
Text strings | Languages | subjects
Категория строк
1 Ngeke ukwazi ukuthumela esithangamini kuze kube yilapho ukuvinjelwa kuphelelwa yisikhathi noma sekususiwe auto translated You will not be able to post on the forum until the ban expires or is lifted 4uzhoj 18.05.2022 3:23:30
2 Ngeke ukwazi ukwengeza imigomo emisha kuze kube yilapho ukuvinjelwa kuphelelwa yisikhathi noma sekususiwe auto translated You will not be able to add new terms until the ban expires or is lifted 4uzhoj 18.05.2022 3:24:27
3 Qala ikheli le-IP auto translated Start IP address
4 Qeda ikheli le-IP auto translated End IP address
5 shiya kungenalutho uma uvimbela ikheli elilodwa kuphela auto translated leave empty if banning only one address 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 12:58:20
6 Igama lomsebenzisi auto translated Username 4uzhoj 18.10.2019 10:50:36
7 Ukuvinjelwa kuphelelwa yisikhathi auto translated Ban expires 18.05.2022 3:27:56
8 okuzenzakalelayo: iviki elingu-1 auto translated default: 1 week 4uzhoj 19.12.2019 0:00:10
9 Ububanzi auto translated Scope
10 Phawula auto translated Comment
11 izoboniswa kumsebenzisi ovinjelwe auto translated will be shown to the banned user 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 4:33:26
12 Londoloza auto translated Save 4uzhoj 21.10.2019 22:13:02
13 Vimbela uhlu auto translated Ban list 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 12:59:35
14 Isimo esisha auto translated New condition 4uzhoj 13.10.2019 11:43:51
15 Vimbela umlando auto translated Ban history 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 12:59:56
16 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
17 Inqubo auto translated Process
18 Usizo auto translated Help pom 19.09.2017 18:34:48
19 Engeza imigomo ngobuningi auto translated Bulk add terms pom 31.08.2017 17:44:49
20 Isihloko auto translated Subject
21 Vimba ukufinyelela auto translated Block access
22 Vimba ukuthunyelwa esithangamini auto translated Block posting to forum 4uzhoj 30.01.2021 22:16:53
23 imizuzu auto translated minutes
24 Vimba ukubhala kusichazamazwi auto translated Block writing to dictionary 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 13:01:13
25 Ifomethi engavumelekile auto translated Invalid format 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 4:34:12
26 Uthole le imeyili ngoba othile (mhlawumbe nguwe) ucele ukushintshwa kwephasiwedi noma ukusethwa kabusha kwe-akhawunti yakho auto translated You received this email because someone (probably you) has requested a password change or reset for your account on 4uzhoj 18.07.2020 23:56:16
27 Ukuze uqinisekise ukushintsha/ukusetha kabusha iphasiwedi, sicela ulandele isixhumanisi auto translated To confirm the password change/reset, please follow the link 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 5:25:52
28 Uma ungazange ucele ukushintshwa/ukusetha kabusha iphasiwedi, ungayiziba ngokuphephile le imeyili. auto translated If you did not request a password change/reset, you can safely ignore this email. 4uzhoj 25.05.2020 15:26:56
29 Igama eligcwele auto translated Full name pom 16.12.2019 12:57:06
30 Ibonisa imishwana yokuqala engama-500 auto translated Showing first 500 phrases 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 5:02:05
31 Ukuhlaziywa kwe-morphology auto translated Morphology analysis pom 19.10.2023 11:54:46
32 Ikheli le-imeyili auto translated Email address
33 Iphasiwedi auto translated Password
34 Qinisekisa auto translated Confirm
35 Uthole lo mlayezo ukuze uqinisekise ikheli lakho le-imeyili kuwo auto translated You received this message to verify your email address on 4uzhoj 26.05.2020 1:22:34
36 Ukuze uqinisekise ikheli lakho le-imeyili, sicela ulandele isixhumanisi: auto translated To verify your email address, please follow the link: 4uzhoj 23.10.2019 10:40:25
37 Uma ungazange ucele le imeyili yokuqinisekisa ungayiziba ngokuphephile. auto translated If you did not request this verification email you can safely ignore it. 4uzhoj 26.05.2020 1:12:15
38 Ukungena ngemvume, isiphequluli sakho kufanele sisekele amakhukhi auto translated To sign in, your browser must support cookies 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 4:51:07
39 isichazamazwi auto translated dictionary
40 Faka igama noma ibinzana auto translated Enter a word or phrase 4uzhoj 23.10.2019 10:41:06
41 Uhlu lwezindawo zezifundo auto translated List of subjects areas 4uzhoj 23.10.2019 10:41:20
42 Umsebenzisi auto translated User
43 Idatha icutshungulwe ngempumelelo auto translated Data processed successfully SirReal 17.10.2019 2:57:17
44 Amaphutha okungenzeka amakiwe auto translated Possible errors were marked pom 2.09.2017 11:55:12
45 Ngena ngemvume ku-akhawunti yakho auto translated Sign in to your account 4uzhoj 12.10.2019 23:15:41
46 Igama auto translated Name
47 Bhalisa auto translated Register 4uzhoj 22.05.2020 23:09:35
48 Ukhohlwe i-imeyili noma iphasiwedi yakho? auto translated Forgot your email or password? 4uzhoj 12.10.2019 22:15:08
49 Unenkinga yokungena ngemvume noma ukusebenzisa inkundla? auto translated Having trouble signing in or using the forum? 4uzhoj 13.10.2019 12:36:25
50 Ngikhumbule kule divayisi auto translated Remember me on this device pom 23.05.2019 20:01:20
51 Ngena ngemvume auto translated Sign in 4uzhoj 20.05.2022 23:53:09
52 Udinga ukungena ngemvume ukuze uthumele esithangamini auto translated You need to be logged in to post in the forum 4uzhoj
53 Faka igama lesihloko (noma ingxenye yalo). Amagama ezihloko amafushane/ezifushanisiwe ayasekelwa auto translated Enter a subject name (or a part thereof). Short/abbreviated subject names are supported 4uzhoj 18.10.2019 9:56:57
54 Sesha auto translated Search
55 Ngaziseni mayelana nezimpendulo ezintsha nge-imeyili auto translated Notify me about new replies by email 4uzhoj 9.11.2021 15:59:06
56 faka igama noma ibinzana odinga usizo ngalo, noma incazelo emfushane kakhulu yodaba lwakho auto translated enter the word or phrase you need help with, or a very brief description of your issue 4uzhoj 15.10.2022 18:00:49
57 Isihloko auto translated Subject 4uzhoj
58 Umlayezo auto translated Message 4uzhoj
59 Ukuhlola ukupela auto translated Spell check
60 Buka kuqala auto translated Preview
61 Sicela uhlole Imithetho Yokuthumela. Okuthunyelwe okuhluleka ukuhlangabezana nemithetho kuzovalwa ngaphandle kwesixwayiso. auto translated Please check the Posting Rules. Posts that fail to meet the rules will be closed without warning. 4uzhoj
62 Okungenani ibhokisi lokuhlola elilodwa kufanele lihlolwe auto translated At least one checkbox must be checked
63 thayipha igama lomsebenzisi auto translated type in a username 4uzhoj 31.01.2021 1:08:07
64 Khetha indawo yesihloko (ongakukhetha) auto translated Pick a subject area (optional) 4uzhoj 6.12.2021 22:55:49
65 Imithetho yesithangami auto translated Forum rules 4uzhoj
66 Phendula umbhalo auto translated Reply text
67 Awekho amaphutha atholiwe auto translated No errors found pom 2.09.2017 11:58:45
68 Thumela impendulo auto translated Post reply 4uzhoj 19.10.2019 20:19:06
69 Idethi yokuphendula auto translated Reply date pom 12.10.2019 12:26:16
70 Le sayithi isebenzisa EDICT kanye KANJIDIC amafayela wesichazamazwi. Lawa mafayela ayingxenye ye-Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, futhi asetshenziswa ngaphansi yelayisensi yeQembu. auto translated This site uses the EDICT and KANJIDIC dictionary files. These files are property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and are used under the Group's license. 4uzhoj 6.02.2020 9:49:59
71 Izihloko auto translated Topics
72 Izimpendulo auto translated Replies 4uzhoj 13.10.2019 0:05:10
73 ingqikithi auto translated total
74 Sesha igama lomsebenzisi auto translated Search username SirReal 23.04.2021 9:57:12
75 Shintshanisa ikhoma ngesemicolon ukuze ufake izinguqulo eziningi ezihlukene auto translated Replace the comma with a semicolon to enter multiple separate translations 4uzhoj 23.04.2021 10:04:32
76 Leli gama lomsebenzisi alivumelekile noma alikho auto translated This username is not valid or does not exist 4uzhoj 23.08.2022 19:44:05
77 Imilayezo eyimfihlo ingathunyelwa kuphela kubasebenzisi ababhalisiwe auto translated Private messages can only be sent to registered users 4uzhoj 16.10.2019 1:49:02
78 Sicela uhlole igama lomsebenzisi auto translated Please check username 4uzhoj 21.05.2020 13:27:45
79 Isicelo sokubhalisa noma sokusetha kabusha iphasiwedi asitholakalanga auto translated Registration or password reset request was not found 4uzhoj 25.08.2022 12:44:51
80 Sicela uthumele kabusha iphasiwedi yakho auto translated Please re-submit your password 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 5:32:35
81 Ukuhumusha auto translated Translation pom 2.09.2017 14:47:28
82 Iphasiwedi Entsha auto translated New password
83 Phinda iphasiwedi auto translated Repeat password
84 Usesho lomsebenzisi auto translated User search
85 Okufakiwe okuyimpinda kukhishiwe ohlwini auto translated Duplicate entries were removed from the list 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 5:17:00
86 Setha kabusha iphasiwedi auto translated Reset password 4uzhoj 18.10.2019 15:44:18
87 Ulwazi Olwengeziwe auto translated Additional information 4uzhoj 17.10.2019 11:23:47
88 Uthole le imeyili ukuze uqedele ukubhalisa kwakho auto translated You have received this email to complete your registration on 4uzhoj 26.05.2020 1:23:42
89 Ukuze uqinisekise ukubhaliswa kwakho, sicela uchofoze isixhumanisi esilandelayo: auto translated To confirm your registration, please click on the following link: 4uzhoj 18.10.2019 19:09:08
90 Uma ungazange udale i-akhawunti ye-Multitran, ungayiziba ngokuphephile le imeyili. Asikho isenzo esidingekayo. auto translated If you didn’t create a Multitran account, you can safely ignore this email. No action is required. 4uzhoj 23.11.2021 22:20:17
91 Ikheli lakho le-IP lisohlwini auto translated Your IP address is listed on 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 5:29:09
92 U-Andrei Pominov auto translated Andrei Pominov
93 Izilungiselelo auto translated Settings
94 Bonisa ukuhumusha njengezixhumanisi auto translated Display translations as hyperlinks 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 17:47:35
95 Bonisa ibha yesibili yokusesha ngaphansi kwekhasi auto translated Show second search bar at the bottom of the page 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 23:21:47
96 Sesha ngokuzenzakalelayo emishweni ehambisanayo auto translated Automatically search in parallel sentences 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 5:21:50
97 Sesha ngokuzenzakalelayo kuwo wonke amapheya ezilimi auto translated Automatically search in all language pairs 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 5:22:05
98 Gcina umlando wokusesha kwami kwakamuva kusichazamazwi auto translated Keep a history of my recent searches in the dictionary 4uzhoj 16.11.2021 1:36:51
99 Sula ibha yokusesha ngokuzenzakalelayo auto translated Automatically clear the search bar 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 18:10:35
100 Bonisa uhlu lokudonsela phansi olunemiphumela efanayo uma uthayipha kubha Yokusesha auto translated Display the drop-down list with matching results when typing in the Search bar 4uzhoj 11.11.2021 16:31:22
101 Bonisa ukuphimisela auto translated Show pronunciation 4uzhoj 17.10.2019 16:26:11
102 Inombolo yochungechunge lwenkundla ekhasini ngalinye auto translated Number of forum threads per page 4uzhoj
103 Isikhathi sokuvuselela inkundla (ngamaminithi) auto translated Forum refresh interval (in minutes) 4uzhoj 18.10.2019 1:14:58
104 Izixhumanisi ezisheshayo ezichazamazwini eziku-inthanethi nokunye okwengeziwe auto translated Quick links to online dictionaries and more 4uzhoj
105 Iphasiwedi engalungile auto translated Incorrect password 4uzhoj 23.08.2022 20:50:11
106 Hlola isakhiwo sakho sekhibhodi futhi uqinisekise ukuthi i-caps lock ivaliwe auto translated Check your keyboard layout and make sure caps lock is off 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 0:05:51
107 Susa auto translated Delete
108 I-akhawunti yakho ivinjiwe auto translated Your account has been blocked 4uzhoj 18.05.2022 3:31:55
109 ngokuzenzakalelayo auto translated automatically
110 ibizo auto translated noun
111 Leli nani leyunithi yezinhlamvu zesixhumi esibonakalayo selivele likhona auto translated This interface string value already exists 4uzhoj 18.10.2019 19:24:35
112 Iyunithi yezinhlamvu zesixhumi esibonakalayo auto translated Interface string
113 ibizo, isilisa auto translated noun, masculine
114 ibizo, isifazane auto translated noun, feminine
115 noun, neuter auto translated noun, neuter
116 ibizo, ubuningi auto translated noun, plural
117 isiphawulo auto translated adjective
118 isenzo auto translated verb
119 isandiso auto translated adverb
120 isabizwana auto translated pronoun
121 isandulela auto translated preposition pom 21.06.2017 18:39:57
122 isifinyezo auto translated abbreviation pom 21.06.2017 18:40:58
123 isihlanganiso auto translated conjunction pom 21.06.2017 18:41:34
124 i-thesaurus auto translated thesaurus 26.06.2017 12:42:09
125 kutholiwe auto translated found 26.06.2017 12:42:09
126 Izibalo auto translated Statistics pom 4.03.2020 11:02:35
127 Bonisa iziphakamiso zokumiselela auto translated Show replacement suggestions 4uzhoj 12.10.2019 22:51:54
128 Ngokwezibalo shintsha izinhlamvu auto translated Statistically replace letters 26.06.2017 12:42:09
129 Shintshanisa izinhlamvu zesiRashiya auto translated Replace letters to Russian 26.06.2017 12:42:09
130 Layisha kuqala izithombe auto translated Preload images 26.06.2017 12:42:09
131 isheshisa ukubuka kuqala kwesithombe auto translated speeds up image preview 26.06.2017 12:42:09
132 Imigomo yengeziwe auto translated Terms added pom 3.09.2017 22:40:52
133 imigqa ihleliwe auto translated lines edited 4uzhoj 26.01.2020 0:49:05
134 Inkomba yakhiwe kabusha ngempumelelo auto translated Index rebuilt successfully SirReal 15.10.2019 4:00:22
135 Iphutha lokwakha kabusha inkomba auto translated Error rebuilding index 26.06.2017 12:42:09
136 Idatha ilondolozwe ngempumelelo auto translated Data saved successfully SirReal 15.10.2019 3:59:59
137 Ikhasi lokugcina elifinyelelwe auto translated Last page reached 26.06.2017 12:42:09
138 ikhasi elilandelayo liyaboniswa auto translated next page is shown 26.06.2017 12:42:09
139 Ivoti lakho lihoxisiwe auto translated Your vote is withdrawn SirReal 15.10.2019 4:00:49
140 leli khasi lilungile auto translated this page is OK 26.06.2017 12:42:09
141 hoxisa ivoti lakho auto translated withdraw your vote SirReal 15.10.2019 4:00:40
142 ivoti auto translated vote 26.06.2017 12:42:09
143 vele uvotile auto translated already voted 26.06.2017 12:42:09
144 Sicela ugcwalise izinkambu ezidingekayo auto translated Please fill the required fields 4uzhoj 18.10.2019 19:26:23
145 Umsebenzisi akatholakali auto translated User not found 26.06.2017 12:42:10
146 Iphutha lokubhala auto translated Write error 26.06.2017 12:42:10
147 ikhodi yephutha auto translated error code 26.06.2017 12:42:10
148 Izimpendulo ezintsha sezifikile auto translated New replies have arrived 4uzhoj 12.10.2019 22:53:17
149 Okuthunyelwe sekuvele kukhona auto translated Post already exists 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 17:57:48
150 Umbhalo wokuphendula awukho auto translated Reply text is missing 4uzhoj 23.08.2022 20:52:50
151 Inkundla auto translated Forum 26.06.2017 12:42:10
152 Nansi indlela impendulo yakho ezobukeka ngayo: auto translated This is what your reply will look like: 4uzhoj 17.10.2019 11:25:01
153 Qhubeka nokuhlela auto translated Continue editing 4uzhoj 18.10.2019 20:03:20
154 Umlayezo usuvele ukhona auto translated Message already exists 26.06.2017 12:42:10
155 ---suggest a translation--- ---строка не используется на новом сайте--- 4uzhoj 14.02.2020 14:30:46
