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Terms for subject British (usage, not spelling) (22 entries)
AAM air-to-air missile
AM amplitude modulation
ASA American Society of Anesthesiologists
ASM air-to-surface missile
AUM air-to-underwater missile
CEV California encephalitis virus
debiteur gagiste lienee olga.g­reenwoo­d
F.P.C. flight path control
FP fission product
Gapa ground-to-air pilotless aircraft
GVH reaction graft versus host
GZ. ground zéro
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HP horse-power
ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile
IGS inertial guidance system
MEDLARS medical literature analysis and retrieval system
RAST radioallergosorbent test
RBE relative biological effectiveness
RBE relative biological effectiveness