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Terms for subject Sailing (938 entries)
"arrêtez vous!" "stop!"
"coque fait d'eau" leak
"gagner sur la côte" apparently move forward"
"il fait du vent" blow
"je fais route à bâbord" "directing course to port"
"je fais route à tribord" directing course to starboard
"l'air tourbillonne" whirl
"l'ancre a prise" hold fast
"l'ancre a prise" bite
"l'ancre tient" hold fast
"l'ancre tient" bite
"la voile est pleine" gets wind
"la voile porte" "works"
"la voile se tend" "the sail is blown out"
"le canot chavire" "boat capsized"
"le vent adonne" "the wind shifts"
"le vent arrive" "wind falls in"
"le vent change de direction" "the wind shifts"
"le vent refuse" "the wind shifts"
"le vent s'apaise" "wind dies"