156 Isihloko/isihloko asikho auto translated Subject/title is missing 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 17:03:47
157 Umzimba womlayezo awukho auto translated Message body is missing 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 16:17:18
158 lisetshenziswe emshweni olandelayo auto translated is used in the following sentence 26.06.2017 12:42:10
159 Umlayezo oyimfihlo we auto translated Private message for 4uzhoj 18.12.2019 23:55:05
160 Ukuhlola kuqala umlayezo auto translated Message preview 26.06.2017 12:42:10
161 Thumela umlayezo auto translated Post message 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 18:03:16
162 Ukuqala uchungechunge olusha auto translated Starting a new thread 4uzhoj 8.02.2022 23:15:19
163 Lena i-imeyili ezenzakalelayo. Ungawuphenduli. auto translated This is an automated email. Do not reply to it. 4uzhoj 23.11.2021 22:19:00
164 Othandekayo auto translated Dear 4uzhoj 15.10.2019 10:31:19
165 Kunempendulo entsha kuchungechunge lwakho kuforamu ye-Multitran auto translated There is a new reply to your thread on a Multitran forum SirReal 8.02.2022 23:15:26
166 Kusuka auto translated From 4uzhoj 4.07.2020 16:20:18
167 Ukuze ubuke zonke izimpendulo kuchungechunge, sicela uvakashele auto translated To view all replies in the thread, please visit pom 6.12.2020 19:16:51
168 Ungayiphenduli le imeyili. Ukuze uphendule umlayezo wokuqala, sicela uvakashele inkundla auto translated Do not reply to this email. To respond to the original message, please visit the forum 4uzhoj 21.05.2020 18:08:47
169 Umlayezo awutholakali auto translated Message not found 26.06.2017 12:42:10
170 Amakhasi auto translated Pages 26.06.2017 12:42:10
171 † Uchungechunge luvalwe umongameli † auto translated † Thread closed by moderator † 4uzhoj 7.02.2022 11:54:04
172 Bhala impendulo auto translated Compose a reply 4uzhoj 13.10.2019 0:14:04
173 Vula kabusha uchungechunge auto translated Re-open thread 4uzhoj 27.02.2020 8:19:25
174 Vala uchungechunge auto translated Close thread 4uzhoj 27.02.2020 8:19:29
175 Uvinjiwe auto translated You have been blocked 4uzhoj 4.07.2020 16:21:51
176 wonke amakhasi auto translated all pages 26.06.2017 12:42:10
177 uhlu olufushane auto translated short list 26.06.2017 12:42:10
178 Iseva iyalungiswa futhi isayithi lisebenza ngemodi yokufunda kuphela. Sicela uhlole futhi ngemva kwesikhashana. auto translated The server is undergoing maintenance and the site is working in read-only mode. Please check back later. SirReal 15.10.2019 4:04:06
179 ✎ Uchungechunge olusha auto translated ✎ New thread 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 17:05:14
180 Ukubuka auto translated Views 26.06.2017 12:42:10
181 Hlunga ngedethi yokuphendula auto translated Sort by reply date 26.06.2017 12:42:10
182 Hlunga ngegama auto translated Sort by name 26.06.2017 12:42:10
183 Hlunga ngedethi yesihloko auto translated Sort by topic date 26.06.2017 12:42:10
184 Inkundla ayinalutho auto translated Forum is empty 26.06.2017 12:42:10
185 konke auto translated all 26.06.2017 12:43:21
186 Umlayezo oyimfihlo auto translated Private message 26.06.2017 12:43:21
187 kusuka auto translated from 26.06.2017 12:43:21
188 okwe auto translated for 26.06.2017 12:43:21
189 izimpendulo zami auto translated my replies 4uzhoj 20.05.2020 0:37:03
190 phila auto translated animate SirReal 15.10.2019 4:34:37
191 ezingaphili auto translated inanimate SirReal 15.10.2019 4:34:18
192 owesilisa auto translated masculine 26.06.2017 12:43:46
193 owesifazane auto translated feminine 26.06.2017 12:43:46
194 I-neuter auto translated neuter 26.06.2017 12:43:46
195 ebunyeni kuphela auto translated only singular 26.06.2017 12:43:46
196 ubuningi kuphela auto translated plural only 4uzhoj 7.04.2020 0:54:31
197 engaguquguquki auto translated invariable pom 11.04.2020 23:46:56
198 ephelele auto translated perfect 26.06.2017 12:43:46
199 engaphelele auto translated imperfective SirReal 23.04.2021 9:59:14
200 okungapheli auto translated indefinite 26.06.2017 12:43:46
201 eqinisekile auto translated definite 26.06.2017 12:43:46
202 i-pronomial auto translated pronomial 26.06.2017 12:43:46
203 kufushane auto translated short 26.06.2017 12:43:46
204 ukuqhathanisa auto translated comparative 26.06.2017 12:43:46
205 isihloko auto translated article 26.06.2017 12:43:46
206 izinhlayiyana auto translated particle 26.06.2017 12:43:46
207 ifomu legama auto translated word form 26.06.2017 12:43:46
208 ukunqamuka auto translated interjection 26.06.2017 12:43:46
209 okubikezelayo auto translated predicative 26.06.2017 12:43:46
210 inombolo yekhadinali auto translated cardinal number 26.06.2017 12:43:46
211 iqhaza lamanje auto translated present participle Bursch 15.04.2023 20:41:36
212 inombolo ye-ordinal auto translated ordinal number 26.06.2017 12:43:46
213 ingxenye yenkulumo ekhethekile auto translated special part of speech 26.06.2017 12:43:46
214 Akukhethiwe auto translated Not selected
215 Sicela ufake ikheli le-imeyili auto translated Please enter an email address SirReal 23.04.2021 9:59:29
216 Ikheli le-imeyili elisha alikwazi ukufana nekheli lakho le-imeyili lamanje auto translated New email address cannot be the same as your current email address 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 3:30:50
217 Uthole le imeyili ngoba ucele ukushintshwa kwekheli le-imeyili elihlotshaniswa ne-akhawunti yakho ye-Multitran auto translated You received this email because you have requested a change of the email address associated with your Multitran account 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 3:08:43
218 Ukuze uqinisekise ushintsho lwe-imeyili sicela ulandele isixhumanisi auto translated To confirm email change please follow the link 4uzhoj 12.10.2019 18:07:36
219 Uma ungazange ucele lolu shintsho, ungayiziba ngokuphephile le imeyili. Asikho isenzo esidingekayo. auto translated If you did not request this change, you can safely ignore this email. No action is required. 4uzhoj 23.11.2021 22:19:39
220 Umlayezo bese uthunyelwe kakade, sicela uhlole i-imeyili yakho auto translated Message was already sent, please check your email 26.06.2017 12:43:51
221 Ungacela enye i-imeyili yokuqinisekisa auto translated You can request another confirmation email in 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 5:34:23
222 Ngicela ufake ikheli le-imeyili elilungile auto translated Please enter a valid email address 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 17:11:08
223 Sithumele i-imeyili yokuqinisekisa ekhelini olinikezile auto translated We have sent a verification email to the address you provided 4uzhoj 27.01.2020 11:41:11
224 Sicela uhlole imeyili yakho bese ulandela isixhumanisi esisemlayezweni auto translated Please check your mail and follow the link in the message 4uzhoj 27.01.2020 11:41:31
225 Sicela ufake igama lomsebenzisi auto translated Please enter a username 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 17:12:47
226 Igama lomsebenzisi alitholakali auto translated Username not found 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 17:13:47
227 Igama lomsebenzisi selivele likhona auto translated Username already exists 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 17:15:41
228 Igama lomsebenzisi elifana kakhulu selivele likhona. Sicela ukhethe igama lomsebenzisi elehlukile auto translated A very similar username already exists. Please choose a different username 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 17:17:57
229 Sicela ufake ikheli le-imeyili auto translated Please enter an email address 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 17:19:28
230 Ikheli le-imeyili alitholakali auto translated Email address not found 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 18:47:47
231 Leli kheli le-imeyili selivele lisetshenziswa omunye umsebenzisi. Sicela uzame ikheli le-imeyili elehlukile auto translated This email address is already used by another user. Please try a different email address 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 17:55:35
232 Sicela ufake iphasiwedi auto translated Please enter a password 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 17:56:35
233 Amagama-mfihlo awafani auto translated Passwords do not match 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 17:57:52
234 Ukuqinisekiswa kwe-imeyili: igama lomsebenzisi alitholakali auto translated Email verification: username not found 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 17:58:48
235 Uqinisekise ngempumelelo ikheli lakho le-imeyili auto translated You have successfully verified your email address 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 18:03:22
236 Faka ikheli le-imeyili elisha auto translated Enter new email address 26.06.2017 12:43:51
237 Sicela uqinisekise ikheli lakho le-imeyili auto translated Please verify your email address 4uzhoj 18.10.2019 1:13:15
238 I-akhawunti enalelo gama lomsebenzisi ne-imeyili ayitholakalanga auto translated An account with that username and email could not be found 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 18:31:07
239 Ukushintsha iphasiwedi: igama lomsebenzisi alitholakali auto translated Password change: username not found 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 18:33:47
240 Iphasiwedi ishintshwe ngempumelelo auto translated Password changed successfully 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 18:35:08
241 Ukusetha kabusha iphasiwedi auto translated Password reset 4uzhoj 18.10.2019 15:43:53
242 Sicela ufake igama lakho lomsebenzisi noma ikheli le-imeyili auto translated Please enter your username or email address 4uzhoj 12.10.2019 18:08:35
243 Ubhalise ngempumelelo ku-Multitran auto translated You have successfully registered on Multitran 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 18:37:28
244 Yenza i-akhawunti auto translated Create an account 4uzhoj 18.05.2020 0:37:31
245 Khetha ukuhumusha ozohlela auto translated Select a translation to edit 4uzhoj 23.02.2020 0:29:45
246 Khetha ukuhumusha ozokususa auto translated Select a translation to delete 4uzhoj 23.02.2020 0:29:42
247 Akukho okufakiwe okutholakele kwesihloko auto translated No entries found for subject pom 10.10.2019 18:46:50
248 Imigomo yesihloko auto translated Terms for subject 26.06.2017 12:43:51
249 Igama elifushane auto translated Short name pom 16.12.2019 12:56:37
250 Kutholwe ukhefana auto translated Comma detected 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 17:25:22
251 Khetha ukuthi kwenzekani ngokulandelayo: auto translated Choose what happens next: 4uzhoj 28.01.2020 0:35:04
252 ukuhumusha ngokhefana auto translated the translation with a comma 4uzhoj 2.03.2020 11:10:05
253 izinguqulo ezihlukene auto translated separate translations 4uzhoj 28.02.2020 15:31:34
254 Buyela ekuhleleni auto translated Return to editing 4uzhoj 25.08.2022 11:59:35
255 Sebenzisa ama-semicolon ukuze ufake ukuhumusha okuningi kwetemu lomthombo elifanayo auto translated Use semicolons to enter multiple translations for the same source term SirReal 15.10.2019 8:24:07
256 Kutholwe igama elingaziwa (noma amagama): auto translated Found an unknown word (or words): 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 18:10:27
257 Leli igama elivumelekile / isipelingi silungile auto translated This is a valid word / the spelling is correct SirReal 18.10.2019 19:48:17
258 gcina ukungena auto translated save entry 26.06.2017 12:43:51
259 Ayikwazi ukulondoloza: leli temu lengezwe omunye umsebenzisi auto translated Unable to save: this term was added by another user 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 18:39:14
260 Okufakiwe kulondolozwe ngempumelelo auto translated Entry successfully saved 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 18:40:34
261 Abakaki abangafani auto translated Mismatched brackets pom 7.09.2017 13:06:32
262 Iphutha auto translated Error 26.06.2017 12:43:51
263 Ayikwazi ukubhala izinguquko kusichazamazwi, sicela uhlole futhi ngokuhamba kwesikhathi. Uma ubona lokhu, cishe singenisa okufakiwe okusha kuseva auto translated Can't write changes to the dictionary, please check back later. If you are seeing this, most likely we're importing new entries to the server 4uzhoj 7.06.2023 0:02:59
264 yenza zonke izinhlamvu ezincane auto translated make all lowercase 4uzhoj 4.07.2020 16:17:49
265 Izingxenye zokungenela ezihlukaniswe ngokhefana sezivele zikhona kusichazamazwi auto translated Entry parts delimited by comma already exist in the dictionary 26.06.2017 12:43:51
266 Ayikwazi ukunikeza ingxenye yenkulumo ekhethiwe kuleli gama auto translated Cannot assign the selected speech part to this word SirReal 16.10.2019 2:47:16
267 Yehlulekile ukushintsha ingxenye yenkulumo auto translated Failed to change part of speech 4uzhoj 25.01.2020 23:23:57
268 Ingxenye yenkulumo ishintshwe ngempumelelo auto translated Part of speech changed successfully 4uzhoj 25.01.2020 23:23:30
269 Azikho izinguquko ezingalondolozwa auto translated No changes to save pom 13.04.2021 23:11:22
270 Usuzogcina okufakiwe okulandelayo: auto translated You're about to save the following entry: 4uzhoj 18.10.2019 19:41:03
271 Igama / isipelingi asivumelekile. Buyisa futhi uhlele engikufakile. auto translated The word / spelling is not valid. Return and edit my entry. SirReal 27.08.2022 16:26:02
272 Igama lesihloko elingaziwa auto translated Unknown subject area name 4uzhoj 18.05.2020 13:47:21
273 Lokhu kufaka kubonakala kuyisifinyezo futhi kuzolondolozwa kuthesorasi auto translated This entry seems to be an abbreviation and will be saved to the thesaurus SirReal 16.10.2019 3:04:38
274 Yengeza okusha auto translated Adding a new entry 4uzhoj 22.10.2022 22:59:23
275 Hlela Okungenayo auto translated Edit Entry 4uzhoj 22.10.2022 23:05:34
276 Kwengezwe ngokuthi, idethi auto translated Added by, date 4uzhoj 5.04.2020 23:50:26
277 ukufunda auto translated reading 26.06.2017 12:43:51
278 Incazelo auto translated Meaning 26.06.2017 12:43:51
279 Phakamisa isihloko esisha auto translated Suggest a new subject 4uzhoj 17.10.2019 23:19:20
280 Ukuphimisela kwesiJapane auto translated Japanese pronunciation SirReal 16.10.2019 2:46:51
281 sicela ucacise indlela yokuphimisela (usebenzisa isiLatini noma i-hiragana) auto translated please specify pronunciation (using Latin or hiragana) 26.06.2017 12:43:51
282 umbhali auto translated author pom 28.07.2017 0:12:29
283 Lokhu okufakiwe kwengezwe omunye umsebenzisi auto translated This entry was added by another user pom 30.06.2017 13:31:03
284 Ayikwazi ukukhiya isizindalwazi. Sicela uzame futhi emuva kwesikhathi auto translated Cannot lock databases. Please try again later SirReal 16.10.2019 3:04:54
285 Ukususa kuphumelele auto translated Delete successful 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 18:43:52
286 Usuzosusa okufakiwe okulandelayo: auto translated You're about to delete the following entry: 4uzhoj 25.01.2020 23:26:59
287 Igama alitholakali auto translated Word not found 26.06.2017 12:43:51
288 Sicela ukhethe igama ozolisusa auto translated Please select a word to delete 4uzhoj 25.01.2020 23:27:56
289 Umsebenzi weforamu auto translated Forum activity 26.06.2017 12:43:51
290 Ulimi auto translated Language 26.06.2017 12:43:51
291 Imicu auto translated Threads 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 0:30:39
292 Okufakiwe kubikwe umsebenzisi auto translated Entries reported by user 4uzhoj 15.07.2020 22:57:47
293 Imigomo yengezwe ngumsebenzisi auto translated Terms added by user 4uzhoj 15.10.2019 22:10:18
294 Landa auto translated Download 26.06.2017 12:43:51
295 Igama lomsebenzisi elingaziwa auto translated Unknown username SirReal 23.04.2021 9:57:20
296 Buyekeza izibalo auto translated Update statistics 26.06.2017 12:43:51
297 Iphrofayela yomthengi auto translated Buyer profile 4uzhoj 17.10.2019 12:01:36
298 Hlela iphrofayela auto translated Edit profile 4uzhoj 24.10.2019 14:17:04
