
Terms for subject Music (437 entries)
分散和音 broken chord
分散和音 arpeggio
arrhythmic section of recitative in Noh music
prefix used for stress or emphasis
counter for traditional dance songs
指し arrhythmic section of recitative in Noh music
指し prefix used for stress or emphasis
指し counter for traditional dance songs
複音 compound note
合奏協奏曲 concerto grosso
合調 tuning
三連符 triplet
三十二分音符 32nd note
三十二分音符 demisemiquaver
三拍子 {news2 nf41} triple time
三拍子 {news2 nf41} three important requisites
{ichi1 news1 nf15} flat
変奏曲 {news2 nf37} variation
変ロ短調 B flat minor
上音 overtone