
Terms for subject Abbreviation containing service | all forms | exact matches only
Abstract Service PrimitivesASPs (ssn)
Active Directory Federation ServicesADFS (Службы федерации Active Directory (ADFS), компонент Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003/2008 для единого входа через Интернет и проверки подлинности пользователя uar)
Active Directory Federation Services A component that provides Web single-sign-on (SSO) technologies. AD FS provides SSO by securely sharing digital identity and entitlement rights across security and enterprise boundaries. AD FS supports the WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile (WS-F PRP)ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services)
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services A Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory service that provides flexible support for directory-enabled applications, without the restrictions of Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)Active Directory LDS (Lightweight Directory Services)
Active Directory Services InterfaceADSI
Acts of the Legislature. Legal Reference ServicesLeg.
Administrative Information ServicesAIS
Advanced Broadcasting Video ServicesABVS
Advanced Communications Technologies and ServicesACTS
advanced mobile phone serviceadvanced mobile telephone service (ssn)
advanced mobile telephone serviceadvanced mobile phone service (ssn)
Advanced Radio Data Information ServicesARDIS
Aeronautical Mobile-Satellite ServicesAMSS
Aeronautical Services Communications CentreASCC
Agusta Aerospace Services SAAAS (Belgium)
Air Dispatch Letter ServiceA.D.L.S. (авиационно-почтовая служба Углов)
Air Force Engineering & Services Management Engineering TeamAFESMET (USAF)
Air Force Legal Services AgencyAFLSA (USAF)
Air Force Services OfficeAFSO (USAF)
Air Traffic ServicesATS
Air Traffic Services OrganizationATSO (USA)
Air Traffic Services Reporting OfficeARO (vp_73)
Alcatel Network Services KazakhstanANSK
Animal and Plant Health Inspection ServicesAPHIS (отдел USDAA, ответственный за здоровье и надлежащее обращение с животными)
app alignment serviceapplication alignment service (ssn)
app layer gateway serviceapplication layer gateway service (ssn)
application alignment serviceapp alignment service (ssn)
application layer gateway serviceapp layer gateway service (ssn)
Arizona Department of Human ServicesADHS
ASCII Block Terminal ServicesABTS
Assistant Chief of Naval Technical ServicesACNTS
Assistant Director of Army Postal ServicesADAPS
Assistant Director of Army Welfare ServicesADAWS
Assistant Director of Medical ServicesADMS
Assistant Director of Ordnance ServicesADOS (UK)
Assistant Director of Personal ServicesADPS
Assistant Director-General, Army Veterinary ServicesADGAVS
Assistant Director-General of Medical ServicesADGMS
Asynchronous Events ServicesAES
Audit Bureau of Marketing ServicesABMS (Lena Nolte)
Audit Collection Services A service that collects and forwards all security events from monitored computers to a central databaseACS (Audit Collection Services)
Authorization for Construction ServicesACS
backup servicepost-sales service (Andrey Truhachev)
Basic Social ServicesBSS (Александр Рыжов)
Battle Command Common ServicesBCCS (qwarty)
Bid Packages & Procurement ServicesBP
broad band service statusbroadband service status (ssn)
Broadband Integrated Services Digital NetworkBISON
Broadband Integrated Services Digital NetworkBISDN
Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network An International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication [Standardization Sector] (ITU-T) communication standard for high-speed networking that provides new services, including voice, video, and data on the same networkB-ISDN (Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network)
Broadband Network ServicesBNS
broadband servicebroad-band service (ssn)
broad-band servicebroadband service (ssn)
broadband service statusbroad band service status (ssn)