299 SHINTSHA iphasiwedi auto translated Change password 26.06.2017 12:43:51
300 Shintsha ikheli le-imeyili auto translated Change email address SirReal 16.10.2019 2:48:56
301 Imigomo yengezwe abasebenzisi auto translated Terms added by users 26.06.2017 12:43:51
302 Imigomo auto translated Terms 26.06.2017 12:43:51
303 Akutholakalanga auto translated Not found 26.06.2017 12:43:51
304 Uhlelo lwamukela uhlu lwamagama ngefomethi ehlukanisiwe yethebhu esuka ku-Word, Excel noma amakhasi ewebhu. Qiniseka ukuthi uhlu lwamagama luqukethe amagama amasha. Bheka amagama athile ohlwini lwamagama (ikakhulukazi imishwana) ukuze ubone ukuthi uhlu lwamagama lufanelekile yini ukucutshungulwa. Ukukopisha idatha ku-Word: 1. Lungiselela ithebula, ikholomu eyodwa ngolimi ngalunye. Umugqa ngamunye kufanele uqukathe ukuhumusha kwetemu. Inani lezilimi alikhawulelwe. Asikho isidingo sokufaka amagama ezilimi emgqeni wokuqala wethebula njengoba izilimi zinqunywa ngokuzenzakalelayo. Kunoma ikuphi, kunohlu olwehliswayo lokukhethwa mathupha kwezilimi kukholomu ngayinye ezikrinini eziqhubekayo zesistimu.Idatha yokuqala kufanele ibukeke kanje:computer Rechner ordinateur počítačidatha Daten donnée údajQinisekisa ukuthi amaseli ethebula ku-Word awakuqukethe ukunqanyulwa kwemigqa okwenziwa ngesandla noma ukuhlukana kwekhasi okwenziwa ngesandla ngoba angonakalisa ukufometha kwethebula lapho ukopisha umbhalo kuwebhusayithi. Ukuze ubuke ukunqamuka kwemigqa okungase kube khona, vula Bonisa izimpawu zokufometha. Ukuze ususe lezi zinhlamvu etafuleni, vula ibhokisi elithi Thola bese Ufaka Faka esikhundleni, khetha Okuningi, Okukhethekile (uhlu olwehliswayo) bese ukhetha "Ukuhlukana komugqa mathupha" ohlwini. Buyisela lolu hlamvu ngesikhala esisodwa kulo lonke ifayela. Futhi hlola ezinye izimpawu zokufometha ohlwini olukhethekile lokudonsela phansi.2. Khetha bese ukopisha lonke ithebula ebhodini lokunamathisela.3. Namathisela umbhalo endaweni yombhalo weglosari kuwebhusayithi ye-Multitran bese uchofoza Inqubo. Uhlelo lusekela ukucutshungulwa kombhalo okuncane: 1. Omqondofana wamagama (uma ekhona) ahlukaniswa ngama-semicolon. Amakhoma kufanele asetshenziswe kuphela lapho edingwa uhlelo lolimi, kodwa hhayi ukuhlukanisa ukuhunyushwa okuhlukile kwetemu. I-semicolon iyisinqumo esifanele salokho. Uhlelo luzomaka noma yimaphi amakhoma ukuze abuyekezwe futhi okungenzeka ashintshwe mathupha ama-semicolons.ikhompyutha, ikhompyutha yedijithali - ayilungileikhompyutha ; ikhompuyutha yedijithali - ilungile 2. Amazwi afanayo angafakwa kubakaki abayisikwele abazonwetshwa ngokuzenzakalelayo, esikhundleni segama elandulelayo:ikhompyutha [yasekhaya] yomuntu siquinweba njengokuthieyomuntu siqu ikhompuyutha; ikhompuyutha yasekhaya 3. Izifinyezo zikhishwa ngokuzenzakalelayo ekwakhiweni okulandelayo: - igama lilandelwa ukhefana kanye negama elilodwa elingufeleba bonke:ikhompyutha yomuntu siqu, i-PCyakha umugqa owengeziwePC -> ikhompuyutha yomuntu siqu- igama lilandelwa igama elingufeleba bonke kubakaki:okwakho ikhompuyutha (PC)idala umugqa owengeziwePC -> ikhompuyutha yomuntu siqu Kuwumqondo omuhle ukuguqula amagama abe ngofeleba abancane uma kusebenza kuthemu elithile. Kungcono ukusebenzisa abahleli bangaphandle njenge-Word uma ukuhlela okubanzi kudingeka ukuze uhla lwamagama lubukeke lulungile.Ngemva kokuhlela okuningi, kopisha ithebula lewebhusayithi. Chofoza inkinobho ethi "Process" ngaphansi kwesikrini. Ngemva kokuba umbhalo usucutshunguliwe, izingxenye ezisolisayo zimakwa ukuthi zibuyekezwe:- Amagama angaziwa. Lawa kungaba amagama amasha angaziwa, lapho kungekho okwenziwayo. Nokho, noma imaphi amaphutha esipelingi kufanele alungiswe. Uhlelo luhlola igama ngalinye kuhlu lwamagama kusizindalwazi salo se-morphology ngolimi olufanele.- Okhefana (njengoba kuchazwe ngenhla). Faka esikhundleni sanoma imuphi ukhefana ohlukanisayo nge-semicolon ukuze uthole ukucubungula okuzenzakalelayo okushelelayo komqondofana. Lapho umbhalo usulungile ekugcineni, khetha ibhokisi lokuhlola elithi "Londoloza" bese uchofoza Ukucubungula. auto translated The system accepts glossaries in tab-delimited format from Word, Excel or web pages. Make sure the glossary contains new terms. Look up some terms from the glossary (especially phrases) to see if the glossary is worth processing. To copy data from Word: 1. Prepare a table, one column per language. Each line should contain translations for a term. The number of languages is not limited. There is no need to include language names in the first line of the table as the languages are determined automatically. In any case, there are dropdown lists for manual selection of languages for each column on further screens of the system.The initial data should look as follows:computer Rechner ordinateur počítačdata Daten donnée údajMake sure the table cells in Word do not contain manual line breaks or manual page breaks as they can ruin the table formatting when copying the text to the website. To view possible line breaks, turn on Show formatting marks. To remove these characters from the table, open the Find and Replace dialog, select More, Special (dropdown list) and choose "Manual line break" from the list. Replace this character with a single space throughout the file. Also check for other formatting symbols from the Special dropdown list.2. Select and copy the whole table to the clipboard.3. Paste the text into the glossary text field on the Multitran website and click Process. The system supports some minimal text processing: 1. Synonyms of terms (if any) are delimited by semicolons. Commas should be used only when required by language grammar, but not to separate different translations of a term. The semicolon is the right choice for that. The system will mark any commas for review and possible manual replacement by semicolons.computer, digital computer - incorrectcomputer; digital computer - correct 2. Synonyms can be put in square brackets that will be expanded automatically, replacing the preceding word:personal [home] computerexpands aspersonal computer; home computer 3. Abbreviations are automatically extracted from the following constructions: - a term is followed by a comma and a single all-uppercase word:personal computer, PCcreates additional linePC -> personal computer- a term is followed by an all-uppercase word in parentheses:personal computer (PC)creates additional linePC -> personal computer It is a good idea to convert terms to lowercase if applicable for a particular term. It's better to use external editors like Word if extensive editing is required to make the glossary look right.After the bulk of the editing is done, copy the table to the website. Click the "Process" button at the bottom of the screen. After the text is processed, suspicious portions are marked for review:- Unknown words. These can be unknown new words, in which case there is nothing to do. However, any spelling errors should be corrected. The system checks each word from the glossary in its morphology database for the respective language.- Commas (as described above). Replace any delimiting comma with a semicolon for smooth automatic processing of synonyms. When the text is finally OK, select the "Save" checkbox and click Process. SirReal 16.10.2019 2:55:05
305 ingxenye yenkulumo auto translated part of speech 26.06.2017 12:43:51
306 Ithemu auto translated Term 26.06.2017 12:43:51
307 Faka amazwana akho auto translated Enter your comment 26.06.2017 12:43:51
308 Kwezinye izichazamazwi auto translated In other dictionaries pom 18.12.2017 21:29:17
309 Bika iphutha auto translated Report an error 4uzhoj 12.10.2019 23:42:33
310 Ukufinyelela kuvinjelwe auto translated Access denied pom 4.03.2018 12:03:05
311 Faka umbiko wakho wephutha auto translated Enter your error report 26.06.2017 12:43:51
312 Umbiko wephutha usuvele ulondoloziwe auto translated Error report already saved 26.06.2017 12:43:51
313 Umbiko wephutha ulondolozwe ngempumelelo auto translated Error report saved successfully 4uzhoj 12.02.2020 10:16:59
314 Isizindalwazi sesiqalo asitholakali auto translated Prefix database not found 26.06.2017 12:43:51
315 Akukho okuhlukile okutholiwe auto translated No variants found 26.06.2017 12:43:51
316 Awekho amagama anesiqalo esinikeziwe auto translated No words with given prefix 26.06.2017 12:43:51
317 Isichazamazwi asitholakali auto translated Dictionary not found 26.06.2017 12:43:51
318 Izwi auto translated Word 26.06.2017 12:43:51
319 Bala embhalweni auto translated Count in text 26.06.2017 12:43:51
320 Izilungiselelo zilondoloziwe auto translated Settings saved 4uzhoj 20.05.2020 1:27:02
321 Umlando wosesho awunalutho. Thikha ibhokisi elithi Gcina umlando wokusesha kwami kokuthi Izilungiselelo bese wenza ukusesha okumbalwa kusichazamazwi. auto translated Search history is empty. Tick the Keep a history of my searches checkbox in Settings and perform a few searches in the dictionary. 4uzhoj 21.10.2019 10:40:12
322 Umlando wosesho wakamuva we auto translated Recent search history of 28.06.2017 20:20:39
323 Izixhumanisi ezisheshayo ezichazamazwini eziku-inthanethi, izinjini zokusesha namanye amawebhusayithi awusizo auto translated Quick links to online dictionaries, search engines and other useful websites 4uzhoj 17.12.2019 16:24:50
324 Izixhumanisi ezikhethiwe njengamanje (chofoza ukuze ususe ohlwini) auto translated Currently selected links (click to remove from the list) 4uzhoj 22.10.2019 13:54:34
325 Izixhumanisi ezitholakalayo auto translated Available links 4uzhoj 18.12.2019 23:35:10
326 Umsebenzisi ongaziwa auto translated Anonymous user 4uzhoj 17.10.2019 22:26:41
327 Kungani ubhalisa? auto translated Why register? 4uzhoj 12.10.2019 16:17:30
328 Ukusesha kuphelelwe yisikhathi. Ngicela uzame futhi auto translated The search has timed out. Please try again 4uzhoj 12.10.2019 16:25:36
329 \nUhlu lwezixhumanisi ezinikwe amandla njengamanje: auto translated List of currently enabled links: 28.06.2017 20:20:39
330 ---suggest a translation--- ---add translation--- 18.05.2022 19:58:45
331 Cacisa okungenani izinhlamvu ezimbili auto translated Specify at least two letters 26.06.2017 12:43:51
332 Kutholwe amagama amaningi kakhulu auto translated Too many words found 26.06.2017 12:43:51
333 Isibalo samagama auto translated Word count 26.06.2017 12:43:51
334 Imizamo eminingi yephasiwedi. Sicela uzame futhi ngemva komzuzu auto translated Too many password attempts. Please retry in a minute SirReal 15.10.2019 8:27:18
335 Ifayela ayitholakalanga auto translated File not found 26.06.2017 12:43:52
336 Sicela ufake iphasiwedi yakho auto translated Please enter your password 4uzhoj 12.10.2019 16:26:31
337 Igama lomsebenzisi noma iphasiwedi engavumelekile auto translated Invalid username or password SirReal 23.04.2021 9:57:26
338 Omqondofana auto translated Synonyms SirReal 15.10.2019 8:27:41
339 Inani lokufakiwe auto translated Number of entries 26.06.2017 12:43:52
340 Hlela umusho auto translated Edit sentence 26.06.2017 12:43:52
341 Engeza umusho kusizindalwazi auto translated Add sentence to database 26.06.2017 12:43:52
342 Engeza auto translated Add 26.06.2017 12:43:52
343 Umlayezo ufihliwe auto translated Message hidden 26.06.2017 12:43:52
344 Umlayezo ubuyiselwe auto translated Message restored SirReal 15.10.2019 8:28:01
345 Umlayezo womsebenzisi auto translated User message 26.06.2017 12:43:52
346 Bhala umlayezo auto translated Compose a message 4uzhoj 27.01.2020 11:55:32
347 Igama lakho auto translated Your name 26.06.2017 12:43:52
348 Faka umlayezo wakho auto translated Enter your message 26.06.2017 12:43:52
349 Okufakiwe sekuvele kukhona auto translated Entry already exists 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 18:49:50
350 Imicu iqale ngokuthi auto translated Threads started by 8.02.2022 23:15:35
351 Imicu equkethe okuthunyelwe nge auto translated Threads containing posts by 4uzhoj 8.02.2022 23:15:43
352 lutho olutholakele auto translated nothing found 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 18:50:23
353 Lo msebenzisi akayamukeli imilayezo nge-Multitran auto translated This user does not accept messages through Multitran SirReal 15.10.2019 8:28:57
354 Umlayezo uthunyelwe kumsebenzisi auto translated Message was sent to user 26.06.2017 12:43:52
355 Ayikho idatha yalolu suku. Usuku oluseduze: auto translated No data for this day. Nearest day: 26.06.2017 12:43:52
356 okufakiwe auto translated entries 26.06.2017 12:43:52
357 Kususiwe auto translated Deleted 26.06.2017 12:43:52
358 Ukuvinjelwa akutholakali auto translated Ban not found 26.06.2017 12:43:52
359 Amakheli e-IP omsebenzisi auto translated IP addresses of user SirReal 16.10.2019 3:01:09
360 Ayikho idatha etholiwe kulawa makheli e-IP auto translated No data found for these IP addresses SirReal 16.10.2019 3:01:28
361 imibiko yephutha auto translated error reports 26.06.2017 12:43:52
362 Usuku auto translated Date 26.06.2017 12:43:52
363 Izenzo eziphakanyisiwe: auto translated Suggested actions: 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 2:29:03
364 Usuku lokusebenza auto translated Action date 26.06.2017 12:43:52
365 Vimbela ububanzi auto translated Ban scope 26.06.2017 12:43:52
366 Uhlobo auto translated Type 26.06.2017 12:43:52
367 Usuku lokuphelelwa isikhathi auto translated Expiration date SirReal 16.10.2019 3:02:24
368 Umphumela auto translated Result 26.06.2017 12:43:52
369 Uhlobo 2 auto translated Type 2 26.06.2017 12:43:52
370 Ukuvinjelwa sekuvele kukhona auto translated Ban already exists SirReal 16.10.2019 3:01:55
371 Ukuvinjelwa kususiwe auto translated Ban deleted 26.06.2017 12:43:52
372 Vimbela idethi yokuphelelwa yisikhathi auto translated Ban expiration date SirReal 16.10.2019 3:02:13
373 Isizathu auto translated Reason 26.06.2017 12:43:52
374 Isichazamazwi se-Multitran auto translated Multitran dictionary 26.06.2017 12:43:52
375 Siyakwamukela auto translated Welcome 26.06.2017 12:43:52
376 Phuma ngemvume auto translated Sign out 20.05.2022 23:52:44
377 Isichazamazwi auto translated Dictionary pom 30.06.2017 9:52:59
378 Thenga auto translated Buy 26.06.2017 12:43:52
379 Incwadi yesivakashi auto translated Guestbook 26.06.2017 12:43:52
380 Oxhumana nabo auto translated Contacts 26.06.2017 12:43:52
381 Ngidinga usizo lokuhumusha okulandelayo auto translated I need help translating the following 8.02.2022 3:19:21
382 Ibinzana auto translated Phrase 26.06.2017 12:43:52
383 Ngikubonga kusengaphambili auto translated Thank you in advance SirReal 16.10.2019 3:02:43
384 buza esithangamini auto translated ask in forum 26.06.2017 12:43:52
385 Itholakala emishwaneni auto translated Found in phrases 26.06.2017 12:43:52
386 amagama angawodwana kuphela atholakele auto translated only individual words found 4uzhoj 17.10.2019 19:50:00
387 etholakala ngezinye izilimi auto translated found in other languages 26.06.2017 12:43:52
388 emishwaneni auto translated to phrases 7.08.2022 9:39:33
389 izifundo auto translated subjects 26.06.2017 12:43:52
390 izilimi auto translated languages 26.06.2017 12:43:52
391 phezulu auto translated to top SirReal 16.10.2019 3:03:06
392 ukwethembeka kokuhumusha auto translated reliability of translation 26.06.2017 12:43:52
393 bhekafuthi auto translated see also 26.06.2017 12:43:52
394 bona auto translated see 26.06.2017 12:43:52
395 Chofoza okufakiwe okuyiphutha auto translated Click on the erroneous entry 4uzhoj 19.05.2020 18:34:40
396 futhi auto translated and 26.06.2017 12:43:52
397 Abasebenzisi ababhalisiwe kuphela abangasebenzisa lesi sici. Sicela ubhalise noma ungene ngemvume ku-akhawunti yakho auto translated Only registered users can use this feature. Please register or sign in to your account pom 17.10.2021 14:07:10
398 Okufana nse akutholakali auto translated Exact match not found 26.06.2017 12:43:52
399 okufanayo kuphela auto translated exact matches only 4uzhoj 26.02.2020 23:55:26
400 wonke amafomu auto translated all forms 26.06.2017 12:43:52
401 uhlu lwamagama auto translated glossary 26.06.2017 12:43:52
