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Terms for subject Labor law (5062 entries)
"entwickelter" Arbeitnehmer "developed" employee
"Euroqualifikation"-Programm Euroqualification programme
"gläserne Decke" glass ceiling
"Mach-langsam"-Streik go-slow
"Mach-langsam"-Streik go-slow strike
"Mentoring" mentoring
,Schreinerin cabinet maker
- techniker hydrographic and land improvement engineer and technician
5-Tage-Woche five-day week
8-Stunden-Tag eight-hour day
Abbau des Personalüberhangs reduction in overstaffing
Abdeckblech adjustable shield
Abdeckblech canopy
Abdeckblech cover
Abdeckblech flap
Abdeckblech hoe shield
Abdeckblech open shield
Abdeckblech rear flap
Abdeckblech safety shield
Abdeckblech shield