
Terms for subject Abbreviation containing co | all forms | exact matches only
A&COassembly and check-out
a consulting co. based in moscowki
A controversial process of extracting otherwise-secret information from a friend or co-worker by getting them drunk and thereby loosening their control on their tongue.beerboarding (Example: "The guys at work took me out drinking last night. After quite a few beers and a lot of questions I finally let slip that I was going to be a father. What can I say? Beerboarding should be against the law." Franka_LV)
ACCA-COCentral Ohio Chapter of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America
ADM coatomic demolitions munitions company
admin coadministration company
Administrative Co-ordinating CommitteeACC
ADSL-COasymmetric digital subscriber line central office
AG coadjutant general's company
Agreement on Defence Co-operationADC
Ahmed International Equipment Co. Pvt LtdAIECO (Pakistan)
Ahwaz Rolling and Pipe Mills Co.Arpco (Иран)
Air Co-ordinating CommitteeACC
Air Force Rescue Co-ordination CenterAFRCC (USAF)
Air Force's Co-ordinating Office for Logistics ResearchAFCOLR (USAF)
Air Standardization Co-ordination CommitteeASCC
Aircraft Accessories & Components CoAACC (Saudi Arabia)
American Cast Iron Pipe Co.Acipco (США)
American International Insurance Co.AII
American Telephone & Telegraph Co.AT&T
Anglers’ Co-operative AssociationACA (Кооперативная ассоциация рыболовов-спортсменов (Великобритания) Углов)
Anti-Air Warfare Commander / Co-ordinatorAAWC
Arab American Vehicles Co.AAV (Egypt)
Arab British Dynamics Co.ABD (Egypt)
Arab British Helicopters Co.ABH (Egypt)
aslt hel coassault helicopter company
Atomic Co-ordinating OfficeACO (Washington DC; W)
Austrian-Spanish Co-Operative DevelopmentASCOD
Automated Deep Operations Co-ordination SystemADOCS
avn coaviation company
avn GS coaviation general support company
Beijing Olympic Broadcasting Co., Ltd.BOB (Alex Lilo)
Bell Telephone Manufacturing CoBTMC (manufacturer)
Black Sea Shipping Co.Blasco
brg cobridge company
Briefing Co-ordination FacilityBCF
British Petroleum Co.B.P.C.
British Zone Petroleum Co-ordinating AuthorityBZPCA
Brown and Sharp CoB and S
Cable Supply & Consulting CoCSC (Pte Ltd (Singapore))
Canada-US Military Co-operation Community, US SectionMCC
Canadian Marconi Co.CMC
carbon monoxide coco
cbt engr cocombat engineer company
cbt spt cocombat support company
Central MASINT Technology Co-ordinating OfficeCMTCO (USA)
Central Steel Tube Co.CST (США)
CHED COCommission on Higher Education - Central Office (Johnny Bravo)
chemical abbreviation for carbon dioxide CO2CO2
chemical abbreviation for carbon monoxide COCO
China Nonferrous Metal Industry's Foreign Engineering and Construction Co.NFC (Kovrigin)
China Shenhua Coal to Liquid and Chemical Co., LtdChina Shenhua Coal to Liquid and Chemical (Sagoto)
ClCH2CO2Hchloro-acetic acid (MichaelBurov)
ClCH2CO2Hchloroacetic acid (MichaelBurov)
ClCH2CO2HMCA (MichaelBurov)
ClCH2CO2Hmonochloroacetic acid (MichaelBurov)
ClCH2CO2Hchloro acetic acid (MichaelBurov)
Cml Decon CoChemical Decontamination Company
CO3Combined Staff Public and Governmental Affairs Officer
CO2carbon dioxide
CO7Combined Staff Command Surgeon
60Coradioactive cobalt
CO6Combined Staff Judge Advocate
CO-1cardiac output at one minute
CO2Carbon dioxide
CO2Carbon Dioxide
CO2Consideration Of Others training
Co-60cobalt-60 (MichaelBurov)
COcarbon dioxide
CO2carbon dioxide (MichaelBurov)
CO2CO2 fixed type extinguishing system
CO2chemical abbreviation for carbon dioxide CO2
CO19Central Operations Specialist Firearms Command (hizman)