402 ngesihloko auto translated for subject 26.06.2017 12:43:52
403 equkethe auto translated containing 26.06.2017 12:43:52
404 Awekho imigomo etholiwe auto translated No terms found 4uzhoj 15.10.2019 12:08:18
405 Faka isicelo sokususa ikheli lakho le-IP ohlwini auto translated Apply to delete your IP address from the list SirReal 16.10.2019 3:04:18
406 Inkambu ayinalutho auto translated Field is empty 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 18:51:16
407 Hlola inani auto translated Check value 26.06.2017 12:43:52
408 ulimi olungalungile auto translated wrong language 26.06.2017 12:43:52
409 ukuhunyushelwa kwezinye izilimi auto translated translation to other languages 26.06.2017 12:43:52
410 Isichazamazwi asinalutho auto translated The dictionary is empty 26.06.2017 12:43:52
411 Uma uyayazi incazelo yaleli gama, cabanga ukulengeza kuthesorasi auto translated If you know the definition of this word, consider adding it to the thesaurus 4uzhoj 15.02.2020 14:10:52
412 Ingabe uyakwazi ukuhunyushwa kwaleli gama? Yengeze kusichazamazwi auto translated Do you know the translation of this word? Add it to the dictionary 26.06.2017 12:43:52
413 Ingabe uyayazi incazelo yalesi sisho? Yengeze kuthesorasi auto translated Do you know the meaning of this phrase? Add it to the thesaurus 26.06.2017 12:43:52
414 Ingabe uyakwazi ukuhunyushwa kwalo musho? Yengeze kusichazamazwi auto translated Do you know the translation of this phrase? Add it to the dictionary 26.06.2017 12:43:52
415 faka igama auto translated enter a name 4uzhoj 18.05.2020 1:15:39
416 leli gama liyatholakala auto translated this name is available SirReal 16.10.2019 3:20:11
417 leligama lithathiwe auto translated this name is taken SirReal 16.10.2019 3:20:15
418 Hlela auto translated Edit 26.06.2017 12:43:52
419 Ukubuka kwedeskithophu auto translated Desktop view 4uzhoj 13.10.2019 21:54:31
420 Ukubuka kweselula auto translated Mobile view 4uzhoj 13.10.2019 21:54:40
421 Okufakiwe akutholakali auto translated Entry not found 4uzhoj 13.10.2019 19:29:31
422 Phakamisa auto translated Suggest 26.06.2017 12:43:53
423 Sicela ufake igama lomsebenzisi auto translated Please enter a username 4uzhoj 18.10.2019 10:27:16
424 Sesha isifinyezo auto translated Search for abbreviation 26.06.2017 12:43:53
425 etholakala esithangamini auto translated found in forum 26.06.2017 12:43:53
426 Ukuhlela umlando auto translated Editing history 26.06.2017 12:43:53
427 Xhumana nomlawuli auto translated Contact administrator pom 4.03.2018 12:28:12
428 Susa umbiko wephutha auto translated Delete error report 26.06.2017 12:43:53
429 Umbiko wephutha ususiwe auto translated Error report deleted 26.06.2017 12:43:53
430 Amalungelo abasebenzisi anganele auto translated Insufficient user rights SirReal 16.10.2019 3:11:14
431 Ulimi lwesixhumi esibonakalayo auto translated Interface language pom 2.03.2021 11:30:22
432 Khetha auto translated Select pom 27.06.2017 14:55:59
433 Isicelo sakho sizothunyelwa kumlawuli auto translated Your request will be sent to administrator pom 26.06.2017 19:56:59
434 Khetha ulimi auto translated Select a language 4uzhoj 16.10.2019 12:03:43
435 Ukuhumusha kwesixhumi esibonakalayo auto translated Interface translation pom 26.06.2017 20:00:52
436 Ungasiza ukuhumusha isixhumi esibonakalayo usiyise olimini olusha auto translated You can help translate the interface into a new language 4uzhoj 13.10.2019 0:17:32
437 Idatha ithunyelwe kumlawuli auto translated Data was sent to administrator pom 26.06.2017 21:30:57
438 Ngiyabonga auto translated Thank you pom 26.06.2017 21:31:34
439 uphawu oluyimpinda auto translated duplicate symbol pom 27.06.2017 22:54:37
440 uphawu olungavumelekile auto translated invalid symbol pom 27.06.2017 22:55:09
441 Susa ukuvinjelwa auto translated Delete ban pom 27.06.2017 23:06:00
442 Izincazelo zekhodi kusichazamazwi sesi-Japanese auto translated Code descriptions in Japanese dictionary pom 27.06.2017 23:12:04
443 ukuhumusha kusuka kwezinye izilimi auto translated translation from other languages pom 27.06.2017 23:12:45
444 Zonke izilimi auto translated All languages pom 27.06.2017 23:13:06
445 Izilimi eziyinhloko auto translated Main languages pom 27.06.2017 23:13:47
446 Izilimi ezinokuhumusha auto translated Languages with translations pom 27.06.2017 23:14:42
447 Isibalo sesikhathi auto translated Term count pom 27.06.2017 23:15:54
448 Ulimi lokokufaka auto translated Input language pom 27.06.2017 23:17:07
449 Izinhlamvu zombhalo auto translated Text strings pom 29.06.2017 8:52:04
450 Ukuhlola izichazamazwi eziskeniwe auto translated Proofreading scanned dictionaries pom 2.12.2019 9:29:24
451 Khetha ulimi lokufaka auto translated Select input language pom 15.01.2019 0:50:40
452 Nika amandla ukuthungwa kwengemuva auto translated Enable background texture 4uzhoj 14.10.2019 20:35:32
453 Ubulili auto translated Gender pom 25.06.2018 10:12:07
454 Sicela ufake kabusha i-captcha auto translated Please reenter captcha 4uzhoj 15.10.2019 10:03:17
455 Iyunithi yezinhlamvu yombhalo auto translated Text string pom 21.09.2018 13:36:43
456 inani langempela auto translated original value pom 21.09.2018 13:40:45
457 Amakholomu awatholakaliZama ukukopisha idatha usebenzisa ithebula le-Word (kopisha idatha kuthebula le-Word, bese ukopisha kuthebula le-Word bese unamathisele lapha) auto translated Columns not foundTry copying data through Word table (copy data to Word table, then copy from Word table and paste it here) pom 26.09.2018 12:09:24
458 Inombolo engafani yamakholomu emigqeniUma umbhalo ukopishwe kusihleli se-Word, vula isibonisi sezinhlamvu zokufometha ku-Word futhi uqiniseke ukuthi amaseli ethebula awanazo izimpawu zokufometha ezengeziwe. auto translated Mismatched number of columns in linesIf the text was copied from Word editor, turn on the display of formatting characters in Word and make sure that table cells do not contain extra formatting symbols. pom 26.09.2018 12:55:02
459 I-athikili ekuqaleni kwethemu ayidingeki ngaphandle uma iyingxenye yebinzana elimisiwe auto translated Article at start of term is not needed unless it is a part of set phrase pom 26.09.2018 13:17:23
460 Okufakiwe kwesilulumagama, kungaba amagama ahlukene noma imishwana, kumele kube ngofeleba abancane. Okuhlukile kuphela amagama afanele auto translated Vocabulary entries, whether separate words or phrases, must be in lowercase. The only exception is proper names 4uzhoj 17.10.2019 8:43:31
461 Igama elingaziwa auto translated Unknown word pom 28.09.2018 15:39:55
462 Siza ukuhlola izichazamazwi eziskeniwe auto translated Help proofread scanned dictionaries SirReal 16.10.2019 3:09:57
463 Polish-RussianEnglish-Ukrainian isi-German-Ukrainianisi-Russian-Ukrainian auto translated Polish-RussianEnglish-UkrainianGerman-UkrainianRussian-Ukrainian 4uzhoj 8.03.2023 0:00:38
464 Awukwazi ukubhalisa ngenkathi ukuvinjelwa kusasebenza auto translated You cannot register while the ban is active 4uzhoj 20.05.2020 1:41:37
465 Humusha auto translated Translate pom 28.01.2019 9:18:29
466 izwi lonke auto translated whole word pom 8.02.2019 19:08:14
467 ekuqaleni komugqa auto translated at start of line pom 8.02.2019 19:09:22
468 ekupheleni komugqa auto translated at end of line pom 8.02.2019 19:10:34
469 phakathi kwamagama oqobo nawokuhumusha auto translated between words of original and translation pom 8.02.2019 19:14:53
470 ekuqaleni kwezwi auto translated at start of word pom 8.02.2019 19:15:31
471 ekupheleni kwezwi auto translated at end of word pom 8.02.2019 19:16:34
472 Sebenza auto translated Work pom 18.02.2019 8:51:51
473 Sesha amagama ezihloko auto translated Search subject names pom 8.03.2019 13:43:48
474 Igama lomsebenzisi lide kakhulu auto translated Username is too long pom 1.04.2019 21:55:22
475 Sesha ngekheli le-IP auto translated Search by IP address 4uzhoj 15.10.2019 9:58:05
476 Ukuvinjelwa komsebenzisi auto translated User bans pom 28.04.2019 13:50:46
477 Izichazamazwi zephepha auto translated Paper dictionaries pom 28.04.2019 13:51:57
478 Izilungiselelo zomphathi wesayithi auto translated Site administrator settings 4uzhoj 22.05.2020 22:05:53
479 Engeza isihloko esisha auto translated Add a new subject 4uzhoj 27.01.2020 17:05:42
480 Umlayezo oyimfihlo ovela auto translated Private message from 4uzhoj 12.10.2019 22:48:35
481 Isihloko: auto translated Subject: 4uzhoj 13.10.2019 12:39:09
482 ---suggest a translation--- ...
483 Cabanga ngokushintsha ama-slash: inethiwekhi yomuntu siqu/yasendaweni = inethiwekhi yomuntu siqu; inethiwekhi yendawo auto translated Consider replacing slashes: personal/local network = personal network; local network pom 14.05.2019 14:30:16
484 Sicela ukhethe ulimi kuqala auto translated Please select a language first 4uzhoj 16.10.2019 11:34:05
485 Amathiphu Okukhetha Ulimi Ekuqaleni ukungena ngemvume, izilimi zokufaka neziphumayo azikakhethwa. Ungamane uthayiphe igama noma umusho ku ibha yokusesha ngaphandle kokukhetha ulimi mathupha. Uma igama noma ibinzana liboniswa ohlwini lokudonsela phansi, mane ulikhethe. Uma okufanayo kutholakala ngolimi olungaphezu kolulodwa, uzomenywa ukuthi ukhethe oludingayo. Bese uzodinga ukwenza okufanayo ngolimi oluphumayo. Ngenkathi usesikrinini sasekhaya, isichazamazwi osifunayo singakhethwa: kusukela ku-' ' Isigaba sezichazamazwi ezidumile, noma; ngokukhetha mathupha izilimi zokufakwayo neziphumayo ohlwini oluhamba ngezinyawo. Lezi zizoklelisa izilimi ezingaba ngu-30 ezidume kakhulu. Ukuze uphequlule zonke izilimi ezitholakalayo, chofoza "Zonke izilimi" ngaphansi kwekhasi. Ukuchofoza igama lolimi kuzokuyisa ohlwini lwezichazamazwi zalolu limi. Lolu hlu luhlelwa ngamagama noma ngenani lokungenayo. Ungashintshashintsha phakathi kwezilimi ngaphandle kokushiya ikhasi obukulo. Ukuze ushintshe ulimi lokufaka, vele uthayiphe igama nganoma yiluphi ulimi kubha yokusesha bese ucindezela okuthi Sesha, ungaziba ukuthi igama alikho ohlwini lwama-alfabhethi. Makhulu amathuba okuthi injini yesayithi izophakamisa ulimi olufanele. Ulimi oluhlukile lokukhiphayo lungakhethwa ohlwini oluya phansi olungakwesokudla kwebhokisi lokusesha, uma lutholakala. auto translated <#916> <#917> <#918> <#919> <#920>; <#921>. <#922> <#923> <#924> pom 13.10.2022 19:14:04
486 Amathiphu Wokukhetha Ulimi auto translated Language Selection Tips 4uzhoj 21.05.2020 23:17:37
487 inombolo auto translated numeral pom 17.05.2019 1:39:01
488 faka phakathi okufanayo auto translated include partial matches 4uzhoj 20.02.2020 15:30:37
489 Kutholwe ku-thesaurus auto translated Found in thesaurus pom 21.05.2019 11:49:16
490 Izinto ongazenza e- 11111 auto translated Entries containing11111 4uzhoj 13.10.2019 23:01:57
491 Bonisa wonke amaposi kuchungechunge ekhasini elilodwa auto translated Show all posts in a thread on a single page 4uzhoj
492 Engeza ukuvinjelwa auto translated Add ban pom 26.05.2019 15:40:41
493 Umsebenzisi uvinjelwe auto translated User is banned pom 26.05.2019 16:06:49
494 Ideshibhodi auto translated Dashboard SirReal 17.10.2019 2:57:51
495 Ideshibhodi yomhleli nomongameli auto translated Editor's and moderator's dashboard SirReal 30.10.2021 23:54:13
496 Zonke izifundo auto translated All subjects pom 31.05.2019 15:04:27
497 n auto translated n pom 2.06.2019 18:36:18
498 v auto translated v pom 2.06.2019 18:36:52
499 i-adj. auto translated adj. pom 2.06.2019 18:40:22
500 i-adv. auto translated adv. pom 2.06.2019 18:43:54
501 inombolo. auto translated num. pom 2.06.2019 18:45:09
502 pron. auto translated pron. pom 2.06.2019 18:45:55
503 abbr. auto translated abbr. pom 2.06.2019 18:46:17
504 conj. auto translated conj. pom 2.06.2019 18:47:17
505 int. auto translated int. pom 2.06.2019 18:47:49
506 ingxenye. auto translated part. pom 2.06.2019 18:48:42
507 prep. auto translated prep. pom 2.06.2019 18:49:06
508 ifomu. auto translated form. pom 2.06.2019 18:50:06
509 ubuciko. auto translated art. pom 2.06.2019 18:53:52
510 Shintsha ingxenye yenkulumo auto translated Change part of speech 4uzhoj 21.10.2019 22:46:53
511 Faka amafomu egama ahlukaniswe angenalutho. Cacisa ifomu eliyinhloko kuqala. auto translated Enter some blank-delimited word forms. Specify the main form first. SirReal 16.10.2019 3:07:16
512 Uma wonke amafomu kukholomu elungile, cindezela u-'Londoloza'.Uma kungangeni lutho, zama ukushintsha amafomu emugqeni wombhalo ongezansi. auto translated If all word forms in a column are correct, press 'Save'.If nothing fits, try to change the word forms in the text line below. 4uzhoj 22.10.2019 9:57:48
513 Hlola amafomu auto translated Check forms pom 7.06.2019 19:40:17
514 Uhlu auto translated List pom 8.06.2019 18:35:39
515 Ayikwazi ukunikeza ifomu legama. Kufanele uqale udale igama elisha eliqukethe leli fomu: auto translated Cannot assign word form. You should first create a new word that contains this form: SirReal 17.10.2019 2:59:13
516 Okufakiwe okuqukethe leli gama auto translated Entries containing this word pom 8.06.2019 20:35:56
517 Isiqu samagama auto translated Word stem pom 8.06.2019 20:56:46
518 Amazwi auto translated Words pom 8.06.2019 20:57:22
519 Amafomu amagama auto translated Word forms pom 8.06.2019 21:01:45
520 Isigaba se-morphology auto translated Morphology class pom 20.06.2019 18:09:14
521 okufakiwe kwesichazamazwi kulondolozwe kusetshenziswa amanye amagama auto translated dictionary entries saved using other words pom 9.06.2019 12:15:49
522 Igama lisusiwe kusizindalwazi se-morphology auto translated Word deleted from morphology database pom 9.06.2019 12:20:28
523 Incazelo yefomu lamagama auto translated Description of word form pom 9.06.2019 16:38:52
524 amakilasi afanayo e-nnn atholiwe, mmm abonisiwe. Cacisa amafomu engeziwe wamagama ukuze wehlise inani lamakilasi afanayo. auto translated nnn matching classes found, mmm shown. Specify additional word forms to decrease the number of matching classes. pom 9.06.2019 19:14:03
525 Iziphetho/inflections auto translated Endings/inflections 4uzhoj 16.10.2019 2:07:32
526 I-Morphology auto translated Morphology pom 10.06.2019 20:23:20
527 kwengezwe auto translated added pom 11.06.2019 10:14:09
528 ihleliwe auto translated edited pom 11.06.2019 10:14:50
529 kususiwe auto translated deleted pom 11.06.2019 10:14:58
530 Phinda londoloza auto translated Repeat save 4uzhoj 17.10.2019 0:43:34
531 (ingezwe ku-inthanethi ngesandla) auto translated (manually added online) 4uzhoj 22.01.2020 16:07:49
532 (kwengezwe ngokuzenzakalelayo) auto translated (added automatically) 4uzhoj 22.01.2020 16:07:41
533 (kungezwe ngokuzenzakalelayo ku-inthanethi) auto translated (automatically added online) 4uzhoj 22.01.2020 16:08:17
534 Amagama afanayo auto translated Similar words pom 19.06.2019 20:37:05
535 Yengeza igama elisha auto translated Adding a new word 4uzhoj 21.10.2019 22:09:47
536 Uhlelo luzozama ukulondoloza kabusha okufakiwe kokuhumusha kusetshenziswa amanye amagama afanayo. auto translated The system will try to re-save relevant translation entries using other matching words. pom 18.01.2020 11:15:28
537 Qinisekisa ukususwa kwegama (chofoza inkinobho ezansi kwesikrini) auto translated Confirm word deletion (click the button at the bottom of the screen) SirReal 16.10.2019 3:06:01
538 Umsebenzi uphelelwe yisikhathi. Sicela uphinde ukucubungula ingxenye elandelayo yedatha auto translated The operation timed out. Please repeat to process the next portion of data 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 10:45:48
539 ikheli le-imeyili aliqinisekisiwe auto translated email address not verified 4uzhoj 18.10.2019 1:13:26
540 idethi yokuqinisekisa i-imeyili auto translated email confirmation date pom 1.08.2019 14:24:00
541 usuku lokubhalisa auto translated registration date pom 1.08.2019 15:18:25
542 Yehlulekile ukuthola ukuhumusha kunoma yiluphi ulimi. Sicela ukhethe ulimi okuqondiswe kulo mathupha. auto translated Failed to find translations into any language. Please choose the target language manually. SirReal 17.10.2019 2:58:27
