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Terms for subject Customs (209 entries)
aktivno oplemenitenje inward-processing procedure
aktivno oplemenitenje inward processing regime
blago istega razreda ali vrste goods of the same class or kind
blago, v celoti pridobljeno v določeni državi goods wholly obtained in a country
blago, v celoti pridobljeno v določeni državi goods wholly obtained in a single country
blago, v celoti pridobljeno v določeni državi goods wholly obtained or produced in one country
blago, v celoti pridobljeno v določeni državi wholly obtained product
carine fiskalne narave customs duties of a fiscal nature
carinska kršitev customs offence
carinska navedba customs reference
carinska poenostavitev customs simplification
carinska poenostavitev simplification
carinski deklarant broker
carinski deklarant customs agent
carinski deklarant customs broker
carinski dolg amount due to the Customs
carinski dolg pri izvozu customs debt on exportation
carinski dolg pri uvozu customs debt on importation
carinski postopek customs arrangements
carinski postopek customs procedure