
Terms containing enterprise | all forms | exact matches only
abbr., astronaut., mil.Defense Enterprise Integration ServicesDEIS
mil., abbr.Direct Reporting Program Manager for Enterprise Resource PlanningDRPM ERP
mil., abbr.DOD Enterprise Initiative Program Implementation GroupDEI PIG
IT, abbr.Domino Enterprise Connection ServicesDECS (Lotus)
busin., abbr.Enterprise Administrative Services InitiativeEASI
softw., abbr.Enterprise Architecture Program Management OfficeEAPMO
abbr., O&GEnterprise Excellence ProgramEEP (Программа совершенствования предприятия Шакиров)
tradem., abbr.Enterprise Financial Services CorporationEFSC
comp., abbr.Enterprise Management Information ServicesEMIS
mil., abbr.Enterprise Mission Support Services SolutionsEMS3
abbr., comp., net.Enterprise Naming ServicesENS
IT, abbr.Enterprise Network ServicesENS (Banyan, VINES)
abbr., comp., net.Enterprise Network ServicesENS
abbr., comp., net.Enterprise Networking ServicesENS
tradem., abbr.Enterprise Services PartnerESP
mil., abbr.GIG Global Information Grid Enterprise ServicesGES
abbr., mil., commer.Global Information Grid GIG Enterprise ServicesGES
st.exch., abbr.Marvel Enterprises, Inc. optionsZJW
comp., MSMicrosoft® Office Groove® Enterprise ServicesMicrosoft Office Groove Enterprise Services (Microsoft Web-based tools designed for centrally managing smaller deployments of Microsoft Office Groove 2007 without any onsite server infrastructure)
mil., abbr.Net Centric Enterprise ServicesNCES
abbr., ITNetWare Enterprise Print ServicesNEPS
busin., abbr.Shell Technology Enterprise ProgrammeSTEP
busin., abbr.Support Training And Enterprise ProgrammeSTEP
USAUrban Enterprise Loan ProgramUELP
softw., abbr.Web Services for Enterprise CollaborationWSEC