543 Okufakiwe okusha ngedethi auto translated New entries by date 4uzhoj 27.01.2020 17:04:26
544 Buka izibalo zokufinyelela kwe-IP auto translated View IP access statistics pom 11.10.2019 14:08:29
545 Abahleli nomengameli auto translated Editors and moderators 4uzhoj 6.09.2020 13:31:44
546 ---suggest a translation--- --- 4uzhoj 4.07.2020 16:32:12
547 ---suggest a translation--- ---- 4uzhoj 4.07.2020 16:32:50
548 Igama alitholakali kulolu limi auto translated Word not found in this language pom 14.10.2019 18:06:29
549 Thekelisa auto translated Export pom 16.10.2019 13:49:30
550 Awekho amagama atholakele olimini lwamanje auto translated No words found in current language pom 1.11.2019 12:31:11
551 Izinhlamvu zamagama auto translated Alphabet pom 1.11.2019 12:39:14
552 ---suggest a translation--- Forum Rules Last updated: 10.11.2011 1. Posting on the forum 1.1. A topic title/subject line must include the word or phrase you need help with or a very concise description of the matter at hand. Avoid non-informative titles like "I've got a question" or "Need help with a translation". Please use the forum’s search function before starting a new topic. There is a good chance that your question has already been asked and answered. 1.2. Topic titles in ALL CAPITALS are prohibited. Likewise, abuse of capitals or formatting inside the message is not acceptable.. You can easily decapitalize your title using free online tools - for example,this one. 1.3. When asking a question, always supply context. Also, be sure to include as much background information as you can, even if it doesn't seem relevant to you. For instance, you'll add value to your question by providing clues as to what kind of text or document you're translating, where it was issued, who is the translation intended for, where you encountered the word or phrase you're having difficulty with, etc. Help others to help you. 1.4. When asking for help, it is considered common courtesy to share your own draft translation. If you're asking for help translating a larger piece of text, such as a paragraph, you're required to supply your own translation. Note that failure to provide context and your own translation may provoke a negative reaction and discourage other community members from helping you. 1.5. Please refrain from extensive quoting. It is enough to reference the original poster's name (e.g., @username) and/or quote some key aspects of the message you are replying to. 2. Code of conduct 2.1. Work-related topics should focus on discussing the questions being asked. Casual conversation is acceptable, but please try not to steer completely off topic. For off-topic discussions, separate threads should be started. Titles of such threads have traditionally started with ‘OFF: ...’. Please note that the forum Code of Conduct fully applies to all off-topic threads. 2.2. Please refrain from answering questions relating to specialized areas or industries unless you possess the required knowledge and expertise. 2.3. Please be respectful when addressing other community members. Don't use a familiar form of address unless expressly consented to by the member in question. 2.4. Obscenities and profanity, either clear or masked, are not allowed except as a topic of translation discussion. 2.5. We will not tolerate ad hominem attacks, rude, derogatory or otherwise offensive language, either clear or masked, discriminatory or defamatory statements, hostile tone, deliberate misspelling of other members’ usernames, etc. In particular, we have a zero-tolerance policy towards any hate speech, bigotry or attacking a person or group of people on the basis of nationality, race, sex, social and ethnic background, chauvinism (and in particular anti-Semitism) as well and any other rhetoric or behavior that incites racial, ethnic or religious hatred or otherwise. Respect your fellow members and yourself, remain courteous, tactful and considerate of other community members. 2.6. If you feel that a message is offensive or insulting or otherwise violates your rights, do not respond to it or engage the poster. Wait for moderators to react or alert them via a private message. We will take it from there. Do not back seat moderate, thank you. 2.7. Do not provoke conflict. When provoked, do not respond or confront other members. If that happens, moderators may choose to discipline both sides. 2.8. Do not openly discuss disciplinary action taken by a moderator or argue over a warning. If you do not agree with any action taken against you, you are welcome to appeal it to the site owner. The decision of the site owner is final. 2.9. No advertising or any form of commercial solicitation is allowed on the forum unless authorized by the site owner. Referral links are not allowed unless accompanied by an open and clear notice. Any such posts will be removed without warning. 3. Moderation of the forum 3.1. These Forum Rules and the Code of Conduct are enforced by moderators. Moderators are appointed by the site owner and may be dismissed by him at any time. 3.2. Moderators may remove posts, close or remove topics as well as administer warnings and mute, suspend or permanently block users. 3.3. Moderators have sole discretion with respect to identifying and evaluating breaches of these Rules. In a situation not covered by these Rules, moderators and the site owner reserve the right to take any action they deem fit, in particular, to close, hide or remove without notice or warning any topics or posts deemed inappropriate or objectionable for any reason. 3.4. Moderators will evaluate each incident on a case by-case-basis. The action taken may be more lenient or more severe based on the offender’s history. 3.5. Moderators are equal members of the community and shall have no preferences in forum discussions. Also, moderators may not: use their powers to their personal advantage; start or fuel conflicts with users or other moderators; disclose, whether publicly or privately, any personal and/or sensitive information about any member that they became aware of as moderators; permit any third party to use teir account. 4. Feedback and suggestions To leave your feedback and suggestions, please use this thread. Problems or bugs can be reported here. If you have a private or otherwise confidential query, please e-mail it to the website owner. 5. Changes to these Rules 5.1. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to cange or amend these Rules at any time without notice to members. 5.2. No changes to the rules will be applied retrospectively. However, it is your responsibility to check these rules for changes on a regular basis. 4uzhoj 10.11.2021 16:39:53
554 Bonisa imizamo yokubhalisa auto translated Show registration attempts pom 8.02.2022 3:20:26
555 Ukufinyelela kwe-Multitran kunqatshiwe auto translated Multitran access is denied 4uzhoj 20.11.2019 17:03:00
556 Uma ukholwa ukuthi ukufinyelela kwakho kusayithi kumiswe ngephutha, ungakubika ngefomu elingezansi. Qiniseka ukuthi ufaka igama lakho lomsebenzisi nekheli le-imeyili. auto translated If you believe your access to the site was suspended in error, you can report it in the form below. Be sure to include your username and email address. 28.06.2017 20:20:39
557 Thumela auto translated Submit 4uzhoj 20.11.2019 16:57:45
558 Umlayezo uthunyelwe auto translated Message sent pom 9.11.2019 10:34:08
559 Umlayezo usuvele uthunyelwe auto translated Message already sent pom 9.11.2019 10:34:24
560 Susa ukuvimbela izicelo auto translated Unban requests 4uzhoj 8.02.2022 3:20:22
561 Engeza futhi uhlele Izixhumanisi Ezisheshayo auto translated Add and edit Quick Links 4uzhoj 12.02.2022 11:52:34
562 Inombolo yabasebenzisi abengeze lesi sixhumanisi auto translated Number of users who added this link 4uzhoj 17.12.2019 16:10:07
563 Igama lensiza auto translated Resource name 4uzhoj 17.12.2019 16:25:47
564 Qinisekisa ukususwa auto translated Confirm deletion pom 16.12.2019 12:25:15
565 Isixhumanisi auto translated Link pom 16.12.2019 13:00:32
566 Yengeza isixhumanisi esisha auto translated Adding a new link 4uzhoj 27.01.2020 17:22:52
567 Hlela isixhumanisi auto translated Edit link 4uzhoj 27.01.2020 17:23:50
568 Susa isixhumanisi auto translated Delete link 4uzhoj 17.12.2019 16:11:55
569 Isixhumanisi sengeziwe auto translated Link added pom 16.12.2019 23:27:26
570 Isixhumanisi sisusiwe auto translated Link deleted pom 16.12.2019 23:28:05
571 chofoza ukuze ungeze ohlwini auto translated click to add to the list pom 16.12.2019 23:45:15
572 Uhlu lwamagama lomsebenzisi lokufunda ngeselula auto translated User glossaries for mobile learning pom 17.12.2019 12:03:20
573 Ngenisa uhlu lwamagama auto translated Import a glossary 4uzhoj 18.12.2019 23:39:27
574 Umbhalo woluhlu lwamagama auto translated Glossary text pom 17.12.2019 12:41:08
575 Uhlu lwamagama auto translated Glossary list pom 17.12.2019 17:47:39
576 Uhlu lwamagama lomsebenzisi auto translated User glossary pom 17.12.2019 18:49:09
577 khombisa noma yikuphi auto translated show in either direction 4uzhoj 14.01.2020 20:44:02
578 Abasebenzisi abathintwe ukuvinjelwa kwalolu hlu lwe-IP auto translated Users affected by the ban of this IP range 4uzhoj 15.01.2020 10:45:43
579 Ukuvinjelwa okukhethiwe auto translated Selected bans pom 24.12.2019 14:46:26
580 Ukuvinjelwa okuphelele auto translated Total ban pom 24.12.2019 14:47:03
581 Vumela ukufinyelela auto translated Allow access pom 24.12.2019 15:06:04
582 Kuphelelwa yisikhathi ngokuzenzakalelayo auto translated Auto expire pom 22.10.2022 19:14:42
583 Usuku auto translated Day pom 24.12.2019 14:51:19
584 Isonto auto translated Week pom 24.12.2019 14:51:39
585 Inyanga auto translated Month pom 24.12.2019 14:52:21
586 unomphela auto translated permanent pom 18.05.2022 3:28:58
587 Izibhengezo auto translated Banners pom 24.12.2019 14:57:11
588 Ama-oda auto translated Orders pom 24.12.2019 14:58:16
589 Ukuvinjelwa kwengezwe ngempumelelo auto translated Ban added successfully 4uzhoj 26.01.2020 0:49:51
590 Ukuvinjelwa kubuyekezwe ngempumelelo auto translated Ban updated successfully 4uzhoj 26.01.2020 0:49:57
591 fihla auto translated hide 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 19:21:18
592 bonisa auto translated show 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 19:09:17
593 Faka isicelo auto translated Apply pom 26.12.2019 11:28:57
594 Ingabe lesi isifinyezo? auto translated Is this an abbreviation? 4uzhoj 15.01.2020 10:44:39
595 Okufakiwe kulondolozwe kuthesorasi auto translated Entry has been saved to the thesaurus 4uzhoj 27.01.2020 17:01:00
596 Indawo yefa auto translated Legacy site 4uzhoj 21.01.2020 12:09:19
597 I-iPhone auto translated iPhone 4uzhoj 14.01.2020 20:31:47
598 Android auto translated Android pom 10.01.2020 22:18:21
599 Engeza iyunithi yezinhlamvu entsha auto translated Add a new string 4uzhoj 14.01.2020 20:41:57
600 FAQ auto translated FAQ pom 15.01.2020 23:40:32
601 Isibonelo auto translated Example pom 19.01.2020 19:09:32
602 Xhuma igama auto translated Link name pom 19.01.2020 19:11:21
603 Isixhumanisi auto translated Link
604 umbhalo ohlukile omfushane njengokuthi "theguardian.com" noma "Wikipedia" auto translated short alternative text such as "theguardian.com" or "Wikipedia" 4uzhoj 24.04.2021 1:06:36
605 isib auto translated e.g. 4uzhoj
606 prtc. auto translated prtc. pom 21.01.2020 21:52:37
607 ---phakamisa ukuhumusha--- auto translated ---suggest a translation--- 4uzhoj 29.03.2020 2:48:46
608 Sicela ufake umbhalo wesixhumanisi auto translated Please enter link text 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 19:24:56
609 Udinga ukufaka i-URL evumelekile auto translated Yon need to enter a valid URL 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 19:27:07
610 Okufakiwe kulondolozwe kusichazamazwi sezilimi ezimbili auto translated Entry has been saved to the bilingual dictionary 4uzhoj 24.01.2020 10:26:34
611 (kungase kungabikho ukuhunyushwa kokunye okufakiwe kwethesorasi kusichazamazwi sezilimi ezimbili) auto translated (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary) 4uzhoj 25.01.2020 14:10:30
612 hlela auto translated edit 4uzhoj 23.04.2021 14:58:07
613 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
614 I-captcha engalungile auto translated Incorrect captcha pom 16.02.2020 12:16:51
615 Ifayela limatasa, sicela uzame futhi auto translated File is busy, please retry pom 17.02.2020 13:33:19
616 ubunye auto translated singular pom 23.02.2020 8:26:48
617 ubuningi auto translated plural pom 23.02.2020 8:27:31
618 icala lokukhetha auto translated nominative case pom 23.02.2020 9:07:32
619 icala le-genitive auto translated genitive case pom 23.02.2020 9:08:06
620 icala le-dative auto translated dative case pom 23.02.2020 9:08:25
621 icala lokumangalela auto translated accusative case pom 23.02.2020 9:09:04
622 icala lezinsimbi auto translated instrumental case pom 23.02.2020 9:09:47
623 icala le-prepositional auto translated prepositional case pom 23.02.2020 9:10:13
624 demonstr.pron. auto translated demonstr.pron. 4uzhoj 28.02.2020 15:28:34
625 Ngokungafani nezichazamazwi zephepha, i-Multitran idinga ukusetshenziswa kwama-semicolon ukuze kuhlukaniswe ukuhumushwa okuningi kwetemu lomthombo elifanayo. Inhloso yale ngxoxo ukuqinisekisa ukuthi awusebenzisi okhefana njengezihlukanisi. auto translated Unlike paper dictionaries, Multitran requires the use of semicolons to separate multiple translations for the same source term. The purpose of this dialogue is to make sure that you're not using commas as separators. 4uzhoj 7.12.2021 0:04:56
626 Uma wengeza ukuhumusha okuningi (ukhefana uyisihlukanisi), khetha Londoloza ukuhumusha okuhlukeneUma wengeza umusho (ukhefana uwuphawu), khetha Londoloza ukuhumusha ngokhefana auto translated If adding multiple translations (comma is a separator), choose Save separate translationsIf adding a phrase (comma is a punctuation mark), select Save the translation with a comma 4uzhoj 7.12.2021 0:04:36
627 ngokulandelana okucacisiwe kuphela auto translated in specified order only 4uzhoj 27.02.2020 0:00:29
628 Izindawo zezifundo zesigaba sokuqala auto translated First-tier subject areas 4uzhoj 1.03.2020 16:02:11
629 Izindawo zezifundo zesigaba sesibili auto translated Second-tier subject areas 4uzhoj 1.03.2020 16:02:13
630 Ukuqoqwa kwesihloko auto translated Subject grouping pom 29.02.2020 22:24:09
631 Yakha kabusha inkomba auto translated Rebuild index pom 2.03.2020 0:25:41
632 Phoqa kuqala ohlwini auto translated Force first in list 4uzhoj 8.03.2020 1:55:02
633 Khetha okufakiwe auto translated Select an entry 4uzhoj 10.03.2020 1:25:54
634 Okungapheli auto translated Infinitive pom 7.03.2020 13:50:50
635 Umuntu wokuqala auto translated First person 4uzhoj 8.03.2020 2:01:22
636 Umuntu wesibili auto translated Second person 4uzhoj 8.03.2020 2:01:08
637 Umuntu wesithathu auto translated Third person 4uzhoj 8.03.2020 1:56:23
638 Inkathi edlule auto translated Past tense 4uzhoj 7.04.2020 1:13:49
639 Inkathi yamanje auto translated Present tense 4uzhoj 7.04.2020 1:13:52
640 Isikhathi esizayo auto translated Future tense 4uzhoj 7.04.2020 1:13:56
641 Ukweqa auto translated Transgressive 4uzhoj 8.03.2020 22:27:59
642 Impoqo/I-Hortative auto translated Imperative/Hortative 4uzhoj 18.05.2020 2:31:55
643 Amakilasi auto translated Classes pom 18.08.2020 6:35:28
644 Wonke amakilasi auto translated All classes pom 18.08.2020 6:35:15
645 okuguqukayo auto translated transitive pom 15.03.2020 19:05:25
646 ngenangqondo auto translated intransitive pom 15.03.2020 20:50:24
647 khetha isihloko auto translated pick a subject 4uzhoj 13.04.2021 23:14:03
648 Isihloko esohlwini lokuqala siyisigaba. Sicela ukhethe indawo yesihloko ohlwini lwesibili! auto translated The subject in the first list is a category. Please pick a subject area from the second list! 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 19:34:17