Building Industry Consulting ServicesBICS
Bulk Insured ServicesBIS
BVI Financial Services CommissionBVI FSC (aht)
Card ServicesCS
Cardinal Air Services Inc Fullerton Airport, Orange County CaliforniaCAS (Alex Lilo)
catering serviceinstitutional kitchen (ssn)
Cell Directory ServicesCDS
Cellular Priority Access ServicesCPAS
Cellular Priority ServicesCPS
Central and West Asia Urban Services DivisionCWUS (ADB MAMOHT)
Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of IrelandCBFSAI (hizman)
Central Goods and Services TaxCGST (центральный налог на товары и услуги (Индия) Izuminka2008)
Central Scientific Services DPEECSS/DPEE (UK)
Central Services divisionCS (UK)
Central Services ModuleCSM
Central Services OrganizationCSO
Central Services OrganizationsCSO
Centre for Business Development ServicesCBDS (Hot-Ice)
Certified Professional Medical Services ManagementCPMSM
Chartered Institution of Building Services EngineersCIBSE (Anglophile)
Chemical Abstract ServicesCAS (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Child and Adolescent Mental Health ServicesCAMHS (служба психического здоровья для детей и подростков в Великобритании Acruxia)
Civil and Public Services AssociationCPSA
Class of ServicesCoS
cloud servicecloud-based service (ssn)
cloud-based servicecloud service (ssn)
Combined Regional Emergency Services TrainingCREST
Combined Services Information Clearing HouseCSICH
Committee of the Chiefs of Military Medical Services in NATOCOMEDS
Common Applications and Tools Integration ServicesCATIS
Common Communications ServicesCCS
Common International Classification of Ecosystem ServicesCICES (Alexander Oshis)
Common Internet File ServicesCIFS
Common Management Information Services and Protocol Over TCP/IPCMOT
Common Management Information Services/SystemCMIS
Common Object Services SpecificationCOSS
Common Services VerbsCSV (interface, Microsoft)
Communication Platform ServicesCPS
Communications Services ManagerCSM
Community Residential ServicesCRS (AMlingua)
Computer and Network ServicesCNS
Computer and Network Services BranchCNSB
Computer Assurance ServicesCAS (Alex Lilo)
Computer Services DepartmentCSD
Consultant and Affiliate ServicesCAS (Alex Lilo)
Contractor Support ServicesCSS
Criminal Justice Information ServicesCJIS (division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation oVoD)
Custom Local Area Signaling ServicesCLASS
Defence & Aerospace Publishing Services SADAPS (Switzerland)
Defence Analytical Services AgencyDASA
Defence Blood Transfusion ServicesDBTS
Defence Contract Administration Services RepresentativeDCASR (USA)
Defence Export Services OrganisationDESO (UK)
Defence Export Services OrganizationDESO
Defence Medical ServicesDMS
Defence Services AcademyDSA (Myanmar)
Defense Advisory Committee On Women In The ServicesDACOWITS (USA)
Defense Contract Administration ServicesDCAS (USA)
Defense Contract Administration Services OfficeDCASO (USA)
Defense Contract Administration Services RegionDCASR (USA)
Defense Enterprise Integration ServicesDEIS
Defense Logistics Services CenterDLSC (USA)
Defense Product Engineering Services OfficeDPESO
Defense Services NetworkDSN
Defense Technical Integration ServicesDTIS (USA)
Delivery of Improved Local ServicesDILS (из материалов Всемирного банка Beforeyouaccuseme)
Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference ServicesDGAACS (Nu Zdravstvuy)
Desktop as a ServiceDaaS (ssn)
Differentiated Services Code PointDSCP (Yakov)
Differentiated Services Code Point A marking in the registry that enables packets that pass through network devices that operate on Layer 3 information (such as routers) to have their relative priorities differentiated from one anotherDSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point)
Dispatch-Rider Letter-ServiceDRLS
DOS Protected Mode ServicesDPMS
Dun & Bradstreet Information ServicesDBIS
E-Serviceselectronic services
Edge Services Extender ShelfESE (A7xxx family)
