно гише
comp., MSprimary business contactосновно лице за контакт (The main business contact linked to an Account)
comp., MSpublic IM connectivity contactPIC контакт (A contact who uses an instant messenger client from AOL, Yahoo!, MSN, or the Windows Live network of Internet services)
comp., MSpublic IM contactпубличен IM контакт (A contact who uses an instant messenger client from AOL, Yahoo!, MSN, or the Windows Live network of Internet services)
comp., MSpublic instant messenger contactпубличен IM контакт (A contact who uses an instant messenger client from AOL, Yahoo!, MSN, or the Windows Live network of Internet services)
construct.rail contactрелсов контакт
chem.Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.Свалете контактните лещи, ако има такива и доколкото това е възможно. Продължете с изплакването.
comp., MSRemove from Contact ListОтстрани от Списък контакти (An item on a contact's context menu to remove a contact from the contact list)
proced.law.right to maintain personal relations and direct contact with the childправо на лични отношения с детето
proced.law.right to maintain personal relations and direct contact with the childправо да вижда и взема детето
proced.law.right to maintain personal relations and direct contact with the childправо на посещаване
obs., proced.law.right to maintain personal relations and direct contact with the childправа на посещение
proced.law.rights deriving from a contact orderправо да вижда и взема детето
proced.law.rights deriving from a contact orderправо на лични отношения с детето
proced.law.rights deriving from a contact orderправо на посещаване
obs., proced.law.rights deriving from a contact orderправа на посещение
construct.rolling contact bearingтъркалящ лагер
lawsingle point of contactединствено контактно звено (алешаBG)
gen.single point of contactобслужване на едно гише
gen.single point of contacteдинично звено за контакт
lawsingle point of contactединен център за обслужване (алешаBG)
comp., MSsub-contactдопълнително лице за контакт (A secondary contact for an Account (that is, not the primary contact))
chem.substance which, in contact with water, emits flammable gasesвещество, което в контакт с вода отделя запалими газове
comp., MSSuggested ContactsПредлагани контакти (A feature that makes Outlook auto-complete lists available through the default Exchange mailbox)
construct.switch contactконтакт на стрелка
comp., MSTag Contactмаркирам контакт (An item on the right-click menu for a contact that marks the selected contact so the user will receive alerts when this contact changes status)
comp., MStagged contactмаркиран контакт (A contact whose presence status is displayed in an alert whenever it changes)
comp., MStagged contacts onlyсамо маркирани контакти (An option in the Options dialog box, on the Alerts tab, that displays alerts only for the contacts that the user has tagged in his contact list)
construct.temperature of contactтемпература на допиране
construct.thermal-contact coking unitуредба за термоконтактно коксуване
construct.thermal-contact cracking unitуредба за термоконтактен крекинг
construct.thermal contact resistanceконтактно термично съпротивление
chem.Toxic by eye contact.Токсично при контакт с очите.
chem.Toxic in contact with skin.Токсичен при контакт с кожата.
construct.wheel contact areaследа от колело
comp., MSWindows Contactsсписък с контакти в Windows (A directory that you can use to store names, e-mail addresses, fax numbers, and distribution lists)