649 yenza kungaziwa auto translated make anonymous 4uzhoj
650 Isixhumanisi sikopishelwe ebhodini lokunamathisela auto translated Link copied to clipboard pom 8.02.2022 19:33:33
651 Uqinisekile? auto translated Are you sure?
652 hlola auto translated check pom 15.04.2020 18:37:51
653 Ukuphimisela auto translated Pronunciation pom 15.04.2020 19:29:23
654 Qhubeka auto translated Proceed pom 22.04.2020 19:36:14
655 Ngiyayamukela imigomo engenhla auto translated I accept the above terms 4uzhoj 18.05.2020 1:02:14
656 isibongo auto translated surname pom 26.04.2020 1:45:47
657 Izingxenye zenkulumo auto translated Parts of speech pom 26.04.2020 23:17:34
658 esebenzayo auto translated active pom 26.04.2020 23:33:43
659 ukungenzi lutho auto translated passive pom 26.04.2020 23:34:15
660 I-Reflexive auto translated Reflexive pom 12.12.2020 18:24:09
661 I-nonreflexive auto translated Nonreflexive pom 22.08.2020 20:20:52
662 Ivumeleke kuphela auto translated Valid only for pom 29.04.2020 16:48:42
663 igama elibi auto translated patronym pom 30.04.2020 10:58:17
664 Ayikwazi ukususa auto translated Unable to delete pom 8.02.2022 3:11:57
665 Phrezenta iqhaza auto translated Present participle pom 30.04.2020 18:43:10
666 Ukubamba iqhaza okwedlule auto translated Past participle pom 30.04.2020 18:50:33
667 Umuntu wesithathu ebunyeni auto translated 3rd person singular 4uzhoj 21.05.2020 23:19:51
668 Okuhle auto translated Positive pom 30.04.2020 18:58:04
669 Okuhle kakhulu auto translated Superlative pom 30.04.2020 19:19:06
670 Chofoza efomini elingalungile ukuze ulilahle (lilodwa ngesikhathi): auto translated Click on an incorrect form to discard it (one at a time): 4uzhoj 21.05.2020 14:23:12
671 Khetha ingxenye yenkulumo auto translated Select part of speech pom 2.05.2020 15:50:36
672 Hlanganisa auto translated Compile pom 18.08.2020 6:33:22
673 Ilogi yemizamo yokubhalisa auto translated Registration attempts log pom 4.05.2020 13:30:53
674 Ifomu legama lisetshenziswa kuphela uma lezi zimo zifinyelelwa: auto translated Word form is used only when these conditions are met: pom 5.05.2020 11:51:07
675 Lahla ifomu uma lingahambisani nemibandela auto translated Discard form if it doesn't match conditions pom 5.05.2020 13:29:57
676 icala lezwi auto translated vocative case pom 16.11.2020 0:43:27
677 Isimo sokuhlangana auto translated Conjunctive mood pom 8.05.2020 14:30:30
678 Amafomu esenzo esibi auto translated Negative verb forms pom 8.05.2020 14:32:54
679 Engeza incazelo yefomu lamagama auto translated Add description of word form Anna_N_K 17.05.2020 0:16:58
680 bestimmt auto translated bestimmt 4uzhoj 21.05.2020 23:06:42
681 unbestimmt auto translated unbestimmt 4uzhoj 21.05.2020 23:06:48
682 Futhu I auto translated Futur I Bursch 12.02.2021 22:09:04
683 Ikusasa II auto translated Futur II 4uzhoj 17.05.2020 23:22:09
684 Konjunktiv I auto translated Konjunktiv I 4uzhoj 17.05.2020 23:22:13
685 I-Konjunktiv IІ auto translated Konjunktiv IІ 4uzhoj 17.05.2020 23:22:20
686 I-Plusquamperfekt auto translated Plusquamperfekt 4uzhoj 17.05.2020 23:22:25
687 Hlela ikilasi le-morphology auto translated Edit morphology class Anna_N_K 17.05.2020 0:14:51
688 Ngemva kokuhlela ikilasi, amanye amafomu avela kusichazamazwi sezilimi ezimbili ngeke atholakale: auto translated After editing the class, some word forms from the bilingual dictionary will be unavailable: Anna_N_K 17.05.2020 0:20:45
689 Ukulondoloza akwenzeki auto translated Save not possible 4uzhoj 17.05.2020 23:26:43
690 Uthole ikilasi elifanayo auto translated Found a matching class 4uzhoj 17.05.2020 23:29:03
691 Londoloza idatha auto translated Save data Anna_N_K 17.05.2020 0:09:17
692 Shintsha ikilasi auto translated Change class Anna_N_K 17.05.2020 0:05:28
693 Kopisha amafomu kolunye ulimi auto translated Copy forms from other language pom 15.05.2020 18:47:47
694 Igama elisha auto translated New word 4uzhoj 21.05.2020 13:58:26
695 Amafomu angenzeka auto translated Possible forms 4uzhoj 21.05.2020 13:58:50
696 Amafomu amagama alungile auto translated The word forms are correct 4uzhoj 29.05.2020 0:14:03
697 Ukulondoloza mathupha auto translated Manual save 4uzhoj 29.05.2020 0:14:16
698 Ukusesha amagama okuthuthukile auto translated Advanced word search 4uzhoj 13.06.2020 1:33:32
699 ezinye izingxenye zenkulumo auto translated other parts of speech 4uzhoj 13.06.2020 1:32:51
700 iyazwela kofeleba auto translated case sensitive 4uzhoj 13.06.2020 1:36:25
701 indiva umyalelo wencwadi auto translated ignore letter order 4uzhoj 18.07.2020 23:39:18
702 hlunga ngobude auto translated sort by length 4uzhoj 13.06.2020 1:34:55
703 IsiRashiya kuphela: ё = е auto translated Russian only: ё = е 4uzhoj 13.06.2020 1:34:44
704 [ukuqala kwegama auto translated [ beginning of word 4uzhoj 13.06.2020 1:33:57
705 ] ukuphela kwegama auto translated ] end of word 4uzhoj 13.06.2020 1:33:46
706 * noma yiziphi izinhlamvu auto translated * any letters 4uzhoj 18.07.2020 23:40:21
707 ? noma iyiphi incwadi auto translated ? any letter 4uzhoj 18.07.2020 23:40:13
708 igama le-onomatopoeic auto translated onomatopoeic word 4uzhoj 13.06.2020 1:21:59
709 Sesha amagama kubakaki auto translated Search for words in parentheses 4uzhoj 15.07.2020 22:52:07
710 Izifanekiso auto translated Templates pom 23.06.2020 12:09:17
711 Okufakiwe okubikiwe komsebenzisi auto translated User's reported entries 4uzhoj 15.07.2020 22:51:27
712 Umlando auto translated History 4uzhoj 16.11.2021 1:18:17
713 Imigomo Yokusebenzisa auto translated Terms of Use 4uzhoj 18.07.2020 19:07:33
714 Kopisha idatha ekilasini elisha auto translated Copy data to new class pom 12.08.2020 16:11:34
715 Amagama azodluliselwa kwelinye ikilasi auto translated Words will be transferred to a different class pom 13.08.2020 17:31:35
716 ubulili obuvamile auto translated common gender pom 25.10.2020 1:12:19
717 Isabizwana somuntu auto translated personal pronoun pom 26.10.2020 5:20:33
718 Isabizwana sokuphendula auto translated reflexive pronoun pom 26.10.2020 5:34:55
719 isabizwana sokukhomba auto translated demonstrative pronoun pom 26.10.2020 10:21:25
720 isabizwana somnini auto translated possessive pronoun pom 26.10.2020 10:34:18
721 isabizwana sokubuza auto translated interrogative pronoun pom 26.10.2020 10:35:42
722 Isabizwana esingaziwa auto translated indefinite pronoun pom 26.10.2020 10:36:35
723 isabizwana esihlobene auto translated relative pronoun pom 26.10.2020 10:37:38
724 isabizwana sokuphika auto translated negative pronoun pom 26.10.2020 10:38:19
725 isabizwana somuntu esinganqunyiwe auto translated indefinite-personal pronoun pom 26.10.2020 10:39:40
726 Isabizwana somuntu auto translated impersonal pronoun pom 26.10.2020 10:40:53
727 ukuchaza isabizwana auto translated defining pronoun pom 26.10.2020 10:45:17
728 isabizwana esivumelanayo auto translated reciprocal pronoun pom 26.10.2020 10:46:03
729 Awekho amakilasi egama elifanayo atholiwe. Sicela uhlole amafomu egama afakiwe kanye nengxenye yenkulumo ekhethiwe. auto translated No matching word classes found. Please check the entered word forms and the selected part of speech. pom 23.04.2021 10:01:05
730 Kutholwe izimpawu ezingezona izinhlamvu auto translated Non-letter symbols found pom 27.10.2020 22:25:18
731 Zama enye isethi yamafomu amagama auto translated Try another set of word forms pom 29.10.2020 21:07:45
732 Umlando auto translated History pom 30.10.2020 10:36:38
733 Amafomu auto translated Forms pom 6.11.2020 20:10:15
734 ifayela auto translated file pom 13.11.2020 12:53:34
735 Bhala ifayela eliphumayo auto translated Write output file pom 13.11.2020 12:54:26
736 icala eliphikisayo auto translated ergative case pom 14.11.2020 21:18:02
737 I-adverbial case auto translated adverbial case pom 14.11.2020 21:25:02
738 kufeleba omkhulu auto translated to uppercase pom 16.11.2020 14:48:12
739 Icala elibi auto translated Ablative case Alex_Odeychuk 28.04.2021 12:13:56
740 Ikesi lendawo auto translated Locative case DenissG 25.12.2020 20:25:25
741 Icala le-dative-allative auto translated Dative-allative case Alex_Odeychuk 28.04.2021 12:18:32
742 Iphelele auto translated Perfect Alex_Odeychuk 28.04.2021 12:01:45
743 Ayiphelele auto translated Imperfect Alex_Odeychuk 27.04.2021 20:12:34
744 I-Pluperfect auto translated Pluperfect Alex_Odeychuk 27.04.2021 20:10:40
745 Perfect elula auto translated Perfect simple Alex_Odeychuk 28.04.2021 12:11:04
746 Inkathi edlule ephelele auto translated Past perfect tense Alex_Odeychuk 28.04.2021 12:12:13
747 Isikhathi esizayo esilula auto translated Future simple tense Alex_Odeychuk 28.04.2021 12:01:28
748 Inkathi yesikhathi esizayo auto translated Future perfect tense Alex_Odeychuk 28.04.2021 12:13:11
749 Isimo senkomba auto translated Indicative mood DenissG 25.12.2020 20:55:17
750 Isimo sengqondo auto translated Conditional mood Alex_Odeychuk 27.04.2021 20:15:55
751 Okuphelele okunemibandela auto translated Conditional perfect Alex_Odeychuk 28.04.2021 12:01:35
752 Isabizwana sento engaqondile ebunyeni auto translated Singular indirect object pronoun Alex_Odeychuk 28.04.2021 12:21:03
753 Isabizwana sento eqondile eyodwa auto translated Singular direct object pronoun Alex_Odeychuk 28.04.2021 12:21:24
754 Isabizwana sento engaqondile ngobuningi auto translated Plural indirect object pronoun Alex_Odeychuk 28.04.2021 12:22:11
755 Isabizwana sento eqondile ngobuningi auto translated Plural direct object pronoun Alex_Odeychuk 28.04.2021 12:22:20
756 Isabizwana sento engaqondile yomuntu wokuqala auto translated First-person indirect object pronoun Alex_Odeychuk 28.04.2021 12:42:24
757 Isabizwana sento engaqondile yomuntu wesibili auto translated Second-person indirect object pronoun Alex_Odeychuk 28.04.2021 12:42:31
758 Isabizwana sento engaqondile yomuntu wesithathu auto translated Third-person indirect object pronoun Alex_Odeychuk 28.04.2021 12:42:37
759 Isipelingi esingalungile auto translated Wrong spelling Alex_Odeychuk 28.04.2021 12:24:06
760 Phendula umlayezo wenkundla auto translated Reply to forum message pom 7.12.2020 18:01:54
761 reply_string responder_name Uthole impendulo yomlayezo wakho Uchungechunge lwenkundla lukhona: mess_link Ukuze uphendule sicela ulandele isixhumanisi auto translated reply_string responder_name You received a reply to your message The forum thread is here: mess_link To reply please follow the link 28.06.2017 20:20:39
762 Izinhlelo zokusebenza auto translated Apps pom 2.10.2023 23:33:04
763 Okudlule Kuphelele auto translated Past Perfect 4uzhoj 14.12.2020 1:18:19
764 Ayiphelele auto translated Imperfective 4uzhoj 23.04.2021 9:59:07
765 efanele auto translated proper pom 15.12.2020 20:59:20
766 evamile auto translated common pom 15.12.2020 20:58:43
767 icala elikhulu auto translated substantive case Alex_Odeychuk 27.04.2021 20:21:22
768 icala elilinganayo auto translated equative case Alex_Odeychuk 27.04.2021 20:14:11
769 isimo sengqondo auto translated indicative mood DenissG 25.12.2020 20:54:36
770 Sicela ucacise igama lomsebenzisi lomamukeli auto translated Please specify the recipient's username 4uzhoj 24.08.2022 10:57:52
771 Thumela ku: auto translated Send to: 4uzhoj 30.01.2021 23:25:20
772 Qiniseka ukuthi uhlola Imithetho Yokuthumela auto translated Be sure to check the Posting Rules 4uzhoj
773 qala ukuthayipha bese ukhetha ohlwini olwehliswayo lwamagama afanayo auto translated start typing and select from the dropdown list of matching names pom 30.03.2021 15:52:39
774 Izici zolimi auto translated Language properties pom 26.03.2021 14:31:00
775 Izihloko amagama azo avela ku-magenta ziyizigaba, noma izifundo 'zesambulela'. Uma isigaba sesikhethiwe, uzobona uhlu lwezihloko ezingaphansi ongakhetha kuzo. Ngokuhlukile okumbalwa, amatemu anganezelwa esihlokweni 'sesambulela' ngokwaso - vele ushiye u-'---' ohlwini lwesibili. auto translated Subjects whose names appear in magenta are categories, or 'umbrella' subjects. Once a category is selected, you will see the list of sub-subjects to choose from. With a few exceptions, terms can be added to the 'umbrella' subject itself - just leave '---' in the second list. 4uzhoj 5.08.2023 17:53:28
776 Ukusikisela: Ungakwazi ukusesha nganoma iyiphi ingxenye yegama lesihloko auto translated Hint: You can search by any part of the subject name 4uzhoj 2.04.2021 21:49:56
777 ukwengeza ukuhumusha okuningi, kuhlukanise ngama-semicolon auto translated to add multiple translations, separate them with semicolons 4uzhoj 2.04.2021 23:44:22
778 le nkambu ihloselwe amanothi, amalebula ohlelo lolimi, njll.; sicela usebenzise izinkambu ezishiwo ngezansi ukuze wengeze isibonelo sokusetshenziswa noma isixhumanisi somthombo auto translated this field is intended for notes, grammatical labels, etc.; please use designated fields below to add a usage example or a link to a source 4uzhoj 2.04.2021 23:48:19
779 Angazi ukuthi ubheke kuphi? Sebenzisa ibhokisi losesho elingezansi ukuze uthole isihloko osidingayo: auto translated Don't know where to look? Use the search box below to locate the subject you need: 4uzhoj 12.04.2021 19:48:50
780 Hambisa amagama kwelinye ikilasi auto translated Move words to another class pom 10.04.2021 8:56:50
781 Susa iklasi auto translated Delete class pom 10.04.2021 8:59:17
782 amagama agcina ngokuthi auto translated for words ending with pom 10.04.2021 9:10:43
783 dlulisela amagama ekilasini auto translated transfer words to class pom 10.04.2021 9:22:23
784 susa izinhlamvu auto translated delete letters pom 10.04.2021 9:22:28
785 engeza izinhlamvu auto translated add letters pom 10.04.2021 9:22:53
786 ingxenye entsha yenkulumo auto translated new speech part pom 10.04.2021 9:22:47
787 faka inombolo yezinhlamvu auto translated enter number of letters pom 10.04.2021 9:17:04
788 faka izinhlamvu ozongeza esiqwini auto translated enter letters to add to stem pom 10.04.2021 9:18:08
789 Susa amagama ekilasini auto translated Delete words from class pom 10.04.2021 9:24:46
790 Sawubona, igama_lomsebenzisi! Kubikwe iphutha ngesikhathi osingeze kusichazamazwi se-Multitran. Sicela usibuyekeze futhi wenze izinguquko uma kudingeka: mess_val auto translated Hello, user_name! An error has been reported for a term you added to the Multitran dictionary. Please review it and make adjustments if necessary: mess_val 28.06.2017 20:20:39
791 Umbiko wephutha auto translated Error report pom 23.04.2021 11:48:00
792 Ifomethi auto translated Format pom 23.04.2021 13:12:21
793 Khumbula isihloko sokugcina esilondoloziwe auto translated Remember last saved subject 4uzhoj
794 Thola i-URL emfushane auto translated Get short URL pom 19.05.2021 23:51:41
795 Isichazamazwi se-Multitran auto translated Multitran dictionary 4uzhoj 24.05.2023 9:55:00
796 imishwana auto translated phrases pom 21.09.2021 12:38:32
797 okufakiwe okuyimpinda auto translated duplicate entries pom 21.09.2021 12:38:48
798 Susa noma yikuphi okufakiwe auto translated Delete any entries pom 27.09.2021 17:47:24
799 Susa okufakiwe komsebenzisi auto translated Delete user entries pom 27.09.2021 17:50:03
800 Hlela isixhumi esibonakalayo auto translated Edit interface pom 27.09.2021 17:52:50
801 Hlela i-morphology auto translated Edit morphology pom 27.09.2021 17:57:24
802 Amalungelo omsebenzisi auto translated User rights pom 27.09.2021 18:15:50
803 Shintsha okwangempela ku-: auto translated Change original to: pom 30.10.2021 23:03:10
804 Amathiphu abahleli auto translated Tips for editors pom 1.11.2021 2:38:39
806 Ingush ubulili 1 auto translated Ingush gender 1 pom 11.11.2021 1:52:28
807 Ingush ubulili 2 auto translated Ingush gender 2 pom 11.11.2021 1:52:35
808 ---suggest a translation--- Ingush gender 3 pom 11.11.2021 1:52:40
809 Ingush ubulili 4 auto translated Ingush gender 4 pom 11.11.2021 1:52:45
810 Ingush ubulili 5 auto translated Ingush gender 5 pom 11.11.2021 1:52:53
811 Ingush ubulili 6 auto translated Ingush gender 6 pom 11.11.2021 1:52:58
812 Inombolo yemigqa ohlwini lwamameshi auto translated Number of lines in the list of matches
813 ukuqoqana auto translated grouping pom 28.11.2021 0:56:28
814 ---suggest a translation--- Use m_query as a placeholder, i.e., http://www.google.com/search?q=m_query Add * at end of the URL if blanks in the links don't work 4uzhoj 14.04.2022 17:39:41
815 ---suggest a translation--- 4uzhoj 12.01.2022 14:13:06
816 Izingcindezi auto translated Stresses 6.02.2022 14:10:57
817 ukucindezeleka okukodwa ngezwi auto translated single stress in word 6.02.2022 14:15:21
818 izingcindezi eziningana okungenzeka auto translated several possible stresses 6.02.2022 14:14:52
819 izaziso zivuliwe auto translated alerts on 14.04.2022 17:46:45
820 izexwayiso zivaliwe auto translated alerts off 14.04.2022 17:48:00
821 ukucindezeleka kwesibili auto translated second stress 14.04.2022 17:48:28
822 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
823 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
824 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
825 Abasebenzisi abasha banqatshelwe ukuthumela noma yimiphi imibuzo kule nkundla ngenxa yemicimbi yamanje auto translated New users are prohibited from posting any questions on this forum due to the current events Solntsepyok 1.03.2023 16:25:27
826 kuphela lesi siqondiso auto translated only this direction 3.04.2022 16:40:28
827 Usuzosusa igama auto translated You are about to delete the word 3.07.2022 19:40:09
828 Khetha igama ukuze uthumele ukuhunyushwa kwegama ofisa ukulisusa auto translated Select a word to transfer the translations of the word you wish to delete 3.07.2022 19:57:58
829 Izimpinda auto translated Duplicates 2.07.2022 23:30:16
830 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
831 Indawo ezenzakalelayo auto translated Autoreplace 14.08.2022 18:43:17
832 Bonisa abamamatheka auto translated Show smileys 24.08.2022 10:36:47
833 umongameli auto translated moderator
834 Sicela uhlole isipelingi. Uma ungabaza, sicela ubheke isichazamazwi noma esinye isithenjwa esithembekile. auto translated Please check the spelling. If in doubt, please consult a dictionary or other trusted reference. 24.08.2022 18:06:40
835 Emuva auto translated Back 24.08.2022 17:56:27
836 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
837 Umusho noma umusho obonisa ukusetshenziswa kokuhumusha kwakho kumongo. Ungangeza izibonelo eziningi ngokufaka isibonelo ngasinye endaweni ehlukile. auto translated A sentence or phrase that illustrates the use of your translation in context. You can add multiple examples by entering each example into a separate field. 4uzhoj
838 Ungangeza izixhumanisi eziningi ezihlukaniswe isemicolon auto translated You can add multiple links separated by a semicolon 4uzhoj
839 Engeza esinye isibonelo auto translated Add another example
840 Le nketho ikuvumela ukuthi uphequlule ngokushesha ukuhumusha ubheke emuva ngokuchofoza nje into oyifunayo. Uma kukhutshaziwe, kuzodingeka ukuthi ukopishe ngokwakho okufakile bese ukunamathisele kubha yokusesha. auto translated This option allows you to quickly browse translations in reverse direction by simply clicking on a desired entry. If disabled, you will have to manually copy the entry and paste it into the search bar.