Electronic Access to Reference ServicesEARS
Electronic Commerce ServicesECS (secure data transmission)
Electronic Courier Services secure data transmission March 2000ECS
Electronic Mail ServicesEMS
Electronic Platform of Public Administration ServicesePUAP (Электронный портал государственных услуг Польши (bit.ly/2wN7eAq) 4uzhoj)
Embedded Services ProcessorESP (Alex Lilo)
Endorsed TEMPEST Test Service ProgramETTSP (Vosoni)
energy service companyESCo (Alexander Matytsin)
Engineering & Professional Services Inc.EPS (USA)
Enterprise Naming ServicesENS
Enterprise Network ServicesENS
Enterprise Networking ServicesENS
Eurest Support ServicesESS (Yeldar Azanbayev)
European Federation of Public Services UnionsEPSU (ВВладимир)
European Innovation Platform for Knowledge Intensive ServicesKIS-IP (A Hun)
European Multimedia ServicesESM
European Reference Organisation for Quality Assured Breast Screening and Diagnostic ServicesEUREF (Olga_Tyn)
European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media ServicesERGA (Ker-online)
Event Notification ServicesENS
Extended Messaging Services Application Programming InterfaceEMSAPI
Extended Service ProgramESP (USA)
Extended Services Communications ManagerESCM (IBM)
External Quality Assurance ServicesEQAS (Bio-Rad, USA MichaelBurov)
Family And Community Support ServicesFCSS
Federal Aeronavigation ServiceRosaeronavigatsia (MichaelBurov)
Federal Air Navigation ServiceRosaeronavigatsia (MichaelBurov)
Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical ServicesFAGS
File Control ServicesFCS (Vosoni)
Foundation Health Federal ServicesFHFS (USA)
Fraud Investigation & Dispute ServicesFIDS (dragonfly_89)
General Dynamics Services Co.GDSC (USA)
General Packet Radio ServicesGPRS
General Security ServicesGSS
Federal General Services AdministrationGSA
General Services AdministrationGSA (USA)
General Services Administration.GSA
General Services administration Board of Contract AppealsGSBCA
General Services Board of Contract AppealsGSBCA
General Services TaxGST (Canada Pothead)
General Terms and Conditions of Business of Lufthansa Bombardier Aviation Services GmbHGTCB of LBAS (Общие сроки и условия деятельности компании LBAS elena.kazan)
Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface A generic API for performing client-server authentication that can be implemented over any authentication system. GSS-API makes it possible for applications to use the same API with different authentication mechanismsGSS-API (Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface)
geo-dependent servicelocation-sensitive service (ssn)
Global Business ServicesGBS (slitely_mad)
Global Directory ServicesGDS
Global Information Grid GIG Enterprise ServicesGES
Global Quality Inspection ServicesGQIS (inn)
Global Satellite Phone ServicesGSPS (Глобальные услуги спутниковой связи ya)
Global Services OrganizationGSO (4uzhoj)
Global Trade Information Services, Inc.GTI (Vosoni)
Global Trade ServicesGTS (Лорина)
formerly Gold Field Mineral ServicesGFMS (MichaelBurov)
Government Furnished ServicesGFS
Guidelines for the Selection and Contracting Consulting ServicesGSCCS (raf)
Guidelines for the Selection and Contracting of Consulting ServicesGSCCS (oVoD)
Health and Human ServicesHHS
Health and Human Services Acquisition RegulationHHSAR (Foxy-11)
Health Services AdministrationHSA
Hidden Services DirectoryHSDir (Yeldar Azanbayev)
House Armed Services CommitteeHASC (USA)
House of Representatives Armed Services CommitteeHAEC (USA)
Hud Integrated Information Processing ServicesHIIPS
inbound call serviceincoming call service (ssn)
incoming call serviceinbound call service (ssn)
Individual Personal Assistance ServicesIPAS
Individual References Services GroupIRSG
Information Communication ServicesICS
Information Services.info (Domain Name, Internet)
Information Systems and ServicesISS (информационные системы и услуги Oleg Sollogub)
Information Systems and ServicesIS&S (информационные системы и услуги Oleg Sollogub)