Co Bdycounty boundary
co-channelin the same channel
CO/COcontractor owned/contractor operated
CO. Co.Company
Co-Co3o-3o (3х осная тележка Aprelskaya)
CO-COMCoordinating Committee
CO2eCO2 equivalent (MichaelBurov)
CO2eCO2-e emission (MichaelBurov)
CO2ecarbon dioxide equivalent (MichaelBurov)
CO2eequivalent CO2 (MichaelBurov)
CO2-ecarbon dioxide equivalent (MichaelBurov)
CO2-eCO2-e emission (MichaelBurov)
CO2-eCO2 equivalent (MichaelBurov)
CO2 eCO2 e
CO2ecarbon footprint (MichaelBurov)
CO2-ecarbon footprint (MichaelBurov)
CO2-ECBMcarbon dioxide-enhanced coalbed methane (recovery)
CO2EDLcarbon dioxide electric-discharge-excited laser
CO2 EORcarbon dioxide EOR (метод повышения нефтеотдачи скважины (с исп. ввода углекислого газа под давлением) Val_Ships)
CO2 equivalentCO2 e
CO2 equivalentCO2-e (MichaelBurov)
COFcardiac output Fick technique
CO-FISHchromosome-orientation fluorescence in situ hybridization (Altuntash)
CO-GHDChildhood-onset Growth Hormone Deficiency
co hdcoral headland
Co Icoenzyme I
Co-IFco-initiation factor
Co IIcoenzyme II
Co-Injection RTMCIRTM (bonly)
Co.Inst.Coke's Institutes
Co InvestigatorCI
CO-IPXConnection Orientated Internet Packet eXchange (Novell, Netware, IPX)
CO-IPXconnection-oriented Internet packet eXchange
CO-IPXConnection-Oriented IPX
CO-LANcentral office local area network
CO2 Laser TechnologyCOLT
Co.LitCommentary on Litleton, by Sir Edward Coke
CO.Ltdcompany limited
Co.Ltd.Company Limited
CO-NEWSCommunications Naval Electronic Warfare System
Co Offcompany (grade) officers
Co Offcompany officer
co-opcooperative store
CO-OPCooperative Education
co-opco-operative (Vosoni)
co-opcooperative society
co-opco-operation (Vosoni)
co-op advertisingcooperative advertising
co-op programcooperative program
co-op storecooperative store
co-op wholesalercooperative wholesaler
co-operationco-op (Vosoni)
Co-operation Council for the Arab States of the GulfGCC
co-operativeco-op (Vosoni)
Co-operative Air & Missile Defence Exercise NetworkCAMDEN
Co-operative Angle JammerCAJ
Co-operative EngagementCE
Co-operative Engagement CapabilityCEC
Co-operative Housing & Premises SocietiesCo Op Hsg Soc (Johnny Bravo)
Co-Operative Housing SocietyChs (4uzhoj)
Co-operative R&D AgreementCRDA
Co-operative Research And Development AgreementCRADA
Co-operative Threat ReductionCTR
Co-operative Threat Reduction ProgrammeCTRP
Co-ordinating Committee for East-West Trade PolicyCOCOM
Co-ordinating Committee of East-West Trade PolicyCOCOM
Co-ordinating European CouncilCEC (4uzhoj)
Co-ordinating Installation Design AuthorityCIDA
Co-ordination, Control, Communications & Intelligence CenterC3IC (USA)
Co-ordination group for Mutual recognition and Decentralised proceduresCMD(h) (Координационная группа по процедуре взаимного признания и децентрализованной процедуре для лекарственных препаратов для медицинского применения peregrin)
Co-ordination group for Mutual recognition and Decentralised proceduresCMDh (peregrin)
Co-ordination & Warning SystemCWS (Denmark)
Co-Pilot / GunnerCPG
Co-Processing Node Architecture for Parallel SystemsCNAPS
Co Qcoenzyme Q
CO₂RSCO₂ research satellite
CO2 RSCO2 research satellite
CO RTEcompany route (Interex)
CO&Sclean out and shoot
Collection, Co-ordination & Intelligence Requirements ManagementCCIRM
comd op cocommand operations company
Committee for European Airspace Co-ordinationCEAC
Computing Devices Co.CDC (Canada)
Conference on Security & Co-operation in EuropeCSCE
Conference on Security & Co-operation in the Mediterranean & Middle EastCSCM
Council for Security Co-operation in Asia-PacificCSCAP