841 Kungaba usizo ekufakweni okukhulu kwesilulumagama ngokukuphephisa umzamo wokuskrola uye phezulu kwekhasi auto translated Can be useful in large vocabulary entries by sparing you the effort of scrolling to the top of the page
842 Uma kunikwe amandla, uzobona isixhumanisi esiya kumlando wakho wokusesha kwakho kwakamuva siboniswe kwesokudla senkinobho Yokusesha. Ikuvumela ukuthi weqe ngokushesha kunoma yikuphi okufakile osanda kukusesha kusichazamazwi ngaphandle kokusebenzisa kabi inkinobho yasemuva yesiphequluli sakho noma uvule umlando wesiphequluli. Enye into enhle ukuthi umlando wakho wosesho ugcinwa ku-akhawunti yakho futhi utholakala kunoma iyiphi idivayisi ongene kuyo ngemvume ku-Multitran. Ohlangothini lokususa, umlando ufaka kuphela izicelo zakho ngebha yosesho futhi uziba ukuchofoza ekuhumusheni. auto translated If enabled, you will see a link to your the history of your recent searches displayed to the right of the Search button. It allows you to quickly jump to any entry you recently searched for in the dictionary without having to abuse your browser's back button or open the browser's history. Another great thing is that your search history is stored in your account and is available on any device on which you are logged in to Multitran. On the minus side, the history only includes you requests via the search bar and ignores clicks on translations.
843 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
844 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
845 Isichazamazwi sizogcwalisa ngokuzenzakalelayo isihloko sokugcina esigciniwe lapho wengeza ukuhumusha okusha. Uma lokhu kuziphatha kukucasula, khubaza leli bhokisi lokuthikha. auto translated The dictionary will automatically prepopulate the last saved subject when adding a new translation. If this behaviour pisses you off, disable this checkbox.
846 Nika amandla noma vala okulotshiweyo (kuthinta kuphela izilimi ezisekelwe) auto translated Enable or disable transcriptions (only affects supported languages) 4uzhoj
847 Khubaza lokhu uma usebenzisa i-Dark Reader noma isandiso esifanayo esidala imodi emnyama emakhasini ewebhu, noma uma ufisa ukuyeka ukubukeka kweqiniso kwe-Multitran futhi ukuhumusha kwakho kulethwe kuwe ngengemuva elimhlophe. auto translated Disable this if you are using Dark Reader or a similar extension that generates a dark mode on web pages, or if you wish to give up Multitran's authentic look and have your translations delivered to you on a white background. 4uzhoj
848 Imicu yenkundla emide ngeke ihlukaniswe ibe amakhasi. Lokhu kwenza ukusesha kuchungechunge kube lula. auto translated Long forum threads won't be split into pages. This makes searching in a thread easier. 4uzhoj
849 Izixhumanisi ezisheshayo izinqamuleli eziwusizo eziya kuzichazamazwi eziku-inthanethi, izinjini zokusesha (okuhlanganisa nokusesha izithombe) nezinye izinsiza eziwusizo njenge-Wikipedia, i-Forvo kanye ne-Reverso Context ezigcwalisa ngokuzenzakalelayo igama lakho lamanje noma ibinzana eliphuma kubha yokusesha ye-Multitran kuleyo webhusayithi. auto translated Quick links are handy shortcuts to online dictionaries, search engines (including image search) and other useful resources such as Wikipedia, Forvo and Reverso Context that automatically fill in your current word or phrase from the Multitran search bar on that website. 4uzhoj
850 Igcine ukubuyekezwa ngo auto translated Last updated on
851 Ukuthumela esithangamini auto translated Posting on the forum
852 Isihloko sesihloko/umugqa wesihloko uzofaka igama noma ibinzana odinga usizo ngalo noma incazelo emfushane kakhulu yodaba oludingidwayo. Gwema izihloko ezingenalwazi ezifana nokuthi "Nginombuzo" noma "Ngidinga usizo ngokuhumusha". auto translated A topic title/subject line shall include the word or phrase you need help with or a very concise description of the matter at hand. Avoid non-informative titles like "I've got a question" or "Need help with a translation". 4uzhoj
853 Sicela usebenzise umsebenzi wokusesha wenkundla ngaphambi kokuqala isihloko esisha. Maningi amathuba okuthi umbuzo wakho usubuziwe futhi waphendulwa. auto translated Please use the forum’s search function before starting a new topic. There is a good chance that your question has already been asked and answered.
854 Izihloko zezihloko KUZO ZONKE OOMABHIZINISI azivunyelwe. Ngokufanayo, ukusetshenziswa kabi kosonhlamvukazi noma ukufometha ngaphakathi komlayezo akwamukelekile. auto translated Topic titles in ALL CAPITALS are prohibited. Likewise, abuse of capitals or formatting inside the message is not acceptable.
855 Ungakwazi kalula ukunqamula isihloko sakho usebenzisa amathuluzi amahhala aku-inthanethi auto translated You can easily decapitalize your title using free online tools
856 Lapho ubuza umbuzo, hlala unikeza umongo. Futhi, qiniseka ukuthi ufaka phakathi ulwazi olungemuva oluningi ngangokunokwenzeka, ngisho noma lungabonakali lubalulekile kuwe. Isibonelo, uzongeza inani embuzweni wakho ngokunikeza izinkomba zokuthi hlobo luni lombhalo noma idokhumenti oyihumushayo, lapho ikhishwe khona, ubani ukuhumusha okuhloselwe, lapho uhlangabezane khona negama noma ibinzana nobunzima, njll. Siza abanye ukuthi bakusize. auto translated When asking a question, always supply context. Also, be sure to include as much background information as you can, even if it doesn't seem relevant to you. For instance, you'll add value to your question by providing clues as to what kind of text or document you're translating, where it was issued, who is the translation intended for, where you encountered the word or phrase you're having difficulty with, etc. Help others to help you.
857 Uma ucela usizo, kuthathwa njengenhlonipho evamile ukwabelana nokuhumusha kwakho okusalungiswa. Uma ucela usizo lokuhumusha ucezu olukhudlwana lombhalo, olufana nesigaba, kudingeka ukuthi unikeze okwakho ukuhumusha. auto translated When asking for help, it is considered common courtesy to share your own draft translation. If you're asking for help translating a larger piece of text, such as a paragraph, you're required to supply your own translation.
858 Qaphela ukuthi ukwehluleka ukunikeza umongo nokuhumusha kwakho kungase kubangele ukusabela okungekuhle futhi kuthene amandla amanye amalungu omphakathi ekukusizeni. auto translated Note that failure to provide context and your own translation may provoke a negative reaction and discourage other community members from helping you.
859 Sicela uyeke ukucaphuna okuningi. Kwanele ukubhekisela kugama lephosta yokuqala (isb, @igama lomsebenzisi) kanye/noma ukucaphuna izici ezithile ezibalulekile zomlayezo owuphendulayo. auto translated Please refrain from extensive quoting. It is enough to reference the original poster's name (e.g., @username) and/or quote some key aspects of the message you are replying to.
860 Indlela yokuziphatha auto translated Code of conduct
861 Izihloko eziphathelene nomsebenzi kufanele zigxile ekuxoxeni ngemibuzo ebuzwayo. Ingxoxo evamile iyamukeleka, kodwa sicela uzame ukungasusi ngokuphelele esihlokweni. auto translated Work-related topics should focus on discussing the questions being asked. Casual conversation is acceptable, but please try not to steer completely off topic.
862 Uma ufuna ukuxoxa ngokuthile okungahlobene nomsebenzi, sicela uqale ngemicu ehlukene. Izihloko zalolu chungechunge ngokwesiko ziqale ngokuthi "VALIWE: ... ". Sicela uqaphele ukuthi Ikhodi Yokuziphatha yesithangami isebenza ngokugcwele kuzo zonke izihloko ezingekho esihlokweni.\n auto translated If you want to discuss something not work-related, please start in separate threads. Titles of these threads have traditionally begun with "OFF: ... ". Please note that the forum Code of Conduct fully applies to all off-topic threads.
863 Gwema ukuphendula imibuzo ephathelene nezindawo noma izimboni ezikhethekile ngaphandle uma unolwazi nobungcweti obudingekayo. auto translated Refrain from answering questions relating to specialized areas or industries unless you possess the required knowledge and expertise.
864 Yiba nenhlonipho lapho ukhuluma namanye amalungu omphakathi. Ungasebenzisi uhlobo lwekheli olwejwayelekile ngaphandle uma ugunyazwe ngokucacile yilungu okukhulunywa ngalo. auto translated Be respectful when addressing other community members. Don't use a familiar form of address unless expressly consented to by the member in question.
865 Amanyala nenhlamba, ecacile noma efihliwe, akuvunyelwe ngaphandle kwesihloko sengxoxo yokuhumusha. auto translated Obscenities and profanity, either clear or masked, are not allowed except as a topic of translation discussion.
866 Ngeke sikubekezelele ukuhlaselwa kwe-ad hominem, ulimi oludelelayo, oluhlambalazayo noma olunye ulimi olucunulayo, izitatimende ezicacile noma ezifihlakele, ezibandlululayo noma ezihlambalazayo, iphimbo elinobutha, ukungapelwa kahle ngamabomu amagama abasebenzisi bamanye amalungu, njll. auto translated We will not tolerate ad hominem attacks, rude, derogatory or otherwise offensive language, either clear or masked, discriminatory or defamatory statements, hostile tone, deliberate misspelling of other members’ usernames, etc.
867 Ikakhulukazi, sinenqubomgomo yokungabekezeleli noma iyiphi inkulumo enenzondo, ubandlululo noma ukuhlasela umuntu noma iqembu labantu ngokwesisekelo sobuzwe, uhlanga, ubulili, isizinda senhlalo kanye nobuzwe, i-chauvinism (futhi ikakhulukazi ukulwa namaSemitism) kanye nanoma iyiphi enye inkulumo-nkulumo noma ukuziphatha okugqugquzela inzondo yobuhlanga, yobuhlanga noma yenkolo noma ngenye indlela.\n auto translated In particular, we have a zero-tolerance policy towards any hate speech, bigotry or attacking a person or group of people on the basis of nationality, race, sex, social and ethnic background, chauvinism (and in particular anti-Semitism) as well and any other rhetoric or behavior that incites racial, ethnic or religious hatred or otherwise.
868 Hlonipha abanye abantu kanye nawe, hlala unesizotha, ucunule futhi ucabangele amanye amalungu omphakathi.\n\n auto translated Respect your fellow members and yourself, remain courteous, tactful and considerate of other community members.
869 Uma unomuzwa wokuthi umlayezo uyacasula noma uyeyisa noma wephula amalungelo akho ngandlela-thile, ungawuphenduli noma ubhale iphosta. Lindela omengameli ukuthi basabele noma ubazise ngomlayezo oyimfihlo. Sizoyithatha lapho. auto translated If you feel that a message is offensive or insulting or otherwise violates your rights, do not respond to it or engage the poster. Wait for moderators to react or alert them via a private message. We will take it from there.
870 Futhi sicela-ngicela-ngicela, ungahlali ngemuva-phakathi. auto translated And please-please-please, do not backseat-moderate.
871 Ungabangeli ukungqubuzana. Uma ucasukile, ungaphenduli noma ubhekane namanye amalungu. Uma lokho kwenzeka, omengameli bangakhetha ukujezisa izinhlangothi zombili. auto translated Do not provoke conflict. When provoked, do not respond or confront other members. If that happens, moderators may choose to discipline both sides.
872 Ungaxoxi ngokukhululekile ngezinyathelo zokuqondiswa kwezigwegwe ezithathwe umongameli noma uqophisane ngesixwayiso. Uma ungavumelani nanoma yisiphi isinyathelo esithathiwe ngokumelene nawe, wamukelekile ukusidlulisela kumnikazi wesayithi. Isinqumo somnikazi wesayithi siwujuqu. auto translated Do not openly discuss disciplinary action taken by a moderator or argue over a warning. If you do not agree with any action taken against you, you are welcome to appeal it to the site owner. The decision of the site owner is final.
873 Akukho ukukhangisa noma yiluphi uhlobo lokucela ukuthengisa oluvunyelwe esithangamini ngaphandle uma kugunyazwe umnikazi wesayithi. Izixhumanisi zokudlulisela azivunyelwe ngaphandle uma zihambisana nesaziso esivulekile nesicacile. Noma yikuphi okuthunyelwe okunjalo noma uchungechunge luzosuswa ngaphandle kwesixwayiso. auto translated No advertising or any form of commercial solicitation is allowed on the forum unless authorized by the site owner. Referral links are not allowed unless accompanied by an open and clear notice. Any such posts or threads will be removed without warning.
874 Ukumodareyitha kwenkundla auto translated Moderation of the forum
875 Le Mithetho Yenkundla kanye Nekhodi Yokuziphatha isetshenziswa omengameli. Omengameli baqokwa umnikazi wewebhusayithi futhi angase axoshwe nguye noma nini. auto translated These Forum Rules and Code of Conduct are enforced by moderators. Moderators are appointed by the website owner and may be dismissed by him at any time.
876 Omengameli bangase basuse okuthunyelwe, bavale noma basuse izihloko futhi banikeze izexwayiso futhi bathulise, bamise okwesikhashana noma bavimbele abasebenzisi unomphela. auto translated Moderators may remove posts, close or remove topics as well as administer warnings and mute, suspend or permanently block users.
877 Omengameli banokuzikhethela kuphela mayelana nokuhlonza nokuhlola ukwephulwa kwale Mithetho. Esimeni esingahlanganyelwa yile Mithetho, omengameli kanye nomnikazi wesayithi banelungelo lokuthatha noma yisiphi isenzo abasibona sifanelekile, ikakhulukazi, ukuvala, ukufihla noma ukususa ngaphandle kwesaziso noma ukuxwayisa noma yiziphi izihloko noma okuthunyelwe okuthathwa njengokungafaneleki noma okungabazekayo nganoma yisiphi isizathu. auto translated Moderators have sole discretion with respect to identifying and evaluating breaches of these Rules. In a situation not covered by these Rules, moderators and the site owner reserve the right to take any action they deem fit, in particular, to close, hide or remove without notice or warning any topics or posts deemed inappropriate or objectionable for any reason.
878 Omengameli bazohlola isigameko ngasinye ecaleni ngalinye. Isenzo esithathiwe singaba mnene noma sibe nzima kakhulu ngokusekelwe kumlando womoni. auto translated Moderators will evaluate each incident on a case by-case-basis. The action taken may be more lenient or more severe based on the offender’s history.
879 Omengameli bangamalungu alinganayo omphakathi futhi ngeke babe nokukhetha ezingxoxweni zezinkundla. Futhi, omengameli akumele: auto translated Moderators are equal members of the community and shall have no preferences in forum discussions. Also, moderators may not:
880 basebenzise amandla abo ukuze kuzuze bona auto translated use their powers to their personal advantage
881 qala noma uphethiloli izingxabano nabasebenzisi noma abanye omengameli auto translated start or fuel conflicts with users or other moderators
882 adalule, kungakhathaliseki ukuthi esidlangalaleni noma ngasese, noma yiluphi ulwazi lomuntu siqu noma olubucayi mayelana nanoma yiliphi ilungu abalaziyo njengabomengameli auto translated disclose, whether publicly or privately, any personal or sensitive information about any member that they became aware of as moderators
883 vumela noma yimuphi umuntu wesithathu ukuthi asebenzise i-akhawunti yakhe auto translated permit any third party to use their account
884 Impendulo auto translated Feedback 4uzhoj
885 Ukuze ushiye impendulo, sicela usebenzise lo chungechunge. Izinkinga noma iziphazamisi zingabikwa lapha. Uma unombuzo oyimfihlo noma oyimfihlo, sicela uwuthumele nge-imeyili kumnikazi wewebhusayithi. auto translated To leave feedback, please use this thread. Problems or bugs can be reported here. If you have a private or otherwise confidential query, please e-mail it to the website owner. 4uzhoj
886 Izinguquko Emithethweni auto translated Changes to the Rules
887 Sinelungelo, ngokubona kwethu kuphela, ukushintsha noma ukuchibiyela le Mithetho nganoma yisiphi isikhathi ngaphandle kwesaziso kumalungu. auto translated We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change or amend these Rules at any time without notice to members.
888 Azikho izinguquko kuMithetho ezizosetshenziswa ngokubuyela emuva. Nokho, kuyisibopho sakho ukuhlola le mithetho ukuze uthole izinguquko njalo. auto translated No changes to the Rules will be applied retrospectively. However, it is your responsibility to check these rules for changes on a regular basis.