Information Systems / Integrated ServicesIS
Information Technology Enabled ServicesITES (VLZ_58)
Information Technology ServicesITS (Sakhalin Energy)
Information Technology Services for BusinessITSB (Ася Кудрявцева)
Infrastructure as a ServiceIaaS (ssn)
Insurance Services OfficeISO
Integrated Commerce ServicesICS
Integrated Global Ocean Services SystemIGOSS
Integrated Goods and Services TaxIGST (Единый налог на товары и услуги (Индия) Izuminka2008)
Integrated Health ServicesIHS
Integrated Program ServicesIPS
Integrated Services Academic NetworkISAN
Integrated Services ContractISC
Integrated Services Digital NetworkISDN
Integrated Services Digital Network A high-speed digital technology that uses existing telephone lines to provide Internet accessISDN
Integrated Services Digital Network DSLIDSL
Integrated Services ModelISM (IETF)
Integrated Services ProviderISP
Integrated Services RouterISR (DarkWolf)
Integrated Systems and Information ServicesISIS
Inter-service Data Exchange ProgramIDEP
Inter-Services IntelligenceISI
Intercontinental Marketing Servicesims (Организация, занимающаяся исследованием, аналиированием рынков лекарственных препаратов, внедрением качественных систем здравоохранения gera_ly)
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem ServicesIPBES (XnuttyX)
International Military ServicesIMS (UK)
International Military ServicesIMS
Internet Connection Services APIICSAPI
Internet Information Server/ServicesIIS (Microsoft)
Internet Sexuality Information ServicesISIS (Alexander Oshis)
InterPersonal Message ServicesIPMS
Intrinsically Safe or Information ServicesIS
Java API for XML Web ServicesJAX-WS (ssn)
Java API for XML Web ServicesJAX-WS (модель программирования веб-служб следующего поколения, основанная на динамических серверах proxy и аннотациях Java ssn)
Joint Employment Transition ServicesJETS
Joint Service Combat Shotgun programmeJSCS (USA)
Joint Service Cruise Missile Program OfficeJSCMPO (USAF & Navy)
Joint Service Small Arms ProgramJSSAP (US Army)
Joint Services Air Trooping CentreJSATC
Joint Services Command and Staff CollegeJSCSC (PX_Ranger)
Joint Services Communications CentreJSCC
Joint Services Flail UnitJSFU
Joint Services Gliding CentreJSGC
Joint Services Guidance and Control CommitteeJSGCC
Joint Services Imagery Exploitation SystemJSIES (UK armed forces)
Joint Services Interior Intrusion Detection SystemJSIIDS (USA)
Joint Services Liaison OrganizationJSLO
Joint Services Lightweight Standoff Chemical Agents DetectorJSLSCAD
Joint Services Operational RequirementJSOR
Joint Services Parachute CentreJSPC
Joint Services Public RelationsJSPR
Joint Services PublicationJSP
Joint Services Reading PanelJSRP
Joint Services Recognition JournalJSRJ
Joint Services Rescue CenterJSRC
Joint Services Review CommitteeJSRC
Joint Services Signals UnitJSSU
Joint Services Small Arms ProgramJSAP
Joint Services Staff CollegeJSSC (Australia)
Joint Services Staff CollegeJSSC
Joint Services Staff CourseJSSC
Joint Services Staff ManualJSSM
Joint Services Subaqua Diving CentreJSSDC
Joint Services Survival, evasion, resistance & escape AgencyJSSA
Joint Services WorkStationJSWS
Junior Foreign Service Officers ClubJFSOC
Korea Standard Inspection ServicesKSIS (Okneding)
Laboratory Quality Services InternationalLQSi (Atenza)
License Services Application Program InterfaceLSAPI
Licensing Services APILSAPI
Linguistic Services ProviderLSP (Alexander Oshis)
Local Authorities Management Services and Computer CommitteeLAMSAC
Local Multipoint Distribution ServicesLMDS
Local Services Management SystemLSMS
Location Based ServicesLBS (t_edelweis)
location-sensitive servicegeo-dependent service (ssn)
London Military Radar ServicesLMRS
Macintosh Application ServicesMAS
Major Maintenance and Services ContractMMSC
Malta Financial Services AuthorityMFSA (Мальтийское Управление финансовых услуг dragster)
Management Network ServicesMNS
Manpower Services CommissionMSC
Marathon Upstream Sakhalin Services LimitedMUSSL
