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Terms for subject Cooking (804 entries)
Aufstrich anything that can be spread on bread
Ausbackteig batter
ausgelöste Brustfilets boneless breast meat
Auslese choice wine
Auslese superior wine
Auslese high-quality wine made from selected grapes
Austernsoße oyster sauce
Backerbsen small round noodles eaten in soup
Backobst dried fruit or stewed dried fruit
Backwaren bread, cakes and pastries
Baiserhaube meringue topping
Baisertorte meringue torte
Bandnudeln ribbon pasta
Bauchfleisch English-type bacon
Bauchspeck pork belly
Bauchspeck belly pork
Bauernbrot German farm bread usually a mixture of wheat and rye flours
Bauernfrühstück fried potatoes with scrambled egg and bacon
Bauernfrühstück lunch or supper (never breakfast) of fried eggs, potatoes, meat or sausage and bacon
Bauernsalat peasant salad