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Terms for subject Energy industry (3903 entries)
"balance of plant" balance of plant
"Damm-Atoll" Dam-Atoll
"kostenlose" Energie free energy
"Massive Hydraulic Frac" massive hydraulic frac
"Massive Hydraulic Frac" massive hydraulic fracturing
"Net-Metering-System" net metering
"Roll-Bond"-Kollektor integral fluid passage absorber
"Roll-Bond"-Kollektor roll-bond collector
"Roll-Bond"-Kollektor tube-in-sheet collector
"Roll-Bond"-Kollektor tube-in-strip collector
"sunset clause" sunset clause
"trockene" Geothermie dry geothermy
"trockene" Geothermie geothermal energy artificially derived
Abbau in steiler Lagerung winning in steep seams
Abbrandperiode combustion period
Abfackeln flare stack
Abfackeln von Erdgas flaring of gas
Abfüllkarussell circular filling machine
Abgase waste gas
abgebrannter Kernbrennstoff depleted fuel