Marine Communication and Traffic ServicesMCTS (Venita)
Market Support ServicesMSS (Marinade)
Master Data Services A master data management application to consistently define and manage the critical data entities of an organizationMDS (Master Data Services)
MB Petroleum ServicesMBPS (igisheva)
Medical Services Advisory CommitteeMSAC (Australia Raging Thirst)
Medical Services InsuranceMSI
Member of the Chartered Institution of Building Services EngineersMCIBSE (Andrey250780)
Mental Health Services ActMHSA (nerzig)
Microsoft Domain Name ServicesMSDS
Microsoft Exchange Hosted Services Hosted spam and virus filtering from an Exchange Hosted Services provider. Users' e-mail is filtered according to rules managed by the organization's administrators. Users and administrators are given varying rights to adjust the filtering rulesMicrosoft Exhange Hosted Services
Microsoft Products and Services AgreementMPSA (Marinade)
Microsoft Services Business ArchitectureMSBA (ssn)
Microsoft Services Service-Oriented ModelingMS SOM (ssn)
Microsoft Software Update ServicesSUS (Yakov)
Microsoft Windows Update ServicesWUS (Yakov)
Microsoft XML Core Services A Microsoft collection of application programming interfaces, language standards, programming vocabularies, parsing engines, and documentation for developing XML-based applicationsMSXML
Military Archive & Research ServicesMARS (UK)
Military Area ServicesMAS
Military Articles and Services List DISAM, Defense Institute of Security Assistance ManagementMASL (lorrusmos)
Mobile Broadband ServicesMBS
Mobile Services Switching CenterMow (GSM)
Montgomery Transitional ServicesMTS
Multi Services HubMSH
Multi-Protocol Transport ServicesMPTS
Mycon Marketing Services LtdMMS (UK)
Name ServicesNS
NASA Launch ServicesNLS (semfromshire)
National Air Traffic Control ServicesNATCS
National Conference on Financial ServicesNCFS
National Crop Insurance ServicesNCIS
National Federation of Science Abstracting and Indexing ServicesNFSAIS (AGaliguzov)
National Health Service Breast Screening ProgrammeNHSBSP (harser)
National Helicopter ServicesNHS (Trinidad)
National Information Services & SystemsNISS (ABelonogov)
National Veterinary Services LaboratoriesNVSL (iwona)
Naval Air Technical Services FacilityNATSF (USA)
Naval Aviation Engineering Services UnitNAESU (USA)
Negotiated Services AgreementNSA (USPS variable rate experiment starts Nov 2002 with Capital One Services, Inc)
Net Export of Goods and ServicesNEGS (Vosoni)
network broadband servicenetwork broad-band service (ssn)
network broad-band servicenetwork broadband service (ssn)
Network Information ServicesNIS
network narrow-band servicenetwork narrowband service (ssn)
network narrowband servicenetwork narrow-band service (ssn)
Network Open Services ArchitectureNOSA
Network Open Services ArchitectureNOCA
Network Operator ServicesNOS
network service layernetwork service level (ssn)
network service levelnetwork service layer (ssn)
Network Services EngineNSE
Network Services ProtocolNSP
Networked Information Services ProjectNISP
New Information Services ArchitectureNISA
New Products, Services and SolutionsNPSS (Ася Кудрявцева)
Newsletter Fish Information and Services NewsletterFIS (bimba)
Norwegian Defence Communications & Data Services AdministrationNODECA
NT Remote Access ServicesNTRAS (Microsoft)
Office of General ServicesOGS
Office of Strategic ServicesOSS (Replaced by CIA)
Office of Youth ServicesOYS
Open Data ServicesODS (Microsoft)
Open Directory Services InterfaceODSI
Open Network Distribution ServicesONDS (IBM)
Operational ServicesOverseas
Operational Services, OverseasOSO
Ordnance Services / SurveyOS
Oregon Health ServicesOHS
Oregon Housing and Community Services DepartmentOHC
Patient Advice and Liaison ServicesPALS (DoctorKto)
Patient Services RepresentativePSR
Payment Services DirectivePSD (Директива о платёжных услугах http://pribalt.info/abc.php?month=5&news=95 maripoli)
Payroll Benefit ServicesPBS
