
Terms containing Aircraft | all forms | exact matches only
mil., abbr.Advanced Aircraft Maneuvering ProgramAAMP
mil., abbr.Advanced Aircraft Programs OfficeAAPO
abbr., scottishAdvanced Composite Aircraft / Airframe ProgramACAP (US Army)
abbr., scottishAircraft Accessories & Components CoAACC (Saudi Arabia)
USAAircraft Certification Systems Evaluation ProgramACSEP
mil., abbr.Aircraft Improvement ProgramAIP
abbr., mil.Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance DetachmentAIMD (qwarty)
abbr., avia.Aircraft Life History ProgramALHP (Interex)
abbr., scottishAircraft Maintenance Qualification ProgramAMQP (USA)
abbr., scottishAircraft Mishap Prevention programmeAMP (USA)
aeron., abbr.Aircraft Structural Integrity ProgramAS IP
abbr., scottishAircraft Structural Integrity ProgramASIP (USA)
mil., abbr.Approved Aircraft Inspection ProgramAAIP
mil., abbr.Army Aircraft Mobile Technical Assistance ProgramAAMTAP
abbr., scottishCombat Aircraft Prototype programmeCAP (USA)
abbr., scottishDouglas Aircraft Co.DAC (USA)
aeron., abbr.Earth Observations Aircraft ProgramEOAB
el., abbr.Earth Observations Aircraft ProgramEOAP
abbr., scottishExperimental Aircraft ProgrammeEAP
abbr., astronaut., mil.Fliegerabwehrkanone Flyer defense cannon - German Anti-aircraft shrapnel burst (Thanks to http:Flak (www.acronymfinder.com for this one))
abbr., scottishHarbin Aircraft Manufacturing Co.HAMC (China)
abbr., scottishHong Kong Aircraft Engineering CoHAECO (Ltd)
abbr., scottishHughes Aircraft Co.HAC (USA)
abbr., scottishJoint Technical Co-ordinating Group on Aircraft SurvivabilityJTCG/AS (USA)
abbr., scottishLockheed Aircraft Services Co.LAS (USA)
abbr., scottishLow Intensity Conflict Aircraft SystemLICAS
abbr., scottishLow Intensity Reconnaissance AircraftLIRA
abbr., scottishNanchang Aircraft Manufacturing Co.NAMC (China)
abbr., scottishNew Shipborne Aircraft programmeNSA (Canada)
abbr., scottishNorthrop Worldwide Aircraft Services Inc.NWASI (USA)
transp., abbr.Office of Aircraft ServicesOAS
abbr., scottishRotary Wing Aircraft programmeRWA (USAF)
abbr., scottishShaanxi Aircraft Co.SAC (China)
tradem., abbr.Wilkinson Aircraft ServicesWAS
abbr., scottishXi'an Aircraft Co.XAC (China)