Crisis Co-ordination CenterCCC (US Secretary of Defense)
Cross Channel Co-ordination CentreCCCC
Decision Co-ordinating PaperDCP (USA)
Deep Ocean Resources Development Co., Ltd.DORD
Defence Co-operation AgreementDCA
Defence Co-operation in ArmamentsDCA
Defence Information Technology Co-ordinating CommitteeDITCC
Defence Movements Co-ordinating CommitteeDMCC
Defense & Economic Co-operation AgreementDECA (USA)
Denver, CO, USA - Denver International Airport CodeDEN (Alex Lilo)
Deutsche Schlauchbootfabrik Hans Scheibert GmbH & CoDSB (KG (Germany))
Dimerization CO-factor of Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1DCOH-1
DLcodiffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide
Douglas Aircraft Co.DAC (USA)
Dresser Flow Solutions Co.DFS
DWT/CODecent Work Technical Support Team and Country Office (ILO 4uzhoj)
Electronic Combat/Co PilotECP
7-Eleven is part of an international chain of convenience stores, operating under Seven-Eleven Japan Co. Ltd, which in turn is owned by Seven & I Holdings Co. of Japan.27-eleven (Pavel)
Emergency Co-ordination CentreECC (SEIC ABelonogov)
Emergency Co-ordination TeamECT (SEIC ABelonogov)
Emergency Co-ordinatorEC (SEIC ABelonogov)
Engineering Representation & Consultants Co.ERCO (Egypt)
engr cbt coengineer combat company
ENGR TOPO COengineer topographic company
equivalent CO2CO2-e (MichaelBurov)
European Aeronautic Defense and Space CoEADS (Olga Okuneva)
European Centre for the Co-ordination of Research and Documentation in the Social SciencesECSS
European Co-operative Long-Term Initiative in DefenceEUCLID
European Military Communications Co-ordinating CommitteeEMCCC
European Research Grouping Arrangement No 1 concerning Co-Operative Defence Research and Technology ProjectsERG-1 2002 (semfromshire)
European Steering Committee for Intergovernmental Co-operation in the Youth FieldCDEJ
f.co.fair copy
Far East Machinery Co. Ltd.Femco (Тайвань)
Far East Marine Geology Engineering Co.FEMGEC (MichaelBurov)
Far East Marine Geology Engineering Co.DMIGE (MichaelBurov)
Far East Marine Geology Engineering Co.DMIGE
Far East Marine Geology Engineering Co.FEMGE
Fd Svy Cofield survey company
Fire Support Co-ordination CentreFSCC
Fire Support Co-ordination LineFSCL
Force Anti-Air Co-ordination AreaFAACA
Force Anti-Air Warfare Co-ordinatorFAAWC
G.E.CoGeneral Electric Company
General Dynamics Services Co.GDSC (USA)
General Electric Co.GE (USA)
General Staff, Civil / Military Co-operationG5 (British Army)
Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova regional co-operation groupGUAM
Giddings and Lewis Co.G and L
Grand Bahama Steel and Pipe Co. Ltd.GBSP (Багамские острова)
Greene, Tweed & CoGTC (Ltd (UK))
GTE International Systems Co.GTEISC (USA)
H2CO3Carbonic Acid
Hangzhou Steam turbine Co.,Ltd.HTC (Galka_I)
Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Co.HAMC (China)
Hardware Specialty CoHS (Inc. (USA))
Hewlett-Packard Co.HP (USA)
Hgb-COhemoglobin-carbon monoxide saturation
Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering CoHAECO (Ltd)
hq coheadquarters company hq
HQ coheadquarters company (Киселев)
Hughes Aircraft Co.HAC (USA)
I&COinstallation and check-out
I&COinstallation and checkout
I & COinstallation and checkout
Indonesian National Steel Tube Co.Inastu (Индонезия)
Industrial Co-operation AgreementICA
Information Co-ordination CentreICC
Information Co-ordination ControlICC
Infra-red Chemistry Experiments, Co-ordinated Auroral ProgramICE CAP (USA)
insulation co-ordinationinsulation coordination (Andrey Truhachev)
Intercontinental Metals Export Co.IME (USA)