Performance of Veterinary ServicesPVS (Yuriy83)
Permanent Secretaries Committee on the Intelligence ServicesPSIS
Personal Communication Services/SystemPCS
Personal Communications ServicesPCS
Petroleum Geo-ServicesPGS (MichaelBurov)
Petroleum Geo ServicesPGS
Petroleum Geo-Services ASAPGS (MichaelBurov)
Pioneer Petrotech Services Inc.PPS (is a global leader in research, development, and manufacturing of high quality downhole pressure and temperature gauges Johnny Bravo)
Plant Materials and ServicesPM&S (Ася Кудрявцева)
Platform as a ServicePaaS (ssn)
Police Aviation Services LtdPAS (UK)
post-sales servicebackup service (Andrey Truhachev)
Print Services & Distribution AssociationPSDA (Баян)
Production and Operating Services AgreementPOSA
Production Services Tractor ToolPSTT (Helena Obratnova)
Program ServicePS
Project Director - Project ServicesPDS (Project execution sub-team, PDS Sakhalin Energy)
Project Directorate ServicesPDS (SEIC ABelonogov)
Project Services ContractorPSC
Project Services GroupPDS
Protective Security Detail, Protective Services Detail, Personal Security Detachment, Personal Security Detailpsd (A team of protective personnel that provides physical protective services for the movement of protected persons and/or property kinda_me)
Public Key Infrastructure ServicesPKIS
Public Mobile Radio Trunked ServicesPMRTS (Пахно Е.А.)
Public Services InternationalPSI
Public Works and Government Services CanadaPWGSC (qwarty)
Radio Technical Commission for Maritime ServicesRTCM
Record Management ServicesRMS
Regional Centre for Services in Surveying, Mapping and Remote SensingRCSSMRS (ECA)
Remote Access Dial-In User ServicesRADIUS
Remote Access ServicesRAS
Remote Procedure Call serviceRPC service (ssn)
Rescue and Fire Fighting ServicesRFFS (Kenny Gray)
Residential Energy Services Network USRESNET (dnv)
Resource Management ServicesRMS
Risk and Operations Services AgreementROSA (нефть и газ Leonid Dzhepko)
Royal Brunei Technical ServicesRBTS
Royal Engineers Works ServicesREWS
Royal United Services InstituteRUSI
Royal United Services Institute for defence studiesRUSI (UK)
Royal United Services Institute for Defence StudiesRUSI
Royal United Services MuseumRUSM
Russian Association for Networks and ServicesRANS (www.itu.int - AD Alexander Demidov)
Saipem Energy Services S.p.A.SES (MichaelBurov)
Saipem Energy Services SPASES (MichaelBurov)
Sakhalin II LNG Marketing ServicesSLMS
Sakhalin Technical Services NetworkSTSN (ABelonogov)
San Antonio Data Services CenterSADSC (USA)
School Services OfficerSSO
Secret ServiceThe men in black (Val_Ships)
Secure Network ServicesSNS
Service-Life Assessment ProgrammeSLAP
Service Life Extension/Enhancement ProgramSLEP (USA)
Service Registration ServicesSRS
Service Technique des Programmes AeronautiquesSTPA (France)
Services Administrator IRC operatorSA (Alex Lilo)
Services Air Cargo SystemSACS (UK)
Services and AgenciesSA (Alex Lilo)
Services Cinema CorporationSKC
Services Electronics Research LaboratorySERL
Services Information Management SystemSIMS
Services League of AustraliaRSL
Services Pension BoardSPB
Services Sound & Vision Corp.SSVC (UK)
Services Telephone DirectorySTD
Shell Exploration and Production ServicesSEPS (Sakhalin Energy)
Shell Services InternationalSSI (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Signal Dispatch ServiceSDS
Sikorsky Support Services Inc.SSSI (USA)
Single Attached Station; Secure Authentication ServicesSAS
SNA Distribution ServicesSNADS
Solutions Monitoring and Management ServicesSMMS (harser)
Specialized Information Services National Library of MedicineSIS (iwona)
Springfield-Greene County Health Department and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior ServicesMODHSS (iwona)
Stamp Fulfillment ServicesSFS
Station Services FlightSSF (UK Royal Air Force)
Statistical Programs Service CenterSPSC
Student And Temporary Employee Placement ServicesSTEPS
