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Terms for subject Dyalysis (625 entries)
à jeun fasting
à la demande prn (Lat. pro re nata - as needed)
abord vasculaire access
abord vasculaire vascular access
abord vasculaire permanent permanent vascular access
abus d’analgésiques analgesic abuse
abus de drogue substance abuse
accident ischémique transitoire transient ischemic attack
administrateur administrator/business manager
Administration /fonctionnaire/ agent de l’état technical/sales/administrative support (occupation)
admission referral (e.g. a patient to another unit)
adoucisseur softener (water...)
Ag Hbs HBsAg (hepatitis B surface antigen)
agriculture, sylviculture, pêche farming,
aide-soignante patient-care technician
aide-soignante dialysis technician (assistant to the nurse)
aine groin
alanine aminotransférase alanine aminotransferase
albumine plasmatique serum albumin
alterner rotate