
Terms containing Women's | all forms | in specified order only
univer., abbr.MIT Women's Technology ProgramWTP
sport., abbr.Warren Junior Women's LeagueWJWL
abbr.Women's Breast and Cervical Cancer Health ProgramWBCCHP (AMlingua)
busin., abbr.Women's Business Development ProgramWBDP
USAWomen's Federal Procurement ProgramWFPP
physiol., abbr.Women's Intensive Outpatient ProgramWIOP
sport., abbr.Women's Junior Olympic CompulsoryWJO
law, abbr.Women's Law and Public Policy Fellowship ProgramWLPPFP
physiol., abbr.Women's Preventive Health ProgramWPHP
physiol., abbr.Women's Reproductive Health ProgramWRHP
abbr., mil., BrEWomen's ServicesWS
USAWomen's Small Business ProgramWSBP
sport., abbr.World Junior Women's ChampionshipWJWC