889 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
890 Okujwayelekile auto translated General 4uzhoj
891 I-Multitran yiwebhusayithi eyimfihlo futhi esetshenziswayo. Ngokusifinyelela futhi usisebenzise, uyavuma ukuthobela imigomo yayo yokusebenzisa (ikakhulukazi, Le Migomo Yokusebenzisa, Imithetho Yenkundla kanye Nemithetho Yesichazamazwi) futhi uyavuma ukuthi ukwehluleka ukwenza kanjalo kungase kubangele ukuthi amalungelo akho elungu anqunyelwe, amiswe noma inqanyuliwe. Uma ungayamukeli imigomo eshiwo, kufanele uyeke ukusebenzisa le webhusayithi. auto translated Multitran is a privately owned and operated website. By accessing and using it, you agree to adhere to its terms of use (in particular, these Terms of Use, the Forum Rules and the Dictionary Rules) and acknowledge that failure to do so may result in your member privileges being limited, suspended or terminated. If you do not accept the said terms, you should stop using this website. 4uzhoj
892 Ukuthobela le mithethonqubo eshiwo ukuphela kwento edingekayo kuwe njengelungu. Sicela ukhumbule ukuthi ukungazi imithetho akukona ukuzivikela. auto translated Abidance by the said regulations is the only thing that is required from you as a member. Please keep in mind that ignorance of the the rules is not a defense. 4uzhoj
893 Ama-akhawunti omsebenzisi auto translated User accounts 4uzhoj
894 Akumele ubhalise noma usebenzise ama-akhawunti amaningi, ikakhulukazi ukuze ugweme ukuvinjelwa noma elinye izinga lokuziphatha. Noma yimaphi amanye ama-akhawunti akhonjiwe azovinjelwa ngaphandle kwesaziso, futhi ama-akhawunti awo amakhulu azothathelwa izinyathelo zokuqondiswa kwezigwegwe. Nokho, singase sicabangele okuhlukile kulo mthetho ngokwesisekelo secala ngalinye (isb, esimweni lapho ilungu bona fide lingakwazi ukufinyelela i-akhawunti yalo ekhona kakade). auto translated You may not register or use multiple accounts, especially to circumvent a ban or other level of discipline. Any identified alternate accounts will be banned without notice, and their main accounts will be subject to disciplinary action. We may, however, consider exceptions to this rule on a case-by-case basis (e.g., in case of a bona fide member being unable to access his or her existing account). 4uzhoj
895 Akumele ubhalise igama lomsebenzisi elingenanhlonipho, elinenhlamba noma elicunula, elingisa igama lomsebenzisi elikhona noma elibandlululayo noma elihlambalaza noma yimuphi umuntu. Uma kukhonjwa, noma imaphi ama-akhawunti anjalo azovinjwa ngokushesha futhi ngaphandle kwesaziso. auto translated You may not register a username that is rude, obscene or otherwise offensive, imitates an existing username or is discriminative or defamatory of any person. If identified, any such accounts will be blocked immediately and without notice. 4uzhoj
896 Umkhawulo Wesikweletu / Akukho Ukuthembela Olwazini auto translated Limitation of Liability / No Reliance on Information 4uzhoj
897 Asiwemukeli umthwalo wemfanelo mayelana nolwazi olufakwe kule sizindalwazi yinoma yimuphi umuntu wesithathu futhi ngeke sibe nesibopho sanoma yimuphi umonakalo oqondile noma ongaqondile noma ukulahlekelwa okudalwe noma okusolwa ukuthi kudalwe ngenxa yokusebenzisa kwakho noma ukuthembela kulwazi olunjalo. Nokho, senza yonke imizamo ukuze sisuse noma yikuphi okuqukethwe okungalungile noma okungabazisayo ngokushesha okukhulu. auto translated We accept no responsibility with regard to the information posted on this website by any third party and will not be responsible for any direct or indirect damages or losses caused or alleged to have been caused as a result of your use or reliance on such information. However, we make every effort to remove any inappropriate or objectionable content as quickly as possible. 4uzhoj
898 Iqiniso nje lokuthi noma yiluphi ulwazi noma impahla ithunyelwe kuwebhusayithi ye-Multitran ayisho ukuthi umnikazi kanye/noma ithimba ligunyaza okuqukethwe kwalolo lwazi noma impahla. auto translated The mere fact that any information or material has been posted on the Multitran website does not imply that the owner and/or team approve of the contents of such information or material. 4uzhoj
899 Imibono evezwa amalungu ngamanye ethimba le-Multran noma yikuphi kule webhusayithi noma izinkundla ngeyomuntu ngamunye futhi ayimeli noma ayihambisani ngempela nombono womnikazi. auto translated Opinions expressed by individual members of the Multitran team anywhere on this website or forums are the individual's own and do not represent or necessarily correspond to the opinion of the owner. 4uzhoj
900 I-Permalink yalesi sigaba. Ukuze ukopishe, chofoza kwesokudla bese ukhetha okuthi 'Kopisha i-URL' auto translated Permalink to this section. To copy, right-click and select 'Copy URL' 4uzhoj
901 Okubalulekile: Imiyalelo Yabanikeli auto translated Important: Instructions for Contributors 4uzhoj
902 ungabhala ngosonhlamvukazi okufakiwe, kungaba amagama angawodwa noma imishwana (ngaphandle kwamagama okuyiwonawona, izihloko noma amagama ahlala ebhalwe ngosonhlamvukazi ngolimi oluthile, njengezinsuku zeviki ngesiNgisi noma amabizo ngesiJalimane ) futhi ungawuthayiphi wonke osonhlamvukazi; uma umbhalo owukopishile ungosonhlamvukazi, yihlukanise ngosonhlamvukazi usebenzisa isiguquli esisithandayo auto translated do not capitalize entries, be it single words or phrases (with the exception of proper names, titles or words that are always capitalized in a certain language, such as days of week in English or nouns in German) and do not type in all uppercase; if the text you copied is in uppercase, decapitalize it using a converter of your choice 4uzhoj 15.10.2022 11:06:41
903 uma udinga ukungeza ukuguqulwa okuningi ngesikhathi esisodwa, kufanele kunqanyulwe nge-semicolon; futhi, ungabeki isitobhi esigcwele ekugcineni auto translated if you need to add multiple transaltions at once, they must be delimited by a semicolon; also, do not put a full stop at the end 4uzhoj
904 lapho wengeza umushwana onokuguquguquka, ungasebenzisi abakaki noma ama-slash; esikhundleni salokho, engeza ukwahluka okugcwele okuhlukene (isb., akulungile: "ba / bheka"; okulungile: "kubuke< #6>; bheka") auto translated when adding a phrase with a variable, do not use parentheses or slashes; instead, add separate full variants (e.g., wrong: "have / take a look"; correct: "have a look; take a look") 4uzhoj
905 ungangezi okufakiwe kohlobo "isifinyezo ngolimi 1 – igama eligcwele ngolimi 2"). Kunalokho, engeza ukunwetshwa kwesifinyezo solimi oluwumthombo kuqala, bese uqhubeka nokwengeza ukuhumusha ukuze kunwetshwe. auto translated do not add entries of the type "abbreviation in language 1 – full term in language 2"). Instead, add the expansion for the source-language abbreviation first, and then proceed with adding a translation for the expansion 4uzhoj
906 Isibonelo (chofoza ukuze unwebe) auto translated Example (click to expand) 4uzhoj
907 Engeza ukunwetshwa: EBRD ⇒ I-European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (ungabi namahloni ngokuthi ukunwetshwa kufanele kuthayiphe endaweni yolimi okuqondiwe - okufakiwe kuzogcinwa ngokuzenzakalelayo ku 'ithesorasi' futhi izovela kuzo zonke izichazamazwi zesiNgisi-xxx) auto translated Add the expansion: EBRD ⇒ European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (don't be embarrassed by the fact that the expansion has to be typed in the target language field - the entry will be automatically saved to the 'thesaurus' and will appear in all English-xxx dictionaries) 4uzhoj
908 Chofoza okufakiwe okuwumphumela ukuze uhlehlise isiqondisindlela solimi bese wengeza ukuhumusha: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ⇔ Европейский банк реконструкции и развития) auto translated Click on the resulting entry to reverse the language direction and add the translation: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ⇔ Европейский банк реконструкции и развития) 4uzhoj
909 Wamukelekile ukuthi wengeze okufakiwe kohlobo "isifinyezo ngolimi 1 - isifinyezo ngolimi 2" (isb, EBRD ⇔ ЕБРР), inqobo nje uma simiswe kahle<# 3> umlingani womunye (okungukuthi, hhayi into osanda kuyenza). Qiniseka ukuthi unikeza kokubili izandiso zolimi oluwumthombo kanye noluqondiwe kunkambu yamazwana. auto translated You are welcome to add entries of the type "abbreviation in language 1 – abbreviation in language 2" (e.g., EBRD ⇔ ЕБРР), provided that one is a well-established counterpart of the other (i. e., not something you just made up). Be sure to provide both source and target language expansions in the Comment field. 4uzhoj
910 noma yimaphi amagama achazayo, ukuphawula, amanothi, njll. okungelona igama eliwumthombo noma ukuhumusha okufanele kufanele kufakwe enkundleni yokuphawula HHAYI endaweni yomthombo noma yethemu okuqondiwe (ngaphandle kwamagama asizayo. okufana nokuthi "one's", "smb" noma "кого-л." kutholwe maphakathi kwebinzana) auto translated any explanatory words, remarks, notes, etc. that are not the source term or translation proper must be inserted into the Comment field and NOT into the source or target term field (with the exception of auxilliary words such as "one's", "smb" or "кого-л." found in the middle of the phrase) 4uzhoj
911 uma ukuhumusha okuhlosiwe kungu-"mpande (yesihlahla)", amagama athi "yesihlahla" kufanele abe senkambu yokuphawula. auto translated if the intended translation is "root (of a tree)", the words "of a tree" have to be in the Comment field 4uzhoj
912 ungafaki abakaki, njengoba bengezwa ngokuzenzakalelayo auto translated do not insert parentheses, as they are added automatically 4uzhoj
913 Isihloko sekhasi auto translated Page title
914 Hlela izingxoxo auto translated Edit dialogs
915 Ziba isihloko auto translated Ignore subject
916 Amathiphu Wokukhetha Ulimi auto translated Language Selection Tips pom 13.10.2022 18:32:07
917 Ekungeneni kokuqala, izilimi zokufaka neziphumayo azikakhethwa. auto translated At first login, input and output languages are not yet selected. pom 13.10.2022 18:32:17
918 Ungamane uthayiphe igama noma ibinzana kubha yokusesha ngaphandle kokukhetha ulimi mathupha. Uma igama noma ibinzana liboniswa ohlwini lokudonsela phansi, mane ulikhethe. Uma okufanayo kutholakala ngolimi olungaphezu kolulodwa, uzomenywa ukuthi ukhethe oludingayo. Bese uzodinga ukwenza okufanayo ngolimi lokukhiphayo. auto translated You can simply type a word or phrase into the search bar without manually selecting a language. If the word or phrase is displayed in the drop-down list, simply select it. If the match is found in more than one language, you'll be invited to choose the one you need. Then you'll need to do the same for the output language. pom 13.10.2022 18:32:26
919 Ngenkathi ukusikrini sasekhaya, isichazamazwi osifunayo singakhethwa: auto translated While on the home screen, a desired dictionary can be selected: pom 13.10.2022 18:32:34
920 kusukela esigabeni 'Izichazamazwi ezidumile', noma auto translated from the 'Popular dictionaries' section, or pom 13.10.2022 18:33:03
921 ngokukhetha mathupha okokufaka kanye nezilimi zokukhiphayo kuhlu oluhambayo lokwehlayo. Lezi zizoklelisa izilimi ezingaba ngu-30 ezidume kakhulu. Ukuze uphequlule zonke izilimi ezitholakalayo, chofoza "Zonke izilimi" ngaphansi kwekhasi auto translated by manually selecting an input and output languages from the pair of dropdown lists. These will list about 30 most popular languages. To browse all available languages, click "All languages" at the bottom of the page pom 13.10.2022 18:33:17
922 Ukuchofoza igama lolimi kuzokuyisa ohlwini lwezichazamazwi ngalolu limi. Lolu hlu luhlelwa ngamagama noma ngenani lokungenayo. auto translated Clicking on a language name will take you to the list of dictionaries with this language. This list is sortable by name or entry count. pom 13.10.2022 18:33:27
923 Ungashintshashintsha phakathi kwezilimi ngaphandle kokushiya ikhasi obukulo. Ukuze ushintshe ulimi lokufaka, vele uthayiphe igama nganoma yiluphi ulimi kubha yokusesha bese ucindezela okuthi Sesha, ungaziba ukuthi igama alikho ohlwini lwama-alfabhethi. Amathuba makhulu ukuthi injini yesayithi izophakamisa ulimi olufanele. auto translated You can swith between languages without leaving the page you were on. To change the input language, just type a word in any language in the search bar and hit Search, ignoring that the word is missing in the alphabetic list. Chances are high that the site engine will suggest a proper language. pom 13.10.2022 18:33:36
924 Ulimi oluhlukile lokuphumayo lungakhethwa ohlwini oluya phansi oluya kwesokudla sebhokisi lokusesha, uma likhona. auto translated A different output language can be selected from the drop-down list to the right of the search box, if available. pom 13.10.2022 18:33:47
925 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
926 izintambo zesixhumi esibonakalayo auto translated interface strings 4uzhoj 31.10.2022 16:52:02
927 susa ukuvimbela ngokuzenzakalelayo umsebenzisi ngemva kokuphelelwa yisikhathi auto translated automatically unban user after expiry 4uzhoj 22.10.2022 19:15:33
928 Phinda izinombolo zamagama auto translated Duplicate word numbers 9.11.2022 15:07:04
929 Ukwenza kwasendaweni auto translated Localization 22.11.2022 13:31:56
930 Kutholwe izinhlamvu ngolunye ulimi auto translated Letters in other language found 11.01.2023 17:19:03
931 Ukuqondanisa umbhalo ohambisanayo auto translated Parallel text alignment 16.01.2023 15:01:46
932 Igumbi lokufunda auto translated Reading room 16.01.2023 15:03:40
933 Ukuqondanisa auto translated Alignment 21.01.2023 19:39:17
934 Umbhalo wangempela auto translated Original text 17.01.2023 22:39:53
935 Umbhalo ohunyushiwe auto translated Translated text 17.01.2023 22:40:03
936 Igama lombhalo auto translated Text name 17.01.2023 22:41:52
937 Qondanisa imibhalo auto translated Align texts 18.01.2023 21:28:53
938 Landa i-TMX auto translated Download TMX 19.01.2023 22:19:38
939 Ngena ngemvume ukuze ucubungule imibhalo eyengeziwe auto translated Log in to process more texts 18.01.2023 23:40:05
940 Qala auto translated Start 25.01.2023 14:50:30
941 Qeda auto translated End 25.01.2023 14:50:49
942 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
943 ukuhumusha nge-Google auto translated Google Translate Svarog916 18.01.2024 11:50:59
944 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
945 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
946 Lungisa amaphutha auto translated Fix errors 30.01.2023 20:23:29
947 Ababhali auto translated Authors 7.02.2023 17:17:31
948 Inqubekelaphambili auto translated Progress 8.02.2023 13:28:42
949 Ungakwazi ukuvala leli khasi futhi uhlole umphumela kamuva auto translated You can close this page and check the result later 8.02.2023 13:30:17
950 Uma ukuqondanisa kungalungile, ungahambisa isibonelo sokususa iphutha. Qiniseka ukuthi imisho esemugqeni wokuqala wethebula iyafana ngempela futhi uhlelo iluqondanisa ngokungalungile. Sizozama ukwenza ngcono uhlelo ngokwalesi sibonelo. auto translated If the alignment goes wrong, you can submit an example for debugging. Make sure that the sentences in the first line of the table really match and the program aligns them incorrectly. We will try to improve the program according to this example. 8.02.2023 14:11:18
951 Idatha ithunyelwe kunjiniyela auto translated The data was sent to the developer 9.02.2023 0:14:36
952 Ukuqondanisa umbhalo auto translated Text alignment 9.02.2023 9:41:27
953 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
954 Izichazamazwi ezidumile auto translated Popular dictionaries 20.02.2023 18:52:28
955 Izichazamazwi ezintsha auto translated New dictionaries 20.02.2023 19:01:01
956 Izibonelo: ооооооо, абвгдежз, abcdefg igama liqukethe izinhlamvu nganoma iyiphi indlela [супер igama liqala ngochungechunge oluncane
ость] igama ligcina ngokuthi substring [ст*л] isiqalo nesiphetho segama ngochungechunge oluncane olucacisiwe [ст?л] isiqalo segama futhi iphetha ngochungechunge oluncane olucacisiwe futhi iqukethe noma yiluphi uhlamvu oluphakathi nendawo [кот] igama liqukethe izinhlamvu ezishiwo nganoma iyiphi indlela auto translated Examples: оооооооо, абвгдежз, abcdefg word contains letters in any order [супер word starts with substring
ость] word ends with substring [ст*л] word start and ends with specified substrings [ст?л] word start and ends with specified substrings and contains any letter in the middle [кот] word contains specified letters in any order 22.03.2023 17:05:10
957 khansela inqubo auto translated cancel process 24.02.2023 11:47:27
958 kuphazamisekile auto translated interrupted 24.02.2023 11:49:16
959 iyahlola... auto translated checking... 24.02.2023 12:00:23
960 Faka umbhalo wangempela kukholamu yesokunxele futhi uhunyushelwe kukholamu ekwesokudla. auto translated Insert original text into the left column and it's translation into the right column. 7.03.2023 23:51:17
961 Yengeza ukuhumusha okusha kusichazamazwi 1. Khetha ibhulokhi yombhalo kukholamu yesobunxele bese uchofoza okuthi 2. Khetha ibhulokhi yombhalo kukholamu engakwesokudla bese uchofoza futhi Ingxoxo entsha yokufaka izovela enezinkambu zoqobo nezihumusho esezigcwalisiwe. auto translated Addind new translation to the dictionary 1. Select a block of text in the left column and click + 2. Select a block of text in the right column and click + again New entry dialog will appear with original and translation fields already filled 9.03.2023 16:43:59
962 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
963 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
964 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
965 Izixhumanisi ezimfushane auto translated Short links 27.03.2023 11:55:41
966 Khetha konke auto translated select all alphaponi 6.04.2023 2:35:58
967 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
968 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
969 ungwaqa auto translated consonant letter alphaponi 6.04.2023 2:35:34
970 iqhaza elidlule auto translated past participle Bursch 15.04.2023 20:40:52
971 ukwehla okuqinile auto translated strong declension Bursch 15.04.2023 21:06:58
972 ukwehla okubuthakathaka auto translated weak declension Bursch 15.04.2023 21:06:42
973 ukwehla okuxubile auto translated mixed declension Bursch 15.04.2023 21:09:46
974 ifomu eliyisisekelo auto translated basic form Bursch 15.04.2023 21:59:32
975 cacile auto translated clear 23.04.2023 15:07:13
976 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
977 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
978 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
979 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
980 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
981 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
982 Cacisa izingcindezi auto translated Specify stresses 20.08.2023 19:01:07
983 Bonisa izingcindezi auto translated Show stresses 31.08.2023 0:44:39
984 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
985 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
986 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
987 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
988 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
989 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
990 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---
991 ---suggest a translation--- ---suggest a translation---