Interdepartmental Commission on Military-Technical Co-operationICMTC (Russia)
International Bank for Economic Co-operationIBEC
International Co-operative Agricultural OrganisationICAO (International Co-operative Agricultural Organisation (ICAO) is a sectoral organisation of the International Co-operative Alliance 4uzhoj)
International Co-ordinating Council of Aerospace Industries AssociationsICCAIA
International Electronic Research Co.IERC (USA)
Ishikawajima Noise Control CoINC (Ltd (Japan))
Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries CoIHI (Ltd (Japan))
Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd.JAPEX (MichaelBurov)
Joint and Co-sponsored UN Programme on HIV/AIDSUNAIDS
Joint Anti-Air Warfare Shore Co-ordination NetworkJAAWSC (NATO)
Joint Logistics Co-ordination CentreJLCC
Joint Movement Co-ordinating CommitteeJMCC
Joint Nuclear Accident Co-ordinating CenterJNACC (USA)
Joint Technical Co-ordinating Group for Munitions EffectivenessJTCG/ME (USA)
Joint Technical Co-ordinating Group on Aircraft SurvivabilityJTCG/AS (USA)
Jones and Lamson Co.J and L
JORN Co-ordination CentreJCC (Australia)
K2CO3potassium carbonate (MichaelBurov)
Kcopulmonary diffusion coefficient
Korea Explosives CoKEC (Ltd (Korea, South))
Korea Integrated Special Steel Co. Ltd.Kisco (Южная Корея)
L-CO2liquid carbon dioxide
Lanzhou LS Heavy Equipment Co.,LtdLS Group (Sagoto)
Light Helicopter Turbine Engine Co.LHTEC (USA)
Local Anti-Air Warfare Co-ordinatorLAAWC
Local Road Transport Co-ordinatorLRTC (British Army)
Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Co.LASC (USA)
Lockheed Aircraft Services Co.LAS (USA)
Lockheed Engineering & Sciences Co.LESC (USA)
Lockheed Missiles & Space CoLMSC (Inc. (USA))
Lockheed Space Operations Co.LSOC (USA)
Lockheed Technical Operations Co.LTOC (USA)
Logistics Co-ordination CentreLCC
3M Co.Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co.
Main Administration for Military-Technical Co-operationMAMTC (Russia)
Malaysia Steel Pipe Mfg Co. Ltd.MSP (Сингапур)
Maritime Air Co-ordination AuthorityMACA
McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Co.MDHC (USA)
McDonnell Douglas Missile Systems Co.MDMSC (USA)
McDonnell Douglas Space Systems Co.MDSSC (USA)
MEA CO2 rpmonoethanolamine carbon dioxide removal process
Med CoMedical Company
Med Dep CoMedical Depot Company
med evac co, ambmedical evacuation company, ambulance
Metal Rolling and Tube Co. Pvt. Ltd.MRT (ЮАР)
Mfg. Co.manufacturing company
Mgb COcarboxymyoglobin
Middle Atmosphere Co-operation programmeMAC
Middle East Regional Co-operation for DevelopmentRCD
Middle East Tube Co. Ltd.Metco (Израиль)
Military Control / Co-ordination CentreMCC
Military Technical Co-operationMTC
Mine Safety Appliances, Co.mine safety appliances, co. (название фирмы)
Mine Safety Appliances, Co.MSA
Mistral Co-ordination Command PostMCP
mov comovement control
Multinational Geospatial Co-production ProgramMGCP (estherik)
Nanchang Aircraft Manufacturing Co.NAMC (China)
National Oilwell Co.NOI
National Petroleum Radio Frequency Co-ordinating AssociationNPRFCA
National Strike Force Co-ordination CenterNSFCC (USA)
Naval Air Projects Co-ordination officeNAPC (USA)
Nippon Electric CoNEC
NMS-COnational military strategy for cyberspace operation
NMS-CONational Military Strategy for Cyberspace Operations
Non-Co-operative TargetNCT
Non-Co-operative Target IdentificationNCTI
Non-Co-operative Target RecognitionNCTR
North American Automated Systems co.NAAS
North Pacific Co-operative Security DialogNPCSD (Canada)
Northeast Asian Co-operation DialogueNACD
Northern Ireland Co-operation OverseasNICO (Ker-online)
