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Terms for subject Economy (20645 entries)
"Armas por desarrollo" "Arms versus developmemt"
"dinero verde" green money system
"primera ventanilla" first-stop-shop
"punto muerto" del Banco break-even point for a bank
"working balances" working balances
... deberá definirse el diseño de los billetes y monedas en euro en los diferentes alfabetos de la Unión the labelling of euro banknotes and coins in the different alphabets of the Union will ... be defined
1000 municipios para Europa 1000 local authorities for Europe
Örebro Örebro county
Östergötland Östergötland county
Šiauliai Šiauliai county
a fondo perdido non-returnable
a menos que se usen unless used
a precio de coste at factor cost
a precios constantes at constant prices
a precios corrientes at current prices
a tanto alzado on a flat rate basis
AAI international agricultural adjustment
abandono escolar dropout
abaratamiento del tipo de interés preferential interest rate
abastecimiento supply