
Terms containing Program Information | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
abbr., oilAccidental Release Information ProgramARIP (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
mil., abbr.Airborne Information Transmission ProgramABIT
abbr.Australasian Information Security Evaluation ProgrammeAISEP
mil., abbr.Automated Information Management ProgramAIMP
mil., abbr.Automated Information System Security Assessment ProgramAISSAP
IT, abbr.Automated Program Management information SystemAPMS
IT, abbr.Business Information System ProgramBISP
sec.sys., abbr.Cardholder Information Security ProgramCISP
ed., abbr.Citizens Handy Information ProgramCHIP
transp., abbr.Coordinated Federal Lands Highways Technical Information ProgramCTIP
abbr.Crimewatch formerly Crimewatch UK is a long-running and high-profile British television programme produced by the BBC, that reconstructs major unsolved crimes in order to gain information from the public which may assist in solving the case.Crimewatch (Igor Tolok)
abbr., mil., commer.Critical Program InformationCPI
IT, abbr.Defense Information System Security ProgramDISSP (Mil., USA)
mil., abbr.Defense Information Systems Security ProgramDISSP
mil., abbr.Defense Information Systems Technical Service ProgramDISTSP
USADefense Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation ProgramDITSCAP
mil., abbr.Defense Logistics Studies Information Exchange ProgramDLSIE
abbr., astronaut., mil.Defense-wide Information Assurance ProgramDIAP
abbr., astronaut., mil.Defense-wide Information System Security ProgramDISSP
abbr., scottishDefense-wide Information Systems Security ProgramDISSP (USA)
abbr., astronaut., mil.DoD Information System Security ProgramDISSP
abbr., mil., commer.DoD Department of Defense Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation ProgramDITSCAP
tech., abbr.DON Program Information CenterDONPIC
interntl.trade., abbr.European Strategic Program for Research and Development in Information TechnologiesESPIRIT
IT, abbr.European Strategic Program of Research and Development in Information TechnologyESPRIT (EU)
abbr., comp.European Strategic Program on Research in Information TechnologiesESPRIT (Vosoni)
abbr., ITEuropean Strategic Program on Research in Information TechnologyESPRIT
comp., abbr.European Strategic Programme for Research and development in Information TechnologyESPRIT
abbr., opt.European Strategic Programme for Research in Information TechnologyESPRIT
ocean., abbr.High Performance Computing and Communications Program and Information TechnologyHPCC
comp., net., abbr.Host Information ProgramHIP
sec.sys., abbr.Information Assurance ProgramIAP
abbr., file.ext.Information Based Indicia ProgramIBIP (U.S. Postal Service)
mil., abbr.Information Management ProgramIMP
abbr.Information Resource Program ManagerIRPM
ITinformation security programThe overall combination of technical, operational and procedural measures and management structures implemented to provide for the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information based on business requirements and risk analysis
mil., abbr.Information Systems Quality ProgramISQP
IT, abbr.Information Technology Standards Program OfficeITSPO (organization, USA)
abbr., astronaut., mil.Installation Information Infrastructure Modernization ProgramI3MP
abbr., scottishIntelligence Information Services Enhancement programmeIISE (USA)
mil., abbr.Joint Worldwide Military Command and Control Information System ProgramJWIS
mil., abbr.Major Automated Information System Acquisition ProgramMAISAP
abbr., file.ext.Medical Information Systems ProgramMISP
mil., abbr.NADGE Early Warning Program Information LeafletNEWPIL
USAPipeline Information and Program EvaluationPIPE
abbr.Program InformationPI (Alex Lilo)
comp., abbr.Program Information BlockPIB
abbr., file.ext.Program Information FilePIF (Windows 3.x)
abbr., file.ext.Program Information FilePIF
busin., abbr.Program Information Online SystemPIOS
USAProgram Information Tracking SystemPITS
abbr., qual.cont.Program Reliability Information System for ManagementPRISM
busin., abbr.Qualified Information Systems Vendors programQISV
mil., abbr.Scientific and Technical Intelligence Information Services ProgramSTIISP
mil., abbr.Sensitive Compartmented Information or Information ProgramsSCI
abbr., tech.Shuttle Program Information Management SystemSPIMS (Vosoni)
NASA, abbr.Space Programs Information CoalitionSPIC
busin., abbr.Sponsored Programs Information NetworkSPIN
IT, abbr.Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance ProgramTIIAP (USA)
abbr., file.ext.Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance ProgramTIIAP (NII)
abbr., file.ext.The Access Program for the CompuServe Information ServiceTAPCIS
IT, abbr.Total On-Line Program and Information Control SystemTOPICS
transp., abbr.Transportation Reimbursement And Information ProgramTRIP
USAUsing Information in Government ProgramUIG
ocean., abbr.Water Information Coordination ProgramWICP