O&COoperations and checkout
Office of Defense Co-ordinationODC (USA)
Organisation Africaine et Malgache de Co-operation EconomiqueOAMCE
Organisation for Economic Co-operation & DevelopmentOECD
Organisation for European Economic Co-operationOEEC (Now OECD)
Organization for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentOECD
Original Mingguang Haomiao Fire Protection Technology Development Co., Ltd(is an original firefighting equipment manufacturer located in Mingguang city) (Sagoto)
P & COplans and combat operations
P CO2partial pressure of carbon dioxide
Pacific Tube Co.Patco (США)
Partnership Co-ordination CellPCC (NATO)
Patho Tec-COcytochrom oxydase
PECO2pressure of carbon dioxide in expired gas
PERT-COprogram evaluation and review technique-cost
Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation SchemePIC/S (Система сотрудничества по фармацевтическим инспекциям kat_j)
Physics International Co.PI (USA)
Pty. Co.proprietary company
Pusan Steel Pipe Industry Co. Ltd.PSP (Южная Корея)
Puyang Zhongyuan Restar petroleum equipment Co.,LtdRSD (Sagoto)
Radar d'Alert et de Co-ordinationRAC (France)
Rescue Co-ordination CentreRCC
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co.KGR&S (Germany)
Roland Co-ordination CentreRCC (USA)
Russian Settlement Co-ordinating UnitRSCU (Lavrov)
S-CO2supercritical CO2 (MichaelBurov)
S-CO2supercritical carbon dioxide power cycle (MichaelBurov)
S-CO2supercritical CO2 power cycle (MichaelBurov)
S/COsignal/cutoff (Vadim Rouminsky)
Science Co-operation Office for South-East AsiaSEASCO
Selective Co-operative Secondary Surveillance SystemMode S (MichaelBurov)
SFAE-CD-CO-OOffice symbol for PMCD operations branch
Shaanxi Aircraft Co.SAC (China)
Shantou Institute of Ultrasonic Instruments Co.,LtdSIUI (название компании в Китае, выпускающей ультразвуковое оборудование Лорина)
Sig Avn Lt Cons CoSignal Aviation Light Construction Co.
Sm/CoSamarium / cobalt
SO/COService Office/Central Office
South Pacific Bureau for Economic Co-operationSPEC
Special Educational Needs Co OrdinatorSENCO
Special Projects Co-ordinationSPC (UK)
S/S Co.Steamship company (Vosoni)
Submarine Element Co-ordinatorSEC
Supporting Arms Co-ordination CentreSACC
Svcocarbon oxide saturation of hemoglobin
System Co-ordinating Installation Design AuthoritySCIDA
T&COtest and checkout
T & COtest and checkout
TAC Co-ordinator Automated Command & Control Information SystemTACACCIS (USA)
Tactical Co-ordination ConsoleTCC
Tanker Structure Co-operative ForumTSCF (Interex)
Technology Applications & Services Co.TAS (USA)
temp cotemperature coefficient
Thai-Asia Steel Pipe Co. Ltd.TAS (Таиланд)
The General Electric Co. plcGEC (UK)
The OSCE Project Co-ordinator in UkraineOSCE PCU (Alex Lilo)
tk cotank company
Top Line Co.TLC (USA)
total CO2tCO2 (MichaelBurov)
Tr.Co.trust company
Trilateral Co-ordination and Oversight GroupTCOG (US, Japan and South Korean policies on North Korea)
Trilateral Frigate Co-operationTFC (Netherlands, Germany and Spain)
Turkish Electricity Generation and Transition CoTEAS (MichaelBurov)
UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian assistance to AfghanistanUNOCHA
Union Africaine et Malgache de Co-operation EconomiqueUAMCE
United Fastener CoUFC (Inc. (USA))
University Computing CoUCC
W. Co.water column
W. Cowater column
Warner and Swasey Co.W and S
Welded Tube Co. of AmericaWelco (США)
Westinghouse Electronic Systems International Marketing Co.WESIM (USA)
Wide-Area Network Interface Co-ProcessorWNIC
Wuzhong Instrument Co., LtdWZI (Sagoto)
Wyman-Gordon Co.WGC (USA)
Xi'an Aircraft Co.XAC (China)