Subsidiary Dispatch ServiceSDS (MichaelBurov)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services AdministrationSAMHSA
System Acquisition Support ServicesSASS
System Services Control PointSSCP
Systems Acquisition Support ServicesSASS
Systems Network Architecture Distributed ServicesSNADS
Systems Network Architecture/Management ServicesSNA/MS
Systems Services and TechnologySST
Tactical Services GatewayTGS (qwarty)
Tactical Services GatewayTSG (qwarty)
Taligent Object ServicesTalOS
Technical Management ServicesTMS
Technical Services DepartmentTSD (Anastasiya Lyaskovets)
Technical Services StaffTSS
Technical Support ServicesTSS
Technology and General Services DepartmentTGS (Международный валютный фонд N.Zubkova)
Technology Applications & Services Co.TAS (USA)
Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced NetworkingTISPAN (http://www.rfcmd.ru/glossword/1.8/index.php fountik)
Telephony Messaging ServicesTMS
Telephony Services APITSAPI
Telephony Services Application Program InterfaceTSAPI (AT&T and Novell)
Telephony Services Application Programming InterfaceTSAPI
Telephony Services ArchitectureTSA
Terminal Emulation ServicesTES
The Access Program for the CompuServe Information ServiceTAPCIS
The APX-ENDEX was an energy exchange operating the spot and derivatives markets for electricity and natural gas in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Belgium. It provided exchange trading, central clearing and settlement, and data distribution services as well as benchmark data and industry indices.APX-Endex (olsoz)
the State Commission for Regulation of Financial Services Markets of UkraineSCRFSMU (Государственная комиссия по регулированию рынков финансовых услуг Украины Vl_T)
Thomson Field Services InternationalTFSI (France)
Toyota Financial ServicesTFS (mangoo)
Training Services AgencyTSA
Trust & Securities ServicesTSS (aht)
UNiplex Information Computer ServicesUNICS
United States Postal Service Electronic Courier Services secure data transmission March 2000Post ECS
Universal Directory ServicesUDS
U.S. area phone code Government Emergency Telecom Service710
U.S. area phone code Repair Service611
U.S. area phone code Service access code200
US Citizenship and Immigration ServicesUSCIS (re-na)
User Services and Systems SupportUSSS
Value Added Network ServicesVANS
Value Added ServicesVAS
Vehicle and Operator Services AgencyVOSA (kotechek)
Vending Equipment for Sales and ServicesVESS (stamp vending machines)
Vessel Traffic ServicesVTS (системы управления движением судов - СУДС Leonid Dzhepko)
Virtual DMA ServicesVDS
Virtual Networking ServicesVNS
Virtual Private Network Services ModuleVPNSM (Yakov)
Voice Services Provisioning ToolVSPT (Cisco uar)
War Air Service ProgramWASP (USA)
Washington County Mental Health ServicesWCMHS
Web ServicesWS (Alex Lilo)
Web Services ArchitectWSA
web services definition languageweb service definition language (ssn)
Web Services Definition/Description LanguageWSDL (IBM/Microsoft)
Web Services Description Language " An XML format for describing Web services. WSDL allows Web service providers and users of such services to work together easily by enabling the separation of the description of the abstract functionality offered by a service from concrete details of a service description such as ""how"" and ""where"" that functionality is offered."WDSL (език за описание на уеб услуги)
Web Services SecurityWSS (Sabiwka)
West Pharmaceutical Serviceswps (fruit_jellies)
Wilson County Transportation ServicesWCTS
Women's ServicesWS
Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless NetworksASWN
Workshop on Mobile Commerce and ServicesWMCS
WorkShop on Web ServicesWSWS
Worksite Enrichment Services BranchWESB
Workspace as a ServiceWaaS (ssn)
World Climate Applications and Services ProgrammeWCASP (proposed title, WMO)
World ServicesWS (Alex Lilo)
Xerox Network ServicesXNS
Xerox Networking ServicesXNS
Xerox Services for Unix SystemsXSUS (translator911)
X/Open Backup Services APIX/BSA
Showing first 500 phrases